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1、英语人教九年级上综合测评Unit 12(分数100分时间90分钟)第一卷听力部分(15分).听句子, 选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分)(W)As a child, we are supposed to help our parents do chores.1.(M)Please listen to those light music when you feel tired after hard work.2.(W)In China, we shake hands with each other when we meet.3.(M)Some foreigners dont know how t

2、o use chopsticks.4.(W)I couldnt remember where I put the napkin.5.听对话和对话后的问题, 选择最佳答案(5分)M:What time will the film start?W:At 8 oclock.Now its 7:45.We have to wait.Q:How long will the two speakers have to wait?6A.For 10 minutes.BFor 15 minutes.CFor 20 minutes.W:Are people in Brazil supposed to shake

3、hands or bow when they meet?M:Neither.They kiss.Q:What are people supposed to do in Brazil when they meet?7A.To bow.BTo kiss.CTo shake hands.M:I went to my hometown this summer and met a lot of old friends.Where did you go?W:I went to my hometown, too.But I didnt visit my old friends.I visited my pr

4、imary school teachers.Q:What are the two speakers talking about?8A.Their summer holidays.BTheir hometowns.CTheir old friends.M:Where is Mr Smith?W:He has gone to Nanjing.He is asked to give a talk there.Q:What is Mr Smith doing in Nanjing?9A.Visiting a factory.BGiving a talk.CHaving a holiday.M:May

5、I borrow your bike, Linda?W:Sorry, John.My bike is broken.You can use Lilys or Lucys.Q:Whose bike is broken?10A.Lucys.BLilys.CLindas.听短文, 完成表格信息。每空一词(5分)Table manners in China are different from those in the western countries.Before dinner you sometimes get a hot washcloth.You can clean your face an

6、d hands with it.It is also a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal is served.But in the western countries, they usually have a small bread roll and always put the napkin on their lap first.Chinese people prefer using chopsticks instead of forks and knives.Whatre more, the

7、dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares, while everyone in the western countries has their own plate of food.When the soup arrives at the end of the meal, a spoon is used.If the soup is very hot, foreigners like to cool it by blowing.In China its better to wait a little while.Different ta

8、ble mannersAt tableIn ChinaIn western countriesBefore the mealHaving some 11._or other drinksHave a small bread rollCutlery(餐具)Chopsticks Forks and 12._DishesShare the 13._ togetherHave their own plate of 14._SoupWait a little whileBlow to 15._ it第二卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16Do you often _ your friends h

9、ome on your way home?Yes, we do.Adrop byBvisit toCcome at Dcome over at17Dont point_ anyone _ your chopsticks.Its not polite.Aat; by Bat; withCto; by Dout; with18Jane _ her way to be nice to her new classmate.Agot out of Bwent out ofCgot out Dwent out19I _ in London now, but it was hard at the begin

10、ning.Aused to drivingBam used to driveCam used to drivingDused to drive20Would you like some cakes?No, thanks.I am _.Aempty BstrangeChungry Dfull21Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs Wang._.AOh, Im afraid I didnt cook very wellBIm glad you enjoyed it CCome again when you are freeDIts not

11、necessary for you to say so22After _ for a while, the whole building fell down.Abowing BbendingCwiping Dshaking23If you get into trouble, you can _ your teacher _ help.Aturn; to Bask; forChelp; with Dlook; for24What do you want to say at the meeting?I have _ to tell you.Asomething importantBimportan

12、t somethingCanything importantDimportant anything25Is Mary coming to the party?I think _.Ait BthatCso Dthis.完形填空(10分)What is rude and what is polite is different in different countries.Some things that many Chinese people do can be considered rude or not _26_ in Western countries.Here is some advice

13、 on what not to say or do.Lets _27_.In business settings, one should never _28_ a foreigner a cigarette.Smoking kills.Dont kill anyone.That is very true, and it smells very bad.Please dont smoke!_29_ get angry at someone for going Dutch (各自付款) and _30_ the bill when you eat out.In the West, it shows

