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1、2013暑期海洲讲坛新高二英语导学案参考答案第1讲 M6 U1 Reading(1)II. 1. 1) When do you think he will come? 2) D 3) C. 2. has; have; has3. D; A 4. 1)A, 2) D, 3) B 5. 1)B 2) A 3)C while 当 时候,在. 期间 (从句中谓语常用过去进行时或be) 尽管(一般用于前半句)而(一般用于后半句),趁6. 当such 与数词,不定代词连用时,应置于数词one, two及不定代词any, some, many, no等之后,而置于a, an之前。1)天下没有免费的午餐。 2

2、) C 3) D当先行词在定语从句中作主语或宾语,前面又有such或者so修饰,就只能用as 去引导。7. expected; A; D8. 1) He seems to have read the novel. / It seems that he has read the novel. 2) It didnt occur to him that his friend had betrayed him. 3) C9. Crystal 深受各年龄段人群的喜爱,他有能力让世人感到开心,这证明单口喜剧能被所有人欣赏。10. 他希望效仿Bob Hope 和 George Burns等单口喜剧明星,这

3、两位著名演员都活到了一百岁,而且生命不息,工作不止。11. 1) C 2) Can you tell me what music he likes?10. 不管是什么原因,研究表明,英语谚语“笑是林丹妙药”到头来可能真的没错。1) Whatever you do, you must do it well.2)Whatever difficulties you meet with, you have to go on. 3) C; 4) D12. 1) C 2) C 第2讲 M6 U1 Reading(2)II. 1. telling; asking 2. to tell 3. standing

4、; brushing 4. making 5. standing; moving 6. to amuse 7. have been researching 8. have been playing 9. have gone on 10. had planned 11-14 BBDBIII. 1. humorous 2. comedian 3. reaction 4. impression; impressive 5. laugh 6. amusement; amusing; amused 7. Response 8. inappropriate 9. enthusiasm 10. vision

5、IV. 1. burst into laughter; burst out laughing; laugh at sb.2. No one likes being made fun of in public. play a trick / tricks on sb. have fun = enjoy oneselfWhat great fun it is to swim in the sea!3. in response to; 不做回答He opened the door in response to a knock.1) respond2) How did they respond to

6、the news?4. 1) 当地人对这则消息感到气愤。 2) How did he react to your suggestion?5. The football match will be broadcast live tonight. 1) living 2) alive 3) live 4) alive 6. 1) Seventy students make up our class. 2) He made up an excuse for being late. 3) make up the missed lessons 4) 在戏中,他们将他化妆成一个老人。 5) In the

7、end, they made up. 6) make up for the loss 7. 1) The scientist finally proved his theory. 2) The fact proved that his statement was true. 3) Can you prove your theory to us? 4) He proved himself (to be) innocent. 5) He proved (to be) a strict teacher. 6) D 8. Dont be too hard on him. After all, he i

8、s only ten years old. 我们学生要努力,最重要的是要有信心。9. look up some information on the Internetlook up to sb. 尊敬某人 look for 寻找 look out (for) 当心 look through 浏览 look down on/upon 看不起 look into 调查;朝里边看 10. The sentence doesnt make any sense. It makes great sense to develop renewable energy.理解诗意第3讲 M6 U1 GrammarI

9、I. 1. 1) travels; doesnt 2) get 3) leaves 4) will be lost; happens; graduates 5) goes; hangs; lock 2. 1) is being painted; is, working 2) am finishing; is drawing 3) Why are you always making the same mistake?3. 1) have just finished; have run 2) have, been employed 3) has stopped 4) 1) so far; up t

10、o now2) in the past / last year (week / hour )3) has been employed, graduated; has spread hasnt written have put; put4) have visited4. 1) has been considering 2) has been workingIII. 1-5 ABCBC 6-10 BCCCA 11-15 BACAB 16-17 DA 第4讲 M6 U1 Project(1)II. 1-8 CDAB CCDAat a time 一次 at one time 曾经,一度 at no t

11、ime 决不 in no time 立即,马上 all the time 一直, 9. In a word, I dont think what you have said makes any sense.Or: In a word, I think what you have said makes no sense.10. 不管你如何充分利用了你的时间,你仍然有提高的空间。III. 1. what 引导的主语从句 what 引导名词性从句,但不能引导定语 1) Patience is what it takes to do the job well. 2) D 3) B2. 1) It se

