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1、 第一章(0001-0507)0001 Your vessel is underway when the anchor is dragging. the anchor is used in docking.A. only.B. only.C.Either or .D.Neither nor .当拖锚 靠泊用锚时你船在航。0002 Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should _.A.Back your engines.倒车B.Stop your eng

2、ines and drift.停车漂流C.Answer with one prolonged blast.(规则要求)D.Sound the danger signal.鸣放危险声号你船正在接近一个湾头。在湾头附近你听到一长声。你应回答一长声。0003 Your vessel has anchored in a channel known to have strong tidal currents. To check your position you take a round of bearings, one of which is a range in line. One hour lat

3、er the bearing on the lights in range opens up. This indicates The ship is swinging. The ship is dragging her anchor.A. only.B. only.C.Either or .D.Neither nor .你船在水道中锚泊并知道有强的潮流。为核对位置你测得成一线的一组方位。1小时后,成一线的那组灯标的方位错开了。这说明船正在偏荡。船正在走锚(拖锚)。0004 Your ship must speed up.A.Reduce speed.减速B.Increase speed.增速C

4、.Change speed.变速D.Stop engine.停车你船必须加速。Your explanation _all right.A.Sounds.B.Have sounded.C.Is sounding.D.Is sounded.你的说明听起来很好。0005 Youd better _ your course to port to avoid collision.A.To alter.B.Alter.(动词原型)C.Altering.D.Altered.你最好向左改变你的航向以避免碰撞。(Youd better + 动词原型)6 You should stop your vessel i

5、nstantly.A.In a moment.B.On time.C.At once.D.Late on.你必须立即停船。7You should report you ETA in advance.A.At once.B.Before hand.C.Early.D.Immediately.你应预先报告你的ETA。You ought to have known we (us) never _ lies.A.Say.B.Talk.C.Tell.D.Speak.你应该知道我们从不说谎。8You must _ your cable to 5 shackles.A.Cut.B.Short.C.Be sh

6、ort.D.Shorten.你必须缩短锚链到5节。0011 You may use my cabin _ you clean it up afterward.A.As far as-远到, 直到, 至于 尽;就;至于B.As well as-也, 又 既又 都C.As soon as-一.就D.So long as-只要, 在之时;当时你可以使用我的房间只要你用后把它清理干净。0012 You may rely _ our company.A.On.B.In.C.At.D.Up.你可以相信我们的公司。0013 You hear the fog signal of another vessel

7、forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist. You must _.A.Begin a radar plot.B.Stop your engines.C.Take all way off, if necessary.D.All of the above.你在正横前听到他船的雾号。可能存在碰撞危险。你必须把船停住,假如必要时。0015 You can indicate that your vessel is in distress by _.A.Displaying a large red flag.B.Displaying three b

8、lack balls in a vertical line.C.Sounding four or more short rapid blasts on the whistle.D.Continuously sounding the fog whistles.你可以通过连续的雾号表示你船遇险。0016 You can get your agent _ it for you.A.Do.B.To do.C.Doing.D.Done.你可以让你的代理为你做那件事。0017 You are to join the convoy at 1745 hours.A.LeaveB.Sail for-乘船往,开往

9、C.Take part in-参与,参加D.Make.你在1745时加入护航船队。0018 You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must _.A.Stop your engines.B.Sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle.C.Sound the danger signal.D.Slow to bare steerageway.你在能见度不良水域并听到

10、正横前雾号。但在雷达上没有发现他船。这时你应减速到维持舵效。0019 You are getting too old for seaman. Youd better _ a job ashore instead.A.Take in-接收 接待B.Take for-认为 以为C.Take up-开始从事;专注于D.Take over-接受 接管当你很老的时候,你最好在岸上从事工作代替(你以前的工作)。0020 You are approaching another vessel and are not sure whether danger of collision exists. You mu

