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1、翻译专业资格考试(三级口译实务)模拟试题及答案(六)Practice 1【录音材料】20年前,中国被称为“自行车王国”,北京遍地都是骑车人。而如今,街上挤满了机动车,骑车人被挤得无路可走。但在很多欧美国家,自行车却是先进城市的重要标志之一。比如荷兰和美国的很多市区,近一半的上班族都骑自行车。在哥本哈根,一天的停车费大约65美元。机动车成本这么高,大家自然不会轻易开车了。这不仅缓解了交通拥堵,也使这些城市成为低碳环保的典范。北京的治堵方案也应突出自行车的重要性。北京日前出台的机动车牌照限制措施,让我们感受到了政府的危机感和决心。但在城市观念上,我们同发达国家相比,还是落后了整整一个时代。参考译文

2、Twenty years ago China was called the Bicycle Kingdom and bike riders could be found everywhere in Beijing. But today more and more cars have taken over the streets leaving little space for bike riders.However,in many western countries bikes are often viewed as an important symbol of developed citie

3、s. For example in a lot of cities of the Netherlands and the United States,nearly half of the working people choose to ride bikes.In Copenhagen the daffy parking fee is about $65. Since the parking cost is so high,people would rather not drive. Bikes not only help ease the heavy traffic but also est

4、ablish those cities as role models of low carbon economy and environmental protection.Therefore bicycles should be given a bigger role as Beijing is responding to the traffic congestion. The current restrictions on car registration demonstrate the sense of urgency and resolution of the government,bu

5、t when it comes to the concept of city development,we are still a generation behind those developed countries.Practice 2【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段有关预防艾滋的讲话。在过去的二十年里,艾滋病这一灾难在全球肆虐,4000多万人受艾滋病毒感染,2100多万人死于艾滋。据预计,在未来五年,还将有4500万人受到感染。艾滋病威胁着全球社会进步、经济发展、政治稳定,它关乎着人类的安危与存亡。中国政府非常关注抗击艾滋病的斗争,自1998年起,已制定并实施了反艾滋战略。2007年,我

6、们抗击艾滋的预算增至六到七倍。我们还投资了12亿人民币改善血液采集和供应设施。此外,中国成功地举办了以艾滋病为议题的首届全国大会,并协同主办了亚太区域会议。作为一个人口众多的国家,中国在艾滋病防治方面面临着特殊的困难。我们希望与各国和各个国际组织在防治艾滋、降低药价、运用中药优势等方面继续合作,以求为中国乃至全世界的艾滋病斗争作出贡献。参考译文Over the past two decades,the scourge of HIV/AIDS has been sprawling unchecked around the world,resulting in over 40 million in

7、fections and more than 21 million deaths. It is predicted that an additional 45 million people will be infected in the next five years. HIV/AIDS poses a great challenge to social development,economic growth,and political stability around the world and,for that matter,the safety and survival of human

8、kind.The fight against HIV/AIDS has received great attention from the Chinese government which formulated and started implementing the AIDS strategy in 1998. Our budget for combating HIV/ AIDS registered a six-to seven-fold increase in 2007. We have also invested 1.2 billion RMB to improve our blood

9、 collection and supply facilities. In addition,China succeeded in convening its first national conference on the subject of HIV/AIDS and co-sponsored a regional seminar for Asia and the Pacific. As a country with a huge population,China faces special difficulties in preventing and controlling HIV/AI

10、DS. We would like to continue our cooperation with the countries and international agencies concerned in such areas as developing prevention and treatment projects,lowering drug prices and further leveraging the advantage of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment in a bid to contribute to the fig

11、ht against the epidemic in China and around the globe.Practice 3【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段有关自主创新的讲话。提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家。这是国家发展战略的核心,是提高综合国力的关键。要坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,把增强自主创新能力贯彻到现代化建设各个方面。认真落实国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要,加大对自主创新投入,着力突破制约经济社会发展的关键技术。加快建设国家创新体系,支持基础研究、前沿技术研究、社会公益性技术研究。加快建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系,引导和支持创新要素向企业集聚,促进科

12、技成果向现实生产力转化。深化科技管理体制改革,优化科技资源配置,完善鼓励技术创新和科技成果产业化的法制保障、政策体系、激励机制、市场环境。实施知识产权战略。充分利用国际科技资源。进一步营造鼓励创新的环境,培养造就世界一流科学家和科技领军人才,使创新智慧竞相迸发、创新人才大量涌现。参考译文We will enhance Chinas capacity for independent innovation and make China an innovative country. This is the core of our national development strategy and a