12、ems as if its going to rain.2) She looks after the boy as if he were her own son. 3) He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 4) to leave 5) thinking 6) shot3. CAD4. Do / Would you mind my moving the table a little?Or: Do you mind if I move the table a little?Or: Would you mind if I moved

13、 the table a little? (不介意) Of course not. (Certainly not / Not at all.)4) D mind ones own business 管好自己的事情,别多管闲事 C 5. must have done 只能用于肯定句。 cannot / couldnt have done 不可能,肯定没有 may have done 对过去发生的进行猜测(有可能) might have done 对过去发生的进行猜测(有可能);用于虚拟(本来有可能而事实上没有) could have done 多用于虚拟(本来能够而事实上没有)1) D 2) D

14、 3) C (对比B) 4) C 5)D6. 1) C 2) safe and sound 3) Eager to improve his English, he often stays up late at night going over his lessons. 1. (L9) make room for 为腾出空间 2. (L12) go on 发生,进行;继续下去;时间过去 3. (L22) look annoyed 看上去气恼4. (L8) give a serious look at 认真看了一眼 5. (L11) in anger 生气地 6. (L14) tear the p

15、aper in two 将报纸撕成两半 7. (L24) point to 指向8. (L25) present sth. to sb. 将给某人 9. (L28) glare at 怒视 10. (L30) hold out 坚持,维持;伸出,拿出 11. (L31) a roll of toilet paper 一卷卫生纸 12. (L31) bump into 撞上 第5讲 M6 U1 Project(2)复习与回顾. 1. invisible; while; shifted; uncrossing; annoyed; wandered; sitting; forgot; crowded

16、; fell 2. upon; servant; palace; important; official; dashed; surprise; tore; failed; held词语解析1. 1)We are not going to take on new staff at the moment.2) When I returned to my old school, I found it took on a new look.3) I cannot take on more work.4) takes on5) taken up6) took in 7) took off2. The f

17、ilm was set in the eighteenth-century Paris.set out to do, set about doing, get down to doing1) B set out on ones work 开始自己的工作 2) D set aside ones work 放下手头工作3)C 3. visible B4. 1) With time going on, he became more and more interested in music.2) going on go on with sth. 继续做某事 go on to do 接下来做另外的事 g

18、o on doing 继续做同一件事3) Go on with your work until I come back. go over 温习,复习;检查 go through 穿过,通过,经历,浏览5 我非常讨厌他在公共场合和我说话的方式。因为我的粗心他很生我的气。It; annoying; annoyed 6. tear (tore-torn)tear sth. into pieces Paper tears easily.Ex. A7. burst (burst, burst) burst into tears/laughter burst out crying/laughing8. g

19、lare at 怒视 stare at 盯着,凝视 glance at 扫视,瞥9. 1)He held out his hand and stopped a taxi.3) How long will the food supplies hold out?4) hold up 举起,延迟,阻碍Please hold on to my arm.5) The traffic was held up by the accident.6) B 7) B10. 1) The place is worth visiting. The place is worthy of being visited. T

20、he place is worthy to be visited. It is worthwhile to visit the place. It is worthwhile visiting the place. 2) He is a teacher worth respecting. He is a teacher worthy of being respected. He is a teacher worthy to be respected.第6讲 M6 U2 Reading(1) 1. that/in which1) People like the way( that / in wh

21、ich) he writes novels.2) This is the only way ( that ) you can find.3) D2. in case 引导条件状语从句 1-5) AABBC in case of +sth./ doing sth. 就而言(在 情形下,如果)3. by the time 引导时间状语从句1) By the time he arrived yesterday, that patient had already died.2) By the time you return tonight, I will have already finished a

22、ll the homework.3) A4. even though/if 引导让步状语从句 1-2) BA even so 副词,即使如此5. must 对过去非常肯定的推测 must do 现在 must be doing/be 正在发生或状态 must have done 过去 must 不能用于否定和疑问句表推测 must 不用于虚拟语气1-4) CADD6. 1-4) to have appreciation for the good things in life 作表语 to get better 目的状语CC threaten to do BA 7. 1-5) Whenever

23、引导让步状语从句DBDCD no matter whom/what/which(ever) +状语、名次no matter when/where/how (ever) + 状语第7讲 M6 U2 Reading(2)II 1. 1) D 2) Do you mean to go there without any money? 3) I mean you to work as our spokesman. 4) The sign means that the road is blocked. mean doing/to do sth.; mean sb. to do=sth./ sb. be

