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1、语言类:英语笔译,英语口译,英语写作,高级英语,综合英语,英语视听说,基础英语,英语听力,英语口语,商务英语,商务英语阅读、商务沟通、商务英语写作,专业英语,英语国家概况英语笔译:Introduction to TranslationIn this unit, students are expected to learn the definition of translation; the scope of translation; translation criteria; literal translation and free translation. What Is Translati

2、on?Linguistic view on translation:Translation is “the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language). ” (Catford, 1965:20)Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalen

3、t of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida & Taber 1969:12)所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最贴切而又自然的对等语再现原文的信息,首先在语义上,其次在文体上。 (E. A 奈达, 1969)Communicative views on translation:This approach views translation as a communicative process which takes place within a soci

4、al context. The translator attempts to produce the same effect on the target language readers as was produced by the original on the source language readers. (Newmark, 1982:22) 翻译是一种跨文化的信息交流与交换的活动,其本质是传播。 (吕俊,1997)【例】 She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and can do what she likes. She is r

5、eally a lucky dog.她生长在富贵之家,凡事都可以随心所欲,真是个幸运儿。Every dog has its day. 人人皆有得意日 a lucky dog 幸运儿Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌help a dog over a stilt助人度过难关 as faithful as a dog 形容人的忠诚 . Scope of Translation 1.按语言分类:语内翻译(intralingual translation)语际翻译(interlingual translation)2. 按活动形式分类:笔译(translation)口译(oral in

6、terpretation):交替传译(consecutive translation)和同声传译(simultaneous translation)3. 按翻译材料的文体分类:应用文体翻译 科技文体翻译论述文体翻译新闻文体翻译艺术文体翻译4. 按处理方式分类:全译 节译 编译. Translation Criteria 严复(1853-1921): Triple Principle of Translation 信 (faithfulness):忠实准确 达 (expressiveness):通顺流畅 雅 (elegance):文字古雅By faithfulness/accuracy, we

7、mean being faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style. By smoothness, we mean not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expression in the target language.Criteria in the West Alexander Fraser Tytler, (1747-181

8、4)the famous English scholar proposed the three principles of translation:(1)A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. (译文应完全复写出原作的思想)(2)The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. (译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同)(3)A translati

9、on should have all the ease of the original composition. (译文应和原作同样流畅). Translation Strategies 1. Literal translation or free translation? In the practice of translation, we may find that now and then some words in their usual senses are very difficult to deal with because of the disparity between th

10、e English and the Chinese languages. In this case, we have to resort to some special means of translation. Literal translation and free translation are two alternative approaches to tackle this problem. 1)直译:在基本保持原文的语言形式(词语、句子结构、修辞手法等)的同时,完整而准确地把意思表达出来,且译文流利晓畅。直译是不同于硬译、死译的重要翻译方法之一。2)意译:为了完整而准确地把意思表达

11、出来,抛弃原文的语言形式,按译入语的习惯重新遣词造句。意译是不同于乱译的重要翻译方法之一。无论直译、意译,都要符合“忠实、通顺”的标准(许渊冲 1984:5)。当译文的形式和原文的形式一致的时候,就无所谓直译、意译。e.g. Disaster never come single. “祸不单行”,内容和形式都忠实于原文,既可以说是直译也可以说是意译。 当译文的形式和原文的形式不一致的时候,就有直译或意译的问题,而且直译可以有程度不同的直译,意译也可以有程度不同的意译。e.g. He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being cho

12、sen mayor of Chicago. 进入21世纪,麦当劳的反对团体由集合到一面共同的旗帜之下 反对全球化。Upon the entering of 21 century, the anti-Macdonalds groups have again rallied under a common banner of anti-globalization. (采用直译、生动形象,且意思完全可以为英语读者接受)2. Foreignizing Translation(异化翻译) and Domesticating Translation(归化翻译) While literal translati

13、on and free transaltion mainly deal with linguistic reproduction, foreignizing translation and domesticating translation are concerned more with cultural, linguistic and aesthetic considerations. Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target convent