13、 crucial link in enhancing the overall national strength.We need to keep to the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics and improve our capacity for independent innovation in all areas of modernization.We need to conscientiously implement the Outline of the National Program for L

14、ong-and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development,increase spending on independent innovation,and make breakthroughs in key technologies vital to our economic and social development.We will speed up forming a national innovation system and support basic research,research in frontier techn

15、ology and technological research for public welfare.We will step up our efforts to establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation,in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises,universities and research institutes,and guide and support the c

16、oncentration of factors of innovation in enterprises,thereby promoting the translation of scientific and technological advances into practical productive forces.We will deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology,optimize the allocation of relevant resources,and improve the legal

17、 guarantee,policy system,incentive mechanism and market conditions to encourage technological innovation and the application of scientific and technological achievements in production.We will implement the strategy for intellectual property rights. We will make the best use of international resource

18、s of science and technology.We will continue to create conditions conducive to innovation,train world-class scientists and leaders in scientific and technological research,inspire creative wisdom and bring forth large numbers of innovative personnel.Practice 4【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段有关中国互联网发展的讲话。根据中国互联网络信息中

19、心网站公布的消息,目前中国网民数即将突破15000万人大关。各项数据均保持快速增长的速度。到2003年底,中国网民数达到了14950万。上网计算机达到5089万台,网络国际出口带宽总数达到47,216M,CN下注册的域名数、网站数分别达到54万和89.6万。互联网已经发展成为中国影响最广、增长最快、市场潜力最大的产业之一,正在以超出人们想象的深度和广度迅速地发展。报告显示,中国的互联网用户已居世界首位。与去年7月发布的数据相比,半年内中国上网用户人数的增长率为18.9%。数字显示中国互联网事业稳步上升,进人了快速发展的新阶段。参考译文According to the website of Ch

20、ina Internet Network Information Center,the number of Chinese netizens will soon pass the benchmark of 150 million.All the statistics kept rapid growth rates. Till the end of 2003 Chinas Internet users increased to 149.5 million. The number of computers connected to the Internet was 50.89 million an

21、d the bandwidth of the Internet international outlet was 47,216M and the numbers of domain name and website registered under CN were 540,000 and 896,000 respectively. The Internet has become an industry in China,which has the most comprehensive influence,grows fastest and still shows the largest mar

22、ket potentials. It has developed with the kind of profundity and comprehensiveness beyond anyones imagination.The report shows that China boasts the largest number of Internet users in the world. Compared to the statistics published in July last year Chinas Internet users increased by about 18.9 per

23、cent. These statistics indicate that Chinas Internet industry is growing solidly and has stepped into a new rapid development stage.Practice 5【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段关于上海的讲话。中国在2001年加入世界贸易组织后,上海成了全国的金融中心,并取得了迅猛发展,特别是浦东新区,实现了巨大变化。现代上海随处可见的是起重机。一座座摩天大厦拔地而起,其中不乏世界最高的楼。上海处于中国东海岸的中部,距长江入东海的人海口仅20公里。由于通航,上海几个世纪以来

24、都是贸易中心。而同时上海并没有因为着眼经济增长而忽略高雅文化的发展。上海博物馆、艺术馆、大剧院等著名机构使上海在文化方面独领风骚。参考译文When China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001,Shanghai became the countrys financial center. Its development is fast,particularly in the Pudong New District,which is undergoing great changes.Modem Shanghai is a mass

25、 of cranes,from which huge skyscrapers,some of the worlds highest,soar to the sky.Shanghai is located halfway up the eastern coast of China,just 20 km from where the Yangtzi River empties into the East China Sea. Accessible by river,the city has been a trading centre for centuries.Being an economic

26、powerhouse,Shanghai is not short of high culture. Prestigious institutions,such as the Shanghai Museum,Art Museum and Grand Theatre,give the city an edge.Practice 6【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段有关武夷山的讲话。武夷山市,位于福建北部的闽赣交界处,是福建省唯一以名山命名的新兴旅游城市。 武夷山市面积2798平方公里,人口20.8万,辖5镇、5乡、6个农茶场。境内气候宜人,风光奇秀,物产丰富,历史悠久,人文荟萃,旅游资源得天独厚。这

