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1、新课标高一12月月考英语试题 2013-12-17第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21. Generally speaking, _ to a university in the USA, foreign students need to prove their strong ability in using English.A. admittingB. admitted C. to be admittedD. being admitte

2、d22. Telework, which one could hardly imagine, has been made _ with the development of computer technology.A. possible B. it possible C. possibly D. to be possible 23. The students were all _ by the _ problem, listening to the teacher with a _ expression on their faces. A. puzzled; puzzling; puzzlin

3、g B. puzzled; puzzling; puzzledC. puzzling; puzzling; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzled; puzzling24.Did Jack come back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.A. beforeB. whenC. that D. until 25.YaoMing is very famous now. However, his basketball career _ only after many year

4、s of hard work.A. took onB. took offC. took upD. took out 26. Although it had been_ struggle for him to finish_ experiment, he enjoyed the result with_ satisfaction.A. the, an, / B. a, the, / C. a, an, a D. /, the, a27. The flowers_ sweet in the garden look _ and attract the visitors to the beauty o

5、f nature.A. to smell; beautifully B. smell; lovely C. smelling; lovely D. are smelt; beautiful28.I always work out regularly and have a healthy diet to _. A. keep in order B. keep in shape C. keep in touch D. keep in power 29. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be the present

6、one. A. as three times big as B. as big as three timesC. three times as big as D. as big three times as30. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _I disagree. A. where B. what C. which D. how 31._ two professors who both wore a warm smile on their face. A. Walking towards me was B

7、. Walking towards me were C. Towards me was walking D. Walked towards me were 32.Last week, the students from the Students Union of our school _ survey about how high school students spend weekends. I dont know if they have finished it, though. A. have conducted B. were conducting C. have been condu

8、cting D. conducted 33. Many analysts expect the market to pick up after the seasonally slow summer and manufacturers are beginning to _ production. A. step into B. step down C. step out D. step up 34.Can I pay the bill by check? Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment _ b

9、e made in cash.A. shallB. needC. willD. can35.Mike, have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy?Yes, of course, but I havent decided whether to buy _. A. itB. oneC. thisD. that第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The event happened many years ago , b

10、ut I will never forget it . The memory of it remains _36_ in my mind . The event occurred _37_ a hot , humid May morning in 1947. When I was six years old I was a first graded student in Miss Butlers class. She was well known for her _38_ discipline(纪律) in class. We all were kept busy _39_ all day .

11、 There was always so much homework to do . _40_ that had done something wrong would be _41_ punished by the long stick she _42_ . You can imagine the fear I _43_ when I drew in a deep breath -I accidentally _44_ a strange sound . Miss Butler immediately stopped her class and _45_ the blackboard . Se

12、eing my expression, she _46_, “ John , did you do that ?” I _47_ to find my voice and pointed to the boy close to me and said , “ No . Leandro did it .” Leandros explanation (解释) was _48_ ; in a moment the _49_ had come down, and Leandro was crying into his _50_ shirt. Somehow, I had known she would

13、 _51_ me . After all, I was a nicely dressed little white girl , and _52_ was active in the Parent-Teacher Association, _53_ Leandro was a fat little Mexican boy . He had _54_ speaking English and his mother had too many children to care for and no time to attend meetings . He was never dressed in n

14、ew clothes .Leadron , how I _55_ that I could ask for your forgiveness (原谅)! Please accept my apology , my old desk mate.36. A alive B. live C. lively D. living 37. A. in B. from C. during D. on 38. A .perfect B. good C. strict D. loose 39.A. writing B. listening C. playing D. studying 40. A. Nobody

15、 B. Someone C. Anyone D. No one 41. A. finally B. quickly C. normally D. frequently 42. A . collected B. borrowed C. carried D. threw43. A. felt B. suffered C. realized D. got 44. A. heard B. made C. found D. received 45. A. looked aroundB. looked into C. looked through D. looked up 46. A. requested

16、 B. answered C. smiled D. asked 47. A. tried B. begged C. managed D. decided 48. A. hopeful B. special C. useless D. peaceful 49. A. blackboard B. stick C. book D. air 50. A. nice B. old C. beautiful D. dirty 51. A. punish B. educated C. believe D. reward52. A. my mother B. Miss Butler C. Leandro D.

