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1、教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校Unit 7 How much制定依据1内容分析本单元课文呈现了以爱心义卖为场景的购物活动。教师也可以在教学中设置其他购物情景,让学生在真实的情景中学会使用How much is it?/How much are they? Its /Theyre yuan .在学生熟练听说的基础上,教师可以适当复现前面所学过的饮料、食品、水果、家具类的单词,进行综合操练,从而使学生能够在日常生活中自然地运用所学语言。2学生分析学生对于购物类的话题比较感兴趣,对于爱心义卖这形式更加好奇,因此,教师应该以此为切入口,培

2、养学生情感,在此基础上运用所学交际用语进行交流。学生在前面学习的基础上,对于数字1-19能较流利地说,对于几十这样的数字,教师可以让学生自主地发现规律,做到知识的有效“迁移”。课时安排第一课时: Storytime第二课时: Fun time and song time第三课时: Cartoon time第四课时: Checkout time第五课时: Practise Ticking time教 学 过 程第一课时Story time教学目标1. 通过数字游戏,复习三年级数字单词,学生能够利用数字表达价钱;2. 情境呈现顾客营业员买卖过程,学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbre

3、lla并理解句型How much is it/are they? Its/Theyre yuan.3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。 教学重点:情境呈现顾客营业员买卖过程,学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella并理解句型How much is it/are they? Its/Theyre yuan.教学难点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm upStep1 Warm up1. Review nu

4、mbersShow some clocks and telephone numbers. Then ask the students to say thenumbers. Today we will use numbers again. We can use them to buy things.(揭题)Say the numbers通过师生、生生的活动,让学生尽快进入英语的学习氛围。通过上一单元的复习,让学生更快进入Do you?句型的练习。Pre-task preparation2. Number games (接龙游戏)3. Review the words about clothesT

5、: I like shopping. I often buy clothes. What kind of clothes do you know?The teacher writes down all the words on the blackboard.Play the game in groupsSay some words about clothes通过游戏的形式,激发学生的兴趣,又能引导学生积极地回答问题,实现真实交流。While- task procedure(Part C)1. Play a role and teacher the new sentencesThe teache

6、r acts as a guest, one student acts as a shop assistant.教师在菜单上添加价格,让学生计算出总价后再回答2. Give the menu and price先要求学生认知单价,之后进一步要求学生算出两种或两种以后食品的总价,达到操练句型和目标数字词汇的目的。3. Show the menu on PPT, ask the students make dialogues in pairs.4. Teach the text(1)Listen to the text and answer the questionsQ1: Who are the

7、y?Q2: What are they talking about?Check out the answersT: Yes, today Su Hai and Su Yang are now students. Theyre shop assistant(让学生自己说出营业员). How do you know?引导学生自己说出购物的句型: Can I help you? (2) Read and find out the price 自读课文,找到每件物品的价格Check out the answers引导学生找到书上原句,并两人一组进行问答(3) Act it out教师引导学生选择一个场

8、景,进行买东西的表演。师生示范表演:T: Hi, Mike. Can I help you?S: Yes, Id like this umbrella. How much is it?T: Its only nineteen yuan.S: Ok, here you are.T: Anything else? Would you like this fan? Its cool.S: Yes, please.T: Ok, two yuan ,please.T: Id like a glass of milk and a sandwich.S1: OK. Anything else?T: No,

9、thanks. How much are they/ is it?T: How much is it?S1: Its yuan.T:Id like some noodles. How much is it?Ss: Its fifteen yuan.T: Id like two hamburgers and a cup of coffee. How much are they?Ss: Theyre forty yuan.s-s work in pirsS1: Id like a hamburger and a glass of juice? How much are they/is it?S2:

10、 Theyre / Its yuan.Listen and ansewerSs: Theyre Su Hai, Su Yang, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Mike and Miss Li.Can I help you?学生自读课文,填上价格Read the sentences in role, then ask and answerS1: How much are the shoes?S2: Theyre five yuan.T: How much are the socks?S1: Theyre four yuan.T: How much is the umbrella?S2

