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1、2013年秋期南阳市五校联谊高中三年级期中考试英 语 试 题 201311注意事项: 1、本试卷分第卷和第卷两部分,其中第卷19面,第卷910面;共120分,考试时间100分钟。 2、答题前,务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在机读卡和答题卷规定的位置上;所有题目必须在答题卷上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。 3、选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号;非选择题答案,使用05毫米的黑色墨水签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。 4、本次考试无听力测试,添加了一道完型填空题,请考生注意。 5、考试结束后,将答题卷和机读卡交上,试题卷自己保存。第卷 (共115分)第一部分 英语知识运

2、用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. In the early morning, all of us stood at the top of the mountain to _ east of the city, watching _ burning sun rising. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. the;/22. The Chinese government holds that peace and development _ the Taiwain Str

3、aits is the correct path. A. beyond B. over C. through D. across23. _ his spare time that his English has improved a lot. A. So good use does he make of B. Such good use does he make of C. He makes very good use of D. He makes so good use of24. Our bodies are _ by working out. Similarly, our minds a

4、re developed by learning. A. burdened B. resembled C. strengthened D. worsened25. - Remember the first time we _, Ed ?- Of course, I do. You _ a song on the stage. A. have met; sang B. met; were singing C. met; sang D. have met; have sung26. _ with some research materials, he decided on three possib

5、le approaches in his experiment. A. Preparing B. Prepared C. Having prepared D. Prepare27. - Have you known each other for long?- Not really. _ we started to work in this school. A. Just after B. Just when C. Ever since D. Just before28. - These apples look very beautiful.- They _. See the price $ 3

6、.99 a pound. Very expensive, arent they? A. should B. would C. could D. might29. Ray is a new graduate, and it seems that he has difficulty in dealing with _ problems arise. A. whichever B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever30. _ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided. A. Ha

7、ving checked B. Checking C. If you check D. To check来源:Z&xx&k.Com31. The secretary has a lot of things to _ in the office since she has been away for quite a few days. A. make up B. take up C. work out D. carry out32. What if we meet with a situation _ none of us are able to deal with? A. where B. i

8、n which C. what D. that33. - Where have you been all day?- We _ some lovely children and it was dark by the time we got away. A. met B. would meet C. have met D. had met34. - What TV programs are you watching these days?- Well, Id rather read than watch TV. The programs seem _ all the time. A. to ge

9、t worse B. getting worse C. to be getting worse D. to have got worse35. - How did the Short Play Festival strike you?- _. We cant think too highly of it. A. It makes no sense B. It is awful C. It all depends D. It is wonderful第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳

10、选项,并从答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Germany, lived a family with eighteen children. Eighteen! In order 36 to keep food on file table, the father, a goldsmith(金匠)by 37 , worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade. Despite their seemingly 38 condition, two of the eldes

11、t children had a dream. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, 39 they knew well that their father would never be able to 40 either of them to study at the Academy.After many long discussions at night in their 41 bed, the two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss(掷)a coin.

12、The 42 would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, 43 his winning brother for the academy. Then, in four years, he would support the other one. Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and 44 to Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, 45 his brother

13、, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation(轰动)- By the time he graduated, he was beginning to 46 considerable fees for himself.When the young artist 47 home and said to his brother, “And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your 48 . Now you can go to the Academy to pur

14、sue your dream, and I will 49 you. ”Albert rose and wiped tile 50 from his cheeks. “No, brother. I cannot go to Nuremberg. It is too 51 for me. Looklook what four years in the mines have done to my 52 ! I cannot even hold a glass, much less make delicate lines on canvas (画布) _53 a pen or a brush.”Mo

15、re than 450 years have 54 . By now, among Albrecht Durers hundreds of masterful portraits, “The Praying Hands” is one 55 creation that can catch the worlds hearts.36. A. fullyB. merelyC. completelyD. entirely37. A. heartB. professionC. methodD. words38. A. hopelessB. promisingC. demandingD. careless

