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1、Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the An

2、swer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:According to a recent surv, ey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than employees did in 1979. They also take shorter vacations than employees in 1979. It seems that Americans are working harder today than eve

3、r before. Or are they? A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday. At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the bankers activities with him. What

4、 did they find out? They discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing unnecessary work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings, made redundant (多余的) telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases.(76) Apparently many people believe that the more tim

5、e a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes. When employers evaluate employees, they often consider the amount of time on the job in addition to job performance. Employees know this. Although many working people can do their job effectively during a regular 40-hour work week, they fee

6、l they have to spend more time on the job after normal working hours so that the people who can promote them see them.A group of headhunters (猎头) were asked their opinion about a situation. They had a choice of two candidates for an executive position with an important company. The candidates had si

7、milar qualifications for the job. For example, they were both reliable. One could do the job well in a 40-hour work week. The other would do the same job in an 80-hour work week just as well. According to a headhunting expert, the 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job. The time this candidate s

8、pends on the job may encourage other employees to spend more time at work, too. Employers believe that if the employees stay at work later, they may actually do more work.However, the connection between time and productivity (生产率) is not always positive. (77) In fact. many studies indicate that afte

9、r a certain point, anyones productivity and creativity begin to decrease. Some employees are not willing to spend so much extra, unproductive time at the office. Once they finish their work satisfactorily, they want to relax and enjoy themselves. For these people, the solution is to find a company t

10、hat encourages people to do both. 1. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Many people work long hours but do not always do a lot of work.B. Most people can get more work done by working longer hours.C. Most Americans work 80 hours a week, and some work even longer.D. People can make more money b

11、y working longer hours.2. The management consultant wanted to fmd out.A. how hard the investment banker worked during his work hours.B. when people spent time doing unnecessary work in their office.C. if people needed vacation after working hard for a certain period of time.D. whether Americans were

12、 really working harder than they had done before. 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes.B.Employers do not judge their employees job performance according to the amount of working time.C. Some people work more than 40 h

13、ours a week in the hope of getting promotion.D. Allemployees are willing to spend extra time at work. 4. The 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job because employers believe_.A. that he is more reliableB. his example would lead other employees to work longer hoursC. he has better qualificationsD

14、. he could encourage other employees to do a better job 5. The expression to do both in the last paragraph is_.A. to finish their work satisfactorily and relax and enjoy themselvesB. to pay attention to both performance and productivityC. to work long hours and have short vacationsD. to relax and en

15、joy themselves quite frequently Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not ail will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quaiity schools just as there are low-quality b

16、usinesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because .they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues (收入) signi

17、ficantly. Raising fees doesnt bring in more revenue, for each time fees go up, the, enrollment (注册人数) goes down, or the mount that must be given away in student aid goes up. (78) Schools are bad businesses, whether rmblic or orivate, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of

18、 the business. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full en

19、rollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. (79) There is no basis. for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are plentiful examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and

20、 colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity (多样性) is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In ah imperfec

21、t society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous, ha an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of keeping private higher education healthy.6. In the passage, the author asks the public t

22、o support_ .A. private higher education in generalB. public higher education in generalC. high-quality private universities and collegesD. high-quality state universities and colleges7. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of_.A. the nature of school B. poor teachersC. bad ma

23、nagement D. too few students.8. The phrase go under in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _.A. have low fees B. get into difficultiesC. do a bad job educationally D. have low teaching standards9. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.There are many cases indicating that private scho

24、ols are superior to public schools.B. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformity of education.C. A high-quality university is always a good business.D. Each time fees are raised, the enrollment goes up.10. In the authors opinion, the way that can save private schools lies i

25、n_.A. full enrollment B. raising feesC. reducing student aid D. national support Passage 3 Questions 11 to 15 are based onthe following passage:The fourth-graders atChicagos McCormick Elementary School dont know Chinese is supposed to be hard to learn. For most, who speak Spanish at home, its becomi

26、ng their third language. Theyve been heating and using Chinese words since nursery, and its natural to give a ni haowhen strangers enter the classroom. Its really fun! says Miranda Lucas, taking a break from a lesson that includes a Chinese interview with Jackie Chan. Im teaching my mom to speak Chi

27、nese.The classroom scene at McCormick is unusual, but it may soon be a common phenomenon in American schools, where Chinese is rapidly becoming the hot new language. Government officials have long wanted more focus on useful languages like Chinese, and pressure from them - as well as from business l

28、eaders, politicians, and parents - has produced a quick growth in the number of programs.Chicago city officials make their best effort to include Chinese in their public schools. Their program has grown to include 3,000 students in 20 schools, with more schools on a waiting list. Programs have also