14、 equal (平等的) respect.Try going Dutch.It is cheaper, and it shows equality.When eating dinner in Norway and the United States, it is polite to _31_ everything on your plate to show that you enjoyed the food._32_ in some countries, it is polite to leave some of the food on your plate.Dont use bad _33_

15、 at work.Even though some famous people use them, bad words are a sign of a bad education.Bad words should be used _34_ or not at all.If you have to spit, clear your nose or clean your ears, do it in the bathroom where no one can _35_ you.Dont be a RUDE person at your office or in public.26A.polite

16、BimportantCparticular Dpleased27A.have a rest Bhave a lookChave a try Dhave a talk28A.pick BsellCoffer Dpoint29A.Always BNeverCSometimes DOften30A.pay BkeepCshare Dtake31A.leave off Btake awayCput off Deat up32A.and BbutCso Dbecause33A.words BsentencesCpassages Dtexts34A.as much as possibleBas littl

17、e as possibleCas often as possibleDas soon as possible35A.stop BpreventCsee Dhurt.阅读理解(30分)AIn the United States, if you telephone a man early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and that it requires immediate attention.Th

18、e same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he will think its a matter of life and death.The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important part.In the USA, guests may tend to fe

19、el they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is given only three or four days before the party day.But it is not true in all countries.In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a day mor

20、e than a week away tend to be forgotten.The meaning of the time differs in different parts of the world.Promptness (准时) is valued highly in American life.If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible (有责任心的)A person who is five minutes late is expected to make a

21、 short apology.If he is less than five minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.36In the sentence “The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm.”, “attached” means “_”Ataken BmadeCdrawn Dgiven37Supposing one wants t

22、o make a telephone call at breakfast, this would mean_.Athe matter is difficult to deal withBthe matter requires immediate attentionCthe matter is little importantDthe matter is interesting38According to the passage, time plays an important role in_.Abusiness BworkCschool life Dall of the above39The

23、 passage mainly tells us_.Athe importance of the telephoneBthe importance of communicationsCthe importance of timeDthe importance of the promptness40According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?AIf someone is less than five minutes late, he has to make a short apology.BIt is best for on

24、e to make telephone calls at night, because it costs much less.CIt may be appropriate to send your invitation cards three or four days before a dinner party in some countries.DIt may be polite to send your invitation cards three or four days before a dinner party date in the US.BAll over the world,

25、people are planting trees, caring for them, and learning about their value (价值)A special day was set aside for planting trees.Here in the United States, we call this treeplanting festival Arbor Day.In Japan, it is called Greening Week.In Israel it is called the New Years Day of the trees.Korea has a

26、 Treeloving Week.Iceland has a Students Afforestation Day.This means “to change open land into forest”People in India celebrate a National Festival of Tree Planting.Whatever people call this special time of year, they are saying that trees are important to us all.Arbor Day began in the United States

27、 in 1872 in Nebraska(内布拉斯加州)J.Sterling Morton, a newspaperman, knew how important trees were to the land so he came up with the idea.The state offered prizes to the groups and people who planted the most trees.On the first Arbor Day, the people of Nebraska planted more than one million trees.Today,

28、Arbor Day is celebrated in all 50 states and around the world.Why trees are so important to us all: Trees give us shade to keep us and our homes cool during hot summer days. Trees give off oxygen which you and I and animals need to breathe. Trees reduce noise pollution. Trees provide home and food f

29、or wildlife. Trees are beautiful to look at, nice to listen to, fun to explore, exciting to climb, and great to dream under.41We can infer (推断) from the article that the writer is from _.AAmerica BJapanCIsrael DIceland42Which is TRUE about the first Arbor Day?AIt began in Nebraska, India.BA book wri

30、ter first thought of the idea.CJ.Sterling Morton planted the most trees that day.DPeople who planted the most trees got the prize.43What is the importance of trees?AThey keep us cool during hot days.BThey give off oxygen we breathe.CThey provide home and food for wildlife.DAll of the above.44In Chin