11、st assume _.A.There is risk of collision.B.You are the give way vessel.C.The other vessel is also in doubt.D.All of the above.你正接近一艘船并且你不能确定是否存在碰撞危险。你必须假设存在碰撞危险。0021 You are advised to enter the traffic route at about 1730 hours, because a vessel is scheduled to enter at the time when you intended t

12、o enter. What can you understand from this sea-speak?A. Its a warning of navigation for my vessel.(这是对我船的航行警告)B. Its an advice from port control to order my vessel not enter the traffic route of the harbor.(这是港口控制命令我船不要进入港口航道的通知)C. Its an advice to change my estimated time of entering the traffic ro

13、ute.D. Its an order from the VTS to indicate my vessel to follow the traffic route.(这是来自VTS指出我船沿着航道行使的命令)你被通知进入航道大约在1730时,因为在你准备进航道的同时有另一船被安排进入航道。从这海上用语中你理解到什么?这个通知改变我预计进入航道的时间0022 You are _ danger.A.Run in.B.Running into.C.Run into.D.Running in.你正处于危险中。0023 Whom are you looking _? I want to see you

14、r chief mate.A.On.B.In.C.For.D.At.你正要找谁?我想见你的大副。0024 While underway, in fog, you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel _.A.Not under command.B.Being towed.C.On pilot age duty.D.Aground.当雾中在航,你听到一长声接着两短声的气笛信号。这信号被一艘失控船鸣放。0025 Whi

15、le underway at night you observe a vessels range lights in line off your starboard beam. You should _.A.Come right.B.Sound the danger signal.C.Continue on your course.D.Come left.夜航你在右正横海面观察到一船的桅灯成一线。你应继续你的航向。0026 While steaming slowly in the harbor, no ship is _ to exceed the speed limited.A.Assume

16、d.B.Appreciated.C.Promised.D.Permitted.当在港内行驶时,没有船被允许超过限速航行。0027 Which vessel, when anchored at night, is not required to show anchor lights?A.A power-driven vessel.B.A vessel engaged on pilotage duty.C.A vessel dredging.D.A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.哪种船在夜间锚泊时不被要求显示锚灯?从事疏竣作业的船0028

17、 Which vessel sounds the same fog signal when underway or at anchor?A.A sailing vessel.B.A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.C.A vessel constrained by her draft.D.A vessel not under commands.哪种船在锚泊或在航时都鸣放相同的雾号?操限船0029 Which vessel should not impede the navigation of a power-driven vessel?

18、 A.A vessel not under commands.B.A vessel engaged in fishing.C.A sailing vessel.D.A seaplane.哪种船不应妨碍机动船的航行?水上飞机0030 Which vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can safety navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway?A.A vessel of less than 20 meters in length.B.A vessel sailing.C

19、.A fishing vessel.D.All of the above.哪种船不应妨碍仅能够在狭水道或航道中航行的船舶?长度小于20米的船舶,帆船,从事捕渔的船舶0031 Which vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can only navigate inside a narrow channel?A.A vessel of less than 20 meters in length.B.A vessel not under commands.C.A vessel engaged in surveying.D.All

20、 of the above.哪种船不应妨碍仅能够在狭水道内航行的船舶?长度小于20米的船舶0032 Which vessel shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft? _.A.A vessel not under commands.B.A sailing vessel.C.A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.D.All of the above.哪种船应避免妨碍限于吃水船舶的安全通行?帆船0033 Which vessel is

21、, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?A.Vessel engaged in fishing.B.Vessel not making way.C.Vessel sailing.D.Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.根据定义,哪种船不能给他船让路?操限船0034 Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel?A.Vessel engage

22、d in fishing.B.Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.C.Sailing vessel.D.Vessel towing.根据定义,哪种船不能给他船让路?操限船0035 Which vessel is underway under the rules of the road?A.A vessel at anchor with the engine running.B.A vessel with a line led to a tree onshore.C.A vessel drifting with the engine off.

