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1、南通市2015年职业学校对口单招高三年级第一次调研考试英语试卷注意事项:1本试卷共10页,包含选择题和非选择题两部分。两卷满分100分。考试时间120分钟。2答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、学校、考试号用0.5mm黑色签字笔填写在答题卡规定区域。3选择题作答:用2B铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。4非选择题作答:用0.5mm黑色签字笔直接答在相应题号的答题区域内,否则无效。第一部分:语言知识运用(共40小题;每题1分,满分40分)第一节 在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。1. _ not onl

2、y he but also you going to attend the party tomorrow?A. AreB. IsC. WereD. Was2. The teacher said that light _ faster than sound.A. has traveledB. traveledC. had traveled D. travels 3. It was _ he said just now _ disappointed us.A. that; what B. what; whatC. what; that D. that; that4. _ he come, he w

3、ould have known the truth. A. ShouldB. WereC. HadD. Did5. Her mother _ and she was very sad because she wont meet her forever.A. passed awayB. went awayC. ran awayD. got away6. Mr. Liu gave us some practical advice, would you like to _ it?A. getB. followC. receiveD. bring7. _ hard she tries, she can

4、 hardly avoid making mistakes in her homework. A. WhileB. HoweverC. AsD. Although8. As a consequence, children labeled “slow” may end up believing they are _ learn slowly, even though they could progress more rapidly.A. fated toB. dependent onC. responsible forD. used to9. Hearing the doorbell ring,

5、 _.A. no one was at home B. the door was openedC. the house was quiet D. he went to answer it10. How I regretted _ so many hours in the Internet bars, _ I should have worked hard.A. to waste; where B. wasting; whenC. wasting; where D. to waste; when第二节 在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的

6、最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。11. Would you mind my opening this window? Its getting stuffy in here. _A. I dont like it. B. Not at all, go ahead.C. Yes, please. D. Sure, please. 12. The coat I received is not the same as is shown online. _? But I promise you well look into it right away. A. Who saysB. How come

7、 C. What for D. What if13. Thank you for the flowers. _. I thought they might cheer you up. A. Thats rightB. All right C. Im all rightD. Its all right14. Whats a reasonable tip to leave to the waitress? _, I usually leave 20% of the dinner price.A. Help yourself B. Its up to youC. Thats the point D.

8、 Its a deal15. Do you enjoy your present job? _. I just do it for a living.A. Of course B. Not a little C. Not likely D. Not reallyTom: Im looking forward to Childrens Day.Mom: But it is still two months away.16. What month is it now? A. April B. May C. June. D. JulyWoman: Is this the Eastern Airlin

9、e check-in?Man: Yes, can I see your ticket, please?17. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a cinema B. At an airport C. At a railway station D. At a stadiumDavid: Would you like to eat here, or do you want to try the new restaurant?Shirley: Wed better eat here. Weve got to get bac

10、k to work in an hour.18. Where does Shirley want to have lunch?A. Where they are. B. In the new restaurant.C. Back at their work place. D. Anywhere.John: What do you think about the price of our product?Kate: Well, at your price its very hard for us to sell your product in our market.19. What can we

11、 infer from the conversation?A. Kate refuses the product. B. Kate thinks the product is acceptable. C. Kate thinks its too expensive.D. Kate thinks the price is acceptable.Wife: Our son Jimmy is so different today. He has cleaned his room, washed his dirty clothes and finished his homework. He even

12、helped me water the garden.Husband: Dont get surprised. There must be something he really wants from us.20. What can we learn from the dialogue?A. Jimmy usually helps with the housework.B. Both of the parents feel strange about Jimmys change.C. Jimmy tries to be a good boy when he wants something.D.

