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1、揭阳一中、金山中学2015届高三级第二学期联考英 语 本试卷共9页,满分135分考试时间120分钟注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、座号写在答题卷密封线内。2非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答。3答案一律写在答题区域内,不准使用铅笔和涂改液;不按以上要求作答的答案无效I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 On the course, the first step of the lead usually mea

2、ns the final victory. Therefore, the success and failure of your life may lie in whether you dare to 1 yourself. As a student, I was most 2 to answer questions in class. Whenever the professor asked a question, I always 3 my head, for fear that the professor saw me. In a language class, an expert fr

3、om the Commercial Bank delivered a lecture. The speaker always 4 someone to be working together with him, so he asked how many students in the classroom learned economics, but no one responded. The expert said with a smile, Let me tell you a story first. When I first came to the United States to stu

4、dy, there were often lectures delivered in the university. Before the beginning of every lecture, I found a(n) 5 phenomenon. The students around me always took a cardboard 6 in half, wrote their 7 in bold with the most eye-catching color, then placed it on the seat. So when the speakers need their 8

5、 , he could see and call listeners names 9 . I couldnt understand, so I asked the student in front of me. He told me with a smile that the speakers are all top-ranking people, who mean 10 . When your answer is to his satisfaction, it is very likely that he will give you more opportunities. This is a

6、 very simple 11 . The fact was also like that. I really saw a few of my classmates went to 12 in the first-class companies because of the excellent insights (洞察力). It had a great 13 on me. The chance will not 14 you itself. You must show yourself constantly to 15 others attention to find a chance on

7、 the card for yourself.1.A.showB.challeng

8、ggestionsD.notes9.A.directlyB.carefullyC.accidentallyD.seriously10.A.powerB.opportunitiesC.fameD.popularity11.A.chanceB.trickC.storyD.reason12.A.serveB.applyC.employD.join13.A.impressionB.effectC.attractionD.stress14.A.avoidB.helpC.findD.support15.A.payB.bringC.shiftD.attract第二节 语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,

9、满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卷标号为1625的相应位置上。To most Chinese students, studying abroad could be a burden. There are lots of difficulties facing them every day-language barrier, culture shock, gaps 16 Eastern and Western lifestyles, expensive tuition fees and e

10、ndless research projects. To Song Yinan, however, studying abroad was a(n) 17 (forget) experience. In her book, Kikis London Diary, she tells her stories in 18 optimistic way. The language barrier is the biggest difficulty Chinese students will meet abroad. In a story 19 (write) at the beginning of

11、her first term in London, Song suffered some 20 (embarrass) during a welcoming party, _21_ she was introduced to some drink and wine. However, she found that she couldnt read most of the English names of the drinks and therefore 22 (drink) only cola and fruit juice. She described about 23 red her fa

12、ce was. Song says _24_ is normal for most Chinese to lose face when they study abroad. And she is happy to share the story with others. Throughout the book, readers can feel the optimism and persistence of this girl. Her study and life experiences are sure to delight any Chinese 25 (study) abroad or

13、 who plan to do so.II 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AYou often hear about how to reduce sodium(钠) in your diet. “Choose the low-sodium options,” the doctor suggest. My doctor told me just the opposite. I was to eat at least twice or three times th

14、e amount of sodium I had previously been consuming (about 500 mg) if I wished to change my bodys current state of degeneration(衰退).To be honest, I dont remember when I stopped having enough sodium in my diet. The habit began at a very young age. I never ate salty chips or fatty foods, only sweet can

15、dies and pretty much anything but salty foods. I never thought much about it. No one ever advises you to get enough sodium, but you hear all about calcium(钙).Dizziness upon standing, extremely low blood pressure and pulse, and clubbing fingers are all indicators that your sodium intake is not enough

16、. I grew up thinking that becoming very dizzy after I stand is just a fact of life- same with my low blood pressure. Once my fingers started to club and my circulation was very bad, I knew something serious was happening.Later I was recommended to my current doctor who then diagnosed me with POTS (b