23、D.A vessel aground.按照航行规则,哪种船是在航船?关闭主机的漂航船0036 Which vessel is underway according to the rules?A.A vessel made fast to a single point-mooring buoy.B.A vessel engaged in towing, not making way.C.A pilot vessel at anchor.D.A vessel which has run aground.按照规则,哪种船是在航船?从事拖带作业的船,不在航行0037 Which vessel is t

24、o keep out of the way of the others?A.A vessel constrained by her draft.(限于吃水的船舶)B.A vessel engaged in underwater operations.(从事水下作业的船只)C.A vessel engaged in trawling.(从事拖网的船只)D.A vessel not under commands.(失去控制的船舶)哪种船是让路船?限于吃水的船舶(因为限于吃水船为机动船)这里书中答案只所以为C(Page 20-63),可能是将trawling理解为曳绳钓,而事实上1972年的国际避碰

25、规则的曳绳钓单词为trolling line。0038 Which vessel is not restricted in her ability to maneuver?A.A vessel servicing an aid to navigation.B.A vessel constrained by her draft.C.A towing vessel with tow, unable to deviate from its course.D.A vessel engaged in dredging.哪种船不是操限船?限于吃水的船舶0039 Which vessel is direct

26、ed not to impede the passage of a vessel, which can only navigate inside a narrow channel?A.A vessel of less than 20 meters in length.B.A vessel not under commands.C.A vessel engaged in surveying.D.All of the above.哪种船被要求不妨碍仅能够在狭水道内航行船舶的通过?长度小于20米的船舶0040 Which vessel is a vessel restricted in her ab

27、ility to maneuver under the rules?A.A vessel mine clearing.B.A vessel engaged in fishing.C.A vessel at anchor.D.A vessel not under commands.在规则下,哪种船是操限船?从事扫雷作业的船0041 Which statement it true concerning a vessel constrained by her draft?She is hampered because of her work.She is unable to maneuver due

28、 to some exceptional circumstance.She may by a vessel being towed.She must a power-driven vessel.关于限于吃水船哪个陈述正确?她必须是一艘机动船0042 Which situation would be a special circumstance under the rules?A.Vessel at anchor.B.More than two vessels meeting.C.Speed in fog.D.Two vessels crossing.根据规则,哪个情形是特殊情况?超过两艘的船相

29、遇0043 Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A.Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vessel.B.Systematic observation of objected by radar.C.Long-range radar scanning.D.All of the above.哪种方法应被用于判断碰撞危险?观察来船的罗经方位,用雷达系统观测物标,远距离扫描0044Which one of two crossing power-drive

30、n vessels has the right of way in a fog?A.Both vessels.B.Neither vessel.C.The vessel on portside.D.The vessel on starboard side.在雾中,两艘交叉相遇的机动船哪一艘有优先通行权?两艘都没有0045 Which one of following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision?A.E

31、ach shall keep her course and speed.B.Each shall alter her course to starboard.C.Each shall pass on the portside to the other.D.Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle.以下哪个规则不是关于两艘机动船会遇末了或接近会遇末了以至有碰撞危险?每一艘船应保向保速0046 Which of the following statements is (are) correct regardi

32、ng ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes? A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes. If obliged to cross traffic lanes, shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.A. only.B. only.C. Both and .D. N

33、either nor .关于操纵在分道通航制水域附近的船舶,以下哪个陈述正确?船舶尽可能避免穿越通航分道。假如必须穿越通航分道应尽可能接近垂直于船舶交通总流向穿越。0047 Which of the following radar contacts will present the most immediate danger?A. A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is changing and range is decreasingB. A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is stea

34、dy and range is increasingC. A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is steady and range is decreasingD. A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is changing to the left and range decreasing以下哪个雷达物标将出现最紧迫危险?在左舷船艏方位不变且距离减小的船0041Which of the following meets the definition of the word vessel as set forth

