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1、英语知识竞赛答案286. Youre a lucky dog! A. 你真是个幸运儿!B. 真是个幸运的小狗287 black sheep A.害群之马 B.黑马288 Im beat. A.我非常疲乏。 B.我失败了。289 a piece of cake A.一块蛋糕B.小菜一碟,易事一件290 birds of a feather flock together. 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)291 put all of ones eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷)292 my old man A.我老伴 B.我老爸293 a bird in th

2、e hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林294英国的全称:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国295 美国的全称 :the United States 美利坚合众国296 圣诞老人英语表达: father Christmas Santa Claus 297.Who is the director of the Avatar? A 史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格 B.卡梅隆298最著名的英文交友网站A.facebook B. google 299. 诺基亚是

3、哪个国家的著名品牌?A Finland B.Germany300. NBA湖人对位于美国的哪个城市?A.New York B. Los Angeles301 how many states are there in America ? A.51 B 36302 Who is the writer of the Huckberry Finn ? Mark Twai303 who died when he was very young A. Beethoven .B. Mozart304.Carnival 是什么节日? A.感恩节 B. 狂欢节305 Which one is the endang

4、ered animals ? A. dove B. antelope 306.where is the Harvard University? A. The USA B. England 307 where is the Cambridge University A. The USA B. England308 SpongeBob SquarePants(海绵宝宝) belongs to _ . A. America B. Japan309.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 这部童话故事的中文名字。白雪公主和七个小矮人310 Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久

5、天长)是哪个民族的歌曲?A. 苏格兰 B.爱尔兰311My heart will go on comes from _. A . 泰坦尼克号 B.阿凡达312 when did D- day happen? A.World War I B.World War II 313美国第一位总统的名字及其以其名字命名的城市名字的全称?George WashingtonWashington,D.C.314.美国最伟大的三位总统:George Washington Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt315.本初子午线的位置?Royal Observatory Gree

6、nwich 格林尼治天文台316.莎士比亚的四大悲剧除了奥赛罗(英:Othello)、李尔王(英:King Lear)、麦克白(英:Mac Beth)还有哪个?哈姆雷特(英:Hamlet)317.巴黎圣母院The Hunchback of NotreDame 的作者是谁?维克多雨果(Victor Hugo)318.英国的标志性建筑物?大本钟(Big Ben)319.美国的标志性建筑物?.美国总统府 白宫 the white house ;或者:美国自由女神像 The Statue of Liberty 320.澳大利亚的标志性建筑物是什么?悉尼歌剧院Sydney Opera House321.

7、英国的国花?玫瑰 Tudor Rose(Rose亦可)322.日本的国花?樱花cherry 323.世界上国土面积最小的国家是哪个?梵蒂冈城国(Stato della Citt del Vaticano)324.世界上国土面积最大的国家是哪个?the Russian Federation俄罗斯联邦325A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother.How could that be? The police officer was a lady! 326.中国的全称及简称?PRC =the Peoples Repub

8、lic of China中国(中华人民共和国)327.翻译:The apple of ones eye?掌上明珠328.说出无名指的英文名称 ring finger:无名指 329.猜测下面这个句子的意思:the bees knees用来形容最好的至高无上的东西(用英语表达)330.请用三个单词概括下面这句话:一寸光阴一寸金Time is money.331.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)Silence. (沉默)332.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to t

9、he other side when it enters a room? Because it cant see both sides at once. 333.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)334.Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)335.What is th

10、e smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)336A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is already forty-nine persons in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on and boards the ship. The ship sinks.Why?(有一艘船只能容纳50人,现在已有49人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?)Because is a pigbot

11、. (那是潜水艇。pigbot,潜水艇)337.What is the difference between here and there? . The letter “t”. ( there 去掉“t”,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样。) 338.Why is the letter E so important? Because its the begining of everything! 339Why are the letter G and letter S in gloves close to each other? Because there is love between th

12、em!340.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room? Because it cant see both sides at once. 341. Man, that girl was hot! whats the meaning of the hot ? A.迷人的 B. 热的342. Im still green at my job.whats the meaning of the green? A.绿色的 B.生手343. as busy as a bee

13、(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的344. What is the end of everything ? A. nothing B. g345. 我们每天 上学, 放学。A. am pm B.pm am346. What always goes up and never goes down? A.age B.sun 347. 小偷最怕哪三个字母?A. ABC B. ICU 14 i,c ,u (I See You)348. What letter is a question? A. Y B. H 字母Y!Why349.what letter is a drink?A. T B.H因为T代表tea350.

14、哪个字母可以停车?A.P B.O351. 字母组合 可表示长度单位厘米。A .kg B.cm352.英语字母的用途很广泛,字母 可表示“注册商标”A. R B. Q353. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是 和 A E, N B F, I C H,F D F, X354.No pain , no gain . 不劳无获。355 Where there is a will , there is a way .有志者事竟成。356. A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情。357. God helps those who hel

15、p themselves .自助者天助。358. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一个苹果,医生远离你。359. Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。 360The fool does think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. 愚者自以为智,智者自知其愚。 361. Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同。 362. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.

16、 吃一堑,长一智。 363. Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 七.趣味英语364“Love me,love my dog”翻译成中文的意思是:爱屋及乌365 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词A. red B. orange C. peach D. banana366中号衣服的标志是 A. S B. L C. M D. Y367VIP的意思是 ?A. 贵宾 B. 不明飞行物C. 人名币 D. 英国广播公司368China Rose 是什么?A中国玫瑰 B. 荷花 C月季369.哪个字母可以停车?A. C B. P C. O D. K答案: P

17、可以停车。因为大写字母P是停车场的标志,是Parking停车场的缩写。37011.What letter is an animal ?A. B B. V C. H D. G 因为B代表bee,蜜蜂371Which is the English name of “雪碧”:A spirit B sprite372.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ? Aher name B. her age C. her home D. her child373改变一个字母,使之符合题目的要求。Ten 变成一个饮料 tea374 英国人和中

18、国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说成 _ tea。A. red B. whiteC. black D. green375 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是 _.A. One world, One dreamB. New Beijing, Great Olympics选A。2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是One world, one dream。选项B( New Beijing, Great Olympics)是北京申办奥运会的口号,其意为“新北京,新奥运”。376. 哪个国家的国旗?Australia377哪个国家的国旗? England378此商标的企业名称是什么?Mcdonald麦当劳379Anything is possible. 此广告语是出自哪家中国著名品牌?李宁380.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?什么东西当它干净的时候是黑的,当它不干净的时候是白的。 A blackboard


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