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1、股权投资协议中英文版篇一:投资框架协议(中英文版) 投资框架协议 INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 本投资框架协议(以下简称“协议”)由下述双方于2013年_月_日签订: THIS INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT(“Agreement”) is entered into as onthis Date, 2013 between: 出售方:?(以下简称“?”或“甲方”); The Vendor:? (“?” or “Party A”); 投资方:ABC有限公司(以下简称“ABC”或“乙方”)。 The Investor:LAP WAI I

2、NTERNATIONAL LTD. (“LWI” or “Party B”). 鉴于: WHEREAS: A 香港联港投资有限公司(以下简称“目标公司”)为一家依据中华人民共和国 香港特别行政区法律成立的公司,甲方拥有目标公司100%的股份。 UNION HARBOUR INVESTMENT LIMITED (“Target Company”) is a company established under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Targ

3、et Company is owned as to 100% by Party A. B 目标公司在中国(仅为本协议之目的,中国不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别 行政区和台湾)境内拥有XXX有限公司(以下简称“XXX”)90%的股权。XXX与舟山市民政局合作成立了YYY(以下简称“YYY”)(XXX以及YYY合称为“目标公司中国子公司”) Target Companyowns 90% of equity interests of XXX(“XXX”)in PRC (for the purpose only of this Agreement, PRC shall exclude Hong Kon

4、g Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan).XXXandZhoushan Civil Affairs Bureau cooperated and established YYY (“YYY”)(XXXandYYY collectively referred as “PRCSubsidiaries”). 因此,根据下面的承诺、约定、条件条款、声明和保证,双方同意如下: NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the promises, covenant

5、s, terms, conditions representations and warranties hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. 目标/OBJECTIVE 甲方和乙方希望就乙方(或通过其关联公司)收购由甲方所拥有的目标公司的100%股权(以下简称“拟定交易”)进行磋商。 Party A and Party B desire to discuss the purchasing by Party B(or through its affiliates) 100% of the equity of T

6、arget Company owned by Party A (the “Proposed Transaction”). 1.1 1.2 本协议的目的系明确甲乙双方就拟定交易已达成一致的及相关进一步安排的约 定。 The purpose of this Agreement is to record certain aspects of the Proposed Transaction that the Parties mutually acknowledge and to outline future arrangementsto be undertaken by the Parties in

7、 relation to the Proposed Transaction. 2. 拟定交易/PROPOSED TRANSACTION 就拟定交易,甲、乙双方预计可行的主要交易条款如下: In respect of the Proposed Transaction, the Parties anticipate that the main viable terms and conditions are as follows: (a) 乙方拟以人民币7000万元的价格(“收购价款”),通过其自身或其关联公 司向甲方购买甲方所拥有的目标公司100%的股权。 Party B will, throug

8、h itself or its affiliates, purchase 100% of the equity of Target Companyowned by Party A at a price of RMB70,000,000 (the “Purchase Price”). (b) 乙方(或其关联公司)向甲方支付的首期收购价款的金额为人民币3500 万元(“首期款”),剩余的收购价款人民币3500万元在拟定交易完成 2.1后的第十八(18)个月期满后支付。若在此期间,乙方发现目标公司 及其中国子公司在拟定交易完成前存在未披露债务或甲方违反任何相关 陈述保证与承诺而导致目标公司及其中国境

9、内子公司承受损失,则乙方 有权从剩余的收购价款中扣除损失并追究甲方的违约责任。 The first installment of the Purchase Price to be paid by Party B or its affiliatesto Party A shall be RMB35,000,000 (“First Installment”). The residualPurchase Price RMB35,000,000 shall be paid after eighteenth (18th)month from the completion of the Proposed

10、Transaction. During such period, provided that Party B becomes aware of the existence of undisclosed indebtedness incurred by the Target Company and its PRC Subsidiariesprior to the completion of the Proposed Transaction or Party A breaches any relevant representation and warrant, which cause any lo

11、ss to the Target Company and its PRC Subsidiaries, Party B shall have the right to deduct the amount of such loss from the residual Purchase Price and hold Party A accountable for any breach liability. 双方应于首期款支付后【三(3)】个工作日内共同完成目标公司股东变更手续。 Both Parties shall complete the proceduresfor thechange of th

