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1、2014-2015 高三第一学期10月检测英语试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分. 满分为150分。考试用时为120分钟。第I卷(共105分)注意事项:1答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题l5分。满分15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. They found all the treasure

2、 in the tomb stolen _their arrival at the site.A. on B. in C. at D. about 2. - What should I do with this passage? - _the main idea of each paragraph. A. Found out B. Finding out C. To find it out D. Find out 3. They stayed in my hometown for three weeks , _they drank all the wine I had.A. during th

3、at time B. where C. there D. during which time4. - How many people attended his wedding party? - There were_500 guests; I cant remember exactly.A. generally B. usually C. approximately D. naturally 5. His new book was said to sell one million copies a year, _ the best seller .A. became B. becoming C

4、. to become D. had become 6. We were caught in _ bad weather that we had to remain in the camp for another two days ?A. so B. too C. such D. very 7.The best moment for the football star was _ he scored the winning goal.A. where B. when C. how D. why8.Children,when _ by their parents, are allowed to

5、enter the stadium.A. to be accompanied B. to accompany C. accompanying D. accompanied9.-Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.-_, I never go traveling without a book.AYou are joking BThats true CI dont think so DIt sounds like fun10. MrZhanggaveaway notebookstoallthepupilsexcept_whohadal

6、readybought one. A. those B. ones C. some D. theothers第二节 完形填空(共30小题;1120题每小题l分,2140题每小题l5分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ASoonafterDaveleftuniversity,oneofhisuncles,whowasrichandhadnochildrenofhisown,diedand 11 Davealotofmoney,sohedecidedto12 hisowncompany.Hefoundaniceof

7、fice,boughtsomenewfurniture and 13 .Hehadonlybeenthereforafewhours 14 heheardsomeonecometowardsthedoorofhisoffice.“Itsmyfirst 15 .”hethought.Hequicklypicked upthe 16 ,andpretendedtobebusyanswering animportantcallfromsomeone.Theman 17 atthedoor and came in . Seeing this ,he waited 18 until Dave finis

8、hed his 19 . Then he said to Dave “I am from the telephone company .There is something wrong with this telephone and I am here to 20 it. ”11.A.gaveB.handed C.left D.promised12.A.setupB.takeup C.putup D.makeup13.A.cameinB.wentout C. moved out D.movedin14.A.asB.when C.while D.then15.A.teacher B.boss C

9、.customer D.job16.A.book B.pen C.telephone D.newspaper17.A.lookedB.knocked C.hit D.waited18.A.patiently B.proudly C.eagerly D.excitedly 19.A.conversationB.gesture C.smoking D.fixing20.A. attach B.connect C.make D.repair BA young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had

10、21 a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom, and _22 his father could well 23 it, he told him that was all he wanted. On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 24 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 25 but s

11、lightly disappointed, the young man 26 the box and found a lovely book. _27 , he raised his voice at his father and said,“28 all your money you give me a book? ” And rushed out of the house 29 the book in the study He did not contact his father for a whole year 30 one day he saw in the street an old

12、 man who looked like his father. He 31 he had to go back home and see his father. When he arrived at his fathers house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 32 the hospital, he saw on the desk the 33 - new book , just as he had left it one 34 ago. H

13、e opened it and began to _35 the pages. Suddenly, a car key 36 from an envelope taped behind the book ,which had a lag(标签)with the dealers name, the 37 dealer who had the sports car he had 38 .On the tag was the 39 of his graduation and the 40 PAID IN FULL 21. A. expected B. enjoyed C. admired D. ow

14、ned 22 .A. finding B. proving C. deciding D. knowing 23. A. afford. B. offer C. keep D. like 24. A. encouraged. B. comfortable C. proud D. moved 25. A. Nervous B. Serious C. Careful D. Curious 26. A. packed B. opened C. picked up D. put aside 27. A. Angrily B. Eagerly C. Calmly D. Anxiously 28.A. At

15、 B. From C. With D. To 29 .A. toasting B. putting C. forgetting D. leaving 30 .A. until B. as C. before D. unless 31. A. learned B. realized C. recognized. D. admitted 32 .A. get to B. search for C. turn to D. leave for 33. A. much B. still C. hardly D. quite 34. A. year B. month C. week D. day 35.A

16、. clean B. read. C. turn D. count 36.A. lost B. came C. appeared. D. dropped 37. A. old. B. same C. special D. new 38.A. remembered B. desired C. found. D. met 39. A. picture B. place C. date D. met 40. A. words. B. information C. news D. card 第二部分阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

17、选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Many people believe Henry Ford invented the automobile . But Henry Ford did not start to build his first car until 1896. That was eleven years after two Germans developed the worlds first automobile. Many people believe Henry Ford invented the production line that moved a cars p

18、arts to the worker, instead of making the worker move to the parts. That is not true, either. Many factory owners used methods of this kind before Ford. What Henry Ford did was to use other peoples ideas and make them better. In the early days of the automobile, almost every car maker raced his cars

19、. It was the best way of gaining public notice. Henry Ford decided to build a racing car. Fords most famous race was his first one. It was also the last race in which he drove the car himself. The race was in 1901, at a field near Detroit. All of the most famous cars had entered, but only two were l