31、a, we celebrate Tree Planting Day on _.AMarch 8th BMarch 12thCMarch 15th DMarch 22th 45According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG?AAll over the world, all the people are planting trees.BIn America, Tree Planting Day is called Arbor Day.CA newspaperman called on people to start Arbor D

32、ay.DThe trees can reduce noise.C根据上栏信息描述, 将这些人员与下栏中某个国家的风俗习惯相匹配。其中下栏中有两项是多余的。46.Every time Kate invites Alice, she always comes half an hour late and then kisses her.47When Jack goes to a friends house, they shake hands with each other.But Jack starts eating first when the dinner begins.The friends

33、mother isnt very happy.48The waiter bows to customers and they picks up some meat with chopsticks and scoops some rice with a spoon.49At a bus stop, one says to the other,“Hello!The weather is very good today, isnt it?”50Li Lei wants to go to Colombia in South America for studying, so he is supposed

34、 to know the customs there.A.Brazilians are outgoing, funloving people.Friends are greeted with kisses and hugs (拥抱)BIf you are invited to a Mexicans house, bring a gift such as flowers or sweets.And you can arrive 30 minutes late in most places.The usual greeting is a handshake or a nod of the head

35、.Women often greet each other with a kiss on the face.CIn the United States, most people do not talk about religion, politics, or personal feelings with strangers.“Small talk” is spoken including some topics as sports, weather, jobs, or past experiences.DBesides chopsticks, South Koreans regularly u

36、se soup spoons at meals.The chopsticks are used mainly for side dishes, while the spoon is used for soup and rice.They are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time.EThe bow is embedded (根深蒂固的)in Japanese culture.You will become used to it after only a short time in Japan.The Japanese bow wh

37、en they meet and part from one another to express appreciation.FIn Colombia, men often shake hands with everyone when entering a home, greeting a group, or leaving.Women offer a greeting and may kiss each other on the face if they know each other.Young people may also kiss if they are good friends.G

38、In Switzerland, etiquette requires that one does not start eating until the host or the eldest has begun.The fork is held in the left hand, and the knife in the right hand.Hands are kept above the table.Most Swiss shake hands when greeting.词汇(10分)A根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。51Please listen to light music, and i

39、t can make you feel r_.52The baby cried loudly when the nurse s_ the needle into its arm.53In western countries, people use k_ and forks instead of chopsticks.54Many people do not agree to the idea of doing e_ on animals.55You are supposed to put r_ into the dustbins wherever you are.B用括号内所给单词的正确形式填

40、空。56You are _(suppose) to visit your grandmother.57He got _(use) to the life in the village at last.58She _(cut) up the apples and gave them to the children.59She _(gradual) changed her ideas.60I _(toast) him, and drank my last drink.补全对话,有两项是多余的(10分)AThank you very muchBCan you help meCWhat gift sh

41、all I takeDI am supposed to get thereEWhat time am I supposed to leaveFOf course notGWhat am I supposed to sayA:Excuse me.Would you mind helping me?B:61._.Whats up?A:One of my American friends invited me to her house on Christmas Day, but I dont know much about the customs and manners.62._?B:Sure.Wh

42、en are you supposed to get there?A:63._ at 11:30 am.B; Well, the first thing is that you should get there on time.A:All right.64._?B:You are supposed to say “Merry Christmas”A:OK.65._.书面表达(15分)假设你叫林杰, 作为交流学生到过加拿大。你的好朋友李华11月将作为交流学生到加拿大学习一段时间。她来信询问你有关在加拿大生活学习的情况。请你给她写一封英文的回信, 向她提一些在加拿大生活的建议。内容包括:注意的方面建议天气寒冷多带保暖衣服寄居在加拿大家庭1.进入别人房间前先敲门2使用电话前先询问3礼貌待人, 多交流重要物品随身携带或存入银行注意:1词数80左右(开头已写好, 不计入词数)。2可适当添加细节, 但不能透露个人的任何信息(如具体的学校名称和姓名等)。Dear Li Hua, I am happy to hear that you are going to study in Canada.But it seems you are worried about living there._参考答案. 1-5 CBABA.6- 10 BBABC. 11-15 1


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