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1、外文翻译原文The Impact of Monetary Policy on Stock PricesMaterial Source:chool of Management, University of Bath, Bath, UK;Department of Economics,University of Glasgow,Glasgow,UKAutor:Christos Ioannidis and Alexandros Kontonikas b* Previous empirical evidence broadly supports the notion that restrictive

2、. monetary policy decreases (increases) contemporaneous stock returns, as well as expected stock returns. These studies typically relate stock returns to measures of monetary policy stringency in the context of single equation specifications and/or multivariate Vector Autoregressions.In this paper w

3、e take a closer look at the impact of monetary policy on stock returns by utilising thirty years of data across thirteen OECD countries. Given the considerable debate on the relative merits of money aggregates during the late 1970s and early 1980s, we adopt the nowadays standard approach of measurin

4、g monetary policy using interest rate variables. We expand previous work by examining the sensitivity of our findings to the inclusion of dividend payments in the stock returns calculation, while considering both nominal and real returns. Our results indicate that for the majority of the countries u

5、nder investigation the monetary environment is an important determinant of investors required returns. We also examine the contemporaneous effect of monetary policy on stock returns taking into account the non-normality typically inherent in such data as well as the significant co-movement of intern

6、ational stock markets. The main result, that expansionary monetary policy boosts the stock market, remains largely robust in most sample countries. The implications of such findings for monetary policy making and investor portfolio formation are highly important.Central bankers and stock market part

7、icipants should be aware of the relationship between monetary policy and stock market performance in order to better understand the effects of policy shifts. Monetary authorities in particular face the dilemma of whether to react to stock price movements, above and beyond the standard response to in

8、flation and output developments. There is an ongoing debate in the monetary policy rules literature between the proactive and reactive approach. On the one hand, the proactive view advocates that monetary policymakers should alter interest rates in response to developing stock price bubbles in order

9、 to reduce overall macroeconomic volatility . On the other hand, according to the reactive approach, monetary authorities should wait and see whether the stock price reversal occurs, and if it does, to react accordingly to the extent that there are implications for inflation and output stability. He

10、nce, the reactive approach is consistent with an accommodative expost response to stock price changes . Despite the difference in the timing of the reaction, both approaches effectively assume that the monetary authorities can affect stock market value. It is apparent then, that the empirical verifi

11、cation of this assumption is important for monetary policy formulation. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. The next section discusses the theoretical framework underlying the relationship between monetary policy and the stock market. The present value or discounted cash flow model offers

12、 useful insights on the stock market effects of monetary policy changes. According to this widely used model the stock price is the present value of expected future dividends . Thorbecke (1997) employs a number of alternative methodologies to examine the relationship between monetary policy and stoc

13、k prices in the United States. Using a VAR system that includes monthly equity returns, output growth, inflation, and the federal funds rate, he finds that monetary policy shocks, measured by orthogonalized innovations in the federal funds rate, have a greater impact on smaller capitalisation stocks

14、, this is in line with the hypothesis that monetary policy affects firms access to credit (see Gertler and Gilchrist,1993). In the same paper, Thorbecke (1997) adopts the Boschen and Mills (1995) index as an alternative measure of monetary policy conditions. In line with his VAR estimates, he finds

15、that expansionary monetary policy exerts a large and statistically significant positive effect on monthly stock returns. In a recent study, Cassola and Morana (2004) also employ the VAR methodology. In particular, they use a cointegrated VAR system including real GDP, inflation, real M3 balances, sh

16、ort term interest rate, bond yield, and real stock prices in order to examine the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in the Euro area. Their results from impulse response analysis indicate that a permanent positive monetary shock has a temporary positive effect on real stock prices. Patelis (

17、1997) examines whether some portion of the observed predictability in excess US stock returns can be attributed to shifts in the monetary policy stance. Following Fama and French8 (1989), he employs the long-horizon regression methodology, using two sets of explanatory variables: monetary policy var