16、39. A. soB. butC. howeverD. and40. A. studyB. give C. sendD. offer41. A. crowdedB. separatedC. newD. unusual42. A. winnerB. oldC. loserD. younger43. A. expectB. advertiseC. supportD. require44. A. flew awayB. left behindC. set asideD. went off45. A. desertedB. financedC. desiredD. envied46. A. earnB

17、. save C. drawD. spend47. A. arrivedB. returnedC. regainedD. got48. A. fate B. time C. top D. turn49. A. take care ofB. make up for C. make use ofD. take charge of50. A. smilesB. tearsC. sweatsD. laughs51. A. tenseB. nervousC. tiringD. late52. A. eyesB. picturesC. handsD. mines53. A. withB. ofC. upo

18、nD. in来源:学|科|网54. A. changedB. kept C. rememberedD. passed55. A. strangeB. surprisingC. touchingD. terrible第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEach time I see a balloon, my mind flies back to a memory of when I was a six - year old girl. It was

19、a rainy Sunday and my father had recently died. I asked my mom if Dad had gone to heaven. “Yes, honey. Of course.” she said.“Can we write him a letter?” She paused, the longest pause of my short life, and answered, “Yes.”My heart jumped. “How? Does the mailman go there?” I asked. “No, but I have an

20、idea.” Mom drove to a party store and returned with a red balloon. I asked her what it was for.“Just wait, honey. Youll see.” Mom told me to write my letter. Eagerly, I got my favorite pen, and poured out my six - year - old heart in the form of blue ink. I wrote about my day, what I learned at scho

21、ol, how Mom was doing, and even about what happened in a story I had read. For a few minutes it was as if Dad were still alive. I gave the letter to Mom. She read it over, and a smile crossed her face.She made a hole in the corner of the letter where she looped the balloon string. We went out-side a

22、nd she gave me the balloon. It was still raining.来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K“Okay, on the count of three, let go. One, two, three.”The balloon, carrying my letter, darted upward against the rain. We watched until it was swallowed by the mass of clouds.Later I realized, like the balloon, that Dad had never let h

23、is sickness get him down. He was strong. No matter what he suffered, hed persevere, dart up, and finally transcend this cold world and his sick body. He rose into sky and became something beautiful. I watched until the balloon disappeared into the gray and white and I prayed that his strength was pa

24、ssed on. I prayed to be a balloon.56. When the girl asked her mother if they could write to her father, her mother _.A. believed it easy to do so B. thought her a creative girl C. felt it hard to answer D. found it easy to lie57. When the girl was told that she could send a letter to her father, she

25、 _. A. jumped with joy B. was worried that it couldnt be delivered C. started writing immediately D. became excited58. In the eyes of the author, what was the rain like? A. An incurable disease. B. An unforgettable memory. C. The failures her father experienced D. The hard time her father had.59. Wh

26、at would be the best title for the passage? A. An unforgettable experience B. Fly to the heaven C. The strong red balloon D. A great fatherB About 35 percent of British adults sleep with teddy bears. Many more share a bed with a partner or spouse. Others still co - sleep, alongside children in a fam

27、ily bed. But lying with your iPad? A recent survey by marketing agency Rosette found that 68 percent of tablet owners use the device in the bedroom, more than in any other location. The living room took a close second place, at 63 percent, reports AdAge. com, and only 45 percent of respondents said

28、they use their tablets on the go.But bringing devices into the bedroom is a bad idea, if quality rest is your goal. One of the most important factors of sleepiness is darkness, which signals to the brain that its time to start speeding up production of the sleep - inducing hormone melatonin. But as

29、the New York Times points out, in our modern world, we are exposed to light long after the sun sets. While any type of light can disturb your sleep, the blue wavelength light given off by cell phones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets is particularly troublesome. Research shows that this blue light