11、: Its 19 yuan.学生两人一组选择一个场景进行对话表演。在阅读前,教师通过设置买东西的任务,让学生对于本节课的主题有所了解,对于重点句型做到提前渗透。通过让学生在情境中整体理解故事内容,学习新知,符合学生学习语言的规律,逐步学生培养在情境中理解、运用语言的能力。通过不同的task,循序渐进地理解课文,突破语言知识难点,并为下面的朗读表演做准备。教师引导学生观察图片,预测故事内容,并在小组内讨论,演一演,增强了故事教学的语言交际性。Post- taskactivitiesstep 3 Consolidation1. lead Ss Read the text after the tap

12、e2.lead Ss Read the text in groups3.lead Ss Act in rolea. 学生跟读,注意语音语调b.学生齐读c.学生自读d.角色扮演模仿语音语调,比比谁读的好,角色扮演。在语篇教学过程中,注重朗读的训练,培养学生更进一步理解课文,在揣摩人物的心理后,为更好地朗读,表演打下基础。AssignmentA. Homework.1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Try to recite the dialogue.3. Copy the new words

13、.4. Make a card(为下节课做准备)具体步骤见Fun time板书设计 Unit 7 How muchA: Hello.B: Hi,can I help you?A:Yes, the is nice. How much is it?B:Its yuan. a fan an umbrellaA:Thes areHow much are they?. shoes socks B:Theyreyuan. 第二课时(Fun time and song time)教学目标1. 通过数字游戏巩固所学数字单词,能听懂、会说、会读、会写twenty, thirty, forty, fifty;2.

14、 在猜测物品价格游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How much is it?/ How much are they?以及应答句;3. 通过小组合作游戏及购物游戏,学生能够熟练运用买卖句型Can I help you? How much ?并能熟练运用数字单词表示物品价格;教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm upStep1 Warm up1. GreetingHow old are you?How many s do you have?2. Play number gamesWrite down some numbers on the cards, then show the ba

15、ck of the cards.T: What number is it?Ss: 3.Lets sing the songFree talk with TeacherSay the numbers quicklySs sing the song和学生自然交流,打招呼,形成良好的学习氛围,为下面的教学做铺垫。Pre-task preparationRevision Story time1)Ask questions about story time Who are they in story time? What would they like? How much are they?2)跟读(教

16、师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)3)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,表演得像。4)lead the Ss retell the story1) Answer the questions 2)任选一种方式读1.自己单独读2.跟伙伴扮演角色读3.跟伙伴齐读 3)分角色上台表演4) retell the story 通过竞赛的形式复习story time形成良好的学习氛围。While- task procedure(Part D&F)Fun time1. Teach the new wordsT: Look at my scarf.T: I bought it last week. Do you know

17、how much it is? Its fifty yuan. (边说边将价格贴在衣服上)Teach the new word fiftyT: I have some clothes and toys here. If you want to know the price of them. Please ask me How much is it? or How much are they?PPT show the thingsAsk and answer in twoT: Its thirty yuan.T: Theyre forty yuan.Teach the new words thi

18、rty, forty2. Write down twenty thirty forty fifty on the blackboardAsk the students to say the rules3. Play a gameT: I have some toys here. If you can guess the price, you can get it.Show a toy doge.g.T: I have a How much is it?T: (老师将价格一步步缩小,如物品价格为40,学生猜30,老师就说thirty to forty)Ss: yuan.T: Yes, youre

19、 right.4. Play the game in groupsSs: Its nice.Lead the word “fifty”S1: How much is it? S2: How much are they?学生观察单词,说出规律Ss: Its yuan.Play the game in groups学生拿出自己准备好的卡片,正面画上图片,反面写上价格。互相猜,猜中就可得到卡片。S1: I have a . / I have some s. How much is it? / How much are they?S2: Its yuan. / Theyre yuan.S1: to S

20、2:游戏结束看谁卡片多通过游戏猜一猜的方式,来进行fun time 的学习,增加Fun Time 中的趣味性,突破教学难点。通过让学生在读单词、运用的过程中发现规律,做到语言知识的迁移。让学生亲自制作的过程中,体验制作的过程,体验英语学习的乐趣。在制作完成后,小组内游戏,调动学生的积极性,培养学生的合作精神。Post- taskactivities情景表演:教师创设情境:今天学校开展义卖活动,你们都带来了许多好看的东西,请你和你的小伙伴表演买东西的场景吧!及时板书Useful sentences:Can Ihelp you?Id likeHow much is it/are they?Woul

