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1、班级_姓名_考号_初一英语第一次月考试卷 时间100分钟 满分120分同学们,欢迎你们升入初中学习!通过一个多月的努力,相信你们已经适应了紧张的初中学习生活,并且已经掌握了许多新知识、新本领、新技能!本次月考旨在检验同学们一个月来的学习状况,请仔细审题并认真作答,预祝同学们取得优异成绩!一、 按大小写顺序默写26个英文字母,并写出5个元音字母(18分)二、英汉互译(22分)A、写出下列短语(8分)1电子游戏 computer_ 2失物招领lost_found3一套,一副a _of 4一个身份证_5为而感谢_ 6三块手表_7我的铅笔_ 8她的名字_B、写出下列简称的含义(4分)1BBC_ 2光盘

2、_3不明飞行物_ 4NBA_C、翻译句子(10分)1这是你的格尺吗?_?2他叫什么名字?_?3那些是你的兄弟姐妹。_.4你的书是什么颜色的?What _ is your book?5用英语说这是什么?_ this in English?6请给李雷打电话,号码是1234567。 Please _Li Lei_1234567.三、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,20分)( )1.His name is Tony Brown.Tony is his_name.A.first B.last C.full D.family( )2.I_Ann.You_Sam and that girl_Lucy.A.i

3、s,am,are B.are,is,am C.am,is,are D.am,are,is( )3.He with you_at school.A.are B.am C./ D.is( )4.There is(有)_ “u” in “you”. A.a B.an C.the D./( )5.-Whats your name?-_.A.Francisco B.His name is Francisco C.My name is francisco D.Hello( )6.Im fine,_?A.thanks B.thank you C.and you D.and are you( )7.-Are

4、you Han Mei?-_.I am Wei Hua.A.Yes,I am B.No,I am not C.No,I am D.Yes,I not( )8.-Whats this?-_a pen.A.This B.Thiss C.Its D.Its( )9.-_do you spell ruler?-R-U-L-E-R.A.What B.How C.Whats D.Hows( )10.-Is this Tom?-No,_.A.it is B.he is C.it isnt D.he isnt( )11.Those are my _.A.sister B.brother C.sisters D

5、.friend( )12._four_seven?Eleven.A.Whats,is B.What,and C.Whats it,is D.Whats,and( )13.That is a boy.I dont know(不知道)_name.Amy B.her C.his D.he( )14.Is _your sister?A.he B.she C.they D.you( )15.Its a photo _my family.A.in B.of C.her D.Here( )16.-_your sister?-Yes,it is.A.Are these B.Are those C.Is tha

6、t D.Is these( )17.This is my sister,_name is Kate.A.her B.his C.my D.your( )18.Those are_A.boy friend B.boys friend C.boy friends D.boys friends( )19.-_your uncle and aunt here?-Yes, they _.A.Is,are B.Are,is C.Is,is D.Are,are( )20.-Whats your_?-526-3201.A.name B.phone C.family D.phone number四、补全对话A、

7、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子或短语完成对话,将其字母标号填在方框下的空白处(5分)A:_1_!Ann.B:Good morning!Leo.A:_2_?B:Fine,thank you.How are you?A:_3_!B:_4_?A:Its an orange.B:Spell it,please.A:_5_.A.How are youB.O-R-A-N-G-E,orangeC.Good morningD.Im OKE.Whats this in English1_2_3_4_5_B、在对话空白处填入适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整并正确(5分)

8、A:Is _1_a photo of your family?B:_2_,it is.A:Is this your_3_?B:_4_,it isnt.Its my aunt. This_5_my mother.A:So the man is your_6_.B:Yes,_7_are right( 正确).A:_8_at the baby(婴儿).Is that_9_?B:Yes,_10_me.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_五、填空(10分)A.根据句意填词(5分)1_me,are you Tom?2How are you?Im_(不错)3My father and mother a

9、re my_.4He is my father,but Im not his son,Im his_.5Uncles son is my_.B用所给词适当形式填空1The _(girl)name is Mary.2This is_(I)friend.3Are _(this)his rulers?4His _(one)name is Gina.5My friend is Mary,_(her)is 14.六、句型转换(10分)将答案写在题后横线上(1).The name of Marys bird is Polly.(画线提问)_1_the name of Marys bird?(2)That

10、is my friend.(变复数)_2_ _3_ _4_ _5_.(3)These are erasers.(变单数)_6_.(4)His grandfather and grandmother are fine.(同意句转换)His_7_are fine.(5)Those are his pens.(变一般疑问句)_8_ _9_ his pens?(6)Is that your dictionary?(作否定回答)No,it _10_.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_七、阅读理解(20分)(1)读对话,完成John和Alice的ID卡。(11分)John:Hi,girl.My n

11、ame is John Smith.Whats your name?Alice:My name is Alice Green.Nice to meet you.John:Nice to meet you,too,Alice.Is this your pencil sharpener?Alice:Yes,it is.Thank you very much,John.John:You are welcome.Whats your telephone number,Alice?Alice:My telephone number is 89432783.And what about you?John:

12、My number is 65881324.Alice:OK.Thank you again,John.Bye-bye.John:Bye.School ID card_1_ _2_First name Last namePhone number(in English)_School ID card_3_ _4_First name Last namePhone number(in English)_(2)阅读后填空(4分)Hello!My name is David Smith.Im an American boy(美国男孩).Here is an English girl.Her name

13、is Becky.She is 12,Im 12,too.Becky is in Class Three,Grade One.Im in Class Three,Grade One,too.Were classmates(同班同学).She is Number Eight,Row Five.I am Number Five,Row Eight.1. David is an_1_ _2_. 2. Becky is Number_3_,Row_4_1_2_3_4_(3) 阅读后完成下列选项(5分)Hello,Im Liu Xing.This is a photo of my family.The

14、woman in the photo is my mother,Liu Mei.She is a nurse and she is very kind(善良).The man is my father,Xia Donghai.He is always happy.But he is also lazy(懒惰的).He doesnt do housework.I have a sister,Xia Yu.He is a primary student.He is 7.He is good at playing computer games.I have a happy family.I love

15、 them very much.( )1.There are_people in the photo. A.three B.four C.five D.six( )2Mr Xia has_. A.two daughters B.two sons and a daughter C.two daughters and a son D.a son and a daughter( )3Xia Xue is Liu Meis_. A.son B.sister C.mother D.daughter ( )4Liu Xing and Xia Yu are_. A.seven B.brother and sister C.father and son D.brothers( )5Whats the writers(作者)name? A.Xia Donghai B.Liu Mei C.Liu Xing D.Xia Xue八、作文(10分)假如你是Paul,你拾到一枚戒指,你的电话号码是654-123,请写一个失物招领 。_


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