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1、山东师大附中2011级高三第一学期期中考试英语试题注意事项:本试卷分第I卷(105分)和第II卷(45分),共15分 1、答第I卷,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2、每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。3、考试结束后,考生将II卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(共105分)第一部分:语言知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1、Unless the girl cant her shyness

2、, shell never pass the interview.A、take of B、get overC、break offD、give away2、-Is your mother a doctor in Qilu Clinic? No!But she there for ten years.A、workedB、has been workingC、has workedD、had worked3、He devoted all the money he had a house of his own.A、set up B、to set upC、to setting upD、setting up4

3、、With the nuclear crisis worsening in Iran, the worlds attention is fixed again on is called the Middle East A、whichB、thatC、itD、what5、-Are you satisfied with the result of the discussion? Not at all , I cant have A、a worse oneB、a better oneC、the worst oneD、the best one6、The real-name policy for trai

4、n tickets has been applied to all trains since January1,2012 in China, will make it easy for people to get ticketsA、whichB、whenC、whatD、where7、-What has made him in such a low mood recently?-_by his father for not passing the exam.A、Being criticizedB、CriticizedC、Having criticized D、To criticize8、Only

5、 when be possible to sign the papers.A、does the lawyer come with itB、the lawyer comes will itC、has the lawyer come it willD、the lawyer comes it will9、Find ways to praise your children often, youll find they will open their hearts to you.A、tillB、orC、andD、but10、Teachers be sensitive to the development

6、 level of each student so as to help them better.A、canB、mayC、are able to D、need to11、-How about summer camp?-I should say it was success.A、a;aB、the;不填C、a;不填D、the;a12、Tom is a top student in our class , How it be that he was a failure in the last exam?A、canB、shouldC、mayD、nust13、They became friends ag

7、ain that day , Until then, they to each other for nearly two yearsA、didnt speak B、havent spoken C、hadnt spokenD、havent been speaking14、Microblog(微博) with so many people is sure to influence our society.A、familiarB、popularC、similarD、particular15、-Come on, please give me some ideas about the design.A、

8、fillingB、filledC、to fillD、being filled16、To our great surprise, the disabled person made a requirement that he as a volunteerA、receivedB、was receivedC、be receivedD、would receive17、If the restaurant failed to make enough money, they would A、close downB、call offC、turn downD、set off18、If we now to brin

9、g down the housing price ,it will surely make our society in disorder.A、hadnt acted B、havent actedC、dont actD、wont act19、He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them in his lectures.A、interesting B、interestedC、interestD、to interest20、You must learn to consider all possible r

10、esults you begin to carry out your plan.A、althoughB、beforeC、becauseD、unless21、Not until I handed in the paper did I find easier to solve the problem that way.A、that B、itC、oneD、myself22、-What about the possible war between Syria and the US?- , I have no interest.A、Dont mention itB、Thats all rightC、I

11、have no ideaD、Go ahead23、 one of the girl players can beat LiNa in the following match in China isnt clear.A、WhoeverB、WhateverC、WhicheverD、Wherever24、The virtues of thrift(节俭)and hard work is vital for everyone, is often the case in any society.A、asB、thatC、whenD、where25、-Thanks to you for the mouse

12、, Ill return it as soon as I can. - ,Ive got another one to spare.A、No problemB、No hurryC、With pleasureD、Nothing much第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。A young and successful executive was traveling down a street , going a bit too fast in his new ca

13、r; He was 26 for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. 27 his car passed a brick 28 the cars side door, He pressed hard the 29 and spun the car back to the 30 from where the brick had been thrown,.He jumped out of the car, 31 a kid and pushed him

14、 up 32 a parked car,shouting,”what was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?” 33 more and more angry, he wen on “Thats a new car and that brick you threw is gonna 34 a lot of money, Why did you do it?”Please ,mister,please,Im sorry, Ididnt know what else to do!” 35 the yo

15、ungster, “Its my brother”,he said ,”He fell out of his wheelchair and I cant 36 him up”,Sobbing ,the boy asked the executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?”Hes hurt and hes too heavy for me.” 37 beyond words, the driver tried to 38 the rapidly swelling lump(块)in his thr

16、oat, He 39 the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his 40 and wiped the scrapes (擦伤)and cuts, 41 to see that everything was going to be okay.“Thank you ,sir, And God bless you,”the 42 child said to him ,The man then watched the little boy 43 bis brother to the sidewalk toward their home.

