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1、2013-2015年全国职业院校技能大赛比赛项目方案申报书类别(国赛已有项目* 凡与已经举办过的国赛项目名称一致或接近的,均按国赛已有项目申报。 国赛新项目)申报单位: 全国旅游职业教育教学指导委员会 拟举办年份: 2014年 方案申报负责人: 王 莉(山东旅游职业学院) 电话: 行指委秘书处010-65778949 手机: 秘书长 韩玉灵13910828710 助 理 武冰欣18810376615 邮件: hanyuling zelylt2011 通讯地址:北京市朝阳区定福庄南里一号 北京第二外国语学院1号楼825室 邮政编码: 100024 申报时间: 2013年 8月 一、赛项名称:中餐

2、主题宴会设计二、赛项组别:高职组三、所属产业类型:现代服务业四、在现行中职(或高职)专业目录中的分类:旅游大类 旅游管理类 酒店管理专业五、设计团队构成:设计团队成员共12人,其中行业、企业人员占42%,职业院校人员占58%。,比例为1:4:7。成员姓名年龄性别职称单位职务工作任务联系方式陈增红50女教授山东旅游职业学院副院长总负责及协调0531-81920006王 莉41女讲师山东旅游职业学院纪委书记赛项总体设计与组织协调0531-81920009杨红波42女副教授云南旅游职业学院酒店与休闲系主任主题创意部分及现场分析设计0871-5187361周 彦41女讲师山东旅游职业学院饭店管理系主任

3、主题创意部分及现场分析设计0531-81920079韩 鹏37男副教授武汉职业技术学院酒店管理系主任赛项理论及操作标准部分设计13871196528 王 俞35女博士北京第二外国语学院外语部分设计010-65778454许 敬38女副教授南京旅游职业学院酒店管理系主任赛项理论及操作标准部分设计025-68576865金勇谦49男高级经济师山东省饭店协会副秘书长主题创意部分设计及企业协调0531-82965858余力富51男高级经济师广州白天鹅宾馆副总经理主题创意部分及现场分析设计13902253105马婷婷41女经济师山东大厦质培部总监赛项现场组织部分设计0531-82958888黄志雯35女

4、经济师厦门国际会议中心酒店&厦门国际会展酒店人力资源总监主题创意部分及现场分析设计0592-5959999张 叡35女经济师洲际集团餐饮总监赛项理论及外语部分设计13564388227六、赛项设计的目的:通过竞赛,促进校企合作,引导企业参与赛项设计、提供技术支持和后援保障,推动工学结合人才培养模式的改革与创新,引导高职院校在行业发展的背景下的教学改革与专业调整,检验高职学生的职业能力。七、赛项意义与设计原则:赛项意义:本项竞赛旨在检验酒店管理(旅游管理)专业参赛选手的设计创新能力及专业操作能力。展示参赛队员在产品创新、现场问题的分析与处理、卫生安全操作等方面的职业素养。引导高职院校关注行业发展






10、自2012年起设立,竞赛内容以中餐主题宴会设计为主线,含盖职业形象展示、台面创意设计、菜单设计、餐巾折花、中餐宴会摆台、斟酒、英语口语、专业理论、现场分析等内容。竞赛采取个人赛方式,各省代表队选送3名优秀选手参加全国总决赛。 本赛项突出了中国传统饮食文化与产品设计创新要素的结合,同时将学生学习能力的培养有机的结合到比赛中,有利于学生全面操作能力的提升和分析学习能力的提高。Chinese theme banquet design competition entries set up since 2012, the competition content in Chinese theme banq

11、uet design as the core, covering professional image display,dining table creative design, menu design, flower napkin folding, Chinese banquet layout, wine pouring, oral English, professional theory, scene analysis and etc.The competitions will take the form of individual, provinces on behalf of the

12、team sent three outstanding players to participate in the national finals.The competition has highlighted the combination of traditional Chinese food culture and innovation in product design elements, while the training of students learning abilities combine to the competition, it will promote the s

13、tudents comprehensive ability and enhance the analysis of learning ability.十一、比赛样题:见附件1。十二、比赛方式(含是否邀请境外代表队参赛):(1)各省初赛;(2)各省代表队选送3名优秀选手参加全国总决赛;(3)邀请境外代表队参赛或表演。十三、比赛时间安排与流程:比赛时间:理论知识测试60分钟,各选手统一完成。英语比赛选手依次按抽签顺序完成,每名选手5分钟。现场比赛每组90分钟完成。职业形象展示每组5分钟完成。比赛共预计3天完成。流程:理论知识测试 英语比赛 现场比赛职业形象展示十四、评分标准制订原则、评分方法、评分



16、计算办法为:直接算出每位选手的平均分,小数点后保留两位。(6)比赛只设个人成绩,不计团体成绩。竞赛名次按照得分高低排序。当总分相等时,按照创意得分 现场分析答辩 英语成绩得分排序。评分细则:见附件2。十五、奖项设置:竞赛设参赛选手个人奖,一等奖占比10%,二等奖占比20%,三等奖占比30%。获得一等奖的个人参赛选手的指导教师由组委会颁发优秀指导教师证书。十六、技术规范:参照高职高专旅游教职委编制的酒店管理专业人才培养方案中的专业教学要求;参照国家旅游局服务大赛中中餐宴会服务标准;参照国家劳动与社会保障部制订的中餐服务(高级)职业资格标准。十七、安全保障:(1)比赛现场设计考虑安全因素,注意人流