12、e shareholders of the Target Company within three (3) working days after the payment of First Installment. (c) 首期款支付的先决条件包括但不限于以下条件: The preconditions for the payments of the First Installment shall include but not limited to the following: (i) 签署甲方和乙方认可的法律文件,包括但不限于:股份转让协议 (目标公司及甲方做出的陈述和保证和其他条款令乙方满意

13、)、 股东会/股东大会/董事会决议和修改后的目标公司及其中国境内 子公司章程等;其中,甲方应当促使并确保XXX以令乙方满意的 格式和内容修改其公司章程,包括但不限于以下内容: Execution ofthe legal documents to the satisfaction of Party A and Party B, including but not limited to: SharePurchase Agreement withrepresentations and warrants made by the Target Company and Party A and other

14、terms and conditions satisfactory to Party B, shareholders/shareholders meeting/board resolutions and revisedMemorandum &Articles of Association of the Target Company and its PRC Subsidiaries; Among which, Party A shall procure and ensure XXXtorevise its Article of Association in the forms and c

15、ontexts to the satisfaction of Party B, including but not limited to the following contexts: ? 将XXX公司章程第三十八条中有关公司利润分配的条款,补 充修改为“在公司合营期限内的前三十年中,公司可分配利润 的20%将无偿捐赠给普陀山管理局作为风景区建设发展基金, 剩余利润按出资比例分配;在公司合营期限内的后二十年中, 公司可分配利润按照各股东的合资比例进行分配,无需进行捐 赠。” The Clause 38 of the Article of Association of XXXregarding

16、the profits distribution shall be revised as “In the first thirty years within the duration of the Joint Venture, 20% of the allocable profits of the Joint Venture shall be donated to Putuo Mountain Administration Bureau as the construction development foundation for the scenic area; In the latter t

17、wenty years within the duration of the Joint Venture, any allocable profits of the Joint Venture shall be distributed per capita among the shareholders without donations.” ? 将XXX公司章程第三十九条中有关公司合资期限的条款补充 修改为“各股东一致同意,应在合营期限届满六个月之前向审 批机构申请延长合资经营期限。” The Clause 39 of the Article of Association of XXXrega

18、rding to the duration of the Joint Ventureshall be revised as “Shareholders unanimously agree that the Joint Venture shall submit an application to the approving authority for the extension of the duration of the Joint Venture no less than six months prior to the expiry of the duration.” ? 将XXX公司章程第

19、四十条中有关公司合资期满财产处理的条 款补充修改为“清算后财产按照各方出资比例分配。” The Clause 40 of the Article of Association of XXXregarding to the liquidation upon the expiry of the duration of the Joint Venture shall be revised as “The properties of the Joint Ventureshall be distributed per capita among the shareholders after the liq

20、uidation.” (ii) 按乙方的要求完成法律、财务、资产或其他形式的尽职调查,且 调查结果令乙方满意; Completion of legal, financial, assets or other types ofdue diligence in accordance with the requirements of Party Band the results of such due diligence satisfactory to Party B; (iii) 根据乙方的要求,目标公司及其中国境内的子公司完成所有必要 的重组并通过有关的政府和主管部门的审批程序; In acco

21、rdance with the requirements of Party B, the target company and its PRC Subsidiaries have completed all the necessary restructuring for their legal structures and such restructuring has been approved by the relevant governmental authorities; (iv) 甲方应当促使并确保XXX成立时的两个中方股东将其作价出资 的土地使用权过户至XXX名下; Party A

22、shall procure and ensure two Chinese shareholders as on the date of the establishment of XXXtransfer their land usage rights to Zufu Garden, which have been previously used as the capital investments towards Zufu Garden; (v) 甲方应明确承诺,目标公司及其中国境内子公司均没有账外负债; Party A shall definitely warrant that the Tar

23、get Company and its PRC Subsidiaries have no indebtedness that is not recorded in their financial books and management accounts. (vi) 在尽调完成后需要甲方、目标公司及其中国境内子公司完成的其 他事项。 Other particularsthat is necessary to be completed by Party A, the Target Company and its PRC Subsidiaries after due diligence. 2.2

24、甲、乙双方同意各自承担其根据适用法律可能产生的与拟定交易相关的任何税 务负担。篇二:股权购买协议 中英文 SERIES B PREFERRED SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT B 系列优先股股权购买协议 W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the Company (the Board) has determined that it is in the best interests of the Company to raise additional capital by means of the i

