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1、综合练习四第一卷一、语法 从下列各句的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1.Helpful _ he can be , I dont particularly like my next door neighbor.A. evenB. althoughC. even ifD. as2.-I thought you had planned to practise playing the violin yesterday.-Mother had me _ the homework all day.A. doingB. doC. doneD. to do3.You _me, but sinc

2、e you have, Ill do what I can for you.A. didnt need to tellB. couldnt have toldC. wouldnt have toldD. neednt have told4.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to inventB. inventingC. to have inventedD. having invented5.The information _ to us is of little value.A. having bee

3、n brought B. broughtC. takenD. being taken6.The manager decided to give the job to _ he believed had a strong sense of duty.A. whomB. whomeverC. whoD. whoever7.When and where to build the new factory _ yet.A. is not decidedB. are not decidedC. has not decidedD. have not decided8. Judys English is _

4、than_ in her class.A. a lot of better, anyone elsesB. far better, anyones elsesC. much better, anyone elseD. a lot better, anyone elses9. I have to write_, but I have _ to write _.A. a paper, not a paper, onB. paper, no paper, withC. a paper, not any papers, onD. a paper, no paper, on10.I dont like

5、_ you speak to your parents.A. the wayB. the in thatC. the way whichD. the way of which11.I remember _ this used to be a quiet village.A. whenB. howC. whereD. what12.It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A. whileB. thatC. ifD. for13.I am at least _ age _ Robert if I am not older than he.A

6、. the same asB. the same withC. as same asD. as same with14. _ was introduced in the building of the tunnel.A. A new machineryB. A new machineC. Many machineryD. Many kinds of machinery15._ not to go out alone, the professor had to go for a walk with several policemen following him.A. WarningB. Havi

7、ng warnedC. WarnedD. He had been warmed16.Where did you find the lost necklace? It was in the hall_ we had the wonderful party.A. whereB. thatC. which D. in which17._ she was chosen made top news in the surrounding countryside.A. WhatB. ThatC. The factD. If18. - You mean you know the woman?-I know _

8、 woman exactly like her.A. otherB. theC. / D. a19._ we lose a thing _fully value it.A. Not until, we doB. Until, do we not C. Not until, do we D. It is not until, that we dont20.She set out soon after dark _ home one hour later.A. arrivingB. is arriveC. having arrivedD. and arrived21.The water will

9、be further polluted unless some measures _.A. will be takenB. are takenC. were takenD. had been taken22.If _ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.A. givingB. giveC. givenD. being given23.He is expected to make a speech this afternoon, _?A. is he notB. isnt heC. is not heD. isnt it24. -Is

10、 _ here?- No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave.A. anybodyB. somebodyC. everybody D. nobody25. Jack got a good mark although he had done _ the others.A. half as much as B. as much as half C. as half asD. as much half as二、词汇 从下列各句的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.26. Only one yuan. Its quite a _.A. purchaseB. sa

11、leC. bargainD. exchange27. We should _two seats for the play.A. reserveB. conserveC. withholdD. preserve28. With great _, he studied very hard.A. resolutionB. determinationC. firmnessD. decision29. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _what color it was.A. make outB. look toC. look

12、outD. take in30. He is a teacher _profession.A. onB. forC. byD. with31.John stood by the window, _ the stars , and he didnt _ that his friend had entered the room.A. watching, noticeB. looking, seeC. observing, noticeD. looking at, see32.Some people _ some things even if they arent generally _.A. ad

13、mit, permittedB. let, allowedC. allow, permittedD. permit, allowed33.Instead of _ the boy, the father kindly _him on the shoulder.A. beating, pattedB. hitting, struckC. striking, beatD. beating, hit34.Im tired and dont _ doing anything.A. wishB. hopeC. expectD. feel like35.Many countries are increas

14、ing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _.A. energyB. sourceC. powerD. material36.To the sea captains surprise, he found that_ travel could also be quite pleasant.A. earthB. landC. groundD. plain37. These oranges taste _.A. goodB. wellC. to be goodD. to be well38.Some famous singers li

