1、GE.15- Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions forWheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or beUsed on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for ReciprocalRecognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions *(Revision 2, including the
2、 amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995_Addendum 126: Regulation No. 12701 series of amendments to the Regulation Date of entry into force: 22 January 2015Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles withregard to their pedestrian safety performanceUNITED NATIONS* For
3、mer title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions ofApproval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done atGeneva on 20 March 1958.E /ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1E /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1 4 February 2015E/ECE/324/Rev.
4、2/Add.126/Rev.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.13Regulation No. 127Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to their pedestrian safety performanceContentsPage Regulation1.Scope . 4 2.Definitions . 4 3.Application for approval . 14 4.Approval . 15 5.Specifications .
5、 16 6.Modification of vehicle type and extension of approval . 17 7.Conformity of production . 17 8.Penalties for non-conformity of production . 17 9.Production definitively discontinued . 17 10.Names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of the Type A
6、pproval Authorities . 18 11.Transitional provisions . 18 Annexes1Part 1 - Model - Information document No . rel ating to the type approval of a vehicle with regard to pedestrian protection (19Part 2 - Communication . 21 2Arrangements of approval marks . 23 3General test conditions . 24 4Test impacto
7、r specifications . 25 5Test procedures . 32 6 Certification of the impactor (40E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.141. ScopeThis Regulation applies to motor vehicles of categories M1 and N1.1However, vehicles of category N1 where the drivers position R-point iseither forw
8、ard of the front axle or longitudinally rearwards of the front axletransverse centreline by a maximum of 1,100 mm, are exempted from therequirements of this Regulation.This Regulation does not apply to vehicles of category M1above 2,500 kgmaximum mass and which are derived from N1 category vehicles,
9、 and wherethe drivers position R-point is either forward of the front axle orlongitudinally rearwards of the front axle transverse centreline by a maximumof 1,100 mm; for these vehicle categories Contracting Parties may continue toapply the requirements already in force for that purpose at the time
10、of accedingto this Regulation.2. DefinitionsWhen performing measurements as described in this Part, the vehicle shouldbe positioned in its normal ride attitude.If the vehicle is fitted with a badge, mascot or other structure, which wouldbend back or retract under an applied load of maximum 100 N, th
11、en this loadshall be applied before and/or while these measurements are taken.Any vehicle component which could change shape or position, other thansuspension components or active devices to protect pedestrians, shall be setto their stowed position.For the purposes of this Regulation:2.1. Adult head
12、form test area is an area on the outer surfaces of the frontstructure. The area is bounded:(a In the front, by a wrap around distance (WAD of 1,700 or a line 82.5mm rearward of the bonnet leading edge reference line, whichever ismost rearward at a given lateral position;(b At the rear, by a WAD 2,10
13、0 or a line 82.5 mm forward of the bonnetrear reference line, whichever is most forward at a given lateralposition, and(c At each side, by a line 82.5 mm inside the side reference line.The distance of 82.5 mm is to be set with a flexible tape held tautly alongthe outer surface of the vehicle.2.2. As
14、sessment interval (AI of the flexible lower legform impactor is definedand limited by the time of first contact of the flexible lower legform impactorwith the vehicle and the timing of the last zero crossing of all femur and tibiasegments after their first local maximum subsequent to any marginal va
15、lue of15 Nm, within their particular common zero crossing phases. The AI is1As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3., documentECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3, para. 2. -www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29resolutions.htmlE/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1E/
16、ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.126/Rev.1 identical for all bone segments and knee ligaments. In case of any bonesegment not having a zero crossing during the common zero crossing phases,the time history curves for all bone segments are shifted downwards until allbending moments are crossing zero. The downw
17、ards shift is to be applied forthe determination of the AI only.2.3. A-pillar means the foremost and outermost roof support extending from thechassis to the roof of the vehicle.2.4. Approval of a vehicle type means the full procedure whereby a ContractingParty to the Agreement certifies that a vehic
18、le type meets the technicalrequirements of this Regulation.2.5. Bonnet leading edge means the edge of the front upper outer structure ofthe vehicle, including the bonnet and wings, the upper and side members ofthe headlight surrounds and any other attachments. The reference lineidentifying the posit
19、ion of the bonnet leading edge is defined by its heightabove the ground reference plane and by the horizontal distance separating itfrom the bumper (bumper lead.2.6. Bonnet leading edge height means, at any point on the bonnet leading edge,the vertical distance between the ground reference plane and
20、 the bonnetleading edge reference line at that point.2.7. Bonnet leading edge reference line means the geometric trace of the pointsof contact between a straight edge 1,000 mm long and the front surface of thebonnet, when the straight edge, held parallel to the vertical longitudinal planeof the car
21、and inclined rearwards by 50 from the vertical and with the lowerend 600 mm above the ground, is traversed across and in contact with thebonnet leading edge (see Figure 1.For vehicles having the bonnet top surface inclined at 50, so that the straightedge makes a continuous contact or multiple contac
