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1、2012年辽宁省普通高中学生学业水平考试 英 语 (本试卷分I、II两卷, 满分100分, 答题时间90分钟)注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2答案一律写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。3回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。第卷 (选择题 满分75分)第一部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. You have to believe in yourself. Tha

2、ts_ secret of success.A. a B. the C. an D./2. We all know that _ speak louder than words.A. actions B. reasons C. plans D. conditions3._ prepared you are before the exam, _ nervous youll be. A. Better, more B. The better, the moreC. Better, less D. The better, the less4. Stick to what is right, _ yo

3、ull succeed sooner or later.A. but B. yet C. and D. or5. To my surprise, I met one of my classmates in Shanghai _chance.A. of B. in C. with D. by6. It is _to master a foreign language in three days.A. easy B. clear C. impossible D. natural7. Whats the terrible noise?Mr.White _the kitchen.A. is decor

4、ating B. decorated C. has decorated D. will decorate8.Why did you leave that position?I_a better position at the Siemens Corporation.A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered9. Peter has won the English competition three times. He _ be good at English.A. may B. must C. shall D. can10. We shou

5、ldnt _ what we can do today till tomorrow.A. put on B. put up C. put out D. put off 11. E-mail, as well as phones, _an important part in daily communication.A. play B. are playing C. plays D. have played12. Did you see the film Qian Xuesen?Yes. Ive made up my mind _ a scientist like him.A. to become

6、 B. became C. becoming D. become13. I was about to sleep _the fire broke out, and then it spread quickly. A. while B. since C. when D. after14. She decided to save the life of a poor bird _ wings had frozen in the snow. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who15. Can I speak to Mr. Smith, please?_ A. Who ar

7、e you? B. Yes, speaking! C. Im Smith. D. Are you John?第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I still remember one night she had made 16 after a long, hard day at work. On that

8、 17 so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and 18 burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see 19 anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach 20 his biscuit, smile at my mom and 21 me how my day was at school. I dont remember what I told him that night, 22 I do remembe

9、r watching him 23 butter and jam on that biscuit and eat every bite!When I got up from the table, I remember hearing my mom 24 to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I will 25 forget what he said, “Honey, I love 26 biscuits.” Later that night, I went to 27 Daddy good night and asked him if he 28 li

10、ked his biscuits burned. He 29 me and said,“Your mom has been working all day long and shes real 30 .And besidesa burned biscuit never hurt anyone!”Life is full of 31 things. and imperfect people. I forget birthdays just like everyone else. But 32 Ive learned over the years is that learning to 33 ea

11、ch others faults is one of the most important keys to creating a 34 , growing and lasting relationship. So please pass me a biscuit, and yes, a burned 35 will be fine!16.A.dinnerB.lunchC.supperD.breakfast17.A.eveningB.morningC.afternoonD.midnight18.A.luckilyB.extremelyC.fortunatelyD.hardly19.A.howB.

12、whyC.if D.as20.A.forB.belowC.toD.across21.A.tellB.askC.adviseD.order22.A.andB.soC.butD.although23.A.cutB.keepC.pourD.spread24.A.sayB.apologizeC.speakD.bargain25.A.neverB.everC.seldomD.often26.A.burningB.to burnC.burnedD.being burned27.A.callB.showC.giveD.kiss28.A.wellB.veryC.reallyD.specially29.A.to

13、okB.pushedC.kickedD.hugged30.A.tiredB.happyC.cheerfulD.poor31.A.goodB.imperfectC.perfectD.wonderful32.A.whetherB.whoC.whatD.whatever33.A.gainB.findC.overcomeD.accept34.A.healthyB.hopelessC.heavyD.harmful35.A.thisB.oneC.thatD.it第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA Bad Nei

14、ghborMr. and Mrs.Connery were fed up with their neighbor. He was always borrowing things from them.“Its not right,”Mr.Connery said to his wife one evening. “At some time or another that man has borrowed nearly everything we have. Almost every day he comes over to borrow something.”“Youre quite right