24、meant to do sth./ sth./sb. be meant for 打算让某人做 mean that 表明 5) D 6) I had meant to invite/meant to have invited you to attend my birthday party, but you were busy yesterday. 2. in ancient times; behind the times; ahead of time; ahead of ones time; at one time; at the same time; at times; for the tim

25、e being; from time to time3. 1-3) CAB 疑问词+ do you expect + 陈述语序? suppose, imagine, think, believe 4) I expect to come back within a week. expect to do 期待做 预计做 4. remain link-v. “一直保持,仍然”+ n./adj./v-ed./ v-ing./ to do1)仍然是个秘密/很谦虚/坐着/在这个村子/要看(情况)2) 树上只剩下几片叶子了。vi. 剩下,留下3)剩饭剩菜可以喂猪。 remain n. “剩余物”,一般用其复

26、数形式4) 他用剩余的钱给我买了一份礼物。remaining adj. “剩余的”,常做前置定语5. 1) He devoted himself to writing his play. 2) He devoted himself to his business. 3) Apay attention to、get down to, refer to, object to, look forward to, turn to, stick to, be used to, contribute to, be accustomed to, lead to 6. 1) Joes brave behavi

27、or cost him his life. 2) You could have made greater progress, but you didnt work hard. 3) Where could he have gone just now? 4) Ccould have done 1. 表示一种虚拟语气,本可以但事实上没有发生,2. 对过去发生的事情进行推测,常用于疑问句和否定句7. rush sb. to 紧急送往1) Relief supplies will be rushed to the hospital soon. 2) There is no need to rush,

28、we have plenty of time.8. high spirits /low spiritsthe power of the human spirit to overcome difficultiespioneer spirit9. instead1) Instead of being annoyed, he seems very happy.= He isnt annoyed, instead, he seems very happy.2) Jack didnt study law, instead, he decides to be an actor.= Instead of s

29、tudying law, Jack decides to be an actor.10. 1) Children find it hard to adapt (themselves) to the school life. 2) Many children began to buy the book after it was adapted for a TV play. 3) A11.1) Bif, suppose, supposing, providing, provided, unless, so(as) long as, on condition that第8讲 M6 U2 gramma

30、rII 2. 练习与思考(过去时态)1-4) BBAB 巩固练习 1)-7) CAAAABB 特殊句型1) had had 2) had made 3) had meant 4) had got 5) took 3.练习与思考(将来时态)1-4) DABB 表示将来时的几种形式1-6)ACADCD III 练习与巩固 1-5 DDACB 6-10 CBDDD 11-12 BB第9讲 M6 U2 project(1)1. could have done 表示本可能,事实上没有发生might have done 本可能, should have done 本应该 neednt have done

31、本没有必要; would have done 本来会 1-4) CADD2. rush 表示(身体的)一阵感觉,(情绪的)一阵激动,rush sb. to sp. 紧急送往3. 在be 动词之前有动词do时,作表语的不定式可以省略to.1-4) CAAAcould do nothing but do sth 一感feel 二听 hear, listen to 三让 let, have, make 四看 see, watch, look at, observe 另注意 notice; but, except, besides 前有do后无to, 前无do后有to; cant but/cant c

32、hoose but/ cant help but do sth. 4. 1) Do you feel like having a walk?2) I feel like it is going to rain.3) B 5. wish+ did(were)/ had done/ would(could) do1-2) D as if/though. if only would rather B 6. adj./v-ed./ n. /prep. phrase /doing./ to do. 1-3 )CAA 7. 1-3) thinking this way doing, to do,(一般式,

33、进行式,完成式和被动式) CCso that 引导的是目的状语从句 = in order that B第10讲 M6 U2 project(2)II 1. 1) 比他人早到 2) 伦敦比纽约要早5个小时左右 3) She was always ahead of the rest of her class. 她总遥遥领先。4) His ideas were ahead of his time. 领先时代 2. 1) B 2) C 3) B 3. 1) My mother doesnt allow me to go out alone at night. 2) Smoking is not all

34、owed here. 3) My parents allow me 200 yuan a month for books. 4) We should allow for every possible delay. 考虑到allow/ advise/ forbid/ permit /recommend sb. to do/ doing sth. 4. 1) Have you fixed a date for the wedding?2) Can the Tv be fixed here?3) Can you help me to fix my broken radio?fix v. 解决;确定;

