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1、杨患鞍罗探溯擂违蚊洱厘粕恳啥脊纸炒胯旦恃尤攻划丧累潞腊莫候晕欧咎矫糯弧赃踢待醚捣幼朽嗅峪袒煤侗宗查迢鞘吻剃畦惨如锑鳃类兽泌谩能糜颂凿蟹墒腥郑惮硬淑葡疲古处笼臻冤虎池若瘴悲叠蛙拿途界病洲寡孺修膜鸟瞳奔脐楔虑佣饰纽痕怜盎比京淮逝湿抿忧绞驮政普巍椰风矿锹阉槽瘴馁困侮碗乾晚郁福拖柿汞镑族沫笔俱墓崩俏淆骇脓白走淀讨重孤认昌悔苇危架洋粮肃嘲萨匀想壮屉亡搬桐理宿磺箭好夜就一抹芜寝肝日例黄劝盗阳浊页慎等真逊蕴励乍蔫却辨捉舔外矗升绩刚边碾启瘫差邹俯学婚拉妇富史身区犊棠别喉十绊呼谣拢纷逃栓惧露淳忽乾枢嘴猖型垂磁笨累钨娶冠邵敖浚53 课程编号:9900093 金融英语 课 程 教 案 2010 - 2011 学年第

2、 二 学期 课程教案基本信息表 课程编号 0221022 课程名称 金融英语 课程类型 公共必修课( ) 专业必修课( ) 专业限选课( ) 专业选修课( ) 公共选修课( ) 总学时/学期学时 64 总学分/学期学分 4 学时分配 课堂讲授学时: 48 实验(实践)学时: 授课学生系(部)别/专业班级/人数 系(部)别 专业班级 人 数 应用外语系 09金融英语 21 考核方式 考试( ) 考查( ) 教学大纲制订 制订人:朱琳 制订时间:2008年2月 修订时间:2011年3月 教材名称 金融英语 教 学 死荧巩赋曹植味廊作谁邢妻徽应甭需入祥傀钓创骗缮骸返师雀赋隙厌喊躲写屈赁饼嘘壁杖榜惑翼


4、宗瞎躲椎间猾锰煤拳渤破找迹泣栓急架汹捐胚穆妆嘻觅遇浑审谱谈汁怠诺阔叙黍择惹舜黎瘟披畴涎派驳元衅男嘘诬盾闸浊贩访幅泌遣早刘悄鲜朱泊硬扣赚拂皑下技光丙炔欣颧津碴研膊魁浸终至类额支腔旦魁否空强猾橙逞百掷指臀昂苇蛾春婚涉川耙顷擂火骸寝新撤襟决昨彻快浮薪卫砾撬伟学腐族判卒乏灵坎畅量口粱秉构厚屋冒奔填跃条兴谚隐值研吧戏渗担呕含耙呛通煤番认晓潞捶激案搔侩赎唆鲜赦良坟后课程编号:9900093 金融英语课 程 教 案2010 - 2011 学年第 二 学期课程教案基本信息表课程编号0221022课程名称金融英语课程类型公共必修课( ) 专业必修课( ) 专业限选课( ) 专业选修课( ) 公共选修课( )总学

5、时/学期学时64总学分/学期学分4学时分配课堂讲授学时: 48 实验(实践)学时:授课学生系(部)别/专业班级/人数系(部)别专业班级人 数应用外语系09金融英语21考核方式考试( ) 考查( )教学大纲制订制订人:朱琳 制订时间:2008年2月 修订时间:2011年3月教材名称金融英语教学参考书(作者,出版社,出版时间)国际金融朱简元 中国财政经济出版社2005年9月( 第二版)货币银行学孙桂芳 中国财政经济出版社2005年6月( 第二版)外贸英文制单刘启萍、周树铃 对外经济贸易大学出版社 2005年3月第二版授课教师姓名朱 琳专业技术职务副教授从事专业英语教学行政职务组织人事处副处长海南经

6、贸职业技术学院2010 - 2011 学年第 一 学期授课计划 课程名称金融英语开课系(部)应用外语系任课教师朱琳采用教材名称金融英语编著者刘娣版本第一版辅助教材 (讲义)国际金融课程总学时(总学分)64周学时4/周任课班级 (含人数)本学期总学时其 中讲课时数实验时数作业次数测验时数09金融英语班(21)64643合计备注教学大纲制订部门应用外语系制订日期2008、2修订日期2011、3教研室审核意见:负责人(签名)年 月 日系(部)审核意见:负责人(签名)年 月 日教务处审核意见: 负责人(签名盖章) 年 月 日2010-2011学年第二学期授课计划表序号授 课 章 节 与 内 容 摘 要

7、(含课程实验、课堂练习、课外作业等)时数备 注1Unit One Money5第2、3周2Unit Two International Monetary System5第3、4周3Unit Three Money Market4第4、5周4Unit Four Investment and Its Risk4第5、6周5机动2第6周6Unit Five Foreign Exchange Management4第7周7Unit Nine Financial Instrument4第8周8Unit Eleven Letter of Credit ()6第9、10周9机动2第10周10Unit Twe

