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1、2018年全国中考英语试题专题练习:情景交际1、(2018济南)-Laura,how often do your family take a trip?-Hmm, ()Asince last weekBtwice a monthCfor an hourDten days ago【考点】频度(how often)【分析】-Laura,你的家人多长时间去旅行一次?-嗯,一月两次【解答】答案:B;since last week自从上一周;twice a month一月两次;for an hour一小时;ten days ago十天以前;根据上句how often do your family tak

2、e a trip?可知是询问频率的;故选B2、(2018福州)-_ is the nearest hospital from here?-Er,its about ten minuteswalk()AHow longBHow farCHow often【考点】距离(how far)【分析】-最近的医院离这儿有多远?-Er,大约步行十分钟【解答】答案:B;How often多久一次(对频率进行提问); How long 多长时间(对时间多久进行提问);How far 多远(对距离进行提问);根据答语its about ten minuteswalk推知上句问的是距离;故选B3、(2018北京)-

3、 are these bananas?-3.99()AHow muchBHow longCHow heavyDHow big【考点】数量(how many/how much)【分析】这些香蕉多少钱?-3.99美元【解答】答案:A 根据答句3.99,可知答句中回答的是价格how much多少钱;how long多长;how heavy多重;how big多大故选A4、(2018上海)- Disney amusement parks are there in China?-Two()AHow manyBHow oftenCHow soonDHow long【考点】数量(how many/how m

4、uch)【分析】-在中国有多少个迪士尼乐园?-两个【解答】答案为A根据回答可知数量,问数量用how many/how much来提问,而parks,可知是可数名词,对可数名词的提问需用how many,因此答案为A5、(2018重庆)-Im sorryI broke your tea cup-_I have another one at home()AIt doesnt matterBYoud better notCMy pleasureDIts too bad【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-非常抱歉,我打碎你的茶杯了-没关系,在家里我还有一个【解答】答案:A;It doesnt matte

5、r没关系;Youd better not 你最好不;My pleasure愿意为您效劳;Its too bad 太糟了英文回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯;根据上文,Im sorry非常抱歉,我打碎你的茶杯了可知答语应为It doesnt matter;故选A6、(2018上海)-The Art Festival is comingWere going to watch the play Twelfth Night- ()AThats all rightBNever mindCYoure welcomeDEnjoy your time【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析

6、】-艺术节马上就要到了我们打算去观看话剧第十二夜-祝你们过得愉快【解答】答案:D根据各个选项的意思A、Thats all right 没关系;B、Never mind 不要紧,不用担心,没关系;C、Youre welcome 不客气,不用谢,别客气;D、Enjoy your time,字面意思是享受(属于)您的时间 通常是祝人玩得开心,玩得愉快结合上文The Art Festival is comingWere going to watch the play Twelfth Night可知艺术节马上就要到了对方打算去观看话剧第十二夜故下文要向对方表达一个美好祝愿,祝愿对方享受这美好时光,即祝你

7、们过得愉快(Enjoy your time),故选D7、(2018上海)-Excuse me,where is the Moonlight Hotel?- Im a stranger myself()ASorry,I dont knowBNo,I dont think soCIt doesnt matterDThank you all the asme【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-打扰一下,月光宾馆在哪里?-对不起,我不知道我自己是个陌生人【解答】答案:A答案A意思为对不起,我不知道答案B意思为不,我不这样认为答案C意思为没关系答案D意思为同样感谢根据第一句可知这是问路的句型,结合答语Im

8、 a stranger myself可知我不知道月光宾馆在哪里不能帮助别人时,可用sorry来表示歉意,故选:A8、(2018重庆)-Maybe you can catch the last bus-_If not,Ill have to walk home()AGood jobBJust so-soCNot at allDI hope so【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-或许你能赶上末班车-希望如此,如果不的话,就只能步行回家了【解答】答案:DGood job做得好Just so-so一般般啦Not at all不客气I hope so我希望如此根据If not,Ill have to w