14、ions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. 异化译法是偏离民族主义的,对译入语文化价值施加压力,使其关注外语文本的语言和文化差异,把读者带入外国情景,体验外国人的阅读感受(Venuti 1995:20)。换言之,异化译法要求译者向原文作者靠拢,采取原文作者使用的表达方式传达原文的内容。e.g.to kill two birds with one stone:一石二鸟All roads lead to Rome :条条大路通罗马Domestication is a strategy in which a tran

15、sparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. 归化译法采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译入语文化。(Venuti 1995: 20)换言之,归化译法要求译者向译文读者靠拢,采取译文读者习惯的译语表达方式传达原文的内容。e.g. to kill two birds with one stone: 一箭双雕、一举两得to grow like mushrooms: 雨后春笋

16、All roads lead to Rome: 殊途同归英语口译:InterpretingA Course to Develop An Understanding and Basic Skills of InterpretingAfter studying this unit, you should be able to:understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the long run.find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performanc

17、e.master the basic words and expressions about protocol routine.know some cultural background knowledge about protocol routine.I. Course IntroductionDuration: 2 termsModules: -Preparing (译前准备) training-Long-term and short-term-Decoding (听入解码) training-Active listening-Discourse analysis-Note taking-

18、Memorizing (短期记忆) training-Retelling -Encoding (编码输出)training-Coordinating (任务协调)training-Sight interpreting-Shadowing -Packaging (译后总结) training-Quality assessment1. Interpreting definedA communicative activityMultiple participants: speaker, audience, interpreterMultiple tasking: listening, analyzi

19、ng, note-taking, understanding, restructuring, productionConveyance of messages from the source language to the target language2.1 CriteriaAccuracy vs. fidelity Fluency vs. fluencyEfficiency vs. elegance2.2 Working environment2.3 Method2.4 Feedback3. Classification of interpretingBy delivery model:

20、consecutive interpreting,simultaneous interpretingWhispering,relay interpretingBy occasion and content: Conference interpreting, business interpreting, court interpreting, media interpreting, community interpreting, telephone interpretingSimultaneous interpretingInterpret while the speaker is making

21、 speechSpecial facility required, including: floor, booth, SI equipment (control, interpreting console, receiver)Three types: Conference interpreting, sight interpreting, whisperingno facility required for whispering)4. Interpreting Process5. Basic Requirements for Interpreters-Strong sense of duty-

22、High level of linguistic proficiency-Encyclopedic and subject knowledge-Good master of interpreting skillsActive listeningDiscourse analysisNote takingRetellingPublic speakingParaphrasing Figures interpretingIdioms interpretingFuzzy interpretationCross-cultural communicationCoping tactics6. 3P Model

23、 for Interpreter Training 7. Professional Codes of Conduct 1)confidentiality(保密) 2)impartiality(公正) 3)accuracy(准确) 4)objectiveness(客观) 5)competence(胜任)商务英语,商务英语阅读、商务沟通、专业英语商务英语-BEC advantage 根据商务工作的实际需要,从听、说、读、写四个方面对学生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力进行培养,达到BEC初级考试要求水平make students to get familiar with the BEC Van

24、tageAccording to the actual needs of commercial work, listening, speaking, reading and writing four aspects of students ability to use English in business and general living environment and cultured reach BEC junior level exam requirements.How to study BEC Vantage 1. business words and phrases 2. re

25、ad more business background 3. listening more BEC 4. accumulative more business topic 5. often go on line with good websitescompany benefits, A. an impressive job title n B. training and staff development n C. a good salary n D. a pension n E. flexible working hours n F. opportunities to travel n G.

26、 opportunities for promotion n H. parental leave n I. days off and long holidays n J. a company car.advertising-Types of advertising n 1. word of mouth n 2. mailshot 邮寄广告 n 3. TV commercials n 4. spam 垃圾电子邮件 n 5. banners / streamer 横幅 n 6. newspaper adverts n 7. brochures n 8. sample; recruitment 商务

