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1、编号:( )字 号本科生毕业设计(论文)题目: 祁东煤矿1.8Mt/a新井设计 夹河煤矿条带开采煤柱稳定性研究 姓名: 学号: 05082197 班级: 采矿工程2008-2班 二 一 二 年 六 月中 国 矿 业 大 学本科生毕业设计全套图纸,加153893706姓 名: 学 号: 05082197 学 院: 矿业工程学院 专 业: 采矿工程 设计题目: 祁东煤矿1.8Mt/a新井设计 专 题: 夹河煤矿条带开采煤柱稳定性研究 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 2012年6月 徐州中国矿业大学毕业设计任务书学院 矿业工程学院 专业年级 采矿工程2008级 学生姓名 任务下达日期:2012年1月8

2、日毕业设计日期:2012年3月12日 至 2012年6月8日毕业设计题目:祁东煤矿1.8 Mt/a新井设计毕业设计专题题目:夹河煤矿条带开采煤柱稳定性研究毕业设计主要内容和要求:以实习矿井祁东煤矿条件为基础,完成祁东煤矿1.8Mt/a新井设计。主要内容包括:矿井概况、矿井工作制度及设计生产能力、井田开拓、首采区设计、采煤方法、矿井通风系统、矿井运输提升等。结合煤矿生产前沿及矿井设计情况,撰写一篇关于条带开采煤柱稳定性的专题论文。完成2010年International Journal of Coal Geology上与采矿有关的科技论文翻译一篇,题目为“Numerical modelling

3、of the effects of weak immediate roof lithology on coal mine roadway stability”,论文24970字符。院长签字: 指导教师签字:中国矿业大学毕业设计指导教师评阅书指导教师评语(基础理论及基本技能的掌握;独立解决实际问题的能力;研究内容的理论依据和技术方法;取得的主要成果及创新点;工作态度及工作量;总体评价及建议成绩;存在问题;是否同意答辩等):成 绩: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日中国矿业大学毕业设计评阅教师评阅书评阅教师评语(选题的意义;基础理论及基本技能的掌握;综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力;工作量的大小;取得

4、的主要成果及创新点;写作的规范程度;总体评价及建议成绩;存在问题;是否同意答辩等):成 绩: 评阅教师签字: 年 月 日中国矿业大学毕业论文答辩及综合成绩答 辩 情 况提 出 问 题回 答 问 题正 确基本正确有一般性错误有原则性错误没有回答答辩委员会评语及建议成绩: 答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日学院领导小组综合评定成绩: 学院领导小组负责人: 年 月 日摘 要一般部分针对宿州祁东矿进行了井型为1.8Mt/a的新井设计。祁东矿井位于安徽省宿州市东南,井田走向长约9.0km,倾向长约4. 0km,面积约23.16。主采煤层为 煤层,平均倾角13,平均厚度5.6m。井田工业储量为191.30M

5、t,可采储量131.70Mt,矿井服务年限为56.28a。矿井正常涌水量为437.06,最大涌水量为586.10;矿井相对瓦斯涌出量为12.6,属高瓦斯矿井。根据井田地质条件,设计采用双立井暗斜井延伸两水平开拓方式,井田采用全采区式布置方式,一水平划分为两个采区,轨道大巷、胶带机大巷为岩石大巷,布置在 煤层底板岩层中。考虑到本矿井为高瓦斯矿井,矿井通风方式采分区对角式通风,并在开采前预掘底板瓦斯抽排巷进行瓦斯提前卸压抽放。 针对西一采区采用了采区准备方式,共划分10个区段工作面,并进行了运煤、通风、运料、排矸、供电系统设计。针对61202工作面进行了采煤工艺设计。该工作面煤层平均厚度为5.6m

6、,平均倾角14,直接顶为泥岩,老顶为砂岩。工作面采用长壁综采一次采全高采煤法。采用双滚筒采煤机割煤,往返一次割两刀。采用“三八制”工作制度,截深0.865m,每天四个循环,循环进尺3.46m,月推进度104m。大巷采用胶带输送机运煤,辅助运输采用架电式式电机车牵引固定箱式矿车。主井采用两套带平衡锤的12t箕斗提煤,副井采用一对1.5t矿车双层四车窄罐笼和一个带平衡锤的1.5t矿车双层四车宽罐笼运料和升降人员。专题部分题目为夹河煤矿条带开采煤柱稳定性分析,以相关工程测试结合目前理论研究,进行了详实的数据收集与整理,对矿井生产实践具有显著的指导意义。翻译部分题目为Numerical modelli

7、ng of the effects of weak immediate roof lithology on coal mine roadway stability,主要介绍软弱直接顶板岩性对煤矿巷道稳定性影响。关键词:祁东矿井;双立井;采区布置;综采大采高;分区对角式;软岩巷道;煤柱稳定性ABSTRACTThe general design is about a 1.80 Mt/a new underground mine design of Qidong coal mine. Qindong coal mine is located in southeast of Suzhou. Its a

8、bout 9.0 km on the strike and 4.0 km on the dip, with the 23.16 km2 total horizontal area. The minable coal seam is with an average thickness of 5.6 m and an average dip of 13. The proved reserves of this coal mine are 192.95 Mt and the minable reserves are 131.70 Mt, with a mine life of 56.28a. The

9、 normal mine inflow is 437.06 m3/h and the maximum mine inflow is 586.10 m3/h. The mine gas emission rate is 12.6 m3/t which can be recognized as high gas mine. Based on the geological condition of the mine, this design uses a duel-vertical shaft and inclined shaft two-level development method, and

10、full strip preparation ,which divided into ten districts, and track roadway, belt conveyor roadway and return airway are all rock roadways, arranged in the floor rock of 61 coal seam. Taking into account of the high gas emission, mine ventilation method use partitions ventilation, and excaves bottom

11、 gas drainage roadway before mining to relief gas pressure in advance.The design applies strip preparation against the first district of West One which divided into 10 districts totally, and conducted coal conveyance, ventilation, gangue conveyance and electricity designing.The design conducted coal

12、 mining technology design against the 61202 workface. The coal seam average thickness of this working face is 5.6 m and the average dip is 14, the immediate roof is mud stone and the main roof is sand stone. The working face applies fully mechanized longwall full-height coal caving method, and uses

13、double drum shearer cutting coal which cuts twice each working cycle. Three-Eight working system has been used in this design and the depth-web is 0.865 m with fou working cycles per day, and the advance of a working cycle is 3.46 m and the advance is 104 m per month.Main roadway makes use of belt c

14、onveyor to transport coal resource, and overhead line electric locomotiveto be assistant transport. The main shaft uses double 12 t skips to lift coal with a balance hammer and the auxiliary shaft uses a twins narrow1.5 t four-car double-deck cage and a wide 1.5t four-car double-deck cage to lift ma

15、terial and personnel transportation.The monographic study entitled Pressure behavior and control of deep mine , with the theoretical research related engineering test, conducted a detailed pressure observation data collection and processing, gave the deformation and convergence law of soft rock road

16、way,with law we can recommend some control measures which really have a important influence. The title of the translated academic paper is Numerical modelling of the effects of weak immediate roof lithology on coal mine roadway stability,which mainly introduce the failed pillars of engineering practice by pressure arch theory and numerical simulation.Keywords:Qidong coal mine; double vertical shaft; district mode; full-height coal caving;


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