9、alk home可知对方是希望赶上末班车的,故选D9、(2018重庆)-MrsBlack,Im afraid that Ill fail the exam-_,dear!Take it easyIm sure youll pass it()ASorry to hear thatBCome onCAll rightDGood job【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-Black夫人,我怕我考试不及格-加油,亲爱的,放松,我相信你一定会通过的【解答】答案:B;Sorry to hear that听到那个我很难过;Come on加油;All right好的;Good job干得好;根据答语ear!Ta

10、ke it easyIm sure youll pass it推知上句是鼓励性的话;故选项B符合题意;故选B10、(2018达州)-Excuse me,can I sit here?-_The old man who sat here will be back soon()AYoure welcomeBYes,pleaseCYoud better notDNo problem【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-打扰一下,我可以坐这儿吗?-最好不要,坐在这里的老人很快就回来了【解答】答案:C;Youre welcome没关系;Yes,please是的,请;Youd better not最好不要;N

11、o problem没问题;根据答语The old man who sat here will be back soon推测对方答语应为:最好不要;表示委婉的拒绝;故选C11、(2018湖北)-_,or well be late for the meeting-Its only half past one by my watchWe have enough time left()AHurry upBDont worryCNever mindDBe quiet【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-快点,否则我们会开会迟到的-我的手表显示才一点半,我们还剩足够的时间【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项的意思,

12、A:快点;B:别担心;C:不要紧;D:安静;根据设空处后面的or well be late for the meeting否则我们会开会迟到的推测设空处表达的意思是快点故选A12、(2018泉州)-I hope I will win the English speaking competition tomorrow- ()AWhat a pity!BCongratulations!CGood luck to you! 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-希望我能赢得明天的英语演讲比赛-祝你好运!【解答】答案:C根据I hope I will win the English speaking co

13、mpetition tomorrow,可知说话人要参加比赛,当别人将要参加考试,面试等活动时,要祝福他们好运A选项为真遗憾!B表示祝贺你C表示祝你好运!故选C13、(2018黑龙江)-The box is heavyCould you please help me carry it?-_!()AMy pleasureBYou are kiddingCGood idea 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-这个盒子很重,你能帮我搬一下吗?-乐意效劳!【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项的意思,A:乐意效劳;B:你在开玩笑;C:好主意; 根据问句Could you please help me carry

14、 it?可以推测答语是乐意效劳 故选A14、(2018黑龙江)-Would you mind my opening the window?-_Its so hot in the room()AOf course notBCertainlyCBetter not 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-你介意我打开窗户吗?-当然不介意房间里这么热【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:当然不;B:当然;C:最好不要; 根据设空处后面的Its so hot in the room房间里这么热可以推断设空处表达的是不介意对方打开窗户 故选A15、(2018苏州)-Id like to choose

15、 yellow as the colour of our bedroom- The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling()ANo wayBSounds greatCIn your dreamsDI cant decide【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-我想选黄色作为我们卧室的颜色-听起来好极了,这种颜色给我带来了一种温暖和舒适的感觉【解答】答案:B;No way决不;Sounds great听起来好极了;In your dreams梦中才有的;I cant decide我不能决定;根据答语The colour brings me a

16、 warm and comfortable feeling推知答语对上述意见表示赞成;故选B16、(2018漳州)-Would you like to join us in the card games?- ,for I have something important to do()AI willBId love toCIm afraid not 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-你想加入我们这个卡片游戏吗?-哦,恐怕不能,因为我还有重要的事情要做【解答】答案为CAI will 我愿意 BId love to 我愿意,我很乐意 CIm afarid not 我恐怕不能根据回答的后一句话,我们

17、可以得知回答者还有一些重要的事情要做,所以他可能不能参与卡片游戏故答案为C17、(2018重庆)-Im feeling terrible!I have a bad cold-_Youd better see a doctor at once()AIm afraid notBSorry to hear thatCSounds greatDYou are right【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-我感到很难受,我得了重感冒-很抱歉听到这个你最好马上去看医生【解答】答案:B 解析:Im feeling terrible!I have a bad cold由题干可知 我感到很难受,我感冒了后面应当接

