Additional Readings for MPA English.doc

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《Additional Readings for MPA English.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Additional Readings for MPA English.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Reading 1Public administration (公共管理)Do you know that globalization has both advantages and disadvantages? What problems may occur in the business globalization?(你知道全球化有利也有弊吗?在商业全球化中可能会产生什么问题?)Crossing Borders: The Globalization Debate(跨越边界:全球化讨论)1 Globalization can be defined as a phenomenon of inc

2、reased economic integration among nations, characterized by the movement of people, ideas, social customs and products across borders. This phenomenon has a long history, dating back to the trade routes developed during the Roman Empire, as well as those pioneered by Marco Polo or ocean voyagers lik

3、e Columbus and Magellan.全球化指的是国家之间的经济交往日益频繁的社会现象,包括国家之间人员的流动、思想的交流、社会习俗的交互以及产品的交换。这种现象有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到罗马帝国时期发展起来的贸易路线,以及那些由马可波罗或是远洋航海家如哥伦布和麦哲伦开辟的线路。2 The current globalization period, which more or less began in the late 1960s. Reduced transportation costs, the opening of new markets (such as Asia, Eas

4、tern Europe and South America), and the general lowering of tariffs worldwide have helped boost international trade as a share of domestic economic activity. A key development behind the current globalization wave is the revolution in information and communication technologies (ICT). Although shippi

5、ng merchandise goods is still the dominant form of trade between countries, trade in services that takes place across transoceanic cables or by satellite is of increasing importance. 当代社会的全球化阶段大约始于20世纪60年代末。降低的交通成本、新市场的开辟(例如:亚洲、东欧和南美),以及世界范围的关税的总体下降有助于促进国际贸易的发展与繁荣,使之成为国内经济活动的一部份。当今国际化潮流背后的一个关键发展是信息与

6、交流技术的革命(ICT)。尽管运输商品性货物依然是国与国之间贸易的主要形式,基于横越大洋的电缆与卫星方面的服务性贸易越来越重要。The Benefits of Globalization (全球化的益处)3 The benefits of globalization are essentially based on the benefits of free trade. International trade is beneficial because of the principle of comparative advantage, which allows a country to sp

7、ecialize in the activities that it does best, given its labor, natural resources and technology. The estimated net benefits that flow from free trade are substantial. According to a study by economists Bradford, Grieco and Hufbauer, international trade has increased real household income by between

8、$7,000 and $13,000. Removing all existing barriers to trade, they argue, would produce an additional real income gain of between $4,000 and $12,000. 该原则允许一国专门从事它所擅长的活动,全球化的收益主要来自于自由贸易方面。国际贸易遵循比较优势的原则,因此有利可图。根据比较优势原则,一个国家可以根据自己的劳动力、自然资源和技术专门从事自己最擅长的行业或者领域。据估计,源于自由贸易的纯收入十分可观。根据经济学家布拉德福、格里克、哈夫鲍尔进行的一项研究

9、,国际贸易为家庭带来了$7,000到$13,000的收入。他们认为,消除掉国际贸易现存的各种障碍,还会带来另外$4,000到$12,000的收入。4 In addition to the fact that people and nations can produce more goods and services when they specialize, thereby increasing the total amount of goods and services produced worldwide, free trade also increases the variety of

10、goods and services available to consumers. Without trade, coffee drinkers in the United States would pay much higher prices because the nations supply would depend solely on Hawaiian or Puerto Rican sources. Scarce resources would need to be redirected to produce more coffee, leaving fewer resources

11、 to produce other goods and services.各个国家和地区的人们可以发挥自己的专长以生产自己的特色产品或者提供特色服务,从而增加全世界产品和服务的总量,这是自由贸易的一大好处。此外,自由贸易还可以丰富消费者可以得到的商品或者服务的种类。没有自由贸易,在美国喝咖啡的人就会花更高的钱,因为美国的咖啡供给主要是来源于夏威夷或者波多黎各。因为资源稀缺,所以要想生产出更多的咖啡,就必须进行再定向,这样生产其他的产品或者提供其他的服务的资源就被减少。5 Similarly, Honda or BMW drivers would be forced to drive Chevr