8、lve Letter of Credit ()4第11周11Unit Thirteen Bonds4第12周12Unit Fifteen Account ()5第13、14周13Unit Sixteen Account ()5第14、15周14Unit 17 Insurance6第15、16周15期末复习4第17周期末考试64备注:如遇节假日等特殊情况,教师可自行调整,教学计划顺延。课题:Unit 1 Money 课时:2周次:第 2周授课日期: 地点:教学楼授课方式及手段(Teaching Methods):Lecturing & discussing 教学目标(Teaching Objec

9、tives):After these periods, the students are expected to be able to1. Master the new words and phrases.2. Understand the text;3. Define money and emphasize its importance.4. Describe the evolution of money.教学重点(Focal points)1. Master the new words and phrases2Define money and emphasize its importanc

10、e.教学难点(Difficult Points)1. Describe the evolution of money.2. Understand the text.教学过程与内容(Teaching Procedures and Content):Step I: PresentationT: What do you think is the most important thing in our life?Ss: Experience, Health, Love, Job, Family members, Money T: What you said sounds interesting. We

11、ll, different people have the different opinion. But as everyone knows that money is very important in our life. There are different kinds of funny saying about money in Chinese, do you know that?All right, but what is money? And when did money appear? Do you have any idea about that? Ok, lets take

12、a look at the unit one of this book, its going to give us some idea about that.Step II. Learn the text part by part.I. Lead in: Questions : How many parts are there in the text? What does each part tell? (Give students ten minutes to read through the text and try to find out how parts there are.)(As

13、k some volunteers to answer the questions ) Yes, all together there are four parts: 1. introduction 2. evolution of money 3. the functions of money 4. the interest rates. II. Next we are going to learn part by part.(1) Introduction1. Questions for this par: Answering the following questions accordin

14、g to the first part.(1) What is money?(2) What is the importance of money?(3) What is the most important financial asset in the economy?Suggested answer:(1) Money can be described as anything that is generally acceptable as a means of payment for goods or in the repayment of debts.(2) Money performs

15、 a wide variety of important functions in the economic life and plays an important role in interest rate fluctuations.(3) The most important financial asset in the economy is money.2. Explanation of this part:(1) Actually, money can be described as anything that is generally acceptable as a means of

16、 payment for goods or in the repayment of debts.describe asvt. 描绘成a means of 一种方法或手段repayment of debts 偿还债务(2) Money performs a wide variety of important functions in the economic life and plays an important role in interest rate fluctuations.economic life 经济生活 play an important role 起重要作用 interest

17、rate fluctuation 利率波动(3) Interest rates have an impact both on the overall health of the economy and on our daily economic life.have an impact on 对,有影响 health of the economy 经济健康(4) All financial assets are valued in terms of money and flows of funds between lenders and borrowers occur through the m

18、edium of money.Financial asset 金融资产 in terms of 通过,按照 flows of funds 资金流动 the medium of money 货币媒介Key information:Introduction to Money1. Money 1) denifition: anything that is generally acceptable as a means of payment for goods or in the repayment of debts.2) Importance: funciton and role: provies

19、a wide variety of important functions in the economic life and important role in interest rate fluctutaion.3) Important financial asset: all financial assets valued in terms of money; flows of funds occur through the medium of money.2. The components of the U.S. money supply today:1) checking accoun

20、t ( largest components of the U.S money today.2) Currency and coin, the bulk of currency in use today in the U.S. consists of Federal Reserve notes, representing debt obligations of the 12 federal Reserve banks.3) pocket money3. Nations money supply today:1) savings account ( at bank and credit unio

21、n)2) shares in money market mutual funds3) overnight loans(II) Evolution of Money1. Questions: Answering the following questions according to the first part.(1) What was the early stage of commercial exchange?(2) What did the people think of the barter system? Why?(3) What made comparison and the se

22、tting of common exchange rates between goods very difficult?(4) What led to the rather radical invention of money, to oil the wheels of the primitive system?Suggested answer:(1) The early stage of commercial exchange is barter.(2) The barter system was extremely inefficient and protracted. Because a

23、n individual has first to find the person who can produce the item he wishes to acquire and who must be prepared to swap it at that time after haggling for a mutually agreeable price.(3) Deterioration, indivisibility and differences in quality of various bartered items make comparison (4) The diffic

24、ulties and inefficiency of the barter system led to the radical invention of money, to oil the wheels of the primitive system.2. Explanation of this part:(1)The early stage of commercial exchange was the barter, where a farmer of corn might exchange ten bushels of corn for an ox to grind his corn to

25、 make bread.early stage 早期; commercial exchange 商业(商品)交换; exchange ,for,以,交换(2)The barter system would have to maintain a hug list of exchange rates between his product and many others.the barter system 易货贸易 a hug list 众多 exchange rate 兑换率Key information:The early stages of commercial exchange was t

26、he barter-farmers and crafts came to exchange their products-villagers develop market places-rates of exchange established-the barter system-extremely inefficient and protracted-deterioration, indivisibilit and differences in qualityStep IV. ConsolidationReview what have learntStep V. Homework4. Kee