27、英语阅读-本课程的教学目的是培养学生掌握阅读和理解商务英语文章的基本技能,获取商务信息的基本能力,为毕业后成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者打下坚实的基础。通过学习有关的商务活动的实用语言材料,学生应熟悉主要的商务英语文章类型;高阅读商务文章的能力,懂得一般的商务表达,学会分析商务文章的特点,并懂得一些国际经济文章中常用词汇,了解国际经济的知识;能基本读懂英文原版商务教科书有关章节的大意,能基本读懂主要英语报刊,杂志有关的商务活动的难度较低的报道和评论文章;能将一般性英语商务材料译成汉语,进一步提高专业基本的听、说、读、写、译的技能。Purpose of this course is to

28、 train students to master reading and understanding the basic skills of business English articles, the ability to acquire basic business information, after graduation to become to meet the social needs of application-oriented foreign business workers, and lay a solid foundation. By learning about th

29、e business activities of practical language material, students should be familiar with the main types of business English texts; to understand the expression of general business, learn to analyze the characteristics of a business article, and understand some of the articles in the international econ

30、omic vocabulary , understand the international knowledge economy; can basically read the original English version of the relevant sections of the business textbook. Can basically read major English newspapers and magazines related to the business activities of reports and articles; capable of transl

31、ating general business materials English into Chinese, further enhance the professional basic listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation skills.1、 美国生活方式 2、 商务习俗 3、 购物与顾客 4、 领导风范 5、 生活态度 6、 网络商务 7、 银行与信贷 8、 礼仪 9、 商务职业生涯 10、 产品与促销 11、 名人 12、 美容产业 1 American way of life, 2 business practice

32、s 3, shopping and customer 4,leadership style, 5, attitudes 6,E-commerce, 7,banking and credit 8,etiquette, 9 business career 10, promotional products, 11 celebrity 12,beauty industry商务沟通-Business CommunicationThe Importance of Communication Communication skills can help you acquire a first job or a

33、 better job. On the job, poor communication skills can be harmful. Having good communication skills can give you an edge over other job candidates.3. The Process of Communication Sender and Source(发出者和信息源) Participants in the communication process who communicate messages to an audience are called s

34、enders. Message(信息)A message is the written, oral, or nonverbal communication that sender transmits to an audience.信息一般通过符号表示。这些符号代表一定的意义,并可分为语言符号和非语言符号两大类。语言符号是代表特定事物或观点的字、词、句。除语言符号之外,非语言符号也是重要的交流方式,比如,身体语言,包括面部表情、手势、姿势、声调、外表等等。不同文化中,非语言符号涵义有所不同。比如,不直视某人在某些文化中表示对他人的尊重,而在另外一些文化中,则表示不诚实、企图隐瞒事实。 Encod

35、ing(编码) The activity of the sender choosing certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message is called encoding. (编码指发出者输出信息前,选择语言和非语言信息的过程,亦即制造符号(creating symbol)的内心活动,这一过程可长可短。) Channel(渠道)Every message is transmitted through a channelthe medium through which the message sender an

36、d the message receiver communicate.Table 1-1: Three Typical Communication ChannelsTwo-way, face-to-faceInformal conversations, interviews, oral reports, speeches, and teleconferencesTwo-way, not-face-to-faceTelephone conversations and intercompany announcementsOne-way, not-face-to-faceWritten docume

37、nts such as letters, memos, reports, and press release prepared traditionally or sent electronically (electronic mail, facsimile, voice mail)沟通的渠道是人们表达信息的手段,是传递被编码信息的途径。信息传递的路径多种多样:可以是书面形式的,如报纸和杂志等;可以是非纸介的电子形式,如电子邮件、手机短信等;也可以通过电波、光波和声波等形式,如电话、广播、电视等;既可以是平面化的,如信札、照片等,也可以是立体的,如可视电话、网络视频等。 Receiver(接收者

38、)Receivers are the audience to whom messages are directed. Decoding(解码)The activity of the receiver attaching meaning to the words or symbols that the sender sends is called decoding.接收者在反馈信息之前,接收发出者发出的信息并赋予意义的过程被称为解码。影响赋予符号意义的因素很多,诸如生活经验、宗教信仰、性别年龄、社会角色与文化差异等。其中又以文化差异的影响最为显著。 Feedback(反馈)Feedback co