15、,”his wife replied,“and most of the things hes never returned.”“What I want to know,”her husband said,“is why cant he buy the things he needs, like everyone else?”“Because people like us are foolish enough to lend him what he needs,”she replied. “As long as we are willing to lend, hell keep on borro

16、wing.”“Then well never lend him anything again,”Mr.Connery said.“The next time he asks to borrow something, Ill say no.”“We must have a good reason for saying no,”his wife said, “and we must always try to be polite to him.We dont want to make an enemy of the man.”It was not long before their decisio

17、n not to lend their neighbor anything ever again was put to the test.The next morning there was a knock on the door. Mr.Connery went to answer it. Their neighbor was standing there. Mr.Connery knew he was going to ask to borrow something, and was ready to refuse him politely. “Good morning ,”their n

18、eighbor said,“Im sorry to trouble you, but I wonder if I could borrow your garden scissors.”“Im sorry,”Mr.Connery said,“but Im afraid my wife and I will be using them today.Well be spending all day working in the garden.”“Oh, I see,”the neighbor said,“in that case, may I borrow your golf clubs? You

19、wont be needing them if youre working in the garden all day, will you?”36. Mr.and Mrs.Connery felt their neighbor was_.A.annoying B. friendly C.kind D.funny37. How often did the neighbor come to borrow things?A.Every other day. B.Once a week. C.Almost every day. D.Once a month.38.Mr.Connery decided

20、to_.A.keep on lending him somethingB.refuse to lend him anythingC.pretend to promiseD.quarrel with him39.The neighbor got what he really wanted by_.A.asking for something else firstB.inviting Mr.Connery to play golf C.helping Mr.Connery workD.asking for it directly40,Actually, the neighbor_.A.made f

21、un of the couple B.had no money to buy things C.took advantage of the coupleD.never returned what he had borrowedBUntil a few years ago,UGG boots were regarded as ugly and worn only at home. Today, the sheepskin boot has taken the world by storm.A fan described the boot like this:“Its like getting t

22、o know a young man. At first he might not be that attractive. But after a few dates and you get really comfortable, you just cant be without each other. Well, thats how I feel about my UGG boots.”UGG is now a word that can be understood in any language. In fact, the UGG boots or just UGG is a term f

23、or sheepskin footwear which is worn in Australia and New Zealand for almost two centuries.This name for the sheepskin boot is actually short for “ugly”as the appearance of the boot is big, strange and unusual. At first, UGG is a slang(俚语)term in Australia and local people all prefer to call these sh

24、eepskin boots the UGG. Comfortable and warm, these boots can do a great job to keep the wearers feet and even the lower leg against the cold. However, the story of this shoe from Australia is a legend(传奇). During the World War I, these UGG boots on sale were the favorite of pilots, who wore these sh

25、eepskin boots to keep warm. When they took these boots home and even gifted their families or friends, the boot started to become well received. In the 1960s, the worldwide surfing(冲浪运动)made many a man gather on the beach of Australia and enjoyed themselves with surfing. When the surfers found a str

26、ange and big footwear was worn by Australian surfers, they made a note to bag themselves a nice pair and fell in love with it soon. However, this is just the beginning of the story. Many years later, they were seen on the streets of Paris and California worn by some famous people like Kate Moss, Mad

27、onna and Pamela Anderson.41.The underlined phrase in the first paragraph can be replaced by _.A.disappeared in the world B.destroyed the world by stormC.become well-known for storm D.attracted worldwide attention 42.Whats the main idea of the second paragraph?A.How to wear UGG.B.The meaning of UGG.C

28、.The production of UGG.D.Why UGG is famous.43.Surfers from other countries crowded the beach of Australia_.A.in the 1960s B.during the WWI C.before 1960 D.before the WWI44.What makes UGG boots popular is that they are_. A.ugly B.expensive C.strange D.comfortable45.UGG boots_.A.were liked by pilots d