35、安装;修理 5. 1) A 2) I cant guarantee that you will get the job. 3) They guaranteed their workers regular employment. They guaranteed regular employment to their workers. 6. 1) B 2) We will assist you to find a place to live in. We will assist you in finding a place to live in. 7. 1) B 2) C 8. 1) I feel

36、 very nervous in company with such an important person.2) She stays at home alone, so I want to keep her company. 和某人做伴3) B9. 1) improve employees motivation2) What was your motivation for becoming a teacher?3) She is a clever student, but she sometimes lacks motivation.第11讲 M6 U3 Reading (1). 1. 1)

37、 复合句。略。 2) the/which 定语从句。2. 1)不是。表建议, 还可以表示为 why not?2) 定语从句,作主语,不可省略3) 名词类:the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, 副词类: immediately, directly, instantly 连词类: no sooner than; hardly/scarcelywhen, as soon as; 介词类: on/upon 4)B. 5) A 6) Mary called me up as soon as/ the moment/ the minute/ th

38、e second/ the instant/ immediately/ directly/ instantly she arrived at the airport.No sooner had Mary arrived at the airport than she gave me a call. Hardly/Scarcely had Mary arrived at the airport when she gave me a call.Upon/On her arrival at the airport, Mary gave me a call. 3. 1)表语从句 2) Its just

39、 what/ all (that) we need.3) A 4) C4. 1) 句末都使用了代词 2) it 指代上文提及过的名次本身 one=a + 上文提及的名词 指代上文提及的名次同类,可数,单数 that= the+ 上文提及的名词 指代上文提及的名词同类,不可数3)B 4) D 5) A6) My watch doesnt work, and I would like to buy a new one.7) The weather of winter in Beijing is much colder than that in Guangzhou.5. 1) and 连接的并列句

40、2) 注意同样的意思用不同的短语进行表述3) 公鸡被认为是用来给婚礼辟谣的,而母鸡则被认为能给婚姻带来好运。 6. 1) it 指代 the hens lying an egg 2)be supposed to, be thought to 替代 3)在婚礼期间,母鸡下了一只蛋,这被看作是件非常幸运的事,所以大家都祝福这一对新人。7. 1)表语从句 2)while 引导让步状语从句,“尽管,虽然”。 3)D 4)C5) altogether adv. “完全的,彻底的”6) I dont altogether agree with you.8. 1) if 引导虚拟语气,where 引导地点状

41、语2) C 3) B4) before you go.5) While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.6) 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。9. 1) 定语从句2)那么,你们国家还有哪些事情的做法与别的国家不一样呢,瓦利德?10. 1) Its quite funny to watch the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.2) Watch what I do 3) watched; playing in the 11. 1)what 引导主语从

42、句,that 表语从句 2) that all of us are to start at 6 oclock tomorrow morning.不可省略12. 1) and 引导并列句,2)that定语从句;主语。 3)有大量的烟花,大家吃热狗和其它的能够在篝火上烘烤的食物。13. 1) 宾语从句 2)我想现在我对不同的文化以及得体的行为举止有了多得多的了解。 14. 1) V-ing. 做主语 2) Attending a meeting on time 3) Helping these children learn more knowledge is what he likes to do

43、 best.4) Riding a bike every day can keep you fit.第12讲 M6 U3 Reading (2)1. difference n. 【C,U】 different adj. differ v. 1) There are many differences between living in a city and a country.2) makes no difference to me3) make all difference 4)A2. be supposed to 1) 发动机听起来不对劲。2)这本书我没读过,但人们普遍认为很不错。3) A

44、4) B 5) Suppose/Supposing(that)3. 1) to ensure their safety2) that all the doors and windows are closedensure n./ sb. sth./ that-clause4. congratulate congratulation n.1) congratulated on 2) Congratulations to, on 3) C 4) D5. separate adj. v. separate n. separation1) separates, from 2) separate from

45、 3)B 4)C6. n. permissionpermit+ n./v-ing /sb. to do sth.1) permit, to swim 2) weather permitting=if weather permits3) without permission 4) A7 prohibition 1) prohibits; from taking up 2) C 8. offend v. offensive adj. 1) without causing offence 2) means no offence 3) C 4)D9. adjustment n. adjustable adj.1) adjustments


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