21、d you like? Its /Theyre 学生想象,说出可以用到的句子。学生两人一组编对话表演。通过拓展的情景拓宽学生的知识面,并在此基础上进行对话表演,让学生明白在什么样的情境中可以运用哪些交际用语进行交流。Assignment1.课后继续和班级中的同学完成fun time 2.编一首属于自己的歌曲,唱给朋友、家长和老师听。3.小组进行场景表演。板书设计Unit 7 How muchA: Can I help you?B: Id like a /someIts / Theyre.How much is it / are they?A: Its / Theyre yuan.B: Here

22、 you are.A: Thank you.第三课时 (Cartoon time sound time)教学目标1.能听懂、会读、表演cartoon time故事。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能尝试在新的情境中运用所学句型进行交流。4.能理解并且会读/h/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1.Greeting 师生自由交流,复习日常用语。2.sing a song 1. GreetingHi/Hello/Good morning. 2.sing a song常规活动,师生打招呼,使学生快速进入英语学习氛围。Pre-task prepar

23、ation1. Play a game about numbers2 Make a dialogueT: Hi, can I help you?S: Yes, Id like theHow much is it/are they?T: Its/Theyre yuan.T Here you are.1.play a game 1)学生开火车说数字2) 学生小组内玩数字游戏2) Make a dialogue:buying things.s-s Pairs巩固单词,并有效突破本单元的一个重点:数字的表达。在综合的看图说话环节,帮助学生自编对话,运用语言。While- task procedure(

24、Part A)Cartoon timeStep3 Cartoon time1. T: If we want to buy something. Where can we go?T: Yes. Look at Bobby and Sam. Where are they?T: (出示小猪售货员) This is the shop keeper, Mr Pig.What will he say?2. Watch the cartoon and answer the questionsa. What would Bobby like?b. How many bowknots would he like

25、?c. Who is Tina?3. 将动画片放至最后一幅图前问学生T: If you are Tina. What will you say?4. Read in role5. Act in roleSound time教师播放动画,请学生跟读。S: ShopSs: Theyre in the shop.学生根据图片想象对话内容S1: Can I help you?S2: Hi, Bobby and Sam.S3:Nice to meet you.Ss: 学生看动画,回答问题。学生看图想象,说出Tina 可能会说的话。学生理解cartoon time 的故事内容,读懂动画中的幽默之处 学生跟

26、读、齐读学生两人一组分角色朗读学生两人一组表演,可以加入想象,适当添加台词。学生跟读,体会字母在单词中的发音。学生四人一组讨论,有相同音素的单词学生小组汇报通过看动画,帮助学生理解故事的主要情节,并通过回答问题的形式进行检测。处理这一板块时,教师适度拓展或联想,提高学生观察能力、思维能力,在回答教师的问题中检验,感受其中的幽默之处。Post- taskactivities1. Lets act!每一位学生手持100元道具钱,并准备若干图片。进行买卖.学生四人一组综合运用所学句型进行表演学生分小组汇报表演 S1: Can I help you?S2: Id like a / some. How

27、much is it /are they?S1: Its / Theyre yuan.S2: Here you are.S1: Thank you.通过在新的情境中,引导学生综合运用所学句型进行交流,能培养学生的综合语用能力。通过表演充分地展现学生的能力,提高他们的自信。Assignment1、听录音,朗读课文模仿语音语调。2、和好朋友一起表演课文。3、把故事和儿歌分享给家人板书设计Unit 7 How muchA: Can I help you?B: Id like a /someIts / TheyreHow much is it / are they? A: Its / Theyre y

28、uan.第四课时(Checkout time)教学目标1.能在情景中综合运用所学交际用语进行交流。2. 能正确完成checkout time中的听力练习,并尝试复述。3.能通过巩固练习,正确评价自己的学习,并对今后的学习形成期待。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Hello, Im T: Hi, Im (师生问好,生生问好,复习所学交际用语,创设英语学习氛围)1.S: Good morning, .S: Hello, ImS: Hi, ImS-S Greeting通过师生问好,使学生快速进