27、里是全国著名的茶区、粮区、林区和革命老区,改革开放的大潮把这座古老而又年轻的城市推向对外开放前沿。国家先后在此设立重点自然保护区、重点风景名胜区、旅游度假区和航空口岸;福建省在此设立旅游经济开发区。改革期间,这里的市政府把重点放在建机场、设口岸、修铁路等基础设施上。现已逐渐成为文化与交流中心,旅游观光的胜地和投资兴业的热土。目前,武夷山市正全面实施“环保立市”、“科教强市”、“旅游经济兴市”的可持续发展战略,并确定了用十五年左右时间初步建成国际性旅游城市的宏伟目标。参考译文Wuyishan city,a developing tourist city named after the famou

28、s mountain in Fujian province,is located in the north of Fujian province bordering Jiangxi Province. It covers an area of 2,798 square kilometers with a population of 208,000,administering 5 towns,5 townships,and 6 tea farms.The area is endowed with unique tourist resources,having mild climate,beaut

29、iful sights and abundant local products,along with a long history and a galaxy of talents and cream of local culture. It is also one of the countrys famous production regions of tea,grain and timber and a cradle of Chinese revolution. The tide of reform and opening up in China has brought the city i

30、nto the opening front. Established here successively are Wuyishan National Key Nature Reserve,Wuyishan National Key Scenic Spot,Wuyishan National Tourist Resort and Wuyishan National Airport. And Fujian provincial government has also approved the founding of Wuyishan tourist economic development zon

31、e.During the reform and opening up,Wuyishan municipal government has put emphasis on building airport,railway and other facilities to improve the infrastructure. Now the city has become the center of culture and communications and a hot spot for sightseeing and for investment. The strategies of deve

32、loping the city through environmental protection,tourist economy,science and education have been implemented in an all-round sustainable way in the city with the grand goal of becoming an international tourist city in about 15 years.Practice 7【录音材料】尊敬的女士们、先生们、朋友们:首先,请允许我代表武汉市政府和江城670万人民向来自世界各国和全国各地的

33、专家表示热烈的欢迎!武汉是湖北省省会,是我国水、陆、空交通的枢纽,是一个重要的工商业城市。武汉市年创汇3.2亿美元,与80多个国家和地区有着经济往来。武汉东湖新技术开发区集中了21所高等院校和124个科研单位,在设备和人才方面均具有一定的优势。我们热忱欢迎各地科学家来此进行合作研究。武汉市历史悠久,风景优美,有著名的黄鹤楼、东湖风景区等,欢迎贵宾们前往参观游览。在此,预祝本次大会取得圆满成功。谢谢。参考译文Ladies and gentlemen,dear friends,First of all,please allow me to extend,on behalf of the Wuhan

34、 Municipal Government and 6.7 million people of this city,our warm welcome to specialists from all over China and other parts of the world.Wuhan is the capital city of Hubei Province,and a hub of water,land and air communications. It is also a city of industrial and commercial importance. The city g

35、enerates US$320 million annually and keeps economic ties with over 80 countries and regions.Twenty-one colleges and universities as well as 124 research institutions are concentrated in the Donghu New Technology Development Region of the city,boasting an advantage of facilities and personnel. We sin

36、cerely hope to carry out joint research with specialists from other places.Wuhan has a long history and beautiful sceneries such as the Yellow Crane Tower and Donghu scenic spot. You are welcome to visit those places.Finally,I wish the conference a great success. Thank you.解析1尊敬的女士们、先生们、朋友们Ladies an

37、d gentlemen,dear friends -般在“女士们、先生们”之前,不必加形容词respected或honored;而在有具体所指时,可以加respectedhonored presidentmayor等。在“朋友们”之前,最多加dear;但在guests之前,可以加distinguished。2水、陆、空交通的枢纽a hub of water,land and air communications这里的“交通”是各种运输和邮电事业的总称,包括transportation和communication,并不单指“运输”、“交通工具”或“电信”。“水、陆、空”则可简单译为water,l

38、and and air;“枢纽”指center或important area,一般“交通枢纽”则译成hub of communication。4创汇指出口所得的外汇收入,可译为foreign currency earning from exports;也可简单译为to earnUS$,因为外汇收入一般以美元结算。5具有一定盼优势to haveenjoyboast an advantage6预祝本次大会取得圆满成功1 wish the conference a great success. /1 wish a successful completion of the conferencePrac

