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1、学校代码:10254密 级:论文编号:上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY硕 士 学 位 论 文MASTER DISSERTATION论文题目:试评译者主体性理论在中国航运法律英译中的应用学科专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名:指导教师:完成日期:On translators Subjectivity in Translation of Chinese Shipping Laws and RegulationsJIANG JINGShanghai Maritime UniversityJUNE 2009毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人

2、郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用授权说明本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、

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6、撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格建议成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)评阅教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章)年 月 日教研室(或答辩小组)及教学系意见教研室(或答辩小组)评价:一、答辩过程1、毕业论文(设计)的基本要点和见解的叙述情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格2

7、、对答辩问题的反应、理解、表达情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、学生答辩过程中的精神状态 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)质量1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格三、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格评定成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)教研室主任(或答辩小组组

8、长): (签名)年 月 日教学系意见:系主任: (签名)年 月 日论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明本人同意上海海事大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以上网公布论文的全部或部分内容,也可以采用影印、缩印或者其他复印手段保留论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定。作者签名: 导师签名: 日期:A

9、cknowledgementsFirst of all I would like to extend my deep thanks to my supervisor, Professor Mao Junchun. Without his guidance and help, this paper would not have been possible. From the choice of the present topic to the revision of the paper, he has continuously provided me with invaluable sugges

10、tions and encouragements, and, whats more, he has patiently examined this paper and made many corrections.In addition, my gratitude goes to those professors who have led me to appreciate the charm of translation studies and linguistics. Thanks to their lectures, I have established a solid foundation

11、 and thus I am able to carry out the present study smoothly. Thanks are also extended to my dear friends and classmates. They are kind and intelligent, always stand with me and give me a hand whenever I am in trouble. They have encouraged me a lot in the past two years study. 摘要2008年北京奥运的成功举办以及卓有成效地


13、述了一些传统的翻译理论并引入译者主体性理论,详细分析了译者在翻译中从隐性到显性被认可以及发挥重要作用的发展过程。接下来就是本文的关键部分。先提出了法律翻译的标准,接着从词汇和句法两个层面并结合具体例证详细分析了译者主体性在中国法规尤其是航运法规中的体现。最后指出了中国法规英译中词汇、时态以及情态动词等方面存在的一些问题,并且给出了作者自己的翻译建议。最后部分是总结。首先总结了论文的主要内容,然后指出作者对当前国内航运法律翻译的研究还相当不足,这方面还需要更艰苦的努力和更深刻的研究。关键词:法律英译;航运法律文献;译者主体性;隐性AbstractThe successful holding of

14、 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, as well as her effective response to the world financial crisis, have served as a strong proof to the world of Chinas rising international status and demonstrated that China is the worlds largest developing country with the strongest comprehensive strength. As our countr

15、y is gradually becoming the worlds economic and trading power and major industrial country, China has also become the worlds largest Port State increasingly involved in international shipping industry. Regulating and perfecting the translation of Chinese maritime laws and regulations helps the rest

16、of the world to know the situation of Chinas shipping industry and is also conducive to its participation in international shipping operations in a much broader range. It is just for this goal that this paper tries to analyze the translation of Chinese laws and regulations in the shipping field.Firs

17、tly, it introduces the importance of the C-E translation of laws and regulations and the status quo of translation studies.Secondly, it is about the history of legal translation and the features of legal English. It mainly focuses on the comparison of legal English and legal Chinese. Their differenc

18、es and similarities are of great significance in guiding legal translation.Thirdly, it studies some traditional translation theories, puts forward the translators subjectivity, and expounds on its changing status from being invisible to being recognized and its present great role in the translation

19、process.Then comes the key part of this thesis. It first proposes the criteria of legal translation, and then traces translators subjectivity from the semantic and syntactic aspects with detailed examples taken from laws and regulations. And at the end of this chapter it points out some mistakes and

20、 defects in the C-E translation of Chinese laws, such as lexical mistakes, improper use of tense and modal verbs , and, in addition, has given the authors own suggested version. The final part is conclusion, which is made up of a summary, its limitations and further suggestions. The author points ou

21、t that the research on translation of shipping legal documents is quite inadequate and far from satisfactory, and this area requires greater strenuous efforts and more profound studies. Key words: C-E translation of Chinese laws and regulations; shipping legal documents; translators subjectivity; in

22、visibilityCONTENTS1. Introduction101.1. The Importance of C-E Translation of Shipping Legal Documents in China101.2 The Current Situation of Legal Translation121.2.1 The Problems and Difficulties121.2.2 Research on Legal Translation: the Present Situation and Its Prospects132 On C-E Translation of L

23、egal Documents152.1 History of Legal Translation152.2 Features of legal English172.2.1 Stylistic Features182.2.2 Linguistic Features192.2.2.1 Lexical Features192.2.2.2 Some Leading Features of Syntax of Legal English232.3 Comparison between Legal English and Legal Chinese252.3.1 Stylistic Idiosyncra

24、sy of English and Chinese Legislation252.3.1.1 Comparison in Lexis262.3.1.2 Comparison in syntax272. Hypotaxis vs. Parataxis272. Passive voice vs. Active voice292. Word Order302.4. Some Similarities between English and Chinese Legislation313. Translation Theories and Translator