17、、物流的路线设计,合理划分比赛区域和观摩区。(2)制定应急预案。(3)设专门安保人员巡查现场各种安全隐患。(4)赛前检查设施设备的安全性。十八、 企业合作意向(参与企业提供的设备、技术、人员及经费支持等情况):山东大厦、喜达屋集团、舜耕管理集团、百川花园酒店等企业可提供比赛场地、设备及技术支持。与我院有合作关系的近30家酒店企业有意向出资赞助大赛。十九、赛项使用设备平台的相关标准:国家旅游局旅游饭店星级的划分与评定2010版标准要求。二十、建议使用的竞赛器材和技术平台:见附件3。二十一、经费预算与保障方案:经费预算:根据比赛组委会要求,结合本赛项特点,参照2013年比赛决算,预计本赛项预算在9



20、终组成裁判组。确定总裁判长1人,测量裁判3人,评判裁判5人,外语测试裁判3人,职业形象展示裁判3人,各组均推荐1人担任组长。二十六、其他:学院先后举办了2012年、2013年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项、全国旅游院校第三届服务技能大赛(饭店服务),山东省历年旅游行业饭店服务技能大赛。附件1:2014年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项(英语口语测试样题及参考答案)题型一 中译英 1. 我想在贵餐厅为我们公司预订两个宴会。(Id like to book two banquets in your restaurant for our company.)2.您的宴会打

21、算定在什么时候? (When would you like to hold your banquet?)3.您需要多少张餐台? (How many tables would you like?)4.您对宴会菜单有什么特殊要求?( Do you have any special demands for the banquet menu?)5. 请问是在谁的名下做的预订?(In whose name was the reservation made?)6. 我们晚餐开餐时间是下午5点到晚上10点。(The time for dinner is from 5p.m. until 10p.m.)7.

22、对不起,我们餐厅14日的餐位已经订满了。(I am sorry, sir. Our restaurant is fully booked on 14th.)8. 您打算人均用餐标准是多少?(How much would you like to pay for each person?)9. 有人均100元、150元和180元的标准,您想要订哪一种?(There are levels of 100 yuan, 150 yuan, 180 yuan per head. Which would you prefer?)10. 三百人用餐的最低收费是15000元,不含酒水饮料。(The minimum

23、 charge for a 300-people-dinner party is 15,000yuan, excluding drinks.)11. 您的餐桌已经准备好了,这边请。(Your table is ready, this way, please.)12. 现在可以上菜了吗?(May I serve the dishes now?)13. 希望您用餐愉快。(Please enjoy your meal.)14. 这道菜很烫,请小心。(The dish is very hot. Please be careful. )15. 您的这瓶葡萄酒已经添完了。请问是否需要再加一瓶?(Your

24、bottle of wine is finished. Would you like one more bottle? )16. 您需要把菜分一下吗?(Excuse me, sir / madam. May I separate the dish for you?)17. 您要不要来点烈性酒呢?要是喜欢酒精度低的话,我们这还有米酒。( Do you care for something a little stronger? If you prefer something milder, there is some rice liquor available here.)18. 先生,您对我们的

25、餐品还满意?(Are you satisfied with the meal, sir?)19. 祝您有个好胃口,先生。(Have a good appetite, sir. )20. 菜已经上齐了,接下来还有甜点。(This is the complete course. There is dessert to follow.) 题型二 英译中 1. How many people was it for? (有多少位客人用餐?) 2. At the dinner banquet Chinese food will be served and the minimum charge of RMB

26、120 Yuan per head is required. (您的晚宴将是中餐宴会,最低消费每位120元。)3. What drinks are you going to have for the banquet? (宴会需要什么酒水?)4. We dont have any vacant tables by the windows. (目前靠窗的位子都已经订出去了。) 5. Let me just confirm your reservation. (让我来确认一下您的预订。)6. Id like to cancel my reservation for Saturday night. (

27、我想要取消周六晚上的订位。) 7. Id like a private room for 15 people at eight thirty tomorrow evening. (明晚我要订一个15人的包厢,时间是明晚八点半。) 8. We can only hold your private room till 7:30 p.m., because after that time it is the peak season. (您的预订我们只能为您保留到晚上7点30分,因为那段时间是高峰期。) 9. Is there anything I can do for you?( 还有什么需要我帮你

28、的吗?) 10. We look forward to seeing you. (我们恭候您的光临。)11. Could you give me some more napkins? (请多给我几张纸巾。)12. Do you have vegetarian dishes? (餐厅是否有供应素食餐?)13. Here are our cold dishes, sir. (先生,这是我们的凉菜。)14. You might have a taste of Shaoxing liquor. (您不妨尝尝绍兴黄酒。)15. We have fresh orange juice, apple juic

