1、 浅谈高中英语课堂教学中创新素质的培养摘要本文从培养学生良好的英语语感,形成创新技能;引导学生善思,激励创新思维的发展; 创设情景,给学生提供创新的机会,三个方面论述了如何在高中英语课堂教学中进行创新素质的培养。关键词 英语语感 创新思维 情景设计当今教育改革的主旋律是素质教育,素质教育的重点则是创新教育。作为素质教育主渠道之一的英语课堂教学就要挖掘学生的潜力,把培养学生的创新素质贯穿于教学的全过程。我们如何在英语课堂教学中进行创新教育呢?笔者就自己的教学实践,谈谈肤浅的想法。一 培养学生良好的英语语感,形成创新技能语感是人们直觉地感受和领悟语言的一种能力。语感体现出学习者对语言信息的敏感反应
3、死的东西”,随着学生词汇量的增加,知识面的扩大,教师可根据实际需要,设置主题,内容可包括音乐,体育,电影,名人,个人爱好,书籍,校园生活等诸多方面,要求所选内容尽量和课文中出现的内容相符,形式上可以先由师生之间的双向活动,逐渐转向学生之间、师生之间的多项活动,不断交换手段,创设一种真实的英语环境,让学生感觉自己在实际运用而不是表演。二 引导学生善思,激励创新思维的发展当今时代知识更新日益加快,衡量一个人素质的主要标准不再是他掌握知识的多少,新的世纪强烈地呼唤着教学对创新思维的培养。发问是促进学生思维能力的有效途径,巧妙的发问可以启发想象,开阔思路,引导创新。所提问题必须做到:1 有利于促进学生
4、认知能力的发展;2 有利于建立学生的思维模型;3 有利于培养学生的发散性思维。教师很好的运用发问技巧,可以激发学生主动学习的热情。提问可以有以下几个类型:1)联想型,根据事物之间具有接近、相似或相对的特点而进行联想。这种方法多用于词汇学习。同音right-rite ;farther-father ;our-hour 同义联想(damage-destroy ; rich-wealthy ;)反义联想(different-similar ; lose-gain ; safe-dangerous)前缀(like-unlike dislike able-unable disable )后缀(agree
5、-agreement nation-national)等2)假设设疑型,引导学生从课文内容出发,对一个假设的情境给予思考,提出疑问,进而发展学生思维的独创性,以达到学生对课文深入理解的目的。3)列举型,举出符合某一条件的事物。案例:必修2模块3中的READING AND VOCABULARY部分,阅读文章后,选出符合条件的作曲家.Read the passage again and answer the questions.Which of the composers(1)was born in Austria? (2)was born in Germany? (3) had a good s
6、inging voice? (4) died before his fortieth birthday? (5)became deaf? (6)met each other ?(7) had fathers who were musicians?(8) had a father who was not a musician? 4)比较、概括型,就两项或多项内容进行分析,比较其异同,在同中求异,从异中求同,然后进行概括。案例;必修2模块5中的CULTURAL CORNER的问题是What are the main differences between quality newspapers an
7、d popular newspapers in Britain and the united States? 6)想象型,鼓励学生大胆想象于未来的事物或不可能为可能时状况。想象思维能力,作为一种能力,只有通过不断的实践,才可能稳定下来而成为一种能力素质。教师可从多方面因势利导激发学生展开合理的想象.三 创设情景,给学生提供创新的机会心理学家托兰斯说:“我们要想创造,就需要提供一个友善和奖赏的环境,以便使之在其中繁荣发展。”可见,好的情景设计能够让学生置身于一个美妙的学习氛围,感受语言,享受到运用语言沟通的快乐,让情景设计细节化,就是让教学回归生活,增强教学情景的真实性,使学生学会关注自己的生活
8、世界,从中寻找学习的素材,到生活中去应用、验证所学的知识,做个生活的有心人。例如报纸和杂志普遍出现在学生的生活中,所以在学必修2模块5 中Newspaper and Magazines这一部分时就可以设计一个读报和阅读杂志的真实情景,让学生根据真实的实物认读单词,然后在师生活动中纠错、强化,有利于学生对“article ,front cover, front page headline, photograph等新单词的掌握。有了一定的形象认知基础,老师可以让学生进行小组活动,交流自己认为较好的报纸和杂志,有何感触或看法,然后启发学生用不同的方式表达出来。以下一案例说明英语课堂教学中创新素质的培
9、养的实践Unit 10 the world around us Lesson objects: 1 talk about ways to protect the environment 2 talk about wildlife endangerment 3 practicing getting information by listening 4learning to express causes and effects Teaching proceduresI warming up Activity 1 Teacher may say “most of our friends are hu
10、man beings, but we also make friends with animals. Do you like animals?” Students may answer “yes”. Then show some pictures to them such as the pictures of dolphin, deer ,panda ,giraffe ,hippo and kangaroo. Students may give some exclamations that. Teacher may say “many of the worlds animals and pla
11、nts are in danger. Read about the endangered animals below .1when farmers cut down trees, tigers can no longer hide and hunt. Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur and use their bones for medicine. 2 there are few areas left where pandas can live.3 the beautiful Tibetan antelop