18、iables and financial variables. He finds that monetary policy variables are significant predictors of future returns, although they cannot account fully for the observed stock return predictability. Patelisexplanation for the finding that monetary policy indicators are significant predictors of exce

19、ss stock returns relates to the financial propagation mechanism (Bernanke and Gertler, 1989) and to the credit channel of monetary policy transmission (Bernanke and Gertler, 1995)Jensen and Johnson (1995) also find that monetary policy developments are associated with patterns in stock returns. They

20、 show that long-term stock returns following discount rate decreases are higher and less volatile than returns following rate increases. Their motivation for the employment of the discount rate as a proxy for the stance of monetary policy follows from the view that the discount rate is typically reg

21、arded as a signal of monetary and possibly economic developments. This argument is based on Wauds (1970) suggestion that discount rate changes affect market participants expectations about monetary policy. Since rate changes are made only at substantial intervals, they represent a somewhat discontin

22、uous instrument of monetary policy, and they are established by a public body perceived as being competent in judging the economys cash and credit needs. Financial economists discuss various reasons why changes in the discount rate may affect stock returns. For example, discrete policy rate changes

23、influence forecasts of market determined interest rates and the equity cost of capital. Also, changes in the discount rate possibly affect expectations of corporate profitability (Waud, 1970). In a subsequent study, Jensen, Mercer and Johnson (1996) extend the Fama and French (1989) analysis by sugg

24、esting that the monetary environment affects investorsrequired returns. Monetary policy stance is proxied by a binary dummy variable indicating discount rate changes Jensen et al. (1996) find that predictable variation in stock returns depends on monetary as well as business conditions, with expecte

25、d stock returns being higher in tight money periods than in easy money periods. The results also indicate an asymmetry in the relation between business conditions and stock returns: business conditions could predict future stock returns only in periods of expansive monetary policy. Conover, Jensen a

26、nd Johnson (1999) argue that not only US stock returns, but also returns on foreign markets are related with US monetary environments . They find that stock returns in twelve OECD countries over the period 1956-1995 are generally higher in expansive US and local monetary environments than they are i

27、n restrictive environments. 译文货币政策的影响股票价格资料来源: School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, UK; Department of Economics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK作者:Christos Ioannidis and Alexandros Kontonikas b*以前的经验证据广泛支持观念货币政策的限制能同时降低股票的回报率,以及预期的股票收益。这些研究涉及到典型的股票收益的货币政策措施的语境中,规格单方程或多元向量风险价值模型。在本文中,我们

28、可以利用十三经合组织国家三十年的数据,近距离观察的影响货币政策对股票的回报。讨论了可观的钱相对的价值在70年代晚期和80年代早期,我们采用了标准的方法测量现在货币政策变量使用利率。我们把以前的工作通过检查的敏感性,我们的研究,包括股利发放股票收益的计算,在考虑两个名词词组和真正的回报。我们的研究结果表明,大多数的国家接受调查的货币环境对投资者要求的回报是一个重要的决定因素 。同时我们还会检测效果的货币政策对股票收益的非常态性通常考虑自身的重要数据,以及同步性国际股票市场。其主要的结果,扩张性的货币政策推动了股市,但仍存在在大多数样本国家在很大程度上的背道而驰。这样的结果的对货币政策制定和投资者


30、同反应时间的影响,这两种方法都有效地假定货币当局会影响股票的市场价值。然后,很明显这个假设的实证验证,是一种重要的货币政策的制定。接下来的文章是有组织的如下。在下一章节讨论了潜在的关系的理论框架的货币政策与股票市场。当前值或现金流量折现模型提供了在股票市场货币政策变动的影响有用的洞察在股票市场货币政策变动的影响。根据股票价格是模型的现值预期未来的股息这一广泛使用的理论。 在同样的调查中,Thorbecke(1997)采用Boschen与Mills(1995)的指数作为一种替代措施,货币政策的条件。符合他的风险价值模型估计,他发现扩张性的货币政策产生了大量具有积极的影响非常明显,具有统计学显著差





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