17、It was a long slow walk back to his car, He never did 44 the side door ,He kept the dent(凹痕)to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your 45 .26、A、lookingB、watchingC、caringD、waiting27、A、BeforeB、AfterC、asD、while28、A、hit B、blockedC、droppedD、scratched

18、29、A、hitB、brakesC、brickD、wheel30、A、spotB、whichC、thatD、this31、A、sawB、foundC、stoppedD、grabbed32、A、onB、inC、againstD、towards33、A、RemainingB、GrowingC、Building upD、Making up34、A、costB、spendC、useD、take35、A、beggedB、requiredC、askedD、wondered36、A、getB、pickC、liftD、put37、A、WorriedB、DepressedC、MovedD、Surprised38


20、25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATwo years ago ,Hannah Mighall ,then 13, survived a great white shark attack on Tasmanias north-east coast, but despite the terrible scars ,the shy yet courageous teenager is determined to get back into the water.Its been a long journey

21、 back for the brave girl, whose life was changed forever as she was on her surfboard 60 metres offshore at Binalong, Bay ,Tasmania.Her cousin ,32-yeaf-old syb Mundy ,was surfing nearby, “Suddenly, everything went quiet ,”Hannah ,now15,recalls of the day she almost lost her life, “I look down into th

22、e water and noticed a dark shadow under my board I knew instantly it was a shark.”As Syb watched in horror, the five-metre shark put hundreds of sharp teeth onto Hannahs right leg,throwing her from her board, “I was attached to my leg-rope as the shark stared to pull me under the water”,She shakes,

23、“I was lying on my back with one leg under the sharks body and the other still in its jaws.”Syb desperately punched (猛击)the sharks nose and reached out to grab Hannah as the monster bit a huge chunk(大块)from the surfboard, “I was still attached to my board and was dragged back under the water again,”

24、she says ,When she came up for air, Hannah dog paddled(爬泳)to Sybs board and he dragged her from the water to lie on his back ,”We looked down and saw the shark circling beneath us,”Hannah says.Hannah was rushed to the hospital by helicopter ,She needed more than 400 stitches(针)on her leg and spent t

25、wo weeks in hospital.Modest about her remarkable courage, Hannah owes her survival to Sybs bravery and the fact that great whites,despite their reputation as man-eaters, typically dont target humans ,After the attack ,Hannah earned the Sea Shepherd award for courage for speaking in defence of the sh

26、ark “I was in his territory, she wasnt in mine,”she smiles.46、Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A、Courage Can Beat Any DifficultyB、How to Escape from a Shark AttackC、A Survival from a Shark AttackD、Sharks Can Target Humans Sometimes47、What is the correct order of the follow

27、ing events happening to Hannah?a、She was bit and pulled by the sharkd、She was dragged from the waterb、She swam to Sybs boarde、She was pulled under the water againc、She came up to take a breathf、She noticed the change of the things around herA、f,a,b,e,c,dB、f,a,e,c,b,dC、a,e,c,b,d,fD、a,c,b,e,d,f48、From

28、 the passage, which statement is mentioned about Hanah?A、was so brave that this experience didnt have any influence on her lifeB、didnt hesitate to get hack into the water to surf immediately she recoveredC、thought it is a common thing to be attacked by a shark in the oceanD、didnt blame the fact that

29、 sharks are known as man-eaters for her being attacked49、How was Hannah sent to the hospital.?A、She was went to the hospital by SybB、She was went to the hospital by local peopleC、She was went to the hospital by helicopterD、She was went to the hospital by the Sea Shepherb50、The reason why Hannah was

30、awarded is that .A、She was brave to speak for the shark although she was severely injured by itB、She successfully escaped from a dangerous situation because of her courageC、She was courageous enough to go deep into sharksterritory and survivedD、She has been determined to go hack into the sea where t