12、olets or Fords. Given that technological innovation in the automotive industry, as well as other industries, often arise from competition, the quality of cars might also be much lower for all car manufacturers. 相似的,本田和宝马司机将会被迫驾驶雪佛兰和福特。假设汽车制造业及其他工业的技术革新经常源于竞争,那么对于所有的汽车制造商来说汽车的质量也可能会降低。6 The competiti

13、ve forces of globalization have also been important factors in boosting U.S. labor productivity growth in recent years. This growth can occur in a couple of ways. First, increased competition spurs domestic firms to invest in equipment and software embodied with the latest technology. Second, moving

14、 less-skilled labor to low-wage countries increases the relative demand for higher-skilled, higher-productivity labor. 全球化竞争的力量近年也已经成为促进美国劳动生产力增长的重要因素。这一增长存在于很多方面。首先,不断的竞争刺激国内的公司去投资体现最新技术的设备与软件。其次,一些低技术的工作向低薪国家的搬迁增加了对更高技术、更高生产力工作的相关要求。7 Proponents of globalization argue that increased economic integ

15、ration benefits workers in relatively poor countries by providing them access to new ideas and new technologies; this exposure increases their productivity and real wages. According to Harvard professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin, this has helped to reduce world income inequality over the past 20 years.全球

16、化的拥护者认为增长的经济整合通过提供给相当贫困国家的工人接触新思维、新技术的机会从而使之受益,而这增强了他们的生产力并增加了他们的实际收入。哈佛教授Xavier Sala-i-Martin 认为这有助于减少存在于过去20多年的世界收入的不平等。The Downside of Globalization (全球化的弊端)8 Although free trade benefits society because it increases the world output of goods and services, it also creates losers in certain indust

17、ries which cannot compete with foreign manufacturers. The biggest losers are both the workers and the owners (shareholders) in these industries, such as the U.S. television manufacturing industry which could not compete with foreign competition. If producers can substitute a cheaper foreign source o

18、f labor relative to the domestic wage rate, many will choose to move their production overseas, creating increased unemployment.尽管自由贸易因其提高了世界范围内商品的产量及服务而使社会收益,同时它也使某些难于同国外的生产厂家竞争的企业成为输家。最大的输家是这些企业的员工和业主(股东),比如竞争不过国外的美国电视制造业。如果生产者能够找到相对于本国的工资水平更为便宜的国外劳动力资源,很多生产者将会选择把他们的生产转移至海外,由此使得国内的失业率上升。9 The larg

19、est unemployment effects are probably among less-skilled workers employed in ordinary production processes that can be done much cheaper overseas, such as making products like T-shirts or baseballs or reading service manuals at call centers. Since high-skilled workers are paid a premium for their la

20、bor, moving lower-skilled work offshore increases the domestic demand for higher-skilled workers relative to lower-skilled workers. Only one-third of the current U.S. labor force has graduated from college, however, and increasing that percentage will take time. At the end of WW, the college-educate

21、d share of the labor force was 6 percent. At that rate, economists predict that reaching 50 percent of the labor force will not come about until 2047. 失业的最大影响可能是对于那些受雇于普通生产工序的低技术工人,例如生产诸如T恤衫,棒球或者呼叫中心的阅读服务手册等工序,而它们在海外的成本会低得多。既然要因其劳动付给高技术工人津贴,那么把低技术工作转移至海外,国内对于高技术工人的需求相对于低技术工人来说就会相应提高。然而,美国现有的劳动力只有三分之

22、一毕业于大学,提高这个比率还需时间。二战末期,受过高等教育的劳动力占6%。照此情形,经济学家预计这个比率达到50%到2047年。10 One potential consequence of this is rising income inequality between low-skilled and high-skilled workers. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), increases in income inequality have been most

23、pronounced in the United States, the United Kingdom and some smaller European countries. Increases in the demand for skilled labor are clear market-based incentives for workers to boost their education levels and, perhaps, for firms to increase their workforce training. The demand for high-skilled w

