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1、教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校Unit 3 How many?制定依据1内容分析本单元教材重要学习如何用英语询问和表达数量。 要求学生能听懂、会说、会读数字13-19,并能用所学句型:How many do you have?What do you have? 进行询问别人拥有某物。其中,在三年级时已经学习过数字1-12,在教学时教师可以采用以旧引新的方法学习数字13-19,还要启发学生根据数词的构词规则记单词。 本单元中,教师多使用实物和图片,多创设贴近学生生活的场景,能正确理解和运用本单元的句型。2学生分析在三年级时已经学习过

2、数字1-12,。因此,教师应该以此为切入口,启发学生根据数词的构词规则记单词,在此基础上运用所学交际用语进行交流。学生在第一单元学习的基础上,对于How many do you have?这一句型掌握得较牢固,因此,教师应该在帮助学生进行知识的迁移,引导学生自主发现规律。课时安排第一课时: storytime第二课时: Fun time and rhyme time第三课时: Cartoon time sound time第四课时: Checkout time第五课时: practise Ticking time教 学 过 程第一课时Story time教学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说stick

3、er, have a look, can并能认读数字13-19,用数字表达物品数量。2.能听懂、会读、会说What do you have? I have. How many.do you have?3.能听懂、正确地理解并用合适的升降调朗读story time,在老师的引导和帮助下表演课文内容。4.通过本单元的学习能激发学生对英语学科的持久热情,培养学生的小组合作意识。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm upGreeting and warm up1.GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you ?T: Im well.Ss: Hello,

4、 Miss .S: Im fine, thank you. And you?通过师生、生生的活动,让学生尽快进入英语的学习氛围。Pre-task preparationT: I have some toys. Look at my toys.T: I also have something lovely. Look, whats this?T: What are these?T: Look, how many stickers? Lets count.T: Do you like my stickers? If you do a good job today, Ill give you one

5、, OK?T: I have some stickers. What do you have? How manydo you have?T: We have so many things. Maybe our friends also have something cute.SS: How nice! Wonderful! How beautiful! Cute! S: Its a sticker.新授S: Theyre some stickers.S: _ stickers.S: I have S: 通过师生、生生的活动,看玩具、评价玩具引出本课主线toys。While- task proc

6、edure1. 前测出示图片1T: Yang Ling and Liu Tao are Mikes house.Look at Mikes house.What can you see in Mikes house?What are they talking about?贴磁条,板书学生的句子板书关键句T: Now, here are some key sentences on the blackboard.Can you choose some of them and make a dialogue with you partner?2. 看动画,回答问题T: Maybe our frien

7、ds are talking about fruits, or maybe food. Are they talking about toys? Lets watch the cartoon.T: 看完卡通,What toys are they talking about?3. 默读,回答问题(1) 默读T: How many toy cars does Mike have? How many stickers does Helen have?Now, you can read quietly again. 板书How manyT: Can you tell us how many thing

8、s do they have? Who can come to the front and choose the English word to put on the blackboard?T: Can you try to write the Chinese meaning on the blackboard?T: How to read thirteen?How to read fifteen? Can you?T: How to read these new numbers? 将14,16-19贴到黑板上,请学生试读.T: Can you find any rules to read t

9、he new words? 你能找到什么规律吗?PPT出示Tips: teen表示“十几”,13thirteen,15fifteen, 18eighteen较特殊。4. 情感提升T: 奖励学生贴纸后,I like stickers. Theyre beautiful. Does YL like Helens stickers?T: So, what does she ask? PPT中文解释要求T: How does Helen answer?T: Can you do it better?T: Helen is a good girl. She likes to share.T: Heres

10、 a saying for you.PPT: A roses in her hand, the flavor in mine.5. 三读书(1) Mike and Helen have so many things to show. Theyre very proud. Lets read proudly after the tape and note the intonation and tones(T: Can you read it better? 请学生得意地读“Look at my toy cars.”)(2) T: Lets read in groups.注意互相纠正发音、语气、语