15、ve on the _ from their record sales.A. salaryB. valueC. bill D. income39. Are you paid in proportion _ the number of hours you work?A. withB. toC. ofD. at40. He is always_ to older people.A. respectiveB. respectableC. respectfulD. respected三、综合填空 在下列的短文中有A、B、C、 D四个选项, 根据上下文选择一个最佳答案。 ( A)Sometimes a

16、writer takes a short cut(捷径) when painting a word picture. Instead of giving a detailed description(描绘) of a think the writer may compare it to something else- to something which you, the 41 , have certainly seen many times 42 . A writer knows that this is a short cut to writing which is an effectiv

17、e way of painting a(n) 43 picture in your minds eye and painting it 44 , too. The following example 45 how this short cut 46 to the benefit of both writer and reader.A writer sets out to tell you 47 the dust rose under the feet of a team of horses as they ran fast over a dirt road. Instead of writin

18、g a long and detailed description of the 48 dust, the writer makes the following comparison. The yellow dust of the road rose like a cloud under the horses feet.The phrase like a cloud 49 a mental picture which immediately enables you to see in your minds eye the yellow cloud of dust boiling up from

19、 the road and 50 about the horses feet.41.A. readerB. writerC. painterD. artist42. A. beforeB. earlyC. laterD. ago43.A. cleanB. cleverC. clearD. obvious44.A. quicklyB. exactlyC. brightlyD. carefully45.A. paintsB. exposesC. showsD. expresses46.A. goes throughB. brings outC. makes outD. works out47.A.

20、 whenB. whereC. whatD. how48.A. risenB. raisedC. raisingD. rising49.A. calls onB. calls upC. thinks ofD. dreams of50.A. dancingB. runningC. wanderingD. blowing ( B )Mt Qomolangma was first conquered in 1953, when Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tezing, his guide, became the first climbers to reach the

21、 top. More than 750 times have people tried to conquer the mountain, but not 51 successful, yet every climber knows the 52 . This doesnt stop teams of climbers arriving at these camp every year with the courage of reaching the top.Two such climbers, and two 53 ones, are Scott Fischer and Rob Hall. F

22、ischer, an American guide with much experience, was lost in a terrible storm which swept across the 54 . A rescue team found him and his friend, but didnt 55 to bring Fischer to safety in the terrible conditions because he was dying. New Zealander Rob Hall, 56 experienced climber and guide, was lost

23、 near the top. These two men had something in common: they are both guides who took tours of less experienced climbers up the mountain.There is a lot that can to wrong in an action to reach the top of Mr. Qomolanma: a 57 change in weather conditions or a wrong turning. Planes will only be sent to re

24、scue if they 58 in advance. In spite of all these, there is a business in leading guided tours to the top. 59 mountain climbers can now pay $64,000 or more to achieve their aim.Many people wonder how guides can hope to 60 their inexperienced climbers when they fail to keep themselves alive. Steve Be

25、ll, also a guide who has recently led a team to Mt. Qomolangma, believes that they are safer than others, because the guide can ask a 61 climber to turn back at any 62 if he feels that 63 is a danger to the team.Whether these expeditions(远征) are safe or not, many climbers feel that they have turned

26、Mt. Qomolangma into a business, like a park for the very rich. One 64 , however, will always remain: it doesnt matter how much money you have, if you make a mistake on Mr. Qomalangma, the possible result will be 65 .51.A. everyB. eachC. oneD. all52.A. resultsB. factC. problemD. dangers53.A. unknownB

27、. unimportantC. unluckyD. unpleasant54.A. campB. landC. riverD. mountain55.A. tryB. manageC. succeedD. do their best56.A. otherB. nextC. anotherD. second57.A. suddenB. wrongC. strangeD. Special58.A. have paidB. are being paidC. had been paid forD. have been paid for59.A. ExperiencedB. unhealthyC. Po

28、werfulD. wealthy60.A. look afterB. deal withC. find outD. do good to61.A. shyB. weakC. strongD. brave62.A. whereB. wayC. pathD. point63.A. guideB. ClimberC. someoneD. mountain64.A. wordB. truthC. thoughtD. sentence65.a. sorrowB. defeatC. deathD. regret五、阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 然后根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (A) A