24、orkers over the long run can also be boosted by research and development, which is often the genesis of new ideas that boost economic growth and living standards over time. 这种现象的一个潜在的后果是高技术与低技术工人之间的收入不平等会逐渐加大。根据经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的统计,收入不平等的加剧在美国、英国和欧洲的一些较小国家最为明显。很显然,对技术工人的需求的增加会对工人们产生以市场为基础的刺激作用,进而刺激他们提

25、高自己的教育水平,或者要求公司增加在职培训。从长远上来看,研究和发展也可能会刺激对高技术工人的需求,因为研究和发展往往会诞生促进经济增长和人民生活水准再度提高的新思维。11 A key difference between the current globalization episode and those from the past is the sheer magnitude of the number of workers who have entered the labor pool. The rise of China and India as important exporter

26、s of goods and services means that many of their workers are now directly competing with workers in countries like the United States, Japan or Mexico. Economically, an increase in the supply of labor puts downward pressure on wages assuming no change in labor demand. 目前经济全球化的现状与以往的关键性区别就是劳动力的绝对数量的变化

27、。中国和印度作为重要的商品和服务输出大国的兴起意味着这两个国家的很多工人要直接与美国、日本或者墨西哥的工人竞争。从经济上来讲,假设劳动力的需求没有变化的话,劳动力供给的增加会导致工资的下浮。Conclusion(结论)12 As global competition has increased, so have the voices of protectionism. Ultimately, policymakers must decide whether the costs of maintaining relatively free tradeby expanding public pro

28、grams to compensate the losers of trade, or those who perceive themselves as losersis a small price to pay for maintaining a global economic system that has produced large benefits for most parts of the world.随着全球竞争的增加,保护主义的声音也在增加。最后, 保持自由贸易的成本通过扩大公共项目以补偿贸易的失利方或者那些个自认为的失利方是否是为保持全球经济体系而付出的一点代价而已,很显然这

29、一体系已经为全球的大部分地区和国家带来了巨大的利润,政策的制定者们必须要对此作出决断和抉择。Reading 2The Nature of Leadership领导力的实质1 Before we can examine what makes an effective leader, we need to know what leadership means. Leadership has been a topic of interest to historians and philosophers since ancient times, but it was only around the t

30、urn of the century that scientific studies began. Since that time, scholars and other writers have offered more than 350 definitions of the term “leadership”, and one authority on the subject has concluded that leadership “is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth”. Definin

31、g leadership has been a complex and elusive problem largely because the nature of leadership itself is complex. Some have even suggested that leadership is nothing more than a romantic myth, perhaps based on the false hope that someone will come along and solve our problems by force. In recent years

32、, however, much progress has been made in understanding the essential nature of leadership as a real and powerful influence in organizations and societies. 在我们想要检验是什么造就了一位有效的领导者时,首先我们需要弄明白什么是领导力。从古至今,领导力一直是历史学家和哲学家感兴趣的话题,但是它只是在科学研究开始围绕世纪之交展开的。自那时以来,学者和其他作家已经对“学者”这一术语给出了超过350个定义,并且在这一研究上,一个权威的结论是这样给出

33、的:领导力“是地球上最为遵守和最不被理解的现象之一”。定义领导力一直是复杂而难以捉摸的问题,很大程度上是因为领导力其本身就是复杂的。甚至有人认为领导力只不过是一个浪漫的神话,或者基于虚假的希望有人会通过武力的方式一起解决我们的问题。然而近年来,对于理解领导力在组织和社会中发挥实际强大影响力这一本质属性上已经取得了很大进展。2 Leadership study is an emerging discipline and the concept of leadership will continue to evolve. Here we will focus on a single definit

34、ion that delineates the essential elements of the leadership process: Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes. 领导力研究是一门兴起学科,其领导力理念也将继续发展。在这里,我们就将集中在一个简单的定义上,它界定了领导过程的基本要素:领导力是领导者与追随者之间谁做最终决定来反映他们的共同目标存在的这样一种潜移默化的关

35、系。3 The key elements in this definition are summarized in the following map. Leadership involves influence, it occurs among people, those people intentionally desire significant changes, and the changes reflect purposes shared by leaders and followers. Influence means that the relationship among peo

36、ple is not passive; however, also inherent in this definition is the concept that influence is multidirectional and noncoercive. The basic cultural values in North America make it easiest to think of leadership as something a leader does to a follower. However, leadership is reciprocal. In most orga

37、nizations, superiors influence subordinates, but subordinates also influence superiors. The people involved in the relationship want substantive changesleadership involves creating change, not maintaining the status quo. In addition, the changes sought are not dictated by leaders but reflect purpose

38、s shared by leaders and followers. Moreover, change is toward an outcome that leader and followers both want, a desired future or shared purpose that motivates them toward this more preferable outcome. Thus leadership involves the influence of people to bring about change toward a desirable future.