11、调.(3) T: Now, lets read it together.S:We can see some toy cars.4人一组讨论, 他们可能会说些什么呢。SS: Do you have any.? What do you have?How many do you have? Can I have one/ a look?SS: Pair work.S: Yes, they are.S: Toy cars and stickers.S: 学生选择数字单词贴到黑板上。S: 学生到黑板上写数字13和15。S: 学生读thirteen和fifteen.SS: 讨论发言PPT出示tips不看P

12、PT,用自己的话说说。PPT展示完tips后,请学生用自己的话说说是怎么理解数字13-19的。Yes.S: Can I have one?S: Sure.S: Sure. Here you are.介绍故事发生的背景,让学生在情境中整体理解故事内容,学习新知。学生猜测故事情境,他们会产生阅读的期待,更好地融进故事,为阅读故事奠定基础。通过让学生在情境中整体理解故事内容,学习新知,符合学生学习语言的规律,逐步学生培养在情境中理解、运用语言的能力。教师循序渐进,通过大量的师生、生生之间的对话,掌握本课的日常用语。并通过引导学生总结,渗透学习的策略指导。这里的情感教育水到渠成,体现了英语学科的人文性

13、特在语篇教学过程中,注重朗读的训练,培养学生更进一步理解课文,在揣摩人物的心理后,为更好地朗读,表演打下基础。Post- taskactivitiesStep 3 ConsolidationActing timeT: You read very well. I believe you can do better. Herere some tasks for you. You can choose one.T: What can we say before the story? In the end, what can we say?T: Now, Im Yang Ling. Who can b

14、e Helen?Task1: Read aloud.Task2: Choose two pictures to act out.Task3: Act out the whole story. 师生示范。调动学生的积极性,并能帮助学生积极用英语表演、做事。Assignment1.read after the tape.2. Act out the story time with your friends.板书设计 Unit3 How many?Key sentences: Do you have any? WhoWhatHow manyMiketoy carsthirteen13Helensti

15、ckersfifteen15What do you have?How many do you have? 第二课时(Fun time and rhyme time)教学目标1)学生能听懂、会读、会说1-19,并能表示物品的数量。2)学生能够自由对话,会询问对方有多少东西,熟练掌握、运用句型:What do you have? I haveHow manydo you have? I have3)学生能够流利诵读Rhyme time的小诗4)通过本课学习使学生有兴趣说英语、背歌谣,做游戏、敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心, 在小组活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对于学习英语的重要意义

16、。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1、Lets review:a. Free talk: 自由交谈,复习日常用语。GreetingT:Good morning / afternoon, class.T:I have a book. Do you have a book?T:What do you have?How many do you have?2 review the numbers:Say the next numberSay the number beforeSs:Good morning / afternoon, Miss Wang.S:Yes, I do./No, I

17、 dont.S: I haveS:I have Ss read the numbers和学生自然交流,打招呼,形成良好的学习氛围,为下面的教学做铺垫。Pre-task preparation1. Revision Story time1)跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)2)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。学生(任选一种方式读)1.自己单独读2.跟伙伴扮演角色读3.跟伙伴齐读 通过竞赛的形式复习story time形成良好的学习氛围。While- task procedure(Part D&F)Fun time1. 谈论教师的图片教师出示部分被遮挡的物品图片:T:Whats this/

18、that?T:What are these/ those?T:What colour is it/are they?T:What do I have? How many do I have?T:What colour are the ?T: Do you like s?T:Look at the 2. 引导学生谈论图片How about your pictures? Lets guess what do you have?3 rhyme time1)T:You all did a good job. Here are some cakes for you.Guess!How many cake

19、s?Lets count. Look at those cakes One two three and four 2)Im hungry, I think I can eat these cakes all. I can eat four cakes. I can eat them all. (出示吃光的gif动画)Can you eat them all? Show me! Do some actions. How long ? 3)T:Enjoy this rhyme, and try to read. Lets read it together.S: Its a/an S: Theyre

20、S: TheyreS: You have some .S: They are purple.S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.S: Wonderful!.其余学生猜测一学生手中的图片Do you have a/any ?S1: Yes, I do./No, I dont.How many do you have?Do you like s?Yes, Ido./NO, I dont. I likeCan I have one/have a look?Sure.Here you are.学生两人一组进行Fun time的游戏One two three fourListen to