30、 causes alertness so decisively that it can actually be used to fight tiredness.According to the National Sleep Foundation, 95 percent of Americans use some device, whether its a TV, laptop, cell phone or other products, within an hour of killing time. “Artificial light exposure between dusk and the

31、 time we go to bed at night push our sleeping sense to a later hour - making it more difficult to fall asleep,” said Charles Czeisler, Ph. D. , M. D. , chief of the division of sleep medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston.Instead, experts recommend turning off all devices an hour before b

32、edtime and finding another method for relaxation, like reading a book, taking a warm bath or performing a series of calming yoga poses. Its also a good idea to exercise and lay off the caffeine several hours before bedtime.60. According to a recent survey, most tablet owners use their iPad _.A. in t

33、he living room B. in the bedroom C. in the office D. on the move61. What can we know from this passage? A. The light from cell phones is harmful B. Modern people have trouble falling asleep C. Darkness can create a good sleeping environment D. Blue light can prevent sleepiness decreasing62. If we of

34、ten play with a laptop just before sleep, well be more likely to _. A. dream of it B. stay awake C. feel sleepy D. become tiredC In my last essay, I wrote briefly about a bathtub in the classroom. What really was the use of that bathtub? “Guys, it is Reading Workshop time now. When I call your table

35、, get your things, please!” said Mrs. Toalson. She was holding a cup that had many sticks in it; on every stick was written each students name and table number.What does she mean? Probably books, I thought. Mrs. Toalson picked a stick out of the cup and said, “Okay, Aniqas table; Table Two, you may

36、get your things. ”Then my four classmates ran for the cushions(垫子)in the bathtub. Mrs. Toalson kept picking sticks and calling out different table numbers. On hearing their numbers, students would run to get cushions. Because there were not enough cushions for everyone, the last to be called had to

37、go without. Those students sighed, “Oh! They are the lucky ones.”Finally, Mrs. Toalson picked the last stick ; what is she going to do now? “Kate, you may use the bathtub. ” Mrs. Toalson said. Gosh! Use the bathtub? Is Kate going to take a bath, I wondered. Kate is the girl who had pretty brown hair

38、. She ran happily with her book to the bathtub and lay down in it. As she read, she hugged a teddy bear. I think it must be comfortable reading in a bathtub.Except for lucky Kate, everybody had to read elsewhere. Some were sitting on the seats, some were lying down under the table, and everybodys re

39、ading pose(姿势)was different.Just then, my friend found me sitting at my table quietly, not doing anything. She said, “Mary, let me find you a book. ” I nodded. Then she led me to a comer of the classroom where the book-shelf was and picked a picture book for me.Regina thought that it would be more f

40、un to read outside on the grass. What a great idea! The next day our whole class went to the park across the street from our school. As we read, animals such as squirrels ran around us. It was amazing !63. In Mrs. Toalsons Reading Workshop, every student can learn _.A. briefly B. comfortably C. quic

41、kly D. eagerly64. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage? A. Mrs. Toalson told the student to sit in the bathtub as a punishment. B. The student who used the bathtub in that class was thought to be unlucky. C. Not every student can get a cushion in Mrs. Toalsons Reading Workshop. D

42、. In Mrs. Toalsons Reading Workshop, only the best student can lie down reading.65. Who got the chance to use the bathtub in that class? A. A student whose table was last called. B. The student who sat at the table quietly. C. The student who got the last cushion. D. A student whose table was first

43、called.66. The purpose of the passage is to _. A. tell us how to use a bathtub in the classroom B. introduce us a new way of teaching style C. teach us how to organize reading activifies in class D. show us the importance of reading posesD Apple Seeds Circulation(发行量): 1 Year, 9 Issues Cover Price:

44、$ 44.55 Price For You: $ 33.95 Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性)that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you - its bei

45、ng sold at a more favorable discount than usual. Better Life Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues Cover Price: $ 44.55 Price For You: $15.00 Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is Americas complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and educat


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