18、表示同情,难过的话AIm afraid not 恐怕不是,很明显错误,与前句没什么关系BSorry to hear that 很抱歉听到这个,表示同情难过,作为答句最为合适Csounds great 听起来很棒,很明显是不对的DYou are right你是对的,不符合回答,应当表示同情故选B18、(2018滨州)- Where there is a will,there is a way-Thanks,MrLiIll try my best to improve my English()ABest wishesBNever give upCHave a good tripDWhat a pi

19、ty【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-永不放弃有志者事竟成-谢谢你,李先生我会尽最大的努力来提高我的英语【解答】答案:B 根据Where there is a will,there is a way可知,此句含义为有志者事竟成,可推测是李先生对对方的鼓励,劝其不要放弃又知Best wishes意为最美好的祝愿,用于对对方的祝福;Never give up意为不要放弃;Have a good trip意为旅途愉快;What a pity意为真可惜,真可怜所以此处应用Never give up,故选B19、(2018德州)-ILl have an important meeting this we

20、ekend,so I cant go fishing with you-_I thought we could have a nice time together()AIts a pleasureBYoure welcomeCWhat a pityDI am sure【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-这个周末我要参加一个重要会议,所以我不能和你一起去钓鱼了-真遗憾,我原以为我们可以一起开心的玩【解答】答案:C首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:不客气; B:不客气;C:真遗憾;D:我确定;根据前面一个人表达的意思是这个周末我要参加一个重要会议,所以我不能和你一起去钓鱼了和答语中的我原以为我们可以一

21、起开心的玩,确定设空处应该填真遗憾 故选C20、(2018桂林)-I have won the first prize in the English writing competition- ()ANo problemBYoure welcomeCCongratulations 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-我在英语写作比赛中获得了第一名-祝贺你!【解答】答案:C 首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:没问题;B:不客气;C:祝贺你; 根据第一句话的句意我在英语写作比赛中获得了第一名可知下文应该是表示祝贺的话即祝贺你!故选:C21、(2018厦门)-Would you like to go to

22、 Shanghai Disneyland?It opened this June-_Im sure Ill have a great time there()AIm afraid notBIt doesnt matterCThat sounds like fun 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-你想去上海迪斯尼乐园吗?它这个六月份开放-这听起来很有趣,我确信我会在那儿玩的很高兴【解答】答案:C;Im afraid not恐怕不行;It doesnt matter不要紧;That sounds like fun这听起来很有趣;根据答语Im sure Ill have a great time

23、there推测对方很支持上述观点;故选C22、(2018随州)-Next week Ill join in the oral English competition-_AHave a nice day!BNo problem!CGood luck to you!DNot too bad!【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-下周我将参加英语口语比赛-祝你好运【解答】答案:C;Have a nice day!祝你今天过得愉快;No problem!没问题;Good luck to you!祝你好运;Not too bad!不太糟;根据上句句意Next week Ill join in the ora

24、l English competition下周我将参加英语口语比赛;可知对方应表示好的祝愿;故选C23、(2018齐齐哈尔)-Thanks for cleaning the room,boy- In fact,its my to do so()ANot at all,dutyBAll right,workCOK,job 【考点】常用日常交际用语;名词的词义辨析【分析】-谢谢你打扫房间,孩子-不客气,实际上,这样做是我的责任【解答】答案:A;Not at all不客气;All right好、行,可以;OK好的;duty职责;work工作(不可数);job工作(可数);根据上句Thanks for

25、 cleaning the room,boy可知答语应是Not at all(不客气);根据答语In fact,推测下句句意:这样做是我的责任;故选A24、(2018云南)-My parents will bring me to Shanghai Disney land the day after tomorrow- ()AIm sorry to hear thatBIts my pleasureCBest wishes to youDHave a good trip【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-后天我的父母将会带我去上海迪士尼乐园-旅途愉快!【解答】答案:D首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A

26、:听说这件事我很遗憾;B:不客气;C:向你致以美好的祝愿;D:旅途愉快;联系前后语境根据,可知对话发生在旅行之前,所以推测后文应该希望旅行者旅途愉快;提出祝福应该用Have a good trip,故选D25、(2018云南)-Jeff,could you tell me how to order a taxi throughDidi?- ()AYoure welcomeBSureCTake it easyDIt doesnt matter【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-Jeff,你能告诉我如何通过滴滴打车订出租车吗?-当然可以【解答】答案:B首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:不客气;B:当然