25、ssuance of o XXXX of the Company's Series B Preferred Shares, par value NIS 0.01 per share (the Preferred B Shares), to the Investor, at a price per Share of US (the PPS), and an aggregate purchase price of XX US Dollars (the Investment Amount), as more fully set forth in this Agreement; and 鉴于,

26、出于公司利益的考虑,公司董事会决定通过向投资方发行XXX股B 系列优先股来为公司筹集额外资本,票面价值为NIS 0.01,每股XXX美元,购买价格总计XXX美元(以下简称”投资总额”),如下文所示; WHEREAS , the Investor desires to invest in the Company an amount equal to the Investment Amount and purchase the Purchased Shares (as defined below) pursuant to the terms and conditions more fully se

27、t forth, and specifically subject to the Company's achievement of a certain milestone as provided herein; 鉴于,投资方愿意依据下述条款和条件、在公司取得一定里程碑时投资XXX美元购买股票. WHEREAS, concurrently with the signature of this Agreement, has delivered to the Investor a commitment letter in the form attached hereto as Schedul

28、e 2.1.13 whereby it has committed to transmit to the Company the balance of the OCS Funding Residual Amount (as defined below) in accordance with the terms set forth herein and therein. 鉴于,本协议签署之时, XXXX(如下文定义)要向投资方以附件“2.1.13”的格式递交承诺函,承诺向公司支付OCS 资金残留金额(如下文定义) NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the m

29、utual promises and covenants set forth herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 现在,在考虑到双方的承诺和契约规定,双方据此同意如下: 股票的发行和购买 1.1. Issue and Purchase of Shares. 股票的发行和购买 Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the Company shall issue and allot to the Investor, and the Investor shall purchase from the

30、 Company, an aggregate of (xxxx) of the Company's Series B Preferred Shares (the Purchased Shares), at a price per Share equal to the PPS, reflecting a pre-money valuation of the Company of xxx and calculated on a Fully Diluted Basis (as defined below), for the aggregate Investment Amount. The c

31、apitalization table of the Company reflecting the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company on a Fully Diluted Basis (as defined below), immediately prior to and immediately following the Closing (as defined below), is attached hereto as Schedule 1.1 (the Capitalization T(来自:WWw.xlT 小龙文 档网

32、:股权投资协议中英文版)able). 根据相关条款及条件,公司应对投资方发行并分配股票,投资方应从公司购买总计xxxx股B系列优先股(以下简称”购买的股票”),每股价格为xxx美元,反映出在全面摊薄基础上,公司交易总额的交易前市值为xxx美元.附件1.1(简称”资产表”)公司的资产表反映了交易结束前后在全面摊薄基础上公司已发行的流通股本. 1.2. For the purposes of this Agreement, Fully Diluted Basis shall mean all issued and outstanding share capital of the Company,

33、including (i) all ordinary shares of the Company, par value of NIS 0.01 each (the Ordinary Shares), (ii) all Preferred A shares of the Company, par value of NIS 0.01 each (the “Preferred A Shares”), and all Preferred B Shares, (iii) all securities convertible into Ordinary Shares being deemed so con

34、verted, (iv) all convertible loans being deemed so converted (v) all options, warrants and other rights to acquire shares or securities exchangeable or convertible for shares of the Company, being deemed so allocated, exercised and converted, and (vi) all options reserved for (including any unalloca

35、ted option pool) and/or allocated for issuance to employees, consultants, officers, service providers or directors of the Company pursuant to any current share option plans, agreements or arrangements heretofore, prior to the Closing, approved by the Board of the Company (the ESOP Pool) deemed conve

36、rted and/or granted and/or exercised. “全面摊薄基础”代表公司已发行流通的股票.包括:1)所有的普通股,每股票面价值为NIS0.01;2)公司的A轮优先股和B轮优先股,每股票面价值为NIS0.01;3)所有被转换为普通股的证券;4)所有可转换贷款;5)被分配,行使和转换的所有期权,许可证或可取得可转换股票的其他权益; 6)在交割前,由公司董事会批准的、根据任何目前或未来激励性股票期权计划的协议或安排,为公司员工,顾问,高级管理人员,服务提供商,董事所保留的或直接向其分配的可被转化,授予,或行使的期权. 1.3. (the “First Installmen

