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1、2016年职称英语考试卫生类B级考试真题及答案第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近选项。1 I am not certain whether he will come.A sureB determinedC sorryD glad2 she seemed to have detected some anger in his voice.A heardB noticedC realizedD got3 Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of fu

2、rther assistance.A seeB contactC helpD touch4 In short, I am going to live there myself.A In other wordsB That is to sayC To be frankD In a word5 He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his social skills and conduct.A behaviorB styleC modeD attitude6 I had some difficulty in carr

3、ying out the plan.A makingB keepingC implementingD changing7 Mr. Johnson evidently regarded this as a great joke.A readilyB casuallyC simplyD obviously8 We all think that Marys husband is a very boring person.A shyB stupidC selfishD dull9 The workers in that factory manufacture furniture.A promoteB

4、paintC polishD produce10 they only have a limited amount of time to get their points across.A largeB totalC similarD small11 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.A influenceB forceC surpriseD power12 can you follow the plot?A changeB investigateC understandD write13 Ev

5、en in a highly modernized country, Manual work is a still needed.A mentalB physicalC naturalD hard14 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed.A judgementB resultC decisionD event15 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.A beliefsB statementsC suggestionsD claims参考答案:1. A2. B3. B4

6、. D5. A6. C7. D8. D9. D10. D11. A12. C13. B14. B15. A第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑。NursesThe physicians in a hospital form the core of the medical staff. But they could not provide effective m

7、edical care to their patients without the help of numerous other medical workers. From the angle of the patients, the nursing staff is particularly important. Nurses are usually in close contact with patients as long as they are in the hospital.A nurse does not study for as many years as a doctor. H

8、owever, each must be equally trained. Caring for sick persons requires a great deal of patience and concern. Most nurses work long days, and they often must work at odd hours or during the night.The nursing staff in a hospital is usually quite large and various. Nursing services, after all, must be

9、provided on a 24-hour basis. There are professional (专业的) nurses, practical nurses, nurses aids, and orderlies (勤杂工). The general term nurse refers to a person trained to offer bedside care to sick persons.Under the supervision (管理) of the head nurse, the nursing staff in a hospital ward must attend

10、 to patients needs. This responsibility continues around the clock, and so nurses must work in shifts. A shift is a period of duty, usually eight hours in length. The nurses on the ward rotate (轮换) their shifts. Some take turns working night duty; others work odd shifts. All of them work out of a ce

11、ntral area on the ward called the nurses station.A nurse must always be on her guard. She can never afford to be careless. This is true in all nursing situations, but it is especially true in the intensive care unit. Patients under intensive care are critically ill, and they must be monitored at all

12、 times. The nurses who do intensive care duty have one of the most demanding jobs in the hospital.1 The physicians in a hospital are less important than the nursing staff.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned2 The nurses in a hospital usually spend more time with the patients than the physicians.A Right B

13、 Wrong C Not mentioned3 A nurse is not qualified if she does not have patience and show concern for her patients.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned4 Nurses often earn as much money as physicians do because they tend to work long days and at odd hours.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned5 Nursing services in

14、 a hospital are generally available around the clock.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned6 The nurses station is the only place where nurses in a hospital ward can be fount.A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned7 Nurses who work in the intensive care unit in a hospital are better trained than other nurses.A Rig

15、ht B Wrong C Not mentioned参考答案:16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. A21. B 22. C第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为第25段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上.Health Education1Health education is the part of health care that is concerned with pr

16、omoting healthy behavior. A persons behavior may be the main cause of a health problem, but it can also be the main solution. This is true for the teenager who smokes, the mother with the poorly nourished (营养) child, and the butcher (屠夫,卖肉的人) who gets a cut on his finger. By changing their behavior

17、these individuals can solve and prevent many of their own problems.2Health education does not replace other health services, but it is needed to promote the proper use of these services. One example of this is immunization (免疫): scientists have made many vaccines (疫苗) to prevent diseases, but this a

18、chievement is of no value unless people go to receive the immunization.3Health education encourages behavior that promotes health, prevents illness, cures disease, and contributes to recovery. The needs and interests of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities are at the heart o

19、f health education programs. Thus there are many opportunities for practicing health education.4Health education is not the same thing as health information. Correct information is certainly a basic part of health education, but health education must also address the other factors that affect health

20、 behavior such as availability (可获性) of resources, effectiveness of community leadership, social support from family members, and levels of self-help skills. Health education therefore uses a variety of methods to help people understand their own situations and choose actions that will improve their

21、 health. Health education is incomplete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people themselves.5Also, in health education we do not blame people if they do not behave in a healthy way. Often unhealthy behavior is not the fault of the individual. In health education we must work with fa

22、milies, communities, and even regional and national authorities to make sure that resources and support are available to enable each individual to lead a healthy life.1Paragraph 2_.2Paragraph 3_.3Paragraph 4_.4Paragraph 5_.AAddressing a Variety of Behavior-affecting FactorsBImportance of Immunizatio

23、nCRelationship with Other Health ServicesDCreation of Necessary Conditions for Healthy BehaviorE Encouraging Unhealthy BehaviorF Encouragement of Behavior Good for Your Health5Promoting healthy behavior is the goal of_.6Immunization helps to_.7Health education cannot take the place of_.8Individuals