40、理想的未来或者共同的目的促使他们更易获取这一结果。因此,领导力涉及到人的影响,从而对一个理想的未来带来改变。4 Also, leadership is a people activity and is distinct from administrative paperwork or planning activities. Leadership occurs among people; it is not something done to people. Since leadership involves people, there must be followers. An indivi

41、dual performer who achieves excellence as a scientist, musician, or woodcarver may be a leader in her field of expertise, but is not a leader unless followers are involved. Followers are an important part of the leadership process, and leaders are sometimes followers. Good leaders know how to follow

42、, and they set an example for others. The issue of intention or will means that peopleleader and followers are actively involved in the pursuit of change toward a desired future. Each person takes personal responsibility to achieve the desired future. 然而,领导力却是一种人际活动并区别于策划活动的书面工作,领导力是在人群中产生并非即成的事物。既然

43、领导力涉及到人,那么必然会有追随者,像科学家,音乐家,木雕者这样的独立表演者也许这是在他们那特有领域的佼佼者,但是如果没有追随者他们一样不是领导者。追随者是发挥领导力过程中非常重要的一部分,有时领导者也会是追随者。一个好的领导者懂得如何去追随并能为他人做出榜样。目的的问题意味着人们(包括领导者和追随者)会被积极的牵涉到到追寻多变未来的过程中。每个人都会担起个人的责任去实现理想的未来。5 One stereotype is that leaders are somehow different, that they are above others; however, in reality, th

44、e qualities needed for an effective leadership are the same as those needed to be an effective follower. Effective followers think for themselves and carry out assignment with energy and enthusiasm. They are committed to something outside their own self-interest, and they have the courage to stand u

45、p for what they believe. Good followers are not “yes people” who blindly follow a leader. Effective leaders and effective followers may sometimes be the same people, playing different roles at different times. At its best, leadership is shared among leaders and followers, with everyone fully engaged

46、 and accepting higher levels of responsibility. 其中的一个立体感是领导者会在某种程度上有所不同的一方面,他们会在其他人之上,然而,事实上,领导质量所需的有效领导力是和成为有效地追随者的能力是一样的。效率高的追随者会为他们自己着想并能运用精力和热情去完成目标。他们致力于一些他们所感兴趣圈外的事并且他们勇于坚定立场。称职的追随者并不是盲目的追随领导人。高效的领导者与高效的追随者有时会是同一个,只是在不同的时间扮演不同的角色。领导力存在于领导者和追随者之中,全身心的致力于其中,接受高水平的责任。6 In some modern team-based o

47、rganizations, each team member takes a turn as leader. People who have been team leaders are better followers. Mary Parker Follett wrote nearly half a century ago that “it is of great importance to recognize that leadership is sometimes in one place and sometimes in another”. This, along with many o

48、f her ideas, was scoffed at by leaders in the 1930s and 1940s but is increasingly appropriate for todays organizations. 在 一些现代的以团队为基础的组织,每个团队成员都需要转变为领导。成为领导的队员要比他的追随者要好。玛丽帕克福莱特在半个世纪前写过“意识到领导力有时体现在在一些方面,有时体现在另一个方面是非常重要的。”她的好多思想在二十世纪30,40年代被很多领导们嘲笑,但是她的思想越来越适合今天的组织了。7 Think for a moment about someone

49、you personally have known that you would consider a leadera grandparent, a teacher, a coach, or even a fellow student. Perhaps you consider yourself a leader, or know that you want to be one. If we stop equating leadership with “greatness” and public visibility, it becomes easier to see our own opportunities for leadership and recognize the leadership of people we interact with every day. Leaders


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