17、asically I become dizzy upon standing due to low blood pressure). The treatment? Have salty foods to increase blood volume. The funny thing is that my mom was telling me for months that sodium would help. Although I took my mothers advice, it didnt really hit home until my doctor recommended the sam

18、e. What you eat is no laughing matter and it turns out I was doing more harm than good to myself.Bouillon cubes and salty popcorn are my new best friends, along with light Gatorade. Im still hesitant about the artificial sweeteners in the Gatorade, but hey, its a start. I realize that most people ha

19、ve the opposite problem and need to reduce sodium intake, but all I ask is that you do not go to the other extreme either. There is a happy medium when it comes to our diets.26. According to Paragraph 1, what was the writer advised to do by her doctor?A. To eat food that is not salty. B. To consume

20、more sodium than before.C. To avoid doing whatever others often do. D. To consume at least 500 mg sodium each day.27. We infer that when the writer was young, she .A. liked eating all kinds of foodB. didnt know the importance of calciumC. often received advice from her doctorD. didnt think lacking s

21、odium would be a problem28. What can we know from Paragraph 3?A. What causes most people to feel dizzy.B. What the harm of having low blood pressure is.C. What will happen if we dont take in enough sodium.D. When the writer had the habit of taking in little sodium.29. We can infer from the passage t

22、hat the writers mother .A. was very particular about her dietB. didnt care about the writers healthC. knew what was wrong with her daughterD. didnt think a doctor would help her daughter30. At the end of the passage, the writer concludes that .A. taking in salt is very importantB. people like going

23、to extremesC. people dont eat healthy food nowadaysD. people should avoid eating something too much or too littleBChinese immigrants have lived and worked in America since the 1800s. Today, Asians are Americas fastest growing minority. Almost every major city in the country has an area called “China

24、town.”From San Francisco to New York, people visit Chinatown for restaurants, grocery stores, herbal cures, and other businesses. But many Chinese have moved out of traditional Chinatown neighborhoods and now live in suburbs just outside the inner city. For example, one of the largest mainly Chinese

25、 suburbs is just outside Los Angeles, California. But such areas are very different from the old Chinatown.Steve Wong is acting director of the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles. He says Chinatowns in major American cities are now mainly for tourists. He said, “If you walk around Chinatown toda

26、y in Los Angeles and many other big cities, you have these facades(外观) of Chinese-ness, which sometimes is real and sometimes its not. And so you have gift shops and Chinese food which is catering towards American tastes. I dont even call it Chinese food”But at one time, Chinatown was the only place

27、 where Chinese immigrants could live. The first Chinese immigrants arrived from southern China in the 1800s as laborers. Many worked on building Americas first railroads. Then, in 1882, the United States banned Chinese immigration. Hostility(敌意) toward the Chinese led to the creation of Chinatowns.

28、Steve Wong tells about how the neighborhoods developed. He said, “Without being able to bring in families and women, Chinese men werent able to develop their communities. So they had to turn to the outside and create an economy based on tourism.”Min Zhou is a professor at the University of Southern

29、California Los Angeles. In the past thirty years, Chinese immigrants from China came to America as students and then stayed in the United States. He said, “A lot of them are from middle class, they want to buy or rent houses rather than live in apartments and they also want to find good school distr

30、icts. So Chinatown is not attractive to them.”31. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A. Most immigrants to the US in the 1800s were Chinese.B. Chinese people in the US mainly live in Chinatowns.C. Most new immigrants to the US are from China.D. Chinatowns are very common in America.32. We learn that

31、 after Chinese immigrants in the US moved to the suburbs, they .A. built new Chinatowns to attract tourists thereB. built many traditional Chinese restaurants thereC. didnt make their new homes look like their old onesD. often visited restaurants, grocery stores and herbal cures downtown33. What is

32、implied about the Chinese food mentioned by Steve Wong?A. It is actually very American.B. Americans dont like it.C. It is too spicy for American people.D. It is catered towards Chinese tastes.34. Chinese immigrants started building Chinatowns because they wanted to .A. make a living on tourismB. dev

