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1、2005年1月六级A卷超精解分析Part Listening ComprehensionSection A1. M: Im looking for an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment, but all your apartments are furnished. W: We can take care of that. We can simply remove the furniture. Q: What does the woman mean?A) Furnished apartments will cost more. B) The apartment

2、 can be furnished easily. C) The apartment is just what the man is looking for. D) She can provide the man with the apartment he needs.解析 男士要找没有家具的(unfurnished)的公寓,女士给了肯定的回答 我们可以处理。单词 unfurnished 没有家具的;apartment公寓短语 take care of 负责,处理2. W: I dont agree with Mr. Johnson on his views about social welf

3、are. He seems to suggest that the poor are robbing the rich. M: He might have used better words to express his ideas, but I find what he said makes a lot of sense. Q: What does the man mean?A) Mr. Johnsons ideas are nonsense. B) He quite agrees with Mr. Johnsons views. C) Mr. Johnson is good at expr

4、essing his ideas. D) He shares the womans views on social welfare.解析 女士说不同意Johnson的观点,男士说 Johnson也许可以使用更好的措辞来表达自己的观点(此处用虚拟语气,暗含的意思是Johnson只是措辞不当,观点还是有道理的),但是我发现他说的很有道理。But 引出男士所强调的话,也就是考点。短语 social welfare 社会福利;make sense 有道理,有意思,理解; view about / on sth. 对某事的观点3.W: Ive been studying all the time, bu

5、t I still cant see any improvement in my grades. M: Maybe instead of studying in your dorm, youd better go some place where there are fewer distractions. Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?A) Study in a quiet place. B) Improve her grades gradually. C) Change the conditions of her dorm. D) A

6、void distractions while studying in her dorm. 解析 题目问男士建议女士干什么。解题关键是听懂youd better这个建议句型。单词 dorm 宿舍;distraction 干扰句型 Youd better4. W: The seminar originally scheduled for today has been cancelled. The hours Ive spent preparing for it are totally wasted. M: Not really. As far as I know, its been postpo

7、ned till next week. Q: What does the man say about the seminar? A) It has been put off. B) It has been cancelled. C) It will be held in a different place, D) It will be rescheduled to attract more participants.解析 女士说原定今天的研讨会取消了,为研讨会准备所花的时间都浪费了。男士说只是被推迟到下周了。解题重点是postpone和put of之间的转换。单词 seminar 研讨会;ca

8、ncel 取消;postpone推迟;hold 举办短语 be scheduled for 被安排在 ;put off 推迟5. M: Hi, Janet, I hear youve just returned from a tour of Australia. Did you get a chance to visit the Sydney Opera House? W: Of course I did. It would be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creation in architect

9、ure. Its magnificent beauty is simply beyond description. Q: What do we learn from this conversation?A) Janet loves the beautiful landscape of Australia very much. B) Janet is very much interested in architecture. C) Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much. D) Janet thinks its a shame for any

10、one not to visit Australia. 解析 男士问女士是否有机会去参观悉尼歌剧院了。从女士的用词里可以看出她非常喜欢悉尼歌剧院。干扰项都是答非所问。词汇 tour 旅行;Opera House 歌剧院短语 beyond description 无法描述句型 It would be a shame for sb. not to do sth. 某人不做某事是很遗憾的6. M: Sherry, how are you doing with your thesis ? W: Oh my thesis! Thats something I definitely dont want t

11、o talk about right now. I finished my draft some time ago. But my supervisor said I should do more research if I want to achieve the quality that he expects of me. Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the womans thesis?A) It is based on a lot of research. B) It can be finished in a few we

12、eks time. C) It has drawn criticism from lots of people. D) It falls short of her supervisors expectations. 解析 男士问女士的论文做得怎么样了?解题关键是听清楚女士的回答,But引出女士回答的重心 质量没有达到导师的期望。单词 thesis 论文;draft 草稿;supervisor 导师短语 expect of sb. 对某人的期待;draw criticism from 受到某人的批评;fall short of 没有达到,不符合,缺乏句型 How are you doing wi

13、th sth? 某事你做得怎么样了?7. W: I cant believe Karen is late for such an important occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday. M: You should have known her better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other. Q: What does the man imply?A) Karen is very forgetfu

14、l. B) He knows Karen better now. C) Karen is sure to pass the interview. D) The woman should have reminded Karen earlier.解析 女士说昨天一再提醒Karen面试别迟到了,结果还是迟到了。男士说 你现在应该更了解她了。她是个左耳朵进右耳朵出的人。关键是对goes in one ear and out the other =forgetful的转换要熟悉。单词 occasion 场合;forgetful健忘短语 job interview 工作面试;time and again