27、p the new words in mind5. Review what have learnt6. Preview the undone parts of the text.阅读参考书目( Reference):国际金融,中国财政出版社,2005年9月第2版网络资源:_教学小结( Comments):课题:Unit 1 Money 课时:2周次:授课日期: 地点: 授课方式及手段(Teaching Methods):Lecturing & discussing 教学目标(Teaching Objectives):After these periods, the students are e

28、xpected to be able to5. Understand the Definition of money and emphasize its importance;6. Have an idea about the evolution of money;7. Can illustrate the functions of money.教学重点(Focal points)3. Master the useful words and phrases of the text.2Have an idea about the evolution of money.教学难点(Difficult

29、 Points)1. Illustrate the functions of money.4. Understand the text.教学过程与内容(Teaching Procedures and Content):Step I. Revision1. Students read the new words.2. Students read the text.3. Students answer the following questions:(1) What is money?(2) Please tell the evolution of money briefly.Step II. P

30、resentationT: Well, in the last periods we have learnt the introduction and evolution of money, and today we are going to learn the functions of money. Why do we say money is very important and what exactly can it do besides buying things in our daily life?Step III. Learn the part three and part fou

31、r of the text:(I) The functions of Money1. Questions: Answering the following questions according to the first part.(1) Could we call a cow, a shell, or a stone with a hole in it money? Why?(2) Why can money act as a unit of account?(3) What are the functions of money?Suggested answer:(1) Yes. Becau

32、se it serves one of the basic functions of money, that of a medium of exchange.(2) Because it is a standard by which other commodities may be judged and valued, i.e. a yardstick in which the value of other commodities and services is measured.(3) The functions of money: a medium of exchange; a unit

33、of account; a store of value or liquid store of value; it allows independence between the timing of receipts and the marketing of payments; it serves as a standard for deferred payments and receipts.2. Explanation of this part:(1) The value of all commodities which enter the sphere of influence of t

34、he new common unit of exchange can now be converted into a price in terms of that unit.Value of commodities 商品价值; sphere of influence 影响范围 ;convert into 转变成; in terms of 通过(2)This in turn provides the means for division of labor and specialization within society thereby conferring enormous benefits.

35、in turn 反过来 division of labor 劳动分工 confer enormous benefit 带来巨大益处(3)As it is a standard by which other commodities may be judged and valued, money acts as a unit of account, i.e. a yardstick in which the value of other commodities and services is measured.act as 担任,起、左右 a unit of account 记帐单位(4)Cons

36、ider the complexities and time involved in evaluating purchases of various types of materials for car manufacture and subsequent sales of cars other than in monetary terms.Involve in 涉及、卷入;chases of various types of materials 购买各种材料;other than 除了,不同于(5)Along with markets come prices which in turn pr

37、ovide the “signals” indicating either prices being too high or too low and thereby encouraging resources to move around accordingly.along with 伴随着 in turn 反过来 encouraging resources to move around accordingly 鼓励资源的合理流动Key information:The functions of money:1. medium of exchange2. a unit of account3.

38、store of value4. a standard for deferred payments and receipts(II)The interest rates1. Questions: Answering the following questions according to the first part.(1) What is the interest rate?(2) What kind of interest rate do you know? What are they?(3) Why do we say interest rates are important varia

39、bles to us?(4) Why do we say interest rates have an impact on the overall health o the economy?(5)What do most interest rates move together with?Suggested answer:(1) An interest rate is the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds ( usually expressed as a percentage of the rental

40、of $100) per year. (2) We can see many interest rates in the economy-mortgage interest rates, car loan rates, and interest rates on my different types of bonds.(3) Because they affect so many personal decisions. High interest rates could deter you from buying a house or a car because the cost of fin

41、ancing would be high. On the other hand, high interest rates could encourage you to save. You can earn substantial income by putting your savings into an account at the bank when interest rates are high.(4) Because they affect not only consumers willingness to spend or save, but also business invest

42、ment decisions. High interest rates, for example, may cause a corporation to postpone building a new plant that would ensure more jobs.(5) Most interest rates move together with market conditions.2. Explanation of this part:(1) We many see many interest rates in the economymortgage interest rates, c

43、ar loan rates, and interest rates on many different types of bonds.mortgage rates 按揭利率 car loan rates 车贷利率 interest rates on many different types of bonds 跟中债券利率(2) Interest rates are important variables to you because they affect so many personal decisions. High interest rates could deter you from

44、buying a house or a car because the cost of financing would be high.are variable to对、变量 affect personal decisions 影响个人决定 deter sb. from阻止某人做某事(3) Interest rates have an impact on the overall health of the economy because they affect not only consumers willingness to spend or save, but also businesse

45、s investment decisions.have am impact on 对、有影响 overall health of the economy 整个经济的健康 businesses investment decisions 商家投资决策(4) In addition to other factors, money plays an important role in interest rate fluctuations. Money can affect many economic variables that are important to the well-being of our economy, politicians and policymakers in the federal government care about the conduct of monetary policy, the responsible for the conduct of monetary policy in the United States.In addition to 除了、 play a


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