39、tice 8【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段有关第94届中国出口商品交易会的讲话。第94届中国出口商品交易会成交额达到了204.9亿美元,比第92届交易会增加了11.6%。机械和电子产品贸易额达到了82亿美元,占总数的40.1%,比第92届交易会上升了18.3%。与欧盟和美国的交易量位居前列,分别为61亿美元和36.7亿美元,占第94届交易会的总成交额的47.7%。与新兴市场的成交量,如中东、俄国等以32.5%、40%的速度上升。广东省、浙江省和江苏省成为3个主要的出13地,其交易量占总量的46%,分别为51.5亿美元、23.3亿美元和21.5亿美元。国有企业的交易量达到146.7亿美元,比第

40、92届交易会减少7.8%。但是私有企业的交易量上升了190%,达25.6亿美元。此外,新采购商达到了56425人,表明交易会在开拓新的采购商市场方面所作努力已显现成效。参考译文The turnover of the 94th CECF reached US $ 20.49 billion,11.6% up from that of the 92nd CECF. Machinery and electronic products recorded a trade volume of US $ 8.2 billion and40.1% of the total,18.3% more than th

41、at of the 92nd CECF. The trade volume with EU and USA was respectively US $ 6.1 billion and US $ 3.67 billion,ranking the top positions,and their sum accounted for 47.7% of the total turnover of the 94th CECF. The turnover with the newly booming markets of Middle East and Russia soared at the pace o

42、f 32.5% and 40%.Provinces of Guangdong,Zhejiang and Jiangsu are three main forces of exportation,and their trade performance amounted to 46% of the total,respectively US $ 5.15 billion,US $ 2.33 billion and US $ 2.15 billion. The turnover gained by state-owned enterprises was US $ 14.67 billion,7.8%

43、 less than that of the 92nd CECF. But the turnover by private enterprises rose byl90% and reached US $ 2.56 billion. Besides,the number of new buyers reached 56,425,indicating that the CECFs efforts on exploring the new markets of buyers had yielded notable results.Practice 9【录音材料】女士们、先生们:上午好!今天,由中国

44、美术家协会、广州市政府共同主办的第14届广州国际艺术博览会在这里隆重举行。首先,我代表中国美术家协会向本届艺术博览会的开幕表示热烈的祝贺!广州国际艺术博览会是中国艺术会展业的重要品牌。本届艺博会得到了国内外艺术界的积极响应和参与,共有25个国家和地区,200多家参展商及艺术机构参展,参展艺术水平和举办规模都上了一个新台阶。广州是一个文化艺术市场非常繁荣的地方,她对各种艺术流派和风格都同样兼容、开放,艺术市场发展空间非常广阔。我相信,在大家的共同努力下,艺博会一定会越办越好!谢谢大家!参考译文Ladies and gentlemen,good morning!The 14th Internati

45、onal Art Fair Guangzhou,jointly organized by Chinese Association of Artists and the Municipal Government of Guangzhou opens today. First of all,allow me,on behalf of the Chinese Association of Artists,to extend my warmest congratulations on the opening of the Fair.The Art Fair Guangzhou is an import

46、ant event in the Chinese art exhibition industry. This fair is warmly responded to and participated by over 200 businesses and art institutions from 25 countries and regions,indicating an elevation in the quality and scale of the art exhibition.Guangzhou is a city prosperous in cultural and artistic

47、 activities. It is open to and embraces various artistic schools and styles,and promises a bright prospect of the art market. I am confident that,with the concerted efforts from all of you,the Art Fair will go from strength to strength.Thank you.Practice 10【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段有关费德杯赛事的讲话。今年是前身为联合会杯的费德杯赛事

48、40周年。这一赛事的创立是为了让女子也能有一项如男子戴维斯杯那样深受欢迎的大赛。由于任何想要参加奥运会的选手必须随时听候自己祖国的调遣,所以今年费德杯的参赛者的阵容可谓强大。但是尽管诱人的半决赛即将开赛,女子网坛最显赫的四个名字都没有出现。女子网坛的头两号选手一一贾斯汀海宁哈定和吉姆克里斯特尔斯一一都不希望中断她们为期7周的赛季后的休假。但她们一直等到比利时申请主办本周举行的这项锦标赛失败后才正式宣布退出。由于美国的威廉姆斯姐妹仍处于伤病的恢复期,比利时对美国的半决赛因此有所逊色。而在另一场半决赛中,参赛双方法国队和俄罗斯队都没有人退出,这场比赛的胜者应该能最后捧杯。参考译文This is t

49、he 40th anniversary of the Fed Cup,formerly the Federation Cup,the event founded to give women an equivalent to the highly popular Mans Davis Cup. As any player wanting to play the Olympics has to make themselves available for their country,the Fed Cup has had a good line-up this year. But with a mouth-waterin


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