15、一再;go in one ear out the other 左耳朵进右耳朵出 8. W: Hi, Joe, I wonder if you could do me a favor and tell the professor Ive lost my voice. So I cant attend this mornings class. I need the time to study for tomorrows exam. M: I dont think its wise to say so. Since youre not going to give the lecture, you m

16、ight as well simply skip the class and apologize to the professor later. Q: What will the woman probably do?A) Ask Joe to apologize to the professor for her. B) Skip the class to prepare for the exam. C) Tell the professor shes lost her voice. D) Attend the lecture with the man. 解析 女士要男士帮她请假,因为她要准备考

17、试。解题关键是要听清男士的建议 不去上课, 随后再给教授道歉。对各类建议的句型的把握,是考生备考的重点。短语 do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙;lose ones voice 嗓子哑了,失声了;attend the class 上课;give the lecture做演讲,做报告; skip the class 不上课,逃课, 翘课; attend the lecture 听讲座句型 I wonder if you could do me a favor. 您能不能帮我一个忙;I dont think its wise to do sth. 我认为做某事是不好的,不合适的,不明智的;Y

18、ou might as well do sth. 你不妨做某事(建议)9. M: After high school, Id like to go to college and major in business administration. I really like power and enjoy telling people what to do. W: Youre very ambitious. But Id rather spend my college days finding out what children are interested in. Childs psychol

19、ogy is for me. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?A) The man will go in for business right after high school. B) The woman is not happy with the mans decision. C) The man wants to be a business manager. D) The woman is working in a kindergarten. 解析 男士说他想上工商管理专业,他喜欢权力和发号施令。女士说他很有野心,她只想在大学里找到孩子

20、们对什么感兴趣。从男士的话中可以判断出他想当经理。解题关键是理解business administration 的意思。单词 ambitious 有野心的,有抱负的;psychology心理学;kindergarten幼儿园短语 major in 主修; business administration 工商管理;go in for sth. 从事某事;10. M: It seems the restaurants here have little business these days. W: Thats true. But ours is a scenic resort. and this

21、is not the busy season. When summer comes, youll see armies of tourists waiting in line in order to get a seat. Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the restaurants in the town? A) They stay closed until summer comes. B) They cater chiefly to tourists. C) They are busy all the year round.

22、 D) They provide quality service to their customers.解析 从女士的回答可以判断出这里的餐馆主要是面对游客的,旺季的时候才会人多。短语 scenic resort风景胜地;busy season 旺季;armies of 许多;wait in line排队等候; cater to 供应,招待,迎合;quality service 高质量的服务Section BPassage One (11) Both John and Sue joined the staff(全体职员) of a successful public relations fir

23、m in New York during the same year. They had just completed their PR degrees at a nearby university and were thrilled to be hired by one of the finest PR firms in the city. Johns first assignment (任务)was to create a promotion campaign for a client (客户)who was putting a new game on the market. Initia

24、lly Sue was assigned to work with a sportswear company on a marketing concept for its newest line of clothing. As time passed and work with their respective (各自的)first clients became more and more difficult, John and Sue realized that they had been assigned two of the toughest accounts (客户)in town.

25、(12)Although John completed his assignments quickly and successfully, he was furious when he learned that the boss had deliberately (故意地)assigned him a difficult account. In response he not only complained to his colleagues but also to the bosss secretary. Sue, on the other hand, had a more difficul

26、t time satisfying her first client and she took several additional months to actually complete the assignment.(13) However, she just laughed when she heard that the boss had made the assignment purposely(故意地). Over the next two years, John worked reluctantly with each assignment and problem that he

27、encountered.(13) Sue accepted each assignment cheerfully. And when problems arose, she responded with her characteristic (特有的,典型的) “No problem, I can handle it.” Although Sue took longer to complete her projects than John and both were equally successful on the assignments they completed,(14) Sue wa

28、s given the first promotion (提升)when there came a vacancy.11. Whats the relationship between John and Sue now?A) Classmates. C) Boss and secretary.B) Colleagues. D) PR representative and client.12. Why was John was furious after he finished his first assignment?A) He felt his assignment was tougher

29、than Sues. B) His clients complained about his service. C) He thought the boss was unfair to him. D) His boss was always finding fault with his work. 13. Whats Sues attitude to difficult tasks? A) She is unwilling to undertake them. B) She complains about her bad luck. C) She always accepts them che

30、erfully. D) She takes them on, though reluctantly. 14. How does the story end? A) Sue got promoted. C) Both John and Sue got a raise. B) John had to quit his job. D) Sue failed to complete her project. Passage Two American visitors to East Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how Asian cultures a

