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1、批注:先通过这七副图引起学生的兴趣,对于基础较弱的学生,可引导学生先说出中文然后给出英文,或者给出英文让学生进行配对。对于基础较好的学生可以让学生直接表达。这主要目的是通过这几幅画调动学习氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,引入今天教学的主题。通过以上两个问题的回答,学生对本节课的教学内容有一定了解,同时也为后面的教学奠定基础。一、词汇Words1. popular adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的 【例句】She is a popular singer. 她是一名受欢迎的歌手。【拓展】in popular language 用通俗的话 a popular song 流行歌曲 a popular wri

2、ter 受人欢迎的作家【常用搭配】:be popular with受欢迎;有名气例句:The reporter is popular with his audience.这个报告者很受听众的欢迎。Shes a lively child and popular with everyone.她是个活泼的孩子, 大家都喜欢她.Bakers act was certainly very popular with the audience.贝克的表演无疑受到观众们的欢迎。be popular in在有名望be popular for因受爱戴(受欢迎)be popular among在中评价很高2. wo

3、uld modal v. 表示意愿 【例句】What kind of noodles would you like? 你喜欢哪种面条?【用法】(1)would 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,可与人称代词缩写为d, 与其它情态动词一样. I would= Id He would= Hed We would= Wed She would= Shed They would = They would 1)will 的过去时态,表意愿。例:He would not let me go. 他不会让我去的。2)用于第二人称作主语的疑问句中,表谦恭的请求或征求意见,比will 更客气。Would you m

4、ind cleaning the window? 请把窗户擦一下好吗?3)表过去的习惯,后接动词原形,意为“总是,总会”。Every time she was in trouble, she would go to him for help. 她每遇到麻烦都会向他求助。(2) Would you like sth.? 是提建议的一种句型,如需用一些,用some而不用any.肯定回答是: Yes, please./ All right. / Yes. /OK. 其否定回答是:No, thanks.【试一试】:a. ( ) - Would you like _ apples?- Yes, plea

5、se.A. some B. any C. manyb. ( ) - Would you like to eat beef noodles. - No, _. A. Thank you. B. thanks C. all right.(2)would like sth 想要某物= want sth. (would like比want委婉。)would like to do sth 想要做某事=want to do sth.would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事= want sb. to do sth. 例句:He would like to play soccer.

6、他想要踢足球。【即学即练】1) Do you want _?A. speak English B. to the new pants C. go home D. to go to school 2) -Can I help you? -I _ some potatoes. A. would like B. wants C. like D. has3) Would you like _ (drink) some green tea?Keys: 1)选D. 2)选A。 3) to drink批注:教师在教学的过程中可以引导学生对would联想记忆。can的过去式是could, 把c换成w就是wou

7、ld, 是will的过去式。对于would like用法,可以让学生多说,通过多表达来记住其用法。3. some n. 一些 【例句】Id like some noodles. 我要一些面条。【用法】1)some+不可数名词,作句子主语时,动词用“三单”。some+可数名词复数,作句子主语时,动词用“复数”或“原形”。2)肯定句中表达“一些”用some;否定句、疑问句中表达“一些,任何”用any.但表委婉请求时仍用some. 例句:1) I would like some beef noodles. 2) I wouldnt like any chicken noodles. 3)Would

8、you like some noodles?【即学即练】1) Some chicken _ (be) in the bowl. Some eggs _ (be) on the table.2) I didnt have _ money for a taxi.3) Id like some _ and _.A. porridge, vegetables B. beef, tomato C. French fries, orange juicesKeys: 1) is; are 2)any 3)选A。批注:教师在上课过程中要指出some和any用法是考查的重点,引起学生的重视。可以通过例句让学生自

9、己去总结some 和any用法,这样记忆比较深刻,同时加以相关练习题巩固。4. noodle n.面条 【例句】Id like some noodles. 我要一些面条。【用法】noodle是可数名词,常用复数形式noodles. 批注:教师在授课过程中对于基础较好的学生可以引导他们思考,还有哪些相关的词也是可数名词并常以复数形式出现?如dumplings. 5. special n.特色菜【例句】Special 1 has beef and onions. 一号特色餐有牛肉和洋葱。【用法】special作“特色菜”是可数名词,复数是specials. special也可作adj, 意为“特殊