37、t”) shall be paid to the Company at and subject to the Closing as defined in Section 2 herein, in consideration for the issuance to the Investor of xxxx Preferred B Shares (the Closing Purchased Shares), (ii) an amount of (the “Second Installment”) shall be paid to the Company within xx months follo

38、wing the Closing Date (the Second Installment Date) in consideration for the issuance to the Investor of xxx Preferred B Shares (the Second Installment Shares), and (iii) the remaining amount of the 2“Third Installment” shall be paid to the Company at and subject to the Third Installment Date (as de

39、fined below), in consideration for the issuance to the Investor of xxxxPreferred B Shares (the Third Installment Shares). 投资方的注资金额应分三期投资如下:1)在交割时应投资xxxx美元(以下简称”首期投资”) (根据第2章定义的“交割”的定义),作为对价,投资方将享有xxx 轮优先股(以下简称”交割购买的股票”).2)应在交割日结束后的xx月内投资60万美元(以下简称”二期投资”),投资方将获得xxxx股B轮优先股(以下简称”二期投资股票”);3)剩下的作为第三期投资应于

40、三期投资日支付,投资方可获得xxxx优先股(以下简称”三期投资股票”) 2. The closing of the sale and purchase of the Purchased Shares (the Closing) shall take place at the offices of xxxx or remotely via the exchange of documents and signatures, at a time and on a date to be specified by the Parties, which shall be no later than the

41、 third (3rd) Business Day after the satisfaction or waiver of all of the conditions set forth in Sections 7 and 8 below to be satisfied or waived (other than those conditions that by their nature are to be satisfied at the Closing) or at such other time and place as the Company and the Investor mutu

42、ally agree upon in writing , but in any event, no later than 45 days following the signing of this Agreement (the date of the Closing being herein referred to as the Closing Date). Business Day shall mean any day other than Friday, Saturday, Sunday or any other day on which banks are legally permitt

43、ed to be closed in Israel or in China. It is hereby clarified that to the extent the conditions set forth in Sections 7 and 8 below have not been satisfied (and/or waived as set forth herein) as of the Closing Date,股票购买的售卖结束地点是xxxx 或通过远程交换文件和签名,具体日期双方决定,但不得晚于如下7和8条规定条件圆满完成或免除(除了依其特点应于交割满足的条件)后的3个工作日

44、,或者投资方和公司书面商定的日期和地点,但是任何情况下不得超过本协议签署后的45天.工作日可为任何一天,但不包括周五,周六和周日或以色列或中国银行的法定非营业时间.此处需要澄清的是,如果截止交割日7条和8条规定下的条件不满意(和/或放弃此处规定),双方同意此协议不具有效力,此处的任何一方不可撤销的放弃对对方的要求或本协议交割前出现的不利于预交割义务一方。 2.1. 交割时的交付和交易 At the Closing, the following transactions shall occur simultaneously (no transaction shall be deemed to h

45、ave been completed or any document delivered until all such transactions have been completed and all required documents delivered): 交割时将同时发生如下交易(仅当交易完成、所有被要求的资料递交,交易才被视为完成,材料才被视为送达.) 股东决议 3True and correct copies of duly executed resolutions of the Company's shareholders, in the form attached he

46、reto as shall be modified to create the Preferred B Shares; (ii) the execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement (including all schedules and exhibits attached hereto), the Director Indemnity Agreement (as defined below), the Repurchase Agreements (as defined below) , all in

47、struments, documents, exhibits and agreements contemplated hereby or thereby or ancillary hereto or thereto (collectively with this Agreement, the Transaction Agreements), including without limitation, the performance of the Company's obligations hereunder and there under shall have been approve

48、d, to the extent such approval is necessary; and (iii) the current Articles of Association of the Company shall have been replaced with the Restated Articles (as defined below), effective as of the Closing Date. 公司股东已签署的、真实正确的决议应送达给投资方(以附件2.1.1的形式)。除此之外还包括:1)公司法定股本应修改以创建优先股B;2)由公司签署,交付和履行的本协议(包括所有附件和证件),董事赔偿协议,回购协议(定义如下),信托协议(定义如下)以及所有文书,文件,证物和由此或附准的公司义务的履行,若有此批准视为必要;3)目前公司的章程应由重申的章程所取代,自交割日起生效。 董事决议 True and correct copies of a duly executed resolution of the Board, in the form alia: (i) the execution, and performance by the


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