31、nd customs differ from those in the United States. Whats considered typical or proper social conduct (行为)in one country may be regarded as odd,(奇怪的) improper or even rude in the other. (15)For example, people from some East Asian countries may begin a conversation with a stranger by asking personal

32、questions about family, home or work. Such questions are thought to be friendly, whereas they might be considered offensive (讨厌的,无礼的)in the United States. On the other hand, people in most Asian cultures are far more guarded about expressing their feelings publicly than most Americans are. (16)Openl

33、y displaying annoyance (烦恼)or anger, yelling, arguing loudly and so forth is considered ill-mannered in countries such as Japan. Many East Asians prefer to hold their emotions in check (抑制感情)and instead express themselves with great politeness. They try not to be blunt (直率的)and avoid making direct c

34、riticisms. In fact, they often keep their differences of opinion to themselves and merely smile and remain silent rather than engage in a confrontation. By comparison, Americans are often frank about displaying both positive and negative emotions on the street and in other public places. Americans v

35、isiting Asia should keep in mind that such behavior may cause offense. A major difference between American culture and most Asian cultures is that in Asia, the community is more important than the individual. (17)Most Americans are considered a success when they make a name for (突出,成名)themselves.15.

36、 How would some Asians start their conversation when they meet for the first time?A) By greeting each other very politely. B) By exchanging their views on public affairs. C) By displaying their feelings and emotions. D) By asking each other some personal questions. 16. What would a Japanese do when

37、he feels annoyed?A) Refrain from showing his feelings. C) Argue fiercely. B) Express his opinion frankly. D) Yell loudly. 17. What is encouraged in American culture according to the passage? A) Getting rich quickly. C) Respecting individual rights. B) Distinguishing oneself. D) Doing credit to ones

38、community.Passage Three In order for a chemical to be considered a drug, it must have the capacity to affect how the body works. No substance that has the power to do this is completely safe. (18)Drugs are approved (批准)only after tests have demonstrated that they are relatively safe when used as dir

39、ected and when their benefits outweigh (超过)their risks. Thus some very dangerous drugs are approved because they are necessary to treat serious illnesses. (19)Many people suffer ill effects from drugs called side effects, even though they take the drug exactly as directed. The human population conta

40、ins a great variety of genetic variation(基因变异), but drugs are tested on just a few thousand people. When a particular drug is taken by millions, some people may not respond in a predictable way, even though the drug has been tested. (20)A patient may also acquire a tolerance(耐药性) for a certain drug,

41、 which means the patient has to take ever larger doses(剂量) to produce the desired effect. Tolerance may lead to habituation, in which the person becomes so dependent on the drug that he or she becomes addicted to (上瘾)it. Addiction causes severe psychological and physical disturbances when the drug i

42、s taken away. Finally, drugs often have unwanted side effects. These usually cause only minor discomfort, such as a skin rash, headache or sleepiness. Certain drugs, however, can produce serious adverse (不利的,有害的)reactions. 18. Under what circumstances are drugs approved?A) If they dont involve any r

43、isks. B) If they produce predictable side effects. C) When the urgent need for them arises. D) When tests show that they are relatively safe. 19. Why do many people suffer side effects from a drug even though they take it as directed?A) Because they are not accustomed to it. B) Because they are not

44、psychologically prepared for it. C) Because their genes differ from those who have been tested for it. D) Because they are less sensitive to it than those who have been tested for it. 20. What will happen when patients acquire a tolerance for a certain drug?A) They will have to take ever larger dose

45、s. B) They will become physically impaired. C) They will suffer from minor discomfort. D) They will experience a very painful process.Part II Reading ComprehensionPassage One 本文为叙事性议论文,语言比较抽象晦涩, 从 When Bad Things Happen to Good People一书中节选, 作者Harold S. Kushner 。由作者经历的一件事情(主持葬礼)引出话题 人们对亲人的死亡总是感到内疚,自责

46、,这反而使情况更糟。人们总是认为因为自己的失误,导致了某些事情的发生。如果换一种做法,事情的结果会更好。人们自责主要有两个原因。 I had an experience some years ago which taught me something about the ways in which people make a bad situation worse by blaming themselves. (21),(22)One January, I had to officiate at two funerals on successive days for two elderly w

47、omen in my community. Both (Both指two elderly women )had died full of years, as the Bible would say; both yielded to the normal wearing out of the body after a long and full life. (关键词 full of years, normal, a long and full life说明这两个老妇人是正常,自然死亡的。请同学们注意形容词在语篇中的关键作用,经常表示作者对某个事物的观点或评价) Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence (吊唁) calls on the two families on the same afternoon. (作者用自己的经历


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