21、the rhyme.Read the rhyme.通过教师引导、学生自由谈论的方式,来进行fun time 的学习,在此过程中,运用猜一猜的游戏增加Fun Time 中的趣味性。通过让学生在游戏中学习新知,激发学生的学习兴趣,逐步学生培养在情境中理解、运用语言的能力。描述场景,在节奏欢快的音乐中,学习英语,享受英语。Post- taskactivities1.Lets share!教师创设情境,学生自编对话情境:今天,小朋友们在教室里,他们都带来了自己的玩具,他们互相分享,你和小伙伴扮演一下吧Useful sentence: Look at these toys.Do you have .?I

22、 have How many do you have?Do you like ?Can I have a look? 学生三人一组综合运用所学句型进行表演学生分小组汇报表演通过在新的情境中,引导学生综合运用所学句型进行交流,能培养学生的综合语用能力。通过表演充分地展现学生的能力,提高他们的自信。Assignment1.课后继续和班级中的同学完成fun time 2.编一首属于自己的歌曲,唱给朋友、家长和老师听。3.阅读对话,小组表演板书设计 Unit 2 Lets make a fruit saladA:Do you have a/an/any?B: Yes, I do./ No, I don

23、t. A:How many do you have?B:I have 第三课时 (Cartoon time sound time)教学目标1.能听懂、会读、表演cartoon time故事。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能尝试在新的情境中运用所学句型进行交流。4.能理解并且会读/l/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1.Greeting 师生自由交流,复习日常用语。2.say the rhyme1. GreetingHi/Hello/Good morning. 2.say the rhyme常规活动,师生打招呼,使学生快速进入英语学习氛围

24、。Pre-task preparation1. Brain stormSay the next numbersSay the number before2Read the words1)教师出示数字,找13-19规律3)全班分男女生读3. 看数字说话学生抢答学生两人一组轮流读学生分两大组读 学生看图,用英语表达。 巩固单词,并有效突破本单元的一个重点:13-19的组词规律在综合说话环节,培养学生的语感和说话能力。While- task procedure(Part A)Cartoon timeT:Now,lets have a rest1. Cartoon timeQ: What does S

25、am have?Q: What about Bobby?Q: How can we put so many balls in such a small box? Watch the cartoon(small balls - table tennis) Q: Can you play table tennis? Q: Can Bobby play table tennis? Read and answer(No, but I can do this.) Meaning. Can you do like this? Can Sam? Q: What will Sam say? Reading p

26、ractice Read + Read and act Tasks: Read alone Read in roles Act in pairs引导学生逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。Sound time教师播放动画,引导学生跟读A big ball!Many balls.No, impossible.Learn table tennis.Yes, I can. No, he cant. I can play with. (try) No. No! Cool! Wonderful!学生理解cartoon time 的故事内容,读懂动画中的幽默之处 Ss choose o

27、ne task to do.学生跟读、齐读学生两人一组分角色朗读学生两人一组表演,可以加入想象,适当添加台词。学生跟读,体会字母在单词中的发音。学生四人一组讨论,有相同音素的单词学生小组汇报通过看动画,帮助学生理解故事的主要情节。 动画板块主要是拓展性趣味阅读,既有对本单元内容的复现,又有下一单元新语言点I can的渗透。处理这一板块时,适度拓展或联想,提高学生观察能力、思维能力,在回答教师的问题中检验,感受其中的幽默之处。Post- taskactivities1. Lets share!教师创设情境,学生自编对话情境:今天是儿童节,同学们带来礼物互相赠送给对方。Useful sentenc

28、es:Whats this?What are these?Look at Do you have a/any?How many do you have?Do you like ?Would you like .?Here you are.学生三人一组综合运用所学句型进行表演学生分小组汇报表演通过在新的情境中,引导学生综合运用所学句型进行交流,能培养学生的综合语用能力。通过表演充分地展现学生的能力,提高他们的自信。Assignment1、听录音,朗读课文模仿语音语调。2、和好朋友一起表演课文。3、把故事和儿歌分享给家人板书设计Unit 2 How many?Whats this?What are