22、ts rather than a pointcontact, the reference line is determined with the straight edge inclinedrearwards at an angle of 40 from the vertical.For vehicles of such shape that the bottom end of the straight edge makesfirst contact, then that contact is taken to be the bonnet leading edge referenceline,
23、 at that lateral position.For vehicles of such shape that the top end of the straight edge makes firstcontact with the vehicle, then the geometric trace of 1,000 mm wrap arounddistance will be used as the bonnet leading edge reference line at that lateralposition.The top edge of the bumper shall als
24、o be regarded as the bonnet leading edgefor the purposes of this Regulation, if it is contacted by the straight edgeduring this procedure.5Figure 1Bonnet leading edge reference line 2.8. Bonnet rear reference line means the geometric trace of the most rearwardpoints of contact between a 165 mm diame
25、ter sphere and the front structureof the vehicle when the sphere is traversed across the front structure of thevehicle while maintaining contact with the windscreen (see Figure 2. Thewiper blades and arms are removed during this process.Where the bonnet rear reference line and the side reference lin
26、e do notintersect, the bonnet rear reference line should be extended and/or modifiedusing a semi-circular template, of radius 100 mm. The template should bemade of a thin flexible sheet material that easily bends to a single curvaturein any direction. The template should, preferably, resist double o
27、r complexcurvature where this could result in wrinkling. The recommended material isa foam backed thin plastic sheet to allow the template to grip the surface ofthe vehicle.The template should be marked up with four points A through D, asshown in Figure 3, while the template is on a flat surface.The
28、 template should be placed on the vehicle with Corners A and Bcoincident with the side reference line. Ensuring these two corners remaincoincident with the side reference line, the template should be slidprogressively rearwards until the arc of the template makes first contact withthe bonnet rear re
29、ference line. Throughout the process, the template should becurved to follow, as closely as possible, the outer contour of the vehiclesbonnet top, without wrinkling or folding of the template. If the contactbetween the template and bonnet rear reference line is tangential and thepoint of tangency li
30、es outside the arc scribed by points C and D, then thebonnet rear reference line is extended and/or modified to follow thecircumferential arc of the template to meet the bonnet side reference line, asshown in Figure 4.If the template cannot make simultaneous contact with the bonnet sidereference lin
31、e at points A and B and tangentially with the bonnet rearreference line, or the point at which the bonnet rear reference line andtemplate touch lies within the arc scribed by points C and D, thenadditional templates should be used where the radii are increasedprogressively in increments of 20 mm, un
32、til all the above criteria are met.67 Figure 2Bonnet rear reference line Figure 3TemplateCorner A Corner BCorner ACorner BFigure 4Marking of intersection between bonnet rear and side reference lines 2.9. Bonnet top is the area which is bounded by (a, (b and (c as follows:(a The bonnet leading edge r
33、eference line;(b The bonnet rear reference line;(c The side reference lines.2.10. Bonnet top test area is composed of the child headform test area and theadult headform test area as defined in paragraphs 2.1. and 2.15. respectively.2.11. Bumper means the front, lower, outer structure of a vehicle. I
34、t includes allstructures that are intended to give protection to a vehicle when involved in alow speed frontal collision and also any attachments to this structure. Thereference height and lateral limits of the bumper are identified by the cornersand the bumper reference lines.2.12. Bumper lead mean
35、s for any longitudinal section of a vehicle, the horizontaldistance measured in any vehicle vertical longitudinal plane between theupper bumper reference line and the bonnet leading edge reference line.2.13. Bumper test area means the frontal surface of the bumper limited by twolongitudinal vertical
36、 planes intersecting points 66 mm inside the definedcorners of the bumper. This distance is to be set with a flexible tape heldtautly along the outer surface of the vehicle.2.14. Centre of the knee of the lower legform impactor is defined as the pointabout which the knee effectively bends.2.15. Chil
37、d headform test area is an area on the outer surfaces of the frontstructure. The area is bounded:(a In the front, by a WAD 1,000 or a line 82.5 mm rearward of the bonnetleading edge reference line, whichever is most rearward at a givenlateral position,(b At the rear, by a WAD 1,700 or a line 82.5 mm
38、 forward of the bonnetrear reference line, whichever is most forward at a given lateralposition, and(c At each side, by a line 82.5 mm inside the side reference line.The distance of 82.5 mm is to be set with a flexible tape held tautly along theouter surface of the vehicle.2.16. Corner of bumper mea
39、ns the vehicles point of contact with a vertical planewhich makes an angle of 60 with the vertical longitudinal plane of thevehicle and is tangential to the outer surface of the bumper (see Figure 5.8Figure 5Corner of bumper 2.17. Corner reference point means the intersection of the bonnet leading e
40、dgereference line and of the bonnet side reference line (see Figure 6.Figure 6Determination of corner reference point; intersection of the bonnet leading edgereference line and the bonnet side reference line 2.18. Driver mass means the nominal mass of a driver that shall be 75 kg(subdivided into 68
41、kg occupant mass at the seat and 7 kg luggage mass inaccordance with ISO standard 24161992.2.19. Femur of the lower legform impactor is defined as all components or partsof components (including flesh, skin covering, damper, instrumentation andbrackets, pulleys, etc. attached to the impactor for the
42、 purpose of launchingit above the level of the centre of the knee.2.20. Front reference line for child headform means the geometric trace asdescribed on the vehicle front structure using a WAD1000 line. In the case ofvehicles where the wrap around distance to the bonnet leading edge referenceline, is more than 1,000 mm at any point, then the bonn