10、的,特别的,专门的”。 例句:Today is a special day. 今天是个特别的日子。 批注:对于基础较好的学生要掌握special做名词和动词的含义,并且知道special是可数名词。因此可以引导学生去总结还有哪些词也是可数名词。6. fish n. 鱼;鱼肉【例句】Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼【用法】1) 指多少条“鱼”,为可数名词。复数:fish或fishes,通常用复数fish.2) 指多少种“鱼”, 为可数名词。复数:fishes.3) 指“鱼肉”,为不可数名词。例句:Therere hundreds of fish in the

11、pool. 在这水池里有几百条鱼。 Therere all kinds of fishes in the lake. 这个湖里有各种各样的鱼。【即学即练】There _ (be) some fish in the pool. Key:填are。由后面的pool可知fish在句中是指鱼,其复数形式是fish或fishes。 批注:在做题的过程中,一定要根据句以来进行做题,句意到底是指多少条鱼还是多少种鱼还是指鱼肉。上面的两幅图片可以来帮助学生进行记忆。7. large, medium, small【点拨】三词用于表示衣服的尺码时分别缩写为L,M,S,表示大码,中码,小码【活学活用】根据汉语意思完

12、成句子(1)Its better value if you buy a _box.你要是买一个大号箱子就更划算了。(2)There are three sizes-small, _and large.有三种尺寸小号,中号和大号(3)This is too big. Have you got a _one?这个太大。有没有小的?8.chicken,beef 与mutton【点拨】三词分别表示“鸡肉/ 牛肉/ 羊肉”,是不可数名词,当chicken指“鸡”时,是可数名词。【拓展】bull 公牛 cow 奶牛,母牛 sheep绵羊 goat山羊9.green tea 绿茶【点拨】红茶 black t

13、ea Id like two cups of green tea.我想要两杯绿茶。10.and与or【点拨】两者都可用作连词,连接并列成分时,意为“和”。(1) and一般用于肯定句,or用于否定句和疑问句,两者通常不可互换。如句中有三个或三个以上并列成分,则and或or只连接最后两个成分,前面的成分分别用逗号隔开。(2) 在否定句中,如果所连接的两个词都有否定词时,则用and,而不用or.【活学活用】根据汉语意思完成句子(1) He likes fish _beef.他喜欢鱼肉和牛肉。(2) He doesnt like fish _beef. 他不喜欢鱼肉和牛肉。(3) We learn

14、dancing, singing, _.我们学习跳舞,唱歌,游泳和绘画。(4) We dont learn dancing, singing, _.我们不学习跳舞,唱歌,游泳和绘画。(5) It has_= It has _ 它没胳膊,也没有腿。二、句型讲解1. - What would you like? 你想要什么? - Id like some noodles. 我想要一些面条。 【解析】What would you like? = What do you wantId like some noodles. = I want some noodles.句型:某人想要什么?What wou

15、ld sb. like?想要某东西:would like sth = want sth (后跟名词,不加to) 想要做某事:would like to do sth = want to do sth (后跟动词,加to)【即学即练】 Keys: 选A。 选C。 to visit would like, to No, thanks. mutton noodles批注:教师在讲解的过程中要注意would like用法的讲解,可以通过例句让学生自己来总结。学会点餐是本单元的重点,课上可花几分钟时间进行句型的操练。2. Special 2 is just/only 10 RMB for15 dumpl

16、ings. 二号特色餐只要十元,有15只饺子。(新书上没有,另加的)【解析】be动词+钱数+for+商品数量”。表示商品的价格。注意介词for。 例句:The apples are 10 RMB for 5. 这些苹果卖3元钱5个。批注:学生要特别注意介词for,这是考点。句中出现special,教师可以让学生回顾其用法,加深印象。 3. Hed like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles. 他要一小/中/大碗面条。【解析】一小/中/大碗面条:a small/medium/large bowl of noodleslarge/medium/small三个

17、形容词常用来描述物品号码的大小,且常用其首字母进行标注。【即学即练】 ( )She is heavy, so she needs a T-shirt with “_”. A. S B. M C. L D. B Keys: a bowl of two pairs of 选C。句意是“她胖,所以她需要一个大号的T恤”。L表示large大号,S表示small小号,M表medium中号批注:本句中出现would like,可以引导学生对would like相关用法的回顾。对于基础好的学生可以过渡到一则消息,两则消息的表达,或者给出例句让学生自己总结。 4. - What kind of noodles

18、 would you like? 你想要什么种类的面?- Id like beef and tomato noodles. 我想要牛肉番茄面。- What size (bowl of noodles )would you like? 你想要多大碗的面?- Id like a medium bowl of noodles. -我想要一中碗面。 【解析】1)什么种类:What kind 什么尺寸:What size 一大/小/中碗面条:a large/small/medium bowl of noodles2) kind用法1)种类 a kind of一种many kinds of多种all ki