35、by the rules? A gravel scow. A lifeboat.A. only.B. only.C. Both and .D. Neither nor .以下哪个符合规则阐明的船舶的定义?载沙驳船。救生艇。0042 Which of the following is true when navigation with radar during restricted visibility? Radar may not indicate small vessels and icebergs. Radar may mean that safe speed is even slower

36、 due to the indication of other vessels on the scope.A. only.B. only.C. Both and .D. Neither nor .能见度不良其间使用雷达导航,以下哪个陈述正确?雷达可能不显示小船和冰山。由于有其他船舶显示在屏幕上,雷达可能意味着安全航速会更小。0050 Which of the following is (are) correct when posting a proper lookout on a vessel? It is the responsibility of the watch officer to

37、instruct the lookout as to the procedures of notifying the bridge of a sighting. When a vessel is going astern, a lookout must be posted on the stern.A. only.B. only.C. Both and .D. Neither nor .当船上布置(安排)合适的了望人员时,以下哪个陈述正确?值班驾驶员有责任指导了望人员按照通报程序将所见报告给驾驶台。当船在后退时,了望人员必须布置在船艉。0051 Which of the following i

38、s (are) correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes? Normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane. When joining or leaving from the side you shall do so at as large an angle to the general direction of the traffic flows as practicable. A

39、 vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes, but if obliged to do so shall cross as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.A. only.B. only.C. Both and .D. Neither nor .关于操纵在分道通航制水域附近的船舶,以下哪个陈述正确?一般地,在通航分道的端口离开或进入航道。当自航道边上离开或进入航道时,应以尽可能与交

40、通流的总流向成尽量大的角度进入。船舶应尽可能避免穿越通航分道,但假如必须穿越时,应尽可能以垂直交通流的总流向成直角穿越。0052 Which craft would be considered a power-driven vessel under the rules of the road?A.An auxiliary sail vessel, using her engine.B.A canoe being propelled by a small outboard motor.C.A tug powered by a diesel engine.D.All of the above.按照

41、规则,哪种船将被认为是机动船?一个辅助机器并在使用的帆船,使用外挂小马达推进的独木舟,用柴油动力的拖头0053 Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other _.A. Shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed.B. Shall not keep her course and speedC. Shall keep her course but change her speed.D. Shall keep her course and speed.假如两艘机动船中

42、一艘让路时,则另一艘应保向保速。0054 Where does the lookout man stand?A. In positions in which the noises in the ship are least likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal and the man can see clearly.B. In positions in which the noises in the ship are much likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog sign

43、al.C. In positions in which the hearing of a signal is reduced to a minimum.D. In a position in which the man can see clearly了望人员站在什么位置?在噪音最小可能干扰了望人员听见雾号和其能够清楚地看见周围一切的地方0055 When your vessel enters thick fog, she should _ every 2 minutes in accordance with these Rules.A.One short blast.B.One prolong

44、ed blast.C.Two short blasts.D.Three short blasts.当船舶进入浓雾(一级能见度)中(航行),根据规则她应每隔2分钟鸣放一长声气笛。0056 When you doubt the existence of risk of collision, _A.Such risk shall be deemed to exist.B.Such risk shall not deem to exist.C.You neednt take any action to avoid collision with any vessel.D.You should accel

45、erate your speed ahead.当你对存在碰撞危险有怀疑时,应认为存在这样的危险。0057 When winds of force reach 10 11 in Beaufort scale, usually we call such winds as _.A.Hurricane-飓风 12级以上B.Breeze- light breeze轻风2级 gentle breeze微风3级 moderate breeze和风4级 fresh breeze劲风5级 strong breeze强风6级C.Storm-storm狂风10级 violent storm暴风11级D.Gale-near gale疾风7级 gale大风 8级 strong gale 烈风9级当风力达到蒲福风力等级1011级时,通常我们叫这风为风暴。0058 When visibility is restricted _, we can say it is restricted visibility.A.By long distance.B.By th


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