25、 s Subjectivity323.1. Traditional Translation Theories323.1. 1 Dynamic Equivalence333.1. 2 Summary343.2. Recognition of the Translators Subjectivity343.3. The Current Study of Translators Subjectivity363.4. Factors Constraining the Translators Subjectivity in Translation Process373.4.1. Different Le

26、gal Systems373.4.2. Cultural Differences393.4.3. Translators Personal Factors403.5. The Target Receptor413.6. Summary424. Manifestation of the Translators Subjectivity in Shipping legal Translation434.1. Criteria of Legal Translation434.2 Translators Subjectivity in Shipping Legal Documents Translat

27、ion454.2.1 Tracing Translators Subjectivity From the Semantic Aspect454.2.1.1 Diction454. Use of Archaic Words, Borrowed Words, Synonyms in the C-E Translation454. Treatment of the Number of the Nouns in Chinese474. Semantic Consistency494.2.1.2. Legal Terms524.2.2 Tracing Tra

28、nslators Subjectivity in the Syntactic Aspect534.2.2.1 Using Correct Tense534.2.2.2. Transformation of Voice544.2.2.3 Sequence Transformation574.2.2.4. Negative Transformation604.3 Some defects and Mistakes624.3.1 Lexical Mistakes-the Choice of Singular or Plural Form, Collocation of Words &Phrases,

29、 Misuse of Prepositions and Some mistranslation624.3.2 Improper Use of Tense654.3.3 Improper Treatment of Modal Verbs665 Conclusion68Bibliography69 1. Introduction1.1. The Importance of C-E Translation of Shipping Legal Documents in China The successful event of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has provid

30、ed the world with a whole new understanding of China. A famous columnist Thomas L. Friedman in his article published on August 27 of New York Times A Biblical Seven Years says, the energy coming out of this country is unrivaled, and he doubts who is really living in the third worldAmerica or China?

31、The reasons he mentioned are that much modern infrastructure has been built in China since 2001, under the banner of the Olympics, while infrastructure in the US has been postponed since 2001, under the banner of the war on terrorism. Also, China is known to the outside world by its rising economic

32、status and the capacity it has showed in dealing with the international financial crisis.Today, China has become the worlds leading trading power and center. It is just in this broader economic and trade background that China has also become the worlds largest port state. With the deepening of China

33、s reform and opening to the outside world, especially after its entry into the WTO, China is getting more and more involved in international shipping activities. The signing of shipping business contracts or agreements between foreign companies or investors and their Chinese partners has become dail

34、y business. Owing to this, the corresponding shipping laws and regulations should be established and implemented to regulate international shipping activities and protect legal interests and rights. The shipping legislation means that specific organs, in accordance with certain procedure, formulate

35、codes of conduct reflecting the situation and trend of the maritime industry and guarantee their implementation with national coercive force. (朱慧.2008) Since the promulgation of the Maritime Code of the Peoples Republic of China in 1992, our state has continually introduced a series of laws and regu

36、lations to perfect Chinas shipping legislation. Some of the laws and regulations formulated from the year 1992 to 2008 are as follows: 1. Regulations for Survey of Ships and Offshore Installations of the P.R.C (1993);2. Regulations for Registration of Ships of the P.R.C (1994);3. Regulations of the

37、Peoples Republic of China for Navigation Marks (1995);4. Provisions of the Peoples Republic of China on the Administration of Maritime International Container Transport (Amended on 4/18/1998);5. Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation (2001);6. Implement

38、ing Rules of the Peoples Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation (2003);7. Port Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2003);8. Rules of the Peoples Republic of China on the Administration of Vessel Visas (2007);9. Regulations of Management of Seafarer Service of the P.R.C(2008). T

39、hey have reflected the development of our countrys shipping legislation and studies in this field and laid the foundation for further research into the shipping legislation.Shipping laws and regulations play important roles in governing the rights and obligations of shippers, carriers, consignees an

40、d other parties involved, and imposing punishment or penalty in case of violation of the related laws or regulations, and solving problems arising from shipping activities, which contributes to the guarantee of the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, the regulation and standardization of

41、 shipping activities and the ultimate goal of constructing a fair, open and orderly international shipping market. These functions require that the language used in the shipping documents and their translation must be accurate, allowing no ambiguity and errors. The C-E translation of shipping legal

42、documents serves as a bridge of communication in international shipping activities. However, the there are still some undesirable points or defects in the English versions of Chinas shipping laws and regulations. 1.2 The Current Situation of Legal Translation 1.2.1 The Problems and Difficulties The

43、task of legal translation in China is very arduous particularly after Chinas entry into the WTO. In order to keep the promise of being transparent in legislation, the Chinese government should translate the relevant laws and regulations or measures into one or more standard languages required by WTO

44、 and inform its members of the laws and regulations before enforcement and implementation. Because of the time limit, some of the timely and proper transformation of the laws and regulations fell behind the required standards. Chinas current laws and decisions on relevant legal issues are translated, examined and approved by the relevant departme


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