17、 Leandros mother 53. A. while B. when C. though D. since 54. A. fun B. trouble C. gifts D. skills 55. A. hope B. like C. wish D. consider 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThe first newspaper was written by hand and put up on walls in public places. The earliest daily newspaper was started in Rome in 59

18、BC. In the 700s the worlds first printed newspaper was published. Europe didnt have a regularly printed newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany.The first regularly published newspaper in English was printed in Amsterdam in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and w

19、as published once a week. The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant, which came out in March 1702.In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston .But not long after it was first published, the government stopped the paper. In 1704, John Campbell started the Bos

20、ton Newspaper, the first newspaper published daily in the American colonies(殖民地). By 1760, the colonies had more than thirty daily newspapers.There are now about 1, 800 daily papers in the United States.Today, as a group, newspapers in English have the largest circulation (发行量)in the world .But the

21、largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun . It sells more than eleven million copies every year.56The first regularly printed European newspaper started in _.A. Rome in 59 BC B. Germany in 1609 C. Amsterdam in 1620 D. England in 162157The first daily newspap

22、er in English started in _.A.1620 B. 1621 C. 1590 D.170258What does the author want to inform us?A. History of newspapers B. History of daily newspapers C. The beginning of newspapers D. On reading newspapersB.One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They

23、 give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw (取回) or deposit money in differen

24、t locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the “cashless society” is not on the horizonits already there.While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sal

25、es. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At t

26、he same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments (人员安排) to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for simila

27、r reasons. Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize (强调) now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself. Many other commercial enterprises,

28、from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and public utilities (公用事业) to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.59. According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to _. A. withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes

29、 B. obtain more convenient services than other people do C. enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper D. cash money wherever he wishes to60. From the first paragraph we learn that _. A. in the future all the Americans will use credit cards B. credit cards are mainly used in the United States only C.

30、nowadays many Americans do not pay in cash D. it is now more convenient to use credit cards than before61. The phrase “ring up sales” in line 2 paragraph 2 most probably means “_”. A. make an order of goods B. record sales on a cash register C. call the sales manager D. keep track of the goods in st

31、ock62. What is this passage mainly about? A. Approaches to the commercial use of computers. B. Conveniences brought about by computers in business. C. Significance of automation in commercial enterprises. D. Advantages of credit cards in business C.Not long ago, people thought babies were not able t

32、o learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.Scientists note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns

33、 to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.One study shows that babies can learn before they are born. The researchers placed a tape recorder on the stomach of a pregnant woman. Then,

34、they played a recording of a short story. On the day the baby was born, the researchers attempted to find if he knew the sounds of the story repeated while in his mother. They did this by placing a device in the mouth of the newborn baby.The baby would hear the story if he moved his mouth one way. I

35、f the baby moved his mouth the other way, he would hear a different story. The researchers say the baby clearly liked the story he heard before he was born. They say the baby would move his mouth so he could hear the story again and again.Another study shows how mothers can strongly influence social

36、 development and language skills in their children.Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their childrens activities and did not interfere un

37、necessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old. Also, the researchers observed the women for signs of depression.The children of depressed women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The ch

38、ildren of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they hear.These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people. The researchers noted that the sensitivity of the mothers was important to the intelligence development of thei

39、r children. Children did better when their mothers were caring, even when they suffered from depression.63.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the factor that influences intelligence development in babies? A. The environment.B. Mothers sensitivity.C. Their peers(同龄人) D. Education

40、 before birth.64.What is the purpose of the experiment in which newborn babies heard the stories? A. To prove that babies can learn before they are born. B. To prove that babies can learn on the first day they are born. C. To show mothers can strongly influence intelligence development in their babi

41、es. D. To indicate early education has a deep effect on the babies language skills.65.Which group of children did the worst in tests of language skills? A. The children of depressed mothers who cared little for their children. B. The children of women who did not suffer from depression. C. The child

42、ren of depressed but caring mothers. D. Children with high communication abilities.66.What is the main idea of the passage? A. Scientific findings about how babies develop before birth. B. Scientific findings about how the environment has an effect on babies intelligence. C. A study shows babies are

43、 not able to learn things until they are rice or six months old. D. Scientific findings about how intelligence develops in babies. D.Gateway Academy Pre-Sessional Courses(预修课程)Our pre-sessional courses are ideal for students who have a conditional place at a British university, but who need to achie

44、ve a certain level of English in order to be accepted.The course aims to provide students with the English language and study skills that they need in order to be successful at university or another academic establishment.It is important to note that completion of the course does not guarantee stude

45、nts entrance into a university.It is necessary for students to show during the course that they have understood the information and skills that they have been taught, and can apply them to their work. Pre-sessional students at Gateway Academy will benefit from: Small class sizes (no more than 10 students per class) Twenty three hours of tuition per week Individual supp


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