27、可以;C:别紧张;D:没关系;根据问句问的是:你能告诉我如何通过滴滴打车订出租车吗?,确定答语是当然可以 故选B26、(2018云南)-Tim,how is it going with you?- ,Im having fun()ATerribleBBoringCVery tiringDPretty good【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-Tim,一切都好吗?-相当不错,我过得很开心【解答】答案:D首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:糟糕的;B:无聊的;C:很累人的;D:相当不错;根据问句问的是Tim,一切都好吗?,和答语中的Im having fun确定设空处应该填相当不错,故选D27、(20

28、18昆明)-What does your new classmate look like?-_()AHe is from AustraliaBHe is tall and of medium buildCHe is very nice to othersDHe has a pair of blue shoes【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-你的新同学长得什么样?-他很高中等身材【解答】答案:B首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:他来自澳大利亚;B:他很高中等身材;C:他对别人很友好;D:他穿着一双蓝色的鞋子;根据问句问的是一个人的外貌,确定答语是他很高中等身材 故选B28、(2018昆明)-Wo

29、uld you like to see a movie with me tonight?-_I have to do chores()AGood luckBLets goCNo problemDIm afraid not【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-今天晚上你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?-恐怕不能,我得做家务【解答】答案:D首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:祝你好运;B:让我们去吧;C:没问题;D:恐怕不能;根据答语中设空处后面的句子I have to do chores判断不能和对方一起去看电影,故选D29、(2018荆州)-Bill,can I get you anything to dri

30、nk?-Thanks ()AYou are welcomeBIt doesnt matterCNo problemDI wouldnt mind a coffee【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-Bill,我给你拿点喝的吗?-谢谢,我不介意来点咖啡【解答】答案:D首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:不客气;B:没关系;C:没问题;D:谢谢,我不介意来点咖啡;根据问句问的是Bill,我给你拿点喝的吗?,确定答语是我不介意来点咖啡 故选D30、(2018昆明)-Jim,are these your keys?()-_Theyre hersAYes,it isBNo,it isntCYes,they a

31、reDNo,they arent【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-Jim,这你的钥匙吗?-不,不是是她的【解答】答案:D 根据问句问的是Jim,这是你的钥匙吗?,结合答语中的Theyre hers确定应该使用否定回答,再根据问句中的your keys确定用代词they而不是it,故选D31、(2018济南)-Eric hurt his leg playing tennis yesterdayI hope he will get better soon- ()AI hope so,tooBHope notCI cant stand itDYou are wrong【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】

32、-Eric昨天打网球的时候腿受伤了,我希望他会很快好起来-我也希望如此【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:我也希望如此;B:希望不要这样;C:我无法忍受;D:你错了;根据前面一句表达的意思是Eric昨天打网球的时候腿受伤了,我希望他会很快好起来,确定答语是我也希望如此 故选A32、(2018济南)-Larry,can you go to the concert with me this Wednesday evening?-Sure! ()ACatch you on WednesdayBCongratulationsCWelcome to my concertDIm afraid

33、not【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-Larry,这个星期三的晚上你能和我一起去听音乐会吗?-当然可以星期三见【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:星期三见;B:祝贺你;C:欢迎来到我的音乐会;D:恐怕不能;根据问句问的是Larry,这个星期三的晚上你能和我一起去听音乐会吗?,和答语中的Sure!确定设空处表达的意思是星期三见 故选A33、(2018黄石)-I dont think students should use mobile phones at school-_They really have a bad influence on our study()AI agree

34、with y ouBNot at allCNo problemDIts my pleasure【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-我认为学生在学校里不应该使用手机-我赞同你的看法手机对我们的学习真得有不好的影响【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:我赞同你的看法;B:不客气;C:没问题;D:乐意效劳;根据前面一个人表达的意思是我认为学生在学校里不应该使用手机和答语中的They really have a bad influence on our study,确定设空处应该填我赞同你的看法 故选A34、(2018鄂州)-Im very nervous the night before t