39、nsists of messagesverbal and nonverbalthat convey a reaction to the communicators message.正常情况下,接收者收到发出者发出的信息之后,会对信息作出反应(response),然后向发出者回送信息,这一回复信息的过程称之为反馈。正是因为有了反馈,沟通才能显现出双向、持续的动态性特征。 Noise(干扰)It refers to all the factors that interfere with the exchange of messages.干扰是阻碍人们准确理解信息的因素。干扰可以分为内部干扰(int

40、ernal noise)、外部干扰(external noise)和语义干扰(semantic noise)。外部干扰来自于环境,可能阻碍信息的接收或理解,比如,课堂附近的建筑工地发出的各种噪音会直接影响授课、听课效果等。内部干扰出现在发出者和接收者的内心,使发出者和接收者关注的不是当前的交流而是其他事情。例如,一个学生放不下对丢失钱包的思虑,注意力根本不在课堂上,听课效果必然大打折扣。语义干扰是指所用词汇含有几种不同意义,可能会干扰接收者对信息的理解。 Context(语境)The communication context refers to the situation in which

41、communication takes place and to every factor affecting its transmission。语境是指沟通发生的场所和情景。语境可以分为物理语境(physical context)、社会语境(social context)和人际语境(interpersonal context)。物理语境是指交际发生的真实客观环境,即交际互动是发生在室内或是室外,是公共场合还是私人聚会,周围环境喧闹还是安静,灯光明亮或是昏暗等等。社会语境是指在不同的社交场合人们对他人不同的行为期待,例如,人们在葬礼上的交际活动就有别于私人聚会。人际语境也是一种沟通环境。从人际

42、语境可以看出沟通双方之间的关系,如师生、朋友、对头、上下级等,以及不同文化背景的两者相互交流等。4. The Flow of Communication Upward Communication(向上沟通)Messages flowing from subordinates to superiors are called upward communication. Upward communication conveys four types of messages: What subordinates are doing Unsolved work problems Suggestions

43、for improvement How subordinates feel about each other and the job向上沟通是指信息从较低层次向较高层次传递的过程。如下级、被管理者通过一定的渠道,与上级、管理决策层所进行的信息交流。下级、被管理者通过向上沟通可向上级管理者提供反馈、汇报各种信息,并告知当前存在的问题。上级、管理者也可通过沟通了解某些不足之处。向上沟通可采取面对面交谈、较正式的会议或情况介绍等形式,也可通过书面的形式传递。 Downward Communication(向下沟通)Downward communication occurs whenever supe

44、riors initiate messages to their subordinates. There are four types of downward communication: Job instructions Job rationale Procedures and practices Feedback向下沟通是指信息从较高层次向较低层次传递的过程,即信息的传递是从高级主管到中层主管,再到基层主管,最后到工作执行人员。例如,上层管理者给下属布置工作,进行工作指导,告知政策与程序等,通常采取向下沟通的模式。由于向下沟通可用来传达组织内部管理所需的规章制度、工作程序和日常信息,因而向

45、下沟通具有权威性,可能包括下达正式的书面文件、介绍日常工作情况和布置工作或上下级之间单向的面对面交谈。 Horizontal Communication(水平沟通)Horizontal communication consists of messages between members of an organization with equal power. Horizontal communication serves five purposes: Task coordination Problem solving Sharing information Conflict resolutio

46、n Building rapport向上沟通和向下沟通属于跨越不同层级的沟通,因此,可视为垂直沟通。当沟通发生在同一工作群体的成员之间,同一等级的工作群体成员之间,同一等级的管理者之间以及任何等级相同的人员之间时,这种沟通模式就被称为水平沟通或横向沟通。5. Internal and External Communication Internal Communication(内部沟通)Internal communication involves communicating back and forth within the organization through such written

47、and oral channels as memos, reports, proposals meetings, oral presentations, speeches, and person-to-person and telephone conversation. External Communication(外部沟通)External communication refers to communication with an organizations major audiencesthe general public, customers, vendors and other businesses, and government officials.6. Communication and Culture High-Context Culture(高语境文化)High-context cultures prefer to use high-context messages in which most of the meaning is either implied by the physical setting or presumed to be part of th


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