1、1.Paper Organization and Writing,Main Sections of the Paper,TitleBy-LineAbstractIntroductionExperimental ResultsConclusions&DiscussionsAcknowledgementsReference,Title,Provides peer readers quick overview12-15 wordsIncludes useful keywords to index article properly 常采用名词或名词短语,很少采用句子,如:Study,Design,Im
2、plementation,Analysis,Application英语标题字母大写所有单词字母大写首字母大写除介词、贯词、连词外其余单词首字母大写,e.g.SECURITY IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS:CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS Study of all optical logic AND gate using LOA-based XGM Current Studies and Future Prospects on Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM),By-Line-Authorship,All positions a
3、re not equalFirst author,secound authorFirst author-major contributionssecound author-major professorAll authors are responsible for technical content,interpretation,and expression of ideas in their articles,By-Line(Contd),Addresses for all contributorsenables correspondencetoday frequently e-mail,A
4、bstract,Compact,150-words summaryWritten last to accurately represent paper content Should contain:ProblemApproachUniquenessFindingsConclusions,Abstract composition,基本内容和形式独立性和完整性。摘要的长度。用主题句(topic sentence)开头,阐明论文的主题,可以部分重复论文的标题。短篇论文的摘要不分段,长篇报告或学位论文的摘要可分段,但段落不宜太多。使用完整的句子,注意前后语句的连接。避免缩略词,如果出现第一次要加以说明
5、。在摘要后面附上38个表示全文内容的关键词(keywords)。,Introduction,Statement of the problem and its significanceRelevant literature review:identify relevant workidentify limitationsOverview of your papers studyuniqueness,Methods,complete information of materials and methods used,conditions present,experimental design,et
6、c.this section usually has subheadings;when possible match those to be used in Resultsenough information must be given so that the experiments could be reproducedask a colleague if he/she can follow the methodology,Results,Introduce methods of data analysis,i.e.,Introduce methods of statistical anal
7、ysisState each findingUse lots of pictures(figures)&tables,Figures&Tables,Figuresgraphical representation of datamakes trends easy to see and graspTablesExplanations or values of parameters,Figures&Tables,Keys to the paper and its findingsRULE OF THUMB:Reader should be able to grasp principal findin
8、gs either by reading text or by looking at figures and tablesShould be titled,Figures&Tables,图2-1 基于LOA交叉增益调制示意图,Figures&Tables,图2 LOA全光逻辑与门的模拟结果Fig.2 All optical AND logic simulation result of LOA,图3 SOA全光逻辑与门的模拟结果Fig.3 All optical AND logic simulation result of SOA,Figures&Tables,图4-3 LOA2子段载流子密度变
9、化Fig.4-3 Variety of carrier density in LOA2,Figures&Tables,表1-1 几种转换技术主要性能的比较Table.1-1 Comparison of characters in several conversion technology,Figures&Tables,表4-1 逻辑AND的真值表,Conclusions&Discussions,What do the results mean?Summary and interpretation-what have you learned?Specifics then generalizati
10、ons,Conclusions&Discussions(contd),How are the results related to other studies in the field?What else needs to be done to better understand these results?Should identify what questions remain unanswered by present study and what new questions have been raised by present study,Conclusions&Discussion
11、s(contd),Last paragraph important:Summary of key findingsStatement of future work Prefaced by:“In conclusion,.”“In summary,.”,Acknowledgements,Names of other individuals associated with project,References,Should cite key references in fieldDo not ignore older papers,References,参考文献:1 Francis D,DiJai
12、li S P,Walker J D.A single-chip linear optical amplifier J.Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit,2001,4(13):1-3.2 Mingshan Z,Merlier J,Morthier G,et al.All-optical 2R regeneration based on polarization rotation in a linear optical amplifier J.IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett,2003,15(2):305307.3 潘炜,张晓霞,罗斌 等.端面反射率的波长特性对外腔半导体激光器调谐范围的影响 J.光学学报,2001,21(8):975979.4 李茜,潘炜,罗斌 等.基于LOA的XGM全光波长转换消光比特性的研究 J.光通信技术,2006,10:33355 李茜,潘炜,李海涛 等.基于LOA-XGM全光逻辑与门的研究 J.固体电子学研究与进展,2009,29(1):6771,