19、nds of各种各样的kind of 有点 例句:He is kind of lazy. 他有点懒。2)仁慈的,和蔼的,好意的,友爱的 He is a kind man. Its very kind of you to help me.3)kind of + adj/adv 稍微/有几分(相当于a little) 例句:He is kind of /a little shy.【即学即练】 Keys: kind of What colour of 批注:问什么种类的面和多大碗的面的英语表达是本单元的重点句型。教师可以设置不同的情境让学生进行句型操练,通过多说多练来掌握句型及用法。kind用法也是

20、重要,可以通过具体例句进行记忆。5.May I take your order?你现在点菜吗?【点拨】这是餐馆,饭店服务员接待顾客时的常用语。服务员接待顾客时,还可以使用以下句型。(1) May/ Can I help you?(2) What can I do for you?(3) Is there anything I can do for you?其答句为:Yes,please. I want /Id like或No, thanks.【拓展】order意为“点菜“,表示在(旅馆,饭店)叫(饭菜,饮料)等,既可作动词,也可用作名词。此外,order还可以表示”命令,预定”。Please

21、order a bowl of chicken soup for me.请给我点一碗鸡肉汤。I order you to sit down.我命令你坐下。【牛刀小试】根据汉语意思完成句子-May I_ your _? 你现在点菜吗?-Yes, I want two_ _ of beef soup. 是的,我要两小碗牛肉汤。 三单元语法讲解本单元的语法项目:名词单复数countable nouns and uncountable nouns。 名词单复数1. 普通名词又可分为可数名词和不可数名词两种。其具体分类可用下表表示:种类意义例词可数名词个体名词表示个别人或事物的名称table,cat,s

22、ister 不可数名词物质名词表示物质或材料的总称water,sun,snow,hair 抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、情感等抽象名词health,weather 2. 名词的数可数名词:单数名词名词前加a/ an 复数名词名词后加sa. 可数名词规则变化可数名词复数的构成及读音规则如下:情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加 -s清辅音后/s/;浊辅音和元音后读/z/map - maps,bag - bags,car - cars以 s, x, ch, sh等结尾的词加 -es-es 读 /iz/bus - buses,class - classes,box - boxes,watch - watc

23、hes,brush - brushes以-f或-fe 结尾的 名词多数将-f和-fe变v加 -es-ves读/vz/leaf - leaves, thief - thieves,life - lives, knife - knives以辅音字母+ y结尾的非专有名词变y为i 再加es-s 读 /z/baby babies, story stories以辅音字母 + o结尾的名词一般加 -es-es 读/z/hero heroes,potato - potatoes,以元音字母 + o结尾的名词加-s-s 读/z/bamboo - bamboos, radio - radios, zoo - z

24、oos小试牛刀1.book_ 2.bus _ 3.orange _4.baby_ 5.boy_ 6.knife_7. watch_ 8. leaf _ 9.film_ 10. door_ 11. picture_ 12.class_ 13. story_ 14.football_ 16.classroom_17.tree_ 18.egg_ 19.coat_ 20. tomato b. 不规则名词复数变化英语里有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的,需要记忆。man -men woman -womenEnglishman-Englishmen Frenchman-FrenchmenAmerican-Am

25、ericans German - Germanschild-children foot-feettooth- teethc. 单复数同形 fish -fish sheep-sheep deer-deer Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese3不可数名词1). 不可数名词就是无法或不能用数目来计算的名词。不可数名词没有复数形式。2). 不可数名词:只有单数形式,且不加a/an.3). 不可数名词量的表示方法: 数词/冠词+量词+of+不可数名词本单元中的名词单复数归类可数名词:bowls apples strawberries oranges carrots不可数名

26、词:beef mutton meat milk water既有可数又有不可数:chicken salad ice- cream cabbage 练习:请归类可数名词和不可数名词,把该单词的编号写在相应的位置上。A. book B. milk C. rice E. soup F. waterG. tea H. hamburger I. bread J. money K. paper L. desk M. toy N. baby O. season P. egg Q. coffee R. computer S. tree T. meat V. tooth W. room X. pen Y. bee