35、he big exam-_Im sure you can make it()ATake it easyBTake your timeCGo aheadDEnjoy yourself【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-在大考之前的晚上我很紧张-别紧张我相信你会成功的【解答】答案:A首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:别紧张;B:慢慢来;C:(表示同意或允许,) 说吧/做吧/开始吧;D:玩得开心;根据前面一个人表达的意思是在大考之前的晚上我很紧张和答语中的我相信你会成功的,确定设空处应该填别紧张 故选A35、(2018恩施州)-May I take your order,sir?()AChicken w

36、ith vegetables and two bowls of ricesBChicken with vegetables and two bowls of riceCChickens with vegetable and two bowl of rice【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-我可以请您点菜了吗,先生?-鸡肉加蔬菜,两碗米饭【解答】答案:B根据问句我可以请您点菜了吗,先生?确定答语表达的意思是鸡肉加蔬菜,两碗米饭chicken表示鸡肉时是不可数名词,没有复数形式;vegetable蔬菜通常用复数形式;rice是不可数名词,不可数名词没有复数形式,但修饰不可数名词的量词有单复数,所以

37、两碗米饭用two bowls of rice,故答案为B36、(2018恩施州)-Would you help us make a plan to explore Tibet?-_()ANo,thanksBYes,of courseCIts very kind of you【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-你能帮我们制定一个去西藏探险的计划吗?-是的,当然可以【解答】答案:B首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:不了,谢谢;B:是的,当然可以;C:你真好; 根据前面一个人表达的意思是你能帮我们制定一个去西藏探险的计划吗?确定设空处应该填是的,当然可以 故选B37、(2018漳州)-We won th

38、e match at last because of good teamwork- One tree cant make a forest()AThats trueBThats all rightCIts hard to say 【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-我们最后赢得比赛是因为很好的团队合作-说的对独木不成林【解答】答案为AAThats true 那是对的,说的对BThats all right 没关系、不客气 CIts hard to say难说 根据回答One tree cant make a forest我们知道,回答者对前面的论述是持同意的态度,所以答案为A38、(2018十堰

39、)-Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam?-_()ASounds greatBYoure welcomeCIt serves you rightDNever mind【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-在这次考试后我们去看我们的老师好吗?-听起来不错【解答】答案:A;Sounds great听起来不错;Youre welcome不用客气;It serves you right;你真活该;Never mind不要紧;根据上句Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam可知是好的建议;

40、答语应表示赞成;故选A39、(2018十堰)-Hello!May I speak to Mary,please?- ()AI dont think soBI am MaryCHurry up,pleaseDThis is Mary speaking【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-你好!我可以跟玛丽说话吗?-我是玛丽【解答】答案:D;I dont think so我不那样认为;I am Mary我是玛丽;Hurry up,please请快点;This is Mary speaking我是玛丽,电话用语;根据上句May I speak to Mary,please?可知是电话用语;答语应为Thi

41、s is Mary speaking;故选D40、(2018齐齐哈尔)-James,would you mind if I use your dictionary?- ()AYes,pleaseBNO,youd better notCOf course not,go ahead【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-James,你介意我用一下你的词典吗?-当然不介意,请便【解答】答案:C;AYes,please 是的,介意;BNO,youd better not不,你最好别用;Of course not,go ahead当然不介意,请便;对于mind的回答,表示不介意的方式有Not at allNo

42、,I dontOf course notI dont mind;表示介意的方式有Sorry,I am afraid,Youd better not等;根据上句would you mind if I use your dictionary?可知答语应为Of course not,go ahead,表示不介意;故选C2018年全国中考英语试题专题练习:完形填空1、(2018丽水)It was a very special day because Dylan Terry came to the West End Childrens Home!Dylan Terry is my favorite (6

43、6)singer (sing)I like him because he sings (67)wonderfully (wonderful),hes cute and he helps the kids a lotWe (68)stood (stand) near the door,waiting for himEveryone was very excitedFinally,hearrived arrived (69)and shook hands with usHe was so nice!He sang several songs for usSome of us even started dancing (70)while he was singingWe were having a great time!(71)To our surprise,Dylan joined us for lunchHe brought us (72)a/one big cakeEveryone ate some and (73)it was delicious


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