29、e and watermelon juice. (我们的鲜榨果汁有橙汁、苹果汁和西瓜汁。)16. Can I bring any wine or liquor by myself? (我可以自带酒水吗?)17. Could you bring me a pair of chopsticks, please? (请给我拿双筷子好吗?)18. This dish is called “Mapo Tofu”. Enjoy it, please. (这道菜叫麻婆豆腐,请慢用。)19. After serving the last dish, you should tell the guests: “

30、This is the complete course.” (当上最后一道菜时,你需要告诉客人“您好,菜已上齐。”)20. Please hold the food; we still have one friend coming. (请稍后上菜,我们还有一个朋友没到。)题型三、 情景对话1. When a guest walks into the Banquet Department and wants to reserve a farewell banquet for his boss. What kind of information will you get from the gues

31、t? Answer: I need to get the time of the banquet, the number of people, the budget for each table, and so on. If possible, Id like to reserve a banquet room for the guest. Finally, I will keep the guests name and phone number. According to regulations, wed ask the guest to pay a sum of money as depo

32、sit as is required by the regulations.2. Is the preparation work for a banquet important? Can you explain it with your own experience?Answer: Yes. It is very important to make a full preparation for a banquet. There is a saying “a good beginning is half done”. To prepare for a banquet, the staff sho

33、uld make sure of the food requirement, decorations, service requirement and set the table for the banquet. Thats a tough job. But banquet staff cannot provide good table service without those preparations.3. What would you say to someone who walks into your restaurant for a meal ? And what procedure

34、 would you follow? Answer: Firstly, I will greet the guest by saying “Good morning sir/madam, welcome to our restaurant.” And then ask the guest if he / she has a reservation by saying “Have you got any reservation?”. If the guest has reserved a table, I will ask for his name and check the booking d

35、etails for the guest. After that Ill show him / her the way to the table. If the guest doesnt have any reservation, I will ask about the number of people, and his or her seat preference, and then arrange a table for the guest by saying “How many people are there in your party?” and “Will this table

36、do, sir/madam?”4. If a foreign guest comes to ask for suggestions about Chinese food, and he/she would like something hot and spicy, what kind of dish would you recommend? Answer: There are four major Chinese cuisines, or say, four styles. Each cuisine is distinctive and has its own style and flavor

37、. As the guest prefers something hot and spicy, Id recommend Sichuan dishes which are hot and spicy and taste different. Mapo Tofu and Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork are worth trying.5. Which step in the table service is most important in your opinion? Why?Answer: I think waiting at the table, meeting all

38、the needs of the diners is the most challenging. Firstly, the waiter/waitress should be very alert to the requests of the guests. Secondly, waiters and waitresses should be familiar with the dishes and environment of the restaurant. Thirdly, they should also be good at communicating with the guests

39、as well as with the kitchen staff. 6. Whats the major difference between liquor and wine?Answer: Liquor is an alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation. But wine is the beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes, usually containing from 10 to 15

40、percent alcohol by volume.7. How many different kinds of services do you know for a banquet, and what are they? Explain one of them in detail. Answer: Generally speaking, there are four different kinds of services for a banquet. They are sit-down service, buffet service, station service and passed-t

41、ray service. In sit-down service, the guests receive their food at their seats. Typically, waiters/waitresses offer a choice of entrees, and ask them to make selections ahead of time.8. Do you think the service of Chinese banquet is much simpler than that of a western one? Why ?Answer: No, I dont th

42、ink the service of Chinese banquet is simpler. The Chinese are used to taking dinning as part of their culture, and while serving a Chinese banquet, we have to follow certain precedures. Although the working procedures of Chinese banquets are quite the same as those of Western ones, working staff sh

43、ould also pay attention to the Chinese dining etiquettes and provide proper services. Sometimes, the job is really tough. For example, when receiving a wedding banquet, we have to serve hundreds of guests at the same time. It really is not an easy job.9. Please say something about the primary duties

44、 of the Banquet Department. Answer: Banquet Department is primarily responsible for making the reservation, seating the guests, serving at dinner and settling the payment. It may include the consultation of requirements of the banquet with guests, layout of the tables, cutlery, glasses and table lin

45、en with table decorations, and providing formal table service is another part. Staff should serve quickly and elegantly. Finally, when the banquet is finished, we should help guests to settle the payment.10. What is more important for banquet service, skills or attitude? State your reasons. Answer:

46、Both of them are important. One cannot do a job without professional skills; on the other hand, the guest wont be satisfied if you treat him/her badly. Sometimes, I think, good attitude can make up the lack of skills, as I believe, if we show consideration and concerns, the guest may be moved. The most satisfactory one is that we can serve our guest professionally with good attitude.附件2:2014年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项评分细则为保证2014年全国职业院校技能大赛中餐主题宴会设计赛项的顺利进行,本着“公正、公开、公平”的竞赛原则,特制订本细则。一、评分方式比赛总成绩满分100分,其中理论知识测试15%,现场操作50%,现场互评10%,外语水平测试20%,职业形象展示5%。具体评分方法如下:1.理论知识采取统一测试,集中阅卷方式。2


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