31、here are sharksBAs rain begins to fall from the clouds, it is very pure. However, as it falls through the air it dissolves some of the gases in the air ,It also collects bits of dust and microbes(微生物)that are floating in the air, When the rain reaches the ground it begins to pick up more dust and di

32、rt, Many kinds of mineral substances dissolve in the water ,Sand and nud cannot dissolve in water.Since water is so important to us, it is very important that the water we use should be clean , Otherwise, we might get some of the diseases that are carried by water Many microbes are harmful ,They are

33、 so small that we cannot see them ,These microbes must be removed or killed before the water is not clean, people who drink this water may get these diseases, Thus , to provide people with clean water, the government purifies the water.Purification is a long process and consists of three stages: sto

34、ring ,purifying and distributing ,The first stage is storing , Man-made lakes called reservoirs are used for this purpose ,Water from the rains ,other lakes, streams and rivers is collected in the reservoirs ,This water is usually dirty and muddy.In the second stage shich is purifying , water from t

35、he reservoirs is filtered in a special pond, Stones, sand and other unwanted tiny things are caught in it, After that, tiny microbes are still present in the water ,These microbes are removed by “airing ”the water and by adding a chemical substance called chloring(氯)to the water ,This kills all the

36、microbes in the water ,A fter this the water can be safely used for drinking.The third stage is the distribution of the purified water to homes ,hospitals, offices ,factories and other places, This is done through a network of pipes of various sizes, These pipes must be make of a suitable material.5

37、1、From Paragraph 1, we can learn that A、Rain has contained gases when it forms in the cloudsB、Dust and microbes are dissolved in rain when rain falls on the groundC、The closer rain is to the ground, the more impure things it containsD、Sand and mud are things rain collects when it falls through the a

38、ir52、According to Paragraph 2 ,the following statements are wrong except that A、All the microbes in water are harmful so water must be purifiedB、some diseases can spread through drinking water if it is not cleanC、Water is safe to drink if only harmful microbes are removed from itD、it is the govrnmen

39、ts responsibility to make drinking water clean53、What can we know about man-made lakes?A、It is used through the whole process of purificationB、Only rain water can be collected and stored in itC、Water collected can be stored and filtered in itD、Water from them contains a lot of impure substances54、Wh

40、at is the function of the chemical substance chlorine?A、to air the waterB、to catch tiny thingsC、to kill microbesD、to remove harmful gases55、What is probably this passage?A、A news reportB、A book reviewC、A magazine articleD、A school paperCBabies who are slow to gain weight in the first months of their

41、 lives generally catch up to their peers by age 13,a large UK study shows, Researchers said the results would make parents whose babies fail to put on weight quickly less worried.The researchers looked at data from ,11,499 children who took part in a large study, It showed that 507 who were slow to

42、gain weight in the first eight weeks of life recovered fairly quickly and had almost caught up by age 2. Another group of 480 who were slow to gain between eight weeks and nine months continued to put on weight slowly until they were seven years ,but then had a sudden increase and caught up by age 1

43、3, The different pattems of recovery between the two groups were likely due to different reasons for slow weight gain ,the researchers said, All the children were still lighter and shorter than their peers by the time they were teenagers ,but within the normal range.The findings highlight the import

44、ance of monitoring a babys weight and height gain during the first few weeks and months ,but not creating anxiety with parents of slow-growing babies, said the study leader Prof Alan Emond from the University of Bristol.“In the past, a lot of parents have been caused unnecessary anxiety by heaith pr

45、ofessionals and this is a positive and reassuring message.”He said in many cases of slow growth where children do not follow the standardcurve(曲线)it is just because they are following their genetic potential.Dr Simon Newell, vice-president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said h

46、e broadly agreed with the concluslons of the researchers but stressed that poor weight gain was something that needed to be monitored closely, “I would encourage parents to use growth charts but if measurements show your baby is smaller than averager it may be completely normal, ”he said.56、What can we know from the findings of the research?A、All the cases of slow weight gain in the first months of the babies lives are caused by the same reasonB、Slow-growing babies will have the same height and weight


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