24、should be provided with necessary conditions for_.Amany vaccinesBprevent diseasesChealth educationDhealthy behaviorEchange unhealthy behaviorFother health services参考答案:23. C 24. F 25. A 26. D 27. C28. B 29. F 30. D第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面都有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择

25、1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。第一篇Natural MedicinesSince earliest days, humans have used some kinds of medicines. We know this because humans have survived. Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely.They were successful long before the time of moder

26、n medicine. Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny (发亮的) instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospitals. Yet injuries are treated. And diseas

27、es are often cured. How? By ancient methods. By medicines that might seem mysterious, even magical (有魔力的). Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical, however.Through the centuries, tribal (部落的) medicine men experimented with plants. They found many useful chemicals in the plants. And

28、scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of todays most serious diseases.Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care. These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used b

29、ecause people trust them. In developed areas, few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store. Yet many widely-used medicines are from ancient sources, especially plants. Some experts say more than 25% of modern medicines come, in one way or another, from nature.Scientists hav

30、e long known that nature is really a chemical factory. All living things contain chemicals that help them survive. So scientists interest in traditional medicine is not new. But it has become an urgent concern. This is because the earths supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly.1 The pass

31、age indicates that ancient treatments for injury and disease wereA much more successful than modem ones.B successful enough for humans to survive.C successful in all cases.D of little help to humans.2 Which of the following statements is NOT true?A Modern medicines are now available all over the wor

32、ld.B Many big and modem hospitals are expensive.C Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical.D Humans have used some kinds of medicines since earliest days.3 It is believed by scientists that traditional medicinesA can cure all kinds of diseases.B may cure some of todays most serious d

33、iseasesC are no longer useful for modem men.D are too cheap to be useful.4 What do the majority of the people in the world use for health care?A Strange and wonderful equipment.B Factory-produced chemicals.C Modern medicines.D Plants.5 It can be seen from the passage that the earths supply of natura

34、l medicinesA may never be exhausted.B may be dropping rapidly.C is surprisingly big.D is as rich as ever.第二篇Memory ClassStan Field knows what age can do to a persons memory, and hes not taking any chances with his. He chooses his food carefully and gets plenty of exercise. He also avoids stress, coc

35、a cola and cigarette smoke. Whats more, at breakfast each morning, the 69-year-old chemical engineer swallows a plateful of pills in the hope of boosting his brain power.Michelle Arnove is less than half Fields age, but no less concerned about hermemory. While working round the clock to finish a deg

36、ree in film studies, the 33-year-old New Yorker had the alarming sensation that she had stopped retaining anything. I couldnt even remember names, she says. 1 thought, Oh no, Im over 30. Its all downhill from here. Besides loading up on supplements, Arnove signed up for a memory-enhancing course at

37、New Yorks Mount Siani Medical Center. And when she got there, she found herself surrounded by people who were just as worried as she was.For millions of Americans, and especially for baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人), the demands of the Information Age conflict with a sense of declining physical power. When

38、boomers were in their 30s and 40s, they launched the fitness boom, says Cynthia Green, the psychologist who teaches Mount Sinais memory class. Now we have the mental-fitness boom. Memory is the boomers new life-crisis issue. And of course a major marketing opportunity. The demand for books and semin

39、ars has never been greater, says Jack Lannom, a Iongtime memory trainer whose weekly TV show,Mind Unlimited, goes out to 33 million homes on the Christian Network. Anxious consumers are rushing to buy do-it-yourself programs and supplement makers are trying to sell everything but sawdust (木屑) as a b

40、rain booster.But before you get out your checkbook, a few questions are in order. Does everyday forgetfulness signal declining brain function? Is megamemory (超强记忆) a realistic goal for normal people? And if you could have a perfect memory, would you really want it? Until recently, no one could addre

41、ss those issues with much authority, but our knowledge of memory is exploding. New techniques are revealing how different parts of the brain interact to preserve meaningful experiences. Biologists are trying to understand the underlying (潜在的) chemical processes and neuroscientists (神经系统科学家) are disc

42、overing how age, stress ,and other factors can disrupt them. No one is close to finding the secret to perfect recall, but as youll see, that may be just as well.6 What does Stan Field take at breakfast?A Food only.B Food and pills.C Nothing.D A plateful of pills only.7 What is the meaning of working

43、 round the clock?A Repairing clocks.B Making clocks.C Working with a clock nearby.D Working day and night.8 Many baby-boomers living in the Information Age feel thatA their financial status is declining.B their political influence is declining.C their physical power is declining.D their will power i

44、s declining.9 Which of the following does NOT indicate peoples enhanced awareness of the importance of memory?A More demand for books on memory.B More demand for seminars on memory.C More demand for memory-enhancing supplements.D More demand for coca cola and cigarettes.10 According to the writer, t

45、he secret to perfect memoryA has been found.B will never be found.C was found a long time ago.D is not in sight yet.第三篇KnittingMy mother knew how to knit (编织), but she never taught me. She assumed, as did many women of her generation, that knitting was no longer a skill worth passing down from mothe

46、r to daughter. A combination of feminism (女权主义) and consumerism (消费主义) made many women feel that such homely accomplishments were now out of date. My Grandmother still knitted, though, and every Christmas she made a pair of socks for my brother and me, of red wool. They were the ones we wore under our ice skates (冰鞋), when it was really important to have warm feet.Knitting is a nervous habit that happens to be productive. It helped me quit smoking by giving my hands something els


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