33、elop their communitiesC. build houses for their wivesD. attract more Chinese to live together35. Students who go to America for their further education dont like living in Chinatowns because .A. they dont want to be considered ChineseB. everything there is too familiar to themC. they cannot afford e

34、xpenses thereD. they want to live in better placesCTo prevent crowding on the mountain, some have suggested limiting the total number of climbers permitted per season and the size of each team to no more than ten members. Others are skeptical. “That will not happen,” says New Zealander Guy Cotter, 5

35、0, owner of Adventure Consultants, which has led 19 expeditions to Everest. “Everest is big business for Nepal, and it will never turn down the money.” Another way to make the mountain safer is with technology, says Conrad Anker, 50, who led our expedition in 2012. The mountain is already high-tech

36、- everyone at Base Camp has access to a cell phone or the Internet - but last summer in a meeting with the Nepalese ministry, Anker advised something new: identification cards issued with every climber.“The Everest ID would contain data that could save the life of a climber or Sherpa,” Anker explain

37、s. It would have the climbers photo, of course, but more importantly, it would also have a QR codea type of bar code. “Scanned with a smart phone, the QR code would show information such as age, experience, health history and emergency phone numbers.” Anker says that bureaucrats(官员) just looked at h

38、im with blank faces when he tried to explain the benefits of the ID.Despite all the problems on the mountain, Everest still stands alone. Ill never forget the breathtaking view from our place at Camp III, clouds rolling up the Western valley. Ill always treasure the memory of climbing with friends.S

39、uch moments are the reasons why climbers keep coming back to Everest. Its not simply about reaching the top but about showing respect for the mountain and enjoying the journey. Now its up to us to restore a sense of sanity(理智) and safety to the top of the world.36. Why do some people want to limit t

40、he number of climbers?A. Nepal wont allow more climbers.B. The top of the mountain is high and dangerous.C. Climbers are not environment-friendly.D. Crowding makes the mountain not safe.37. Which of the following shows Nepals attitude towards the crowding?A. Nepal does care about it.B. Nepal strongl

41、y object to it.C. Nepal prefers to see more climbers.D. Nepal has decided to limit the number.38. Which of the following statements about the Everest ID is NOT true?A. It has the climbers photo.B. It has a QR code.C. It has all the information of a climber.D. Bureaucrats seem to have no interest in

42、it.39. In the face of the problems on the mountain, climbers .A. take the problems for grantedB. decide to get the Everest IDC. should take safety into considerationD. like to challenge any danger40. What can we learn for the passage?A. Ankers advice has been adopted.B. The Everest ID shouldnt be is

43、sued.C. Everest brings in lots of money for Nepal.D. The author suggests climbing less frequently.DImproving nutrition is one of the best ways to achieve lasting progress in development. “Ensuring that a child receives enough nutrition, particularly in the critical 1,000-day window from a womans pre

44、gnancy to her childs second birthday, can be beneficial for a lifetime. A well-nourished child will perform better at school, more effectively fight off disease, and even earn more as an adult. Nutrition is central to ending preventable child death,” wrote United States Agency for International Deve

45、lopment, or USAID Administrator, Dr Rajiv Shah in a blog posted recently.However, some 165 million children suffer from long-term undernutrition, leading to 3.1 million child deaths every year. It also leaves many of those children that do survive permanently impaired and unable to reach their full

46、potential.A child that suffers from malnutrition tends to suffer childhood illnesses, as well as long-term diseases such as diabetes(糖尿病), hypertension(高血压) and cancer later in life. Such a child will find learning more difficult. As an adult, he or she will be less productive, will earn less money,

47、 and will contribute less to the community and to his or her country.That is why the United States has been offering food aid, agricultural development, and nutrition programming to where it is most needed, from delivering emergency food aid to helping farmers and their families grow and consume greater quantities of nutritious foods. In


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