29、入英语学习氛围。Pre-task preparationShow time教师播放儿歌:The clothes shop教师引导学生改编歌词,变成一首新的儿歌1.学生跟唱儿歌2.学生两人一组和唱3.Show a new song学生分享新编儿歌复习歌曲,调动课堂气氛,给学习增添无穷的乐趣。通过改编歌词,综合运用语言。While- task procedure(Part E)1. Review cartoon time1)教师引导学生回忆故事,提问:Who are they ?What would Bobby like?How many would Bobby like?2) 教师引导学生做配音

30、练习2. checkout time教师出示人物,创设整体情境The students are in the shop. They buy some nice things .What are they?教师请学生猜测How much is it/are they?教师引导学生介绍物品3. 综合练习1. Show some pictures and the pricesT: What is this? / What are these ?T: How much is it? / How much are they?S: Its yuan. / Theyre yuan.2. Show their

31、 own things to be a shop assistantT: How to be a shop assistant? What can we say?4. Sound time学生回忆故事,回答问题学生分角色为动画配音。学生两人一组上台表演,其余学生给予评价。学生猜测各种物品学生猜测物品价格。学生听录音,完成听力练习,选择。Look at theIts/theyre They are yuan. S: Its a / Theyre s.Ss: 运用有趣的配音练习进行cartoon time 的复习,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能检测学生的朗读。并在此基础上,引导学生对于其他同学的朗读

32、应给与一定的评价。在完成听力练习后,教师引导学生通过扮演书中的人物进行语段输出。有效的综合练习帮助学生联系上下文,培养语感,增强语用能力。 Post- taskactivitiesShow timeToday is Childrens Day. The children have a lot of presents. They are buying the things together.教师引导学生表演儿童节互换玩具玩耍的场景,教师提供有用的句子Look at myCan I help you?Do you have ?How many?How much is it/are they?Thi

33、s is for you.学生用所学句型进行场景表演在新的情境中运用所学语言进行交际是培养学生语言语用能力的重要手段。因此,教师选择了儿童节这一情景,让学生自由发挥,综合运用语言,达到学以致用。Assignment1. 听录音,流利地朗读课文。2. 抄写本单元四会单词。3. 和好朋友一起表演对话板书设计Unit 7 How muchA:Can I help you?B: Id like a / some.How much is it/are they?A: Its/Theyre.第五课时(practise Ticking time)教学目标1、通过老师所创设的情境,并根据图片或实际情况用所学句

34、子正确表达。2.能在新的语境,复习巩固所学的主要内容。3. 通过本单元学习,养成喜欢分享的品质。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1 T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2 sing a song Greeting .sing a song常规活动,互相打招呼,使学生快速进入英语学习氛围。Pre-task preparationAct time 教师引导学生扮演顾客和买东西的人,自编对话学生两人一组表演对话通过谈论图片,复习巩固所学语言,为下面的教学做铺垫。While- task procedureTask1 : listen and write教师引

35、导学生听录音,写出物品的价格。Task2:把下列句子排成正确的顺序1.Yes,I do.How much is it?2.Thank you,Mum.3.Come here, Mike. This fan is for you.4.Do you like the colour?5.Its twelve yuan.Task3:读句子,选择相应的句子完成对话A: Whats the time, Mum?B: _.A: Oh, its late. How can I go to school?B: You can go by taxi.A: Ok._B: Have some bread and mi

36、lk.A:_B: What about a hot dog?A: _.1. Im hungry.2. Its seven oclock.3.But I dont like the bread,4.Yes, please.Task 4:Sound time1. Show the picture T: Look, how many people are there?T: Where are they?T: Right. They live near the river. They love to swim in summer.2. Write down the words five, live,

37、love, river, circle the letter v5. Give some other words include /v/学生听录音,完成听力练习。学生读句子,排序。学生读句子,完成对话。两人一组表演对话Ss: Five.Ss: Theyre in the river.3. Read the words and /v/4. Read the sentences5.Disscuss some other words include /v/教师设置“闯关”的游戏,引导学生巩固本单元的知识点,对于所学语言进行综合运用。教师通过有趣的卡通片帮助学生理解字母在单词中的发音,并鼓励学生思考,举例其余的有相同音素的单词。Post- taskactivities引导学生完成练习册相关内容学生完成相关练习Assignment1.听录音,并大声跟读、模仿单元2内容,能复述故事环节和卡通环节。2.默写单词3.完成本单元相关练习。 教后反思


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