29、lthough I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling anyone, tried to continue my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a tiresome walk from one end of the city to another and to sit among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the class, so the fri

30、endship I knew at school was absent. I put up with it for a short period. It was too long a walk on cold winters nights and it was hard to put my heart into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued reading books and started writing poetry at home. By chance, I won some prizes and awar

31、ds, for literature. A young woman from a TV company came to the college one day. She told me that I had won a national poetry award. I stared at her in astonishment and disbelieve. She wanted to make a short film about me, to which I said: No, I couldnt do that. Not that I had any real excuse. I was

32、 just frightened. In the end she persuaded me that I should do it the following day.So I did. They made a short film of me reading one of my poems and I became more interested in literature than ever. I wondered what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not imagine mysel

33、f spending the rest of my days dealing with machines. So one evening, I hesitatingly told my parents that I wanted to return to school. They were greatly surprised and, I think, a little afraid but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was sure, if I knew what it meant and

34、 whether I realized that if I gave up my job training, it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could stop me, and they asked about the matter no further.66.Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the paragraphs above this passage?A. The writers unhappy childhood.

35、B. The poor teaching quality of the writers school.C. The writers leaving school against his teachers advice.D. Whether it was worth leaving school for job training.67.The writer did not feel comfortable at the evening school because _.A. he found it difficult to make friends with his classmatesB. h

36、e had to walk a long distance to the evening schoolC. he could not put his heart into reading books after he was caught in the rainD. of all of the above 68.After he won some prizes and awards for literature, a young woman from a TV company_.A. wanted to make his success known to the publicB. came t

37、o make friends with himC. invited him to make a speechD. came to tell him that he had become a very important person69.After his success, he _.A. decided to get a good jobB. decided to continue his studies in literature at the evening schoolC. decided to return to the school he once leftD. began to

38、feel very important and proud70.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. His parents worried that he would have no future if he returned to school.B. His parents worried that he would leave school again.C. It was difficult for one who studied literature to get a job.D. His parents did not want him to c

39、ontinue his education. ( B )Recently the World Health Organization announced that the disease of smallpox(天花) had almost been wiped out in most parts of the world, thanks to widespread vaccination(牛痘). Most people are vaccinated at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one countr

40、y to another they must be able to prove that they have had a recent vaccination. In this way the disease has been prevented from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all.This is mainly because of the great discovery made by a village doctor, Edward Jenner, in about 1798 when he published hi

41、s report of his new experiment called vaccination (from the vacca meaning a cow). Jenner discovered that people who worked with cattle often suffered from a harmless disease which they caught from the cattle, but these people never seemed to get smallpox. So he experimented by putting the disease in

42、to a small opening on the arms of healthy people, and though their arms became painful for a day or two, they soon recovered and none of these people ever got smallpox.So the news of the wonderful discovery spread to other countries and people rushed to their doctors to be vaccinated. In many countr

43、ies the simple way to deal with the arm was done on thousands of people, and the terrible smallpox began to disappear.71.Vaccination against smallpox has been so successful that_.A. the discoverer made a large amount of moneyB. Dr Jenner was given a prize by the World Health OrganizationC. Smallpox

44、has almost disappeared in most countriesD. Smallpox was no longer in existence on earth 72.smallpox has been prevented from spreading through the following measures EXCEPT that _.A. most people were vaccinated against the disease at least onceB. people going abroad should promise not to spread the d

45、iseaseC. people traveling from one country to another must prove they are vaccinatedD. people must be vaccinated shortly before going to foreign countries73.What led Dr Jenner to experiment with vaccination was that _.A. he wanted to make a great discovery and publish itB. vaccination could make peoples arms safeC. he tried to cure the farmers of some disease caught from the cattleD. Those who worked with cattle seemed free from getting smallpox 75.The news of the discovery _.A. caught peoples attention from all corners of the worldB. spread far and near in the western coun


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