29、 these?Look at Do you have a/any?How many do you have?Do you like ?Would you like .?Here you are.第四课时(Checkout time)教学目标1.能在情景中综合运用所学交际用语进行交流。2. 能正确完成checkout time中的听力练习,并尝试复述。3.能通过巩固练习,正确评价自己的学习,并对今后的学习形成期待。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Hello, Im T: Hi, Im (师

30、生问好,生生问好,复习所学交际用语,创设英语学习氛围)2. sing a song : numbers3. say the rhyme1.S: Good morning, .S: Hello, ImS: Hi, ImS-S Greeting2. Sing a song together通过师生问好,使学生快速进入英语学习氛围。复习歌曲,调动课堂气氛,给学习增添无穷的乐趣。Pre-task preparationReview the numbers:1 read the numbers 1-19/19-12 say the next number3 say the number before4

31、make sentences1. 学生读数字 2. 男女生读3. 用数字造句多种形式复习数字,让学生更好地掌握数字。While- task procedure(Part E)1. Review cartoon time1)教师引导学生回忆故事,提问:Who are they ?How many balls do they have?Can Bobby play table tennis?2) 教师引导学生做配音练习2. checkout time教师出示人物,创设整体情境The students are in the classroom.They are showing their toys.

32、Guess, what do they have?Now,lets listen, what do they have.How many do they have?教师请学生回答what do they have?教师引导学生扮演人物,介绍自己的水果。They are Bobby and Sam.No.He can play with table tennis.学生分角色为动画配音。学生两人一组上台表演,其余学生给予评价。学生猜测各种玩具和玩具数量。学生听录音,完成听力练习,填写。学生读句子,补全对话学生齐读对话学生分角色,表演运用有趣的配音练习进行cartoon time 的复习,既能激发学

33、生的学习兴趣,又能检测学生的朗读。并在此基础上,引导学生对于其他同学的朗读应给与一定的评价。在完成听力练习后,教师引导学生通过扮演书中的人物进行语段输出。 Post- taskactivities3. 读句子,补全对话Su Hai:_Wang bing: Good afternoon.Su Hai: Look at my dolls.Wang Bing: _.How many dolls do you have?Su Hai: _.Do you have any toy cars?Wang Bing:_.Su Hai: _?Wang Bing:12.SU Hai:Can I have a lo

34、ok?Wang Bing:_.12学生读句子,补全对话学生齐读对话学生分角色,表演有效的对话练习帮助学生联系上下文,培养语感,增强语用能力。Assignment1. 听录音,流利地朗读课文。2. 抄写本单元四会单词。3. 和好朋友一起表演对话板书设计Unit 3 How many?Look at myDo you have ?How many?Do you like ?Can I have one?This is for you.第五课时(practise Ticking time)教学目标1、通过老师所创设的情境,并根据图片或实际情况用所学句子正确表达。2.能在新的语境,复习巩固所学的主要内

35、容。3. 通过本单元学习,养成喜欢分享的品质。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-task preparation1 T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2 sing a song Greeting .sing a song常规活动,互相打招呼,使学生快速进入英语学习氛围。While- task procedure3. I can count:评分标准: 准确 准确,流畅 准确,流畅,自然2 I can talk:T:Hello,What do you have?S:I have T:How many do you have?S:T:Do you have a

36、ny .?S:Yes T:How many do you have?S:.T:Can I have one/have a lool?S:Sure. Here you are.3 I can read全班读男女生读4 read the whole text 5 finish the exercise book学生两人一组围绕图片自由对话Ticking time是在教师的组织下开展师生、生生之间评价,教学中可以将这两个板块结合,做到检测与评价同在,让学生了解、反思自己本单元内容的掌握情况,对薄弱环节及时作出相应调整。对本单元中教学是否已经达到字母、交际用语、词汇、句型等方面教学目标而进行的检测活动

37、。教师需要对单元内容进行梳理,并查缺补漏。可以通过丰富多样的活动帮助学生复习巩固,提高综合运用能力。板书设计U 3 How many?T:Hello,What do you have?S:I have T:How many do you have?S:T:Do you have any .?S:Yes T:How many do you have?S:.T:Can I have one/have a lool?S:Sure. Here you are.Assignment1.听录音,并大声跟读、模仿单元2内容,能复述故事环节和卡通环节。2.默写单词 教后反思How many s do you have?


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