27、f Z. chair可数名词:_ _不可数名词:_批注:名词的可数性和不可数性是中考的重点。因此在平时的学习中学生要多注意积累和总结。可数名词不规则变化形式不要死记硬背,多记多看多运用,多总结发现规律。四练习I .Choose the best answer. (每题1分,共15分)( ) 1. -_? -Yes, Id like some milk. A .Where are you B. What do you do C. Can I help you D. How can you get the milk ( ) 2. Some oranges _ in the bag. Some ch

28、icken_ on the table. A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D. is, are ( ) 3. - Would you like some_ ? -Oh, yes, just a little.A. apples B. carrots C. cakes D. beef( ) 4. -What _do you have? -We have small, medium and large bowls.A. kind B. size C. color D. other( ) 5. Hed like a bowl of_ noodles.A. tomat

29、o and egg B. tomatoes and egg C. tomatoes and eggs D. tomato and eggs( ) 6. - Would you like some tea? -_ .A. Yes, it is B. Yes, please C. Yes, I would D. No, I wouldnt ( ) 7. -Do you like ice cream? -Yes, I do. I like _ very much.A. it B. them C. they D. its( ) 8. Ted would like a bowl of noodles _

30、 chicken and cabbage .A. in B. to C. of D. with( ) 9. There _ some juice in the bottle. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 10. He doesnt want salad, apples _ chicken. A. so B. also C. and D. or ( ) 11. -What kind of _ does your son want to buy? -Ice cream and bananas A. fruit B. vegetables C. dessert D. d

31、rinks( ) 12. What size bowl of noodles would her sister like, small _ large? A. and B. but C. or D. as well as( ) 13. -What about something to drink? -_. A. A piece of green tea B. A glass of green tea C. A bowl of them D. An green tea ( ) 14. This kind of dumplings is special in our restaurant. It

32、is RMB 6 yuan _12. A. in B. for C. on D. at ( ) 15. -Would you like _? -Thank you. I am not hungry. A. some juice B. some bread C. any juice D. any bread. Complete the sentences. (每题1分,共10分)1. Chinese people always make d_ on Spring Festival.2. Id like b_ and tomato noodles.3. We have some great s_

33、on the menu today.4. Do you like green t_ or coffee?5. Heres the m_. You can order food.6. My mother usually buys some p_ to cook dinner.7. Having s_ before meals is a good way to lose weight.8. Whats the r_ of her coming late?9. Its hot. Do you want something to d_?10. In Xinjiang, people like to e

34、at m_ because there are many sheep there.句型转换。(课后完成)1. Id like some beef.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ beef?2. Those boys want four large bowls of rice.(改为同义句) Those boys _ _ four large bowls of rice. 3. Mary would like tomato and egg noodles.(对画线部分提问) _ _ of noodles would Mary like?4. Taotao would like some br

35、ead and milk for breakfast.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Taotao like for breakfast?5. Shed like a medium bag of apples.(对画线部分提问) _ _ bag of apples would she like?用所给词的适当形式填空。(课后完成)1. How many _(tomato) are there?2. Id like mutton and _(potato) noodles.3. There _(be) some apple juice in the bottle.4. What size _(sho

36、e) do you wear?5. Hed like _(play) football with me.6. A bowl of noodles _(be) enough.7. Uncle John _(water) the flowers in the garden now.8. There are twenty _(man teacher) in our school.9. Many _(America) come to our school every year.10. There are many _(drink) on the shelf.Keys: I . 1-5 CCDBA 6-

37、10 BADAD 11-15 CCBBB II. 1.dumplings 2.beef 3.specials 4.tea 5.menu 6.potatoes 7.soup 8.reason 9.drink 10.mutton . 1. Would you like some 2. would like 3. What kind 4. What would 5. What size. 1.tomatoes 2.potato 3.is 4.shoes 5.to play 6.is 7.is watering 8.men teachers 9.Americans 10.drinksClozeHell

38、o, boys and girls! My name 1 Albert. Im 2 Australia. I like China very 3 . And I like Chinese too. I can 4 a little Chinese, so I want to 5 the Chinese club. Also I like 6 very much. I can play basketball and 7 . So I want to start 8 sports club. Boys and girls, 9 you like sports? Then maybe you can

39、 be in my sports club. Please 10 me at 7804-5678 for more information. ( )1. A. is B. areC. amD. be( )2.A. fromB. forC. at D. in ( )3.A. littleB. muchC. goodD. bad( )4.A. sayB. talkC. tellD. speak( )5.A. takeB. joinC. doD. to join( )6.A. singB. sports C. paintD. play( )7.A. violin B. guitarC. volleyballD. painting( )8.A


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