20、eft: the Winton and Fords. The Winton was famous for its speed. Most people thought the race was over before it began. The Winton took an early lead. But halfway through the race, it began to lose power. Ford started to gain. Ford won the race and defeated the Winton. His name appeared in newspapers

21、 and he became well-known all over the United States. Within weeks of the race, Henry Ford formed a new automobile company. In the 1903, a doctor in Detroit bought the first car from the company. That sale was the beginning of Fords dream. Ford said: I will build a motor car for the great mass of pe

22、ople. It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for one person to operate and care for. It will be so low in price that no man making good money will be unable to own one. The Model T was a car of that kind. It only cost $850. It was a simple machine that drivers could depend on. Doct

23、ors bought the Model T. So did farmers. Americans loved the Model T. They wrote stories and songs about it. Thousands of Model Ts were built in the first few years.41. What do we know about Henry Ford from Paragraph 1?A. He made good use of ideas from others. B. He produced the first car in the worl

24、d. C. He knew how to improve auto parts.D. He invented the production line.42. Why did Henry Ford take part in the 1901 car race? A. To show off his driving skills. B. To draw public attention.C. To learn about new technology. D. To raise money for his new company. 43. What does the underlined sente

25、nce in Paragraph 3 means ? A. The race was cancelled because most people were not interested.B. Most peole didnt like Ford before befor the race began .C. Most people didnt know what would happen before the race was finished.D. Most people were sure that the Winton would win the race. 44. “That sale

26、” in Paragraph 4 refers to .A. the selling of Ford cars at reduced prices B. the sale of Model T to the mass of people C. the selling of a car to a Detroit doctorD. the sales target for the Ford Company45. What was Henry Fords dream according to the text? A. Producing cars for average customers.B. B

27、uilding racing cars of simple design. C. Designing more car models.D. Starting more companies.B Steven Spielbergs 2002 science-fiction thriller Minority Report produced a world where computers could read minds and predict the future. It seemed fanciful at the time, but fantasy is edging closer to fa

28、ct.On Jan. 3l, a team of scientists at the UC Berkeley, led by Robert Knight programmed computers to decode (解码) brain waves and replay them as words. Five months earlier, another group of Berkeley scientists showed their colleagues short movies and used computers to play back in color what people s

29、aw.These experiments are a big advance from 2006, when a French scientist first replayed images from a human mind, a black-and-white checkerboard pattern. The possibilities, are great: a disabled person could “speak”; doctors could access the mind of a patient who fainted; you could rewatch your dre

30、ams on an iPad. There are, of course, equally dark side, such as the involuntary takeout of information from the brain.In spite of these breakthroughs, Jack Gallant, the neuroscientist who led the first Berkeley team, says current technology for decoding brain activity is still “relatively primitive

31、.” The field is held back by its poor machinery, in particular the FMRI.“Eventually,” says Gallant, “someone will invent a decoding machine you can wear as a hat.” Such an advance into the human mind, he says, might take 30 years.Still, the recent advances at Berkeley offer small answers, which scie

32、ntists can use to begin unlocking the secrets of memory and consciousness.46 . What is the best title for the passage?A. New technology can read your mindB. New fantacy in our future life C. A new discovery in human brainD. The intelligent computers in the future47. What did scientists at the UC Ber

33、keley do?A. They produced a fanciful world.B. They made computers jump forward like a human.C. They managed to translate brain waves into language.D. They used computers to make short movies.48. According to the passage which of the following is impossible for the research?A. It can help a disabled

34、man recover his ability of speech.B. Doctors can read a patients mind even if he is unconcious.C. People will know what happens in their dreams.D. Peoples thoughts may be given away.49. What plays a most important role in the development of the technology?A. A great scientist B. A decoding machine.

35、C.An iPad. D. A hat.50. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. scientists got the inspiration from a movieB. the technology still has a long way to goC. the techology has been put into practiceD. scientists have unlocked the secrets of memoryC You probably know you should say “please” and “tha

36、nk you” at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?You have to notice thesoundof your music. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Usually, when you play th

37、e music loud on an MP3 player, other people cant hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. No one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your ears. So even if you are alone when listening to our MP3 players, you shouldnt turn it up too high.You need to know when

38、to turn your MP3 off and put it away. Libraries and schools dont allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, which dont have rules, but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it doesnt make sense to listen on your MP3 player at . Why would you listen to music at a play,

39、 a movie or a sporting event? You would miss what is going on. Once in a while its okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earph

40、one and continue listening. You can also do this when you answer the telephone when its, in fact , not for you.There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases lik

41、e this, you need to do what seems right for you.51. No one wants to listen to _ from others MP3 players.A. a loud sound B. sad stories C. a long movie D. the words of a song52. We should turn down the music when we are alone because loud music _.A. is not enjoyable B. makes us tiredC. is bad for MP3

42、 playersD. hurts our ears53. If we listen to our MP3 player at a play, _.A. the theatre wont allow it B. the actors will get angryC. others wont hear the play well D. we will miss part of the play54. We can take one earphone out when we _.A. show others the way B. talk to friends on the phoneC. watch a sporting event


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