12、es are hunted for their wool.In this part ,the teacher introduces some examples of issues and question related to the topic of the unit: protecting the environment and wildwife.Activity 2: discussion Discuss the following questions Do you know of any other endangered animals? Why are they in danger?
13、 Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out ?What can we do to help endangered animals?Possible answers 1Other endangered animals include the African elephant, the Asian elephant ,the blue whale ,the gorilla, the snow leopard and the black rhino. The reasons may be that their habit
14、at is destroyed or changed: new species arrive or a species is overused: a terrible disease or pollution.2 If animals and plants die out, we will not be able to survive. All animals and plants have specific functions and are necessary if we want healthy ecosystems. We need the animals and plants for
15、 medical and commercial purposes. We also have a moral responsibility to make sure that we do not cause other animals to die out because of our dominance on the planet.3 We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats, protecting the environment (by recycling and r
16、eusing), controlling export and import of animals and plants and by learning more about animals and the environment.II listening the teacher may say “we have only one earth. If we dont care about her any longer, the result is that we are killing our future. Maybe a lot of people dont realize the ser
17、ious condition of the pollution in China and dont know the pollutions very well. Then lets listen to the tape and fill the form.What kind of pollution is it?Air pollution Water pollution Waste pollution Rubbish /trashWhat are the causesCars, factories ,Buring coal and oil Factories and drainageTouri
18、sts /peopleWhat are the effects ?Various answer are possible We cant use /drink the water that is polluted Making the environment ugly, dirty ,and even dangerousIn this part, students practice listening . At the same time ,they can know the kinds of pollutions and causes and effects ,which make stud
19、ents think about what they can do to protect the environment. 3 speaking In this part, students will have a game called “green action”. The students can work in groups to think out any suggestion or idea to protect environment. They also can refer causes and effects in the listening material and thi
20、nk out the ways to deal with causes and effects.Possible answers : we can pick up rubbish if we see it. We should put different rubbish in different bins. We can use bikes instead of cars.Wed better buy things that use packaging. We can recycle barreries. And so on. We can tell other people about en
21、vironmental problems.At last , students can elect one group as the best one called “green soldiers”.IV HomeworkWrite a passage. The topic is “who is mans best friend?”Suppose twenty years later, human beings and animals live peacefully and happily together. Which animal do you think is mans best friend and give your reasons. Beginning is like this I am . I think that I am mans best friend because. 总之,创新素质的培养需要多方面的训练,但都不是单一的绝对的,它寓于英语教学过程的各个环节之中。要坚持做到在教学过程的设计和安排注意发挥学生的主体性,激发学生探究欲望,想方设法培养其独立获得知识,创造性运用知识的能力,使学生心底智慧的种子萌芽,生根,开花,并结出丰盛的创新之果。 参考书目:陈龙安著创新性思维与教学 中学英语创新教法学苑出版社