29、spread to places like Los Angeles, New York City, and North Carolina. Supporters see knowledge of the Chinese language and culture as an advantagein a global economy where China is growing in importance. This is an interesting way to begin to engage with the worlds next superpower, says Michael Levi

30、ne, director of education at the Asia Society, which has started five new public high schools that offer Chinese. Globalization has already changed the arrangements in terms of how children today are going to think about their careers, The question is when, not whether, the schools are going to adju

31、st. (80) The number of students leaming Chinese is tiny compared with how many study Spanish or French. But one report shows that before-college enrollment (报名人数) nearly quadrupled between 1992 and 2002, from 6,000 to 24,000. Despite the demand, though, developing programs isnt easy. And the No. one

32、 difficulty, everyone agrees, is having enough teachers. Finding teacher is the challenge,says Scott McGinnis, an academic adviser for a language institute and a Chinese teacher for 15 years at the college level. Materials are easy comparison. Or getting schools funded.11. The best title for this pa

33、ssage might be_.A. Next Hot Language to Study: ChineseB. Next Hot Language to Study: SpanishC.Next Hot Language to Study: FrenchD. Chicago Is the Place to Learn Chinese 12. The most difficult thing to do is finding _.A. enough textbooks for the Chinese programsB. enough money for the Chinese program

34、sC. enough teachers for the Chinese programsD. enough students for the Chinese programs 13. We learn from the passage that_.A. Scott McGinnis has been a Chinese teacher for 15 yearsB. Jackie Chan is a Chinese teacher at McCormick Elementary SchoolC. Chicago officials ire required to learn ChineseD.

35、Scott McGinnis is good at giving his opinions on everything14. According to the passage, all the following statements are true EXCEPT_. A. the number of students learning Chinese is smallB. Chinese programs have found their way in several major Cities in the U.S.C. g0vernment officials dont like the

36、 pressure from business leaders and parents to start Chinese programsD. China is becoming more and more influential in the world15. The wordquadrupled in the last paragraph is close in meaning tomultiplied by_. A. three times B. four timesC. five times D. six timesPart Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

37、 Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. The driver was at_loss when_word came that he wasforbidden

38、 to drive for speeding.A. a; / B. a; the C. the; the D. /; / 17. My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice_expensive.A. as B. so C. too D. very 18. This magazine is very _with young people, who like its content and style.A. familiar B. popular C. similar D. part

39、icular 19. The art show was _ being a failure; it was a great success.A. far from B. along withC. second to D. regardless of 20. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a_of exercise.A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand 21. In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then.

40、 It is how youreact that makes a_.A. development B. difference C. progress D. point22. The hotel was awful! _, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didnt work.A. To begin with B. After allC. In reality D. As a whole 23. Dont worry if you cant understand everything. The teacher w

41、ill_ the main points at the end. A. recover B. reviewC. require D. remember 24. It is reported that the police will soon look_the case of the two missing children.A. upon B. after C. into D. out 25. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to_healthy eating habits.A. grow B. develop C. increas

42、e D. raise26. The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer 27. Over the past decades, sea ice in the Arctic(北极) as a result of global warming.A. had decreased B. will decreaseC. has been decreasing D. is decreasing 28. _ tw

43、ice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.A. Being bitten B. BittenC. Having bitten D. To be bitten 29. He_ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant 30. Many children,_parents are away worki

44、ng in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.A. their B. whoseC. of them D. with whom 31. If it_tomorrow, we will stay indoors to have our training class.A. rains B. rain C. will rain D. rained32. The college sports meet was _ till next week because of the heavy rain.A. put out B. put on

45、C. put off D. put up 33. Lord Jim_a private school five years ago with the money he earned through hard work.A. finds B. found C. founds D. founded 34. When Bob and his friends came, we_our supper then.A. had B. were havingC. have D. are having 35. That big dictionary_Tom two hundred dollars.A. spen

46、t B. paid C. cost D. took 36. It was in 2005 _we began to introduce this new technique into our company.A. which B. then C. when D. that 37. He_the maths examination if he had worked hard enough, but he didnt.A. would pass B. has passedC. would have passed D. passed 38. Since it is already midnight,

47、 we_now.A. had better leaving B. had better leaveC. had better to leave D. had better have left 39. Rabbits are quiet animals, _they are able to make 20 different sounds.A. how B. in spite ofC. because of D. even though40. There are two rooms in the house, _serves as a kitchen.A. the smaller of whic

48、h B. the smaller of thatC. the smallest of which D. the smallest of that41. I was so fired then that I fell_in class.A. asleep B. sleep C. sleeping D. slept42. I can only stay here for a while, but Ill come again in _ days.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 43. Given the choice between work and play, Tom would surely prefer the _.A. late B. later C. latter D. last 44. He be


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