29、uring the WWIB.became world-famous overnightC.are worn only at homeD.are out of date today CSlow FoodYouve heard of fast food. But what about Slow Food? Slow Food is an international movement. It promotes(促进)home cooking, and the use of fresh, unprocessed produce. It was founded as a reaction to the

30、 popularity of unhealthy fast food.It also encourages people to buy food from local businesses, rather than large supermarkets.The movement began in 1986. At the time, McDonalds wanted to open a restaurant in the centre of Rome(Italy).Food writer Carlo Petrini, along with others, was against this. S

31、o the Slow Food Organisation was born. Today, it has over 100,000 members in 132 countries. And its symbol(象征) is one of the worlds slowest moving creatures, the snail. The organisations website explains,“The snail was chosen because it moves slowly, and calmly eats its way through life.”But Slow Fo

32、od isnt just about the food we eat. Its also about how we eat it. Slow foodies say that in our fast food world with very little time, weve forgotten that eating should be a home activity. They believe families should eat together and talk, rather than watch TV with their dinner on their laps. In fac

33、t, research has shown that if children grow up in a family that eat together at the table, they are more likely to do well in school, and less likely to have behavioural problems or develop eating disorders.And theres more! Slow Food has sparked an entire Slow Movement. This encourages people to slo

34、w down the pace of their busy lives. And now, within the movement, theres Slow Money, Slow Travel and Slow Art, among many others. In 1999 the World Institute of Slowness was formed. One of the Institutes slogans is“Everything worth doing in life, is worth doing slowly.”said by the famous American a

35、ctress Mae West. Do you agree? No need to answer straight away. Have a long hard think about it. Take your time. And get back to us when you can.46.Slow Food movement promotes_.A.eating in restaurants B.cooking at homeC.buying food from supermarketsD.using fresh and processed produce47.The snail was

36、 chosen as the symbol of the Slow Food Organisation because_.A.it is a moving creature B.it eats lessC.it moves slowly D.most people like it48.The underlined word“sparked”in the last paragraph means“_”.A.parked B.caused C.stopped D.increased49.So far, the World Institute of Slowness has existed_.A.m

37、ore than 20 years B.over 25 years C.less than 10 years D.over 10 years50.Which of the following is not mentioned within the Slow Movement? A.Slow Money. B.Slow Travel. C.Slow Parenting. D.Slow Art.DThe carpenter that I hired came to help me repair an old farmhouse. When he had just finished the firs

38、t day on the job, a flat tyre made him lose an hour of work. Besides, his electric tool got something wrong and his old truck refused to start. So I decided to drive him home.While I drove him home, he sat in completely silence. On arriving, he invited me to meet his family. As we walked toward the

39、front door, he paused(暂停)briefly at a small tree, touching the tips(树梢) of the branches with both hands. When opening the door, he made an amazing change. He wore a big smile on his face and hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Then, he introduced his family members to me happily.

40、 I had a good time in his home. Afterward, he and I walked to the car. We passed the tree and it reminded me of the carpenters touching before entering his house. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. “Oh, thats my trouble tree.”He replied.“Trouble tree? How interesting! Does it bring lo

41、ts of trouble to your family?”I was very puzzled. I believed that there must be a story.“I know I cannot help having troubles on my job, but one thing for sure is that, troubles dont belong in the house with my wife and children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then

42、in the morning I pick them up again.” The carpenter continued.“The funny thing is,”he smiled,“when I come out in the morning to pick these troubles up, there arent nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”I was grateful that I had the chance to drive him home and to know his trouble

43、 tree. Then, I learned that there are always a lot of troubles in our lives, but the problem is whether they control you or you control them.51.The writer hired the carpenter to repair_.A.a flat tyre B.an electric tool C.an old truck D.an old farmhouse52.When opening the door, the carpenter_.A.touch

44、ed the tips of the branchesB.paused briefly at a small treeC.changed his facial expression D.blamed his wife and children 53.The carpenter touched the tree because_.A.he believed that the tree could grow faster by touching B.he thought that the tree could bring him good luckC.he wanted to build himself up D.he tried to control his trouble 54.We can learn from the passage t


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