13、 Its not quite easy to get something from the parents.In my working life, I have shown that I am a reliable, honest person who is responsible for ensuring that the work is completed on time.21. The above sentence mainly talks about _. A. qualifications B. work experience C. strengths D. interestsThe

14、 nursing profession for males has a promising job future. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, by 2008, there were 2,618,000 nurses. By 2018, there will be over 3,200,000 nurses. However, only six percent of nurses are male.22. Male nurses will number over _ by 2018. A. 3,200,000 B. 2,618,000

15、C. 192,000 D. 5,818,000WANTED: BABYSITTER Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter for our son. He is six years old. Hours are from Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sometimes you will work at the weekend. Pay is $10 per hour. For the job, you will: *

16、Watch our son *Read to him *Play with him You will work at our house. We live in London, near 10 Downing Street. Please call (020)296-8956. Ask for Miss Smith.23. The best babysitter for the job _. A. cannot read storybooks B. is busy on Wednesday afternoon C. wants $15 per hour D. enjoys playing wi

17、th childrenTelevision cuts into family time, and harms our childrens ability to read and succeed in school.24. From the statement above, we know that TV has _ influence on children. A. positive B. neutral C. negative D. littleUnder such a situation, it was the assistants duty either to do what she w

18、as requested to or to explain why she was unable to comply. Instead, she rudely turned a deaf ear to the request and walked away murmuring something unpleasant.25. This excerpt is from a letter of _. A. complaint B. apology C. invitation D. business第三节 在本节中,你将读到一段对话,从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳

19、选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。A. I am very tired every day, Im really happy to see my patients get well. B. That must be quite stressful.C. That must be really rewarding.D. Both of our jobs have advantages and disadvantages.E. I like the responsibility. Lily: Hey, David. Long time no see. What do you do now?Davi

20、d: Im a sales manager for Asia in a company. Im in charge of twenty representatives.Lily: Wow! 26 David: It can be, but 27 And my own manager can give me support if there are any big problems. What about you?Lily: Im a nurse in a hospital now. Although 28 David: 29 Lily: Yeah, it is. I wouldnt do an

21、y other job. David: 30 Lily: They can be good and bad. It depends on how we think of them.第四节 在本节中,你将读到一篇短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。 Do you like watching stars? Do you 31 time watching the sky on the Mid-autumn Day every year? On this 32 day in 2003, Mars attracted more at

22、tention than the moon.The earth and Mars are two planets, far from each other. They run in different orbits 33 the sun. The earth was 34 with Mars in August and September. And on August 27, Mars was the closest to the earth in 60,000 years. It was only 55.76 million kilometers 35 from the earth on t

23、hat day. The next time Mars 36 come so close to the earth is in 2287.Mars became brighter around that day. By looking 37 telescopes, sky watchers 38 that they saw Mars south polar cap(冰帽). It is made of 39 water and dry ice. It reflects sunlight well. “I can see the polar ice clearly using my 8-inch

24、 telescope,” says Ron Wayman from the USA.Soon after the sunset, Mars rose from the east. The fans of Mars didnt stop watching Mars 40 the next morning when the sun rose and Mars set.31. A. cost B. payC. spendD. take32. A. only B. sameC. specialD. interesting33. A. around B. onC. aboveD. off34. A. c

25、atching up B. falling behindC. running overD. taking off35. A. much B. farC. longD. away36. A. must B. mayC. needD. never37. A. over B. alongC. outD. through38. A. spoke B. reportedC. talkedD. helped39. A. frozen B. hotC. noD. boiling40. A. unless B. beforeC. untilD. since第二部分:阅读理解(共22小题;满分40分) 第五节

26、在本节中,你将读到几则阅读材料。第4156题,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑;第57和58题,将文中画线的句子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题卡上对应处。AKings College offers an annual(每年的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of Kings College and other colleges in N

27、ew York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. The courses for this year will be from December 26th to 30th. More information is as follows:Application dateStudents in New York should send their applications before December 22nd, 2014.Students of other cities should send their app

28、lications before December 20th, 2014. Foreign students should send their applications before December 18th, 2014. CoursesEnglish LanguageSpoken English: 22 hoursReading and Writing: 10 hoursAmerican History: 16 hoursAmerican Culture: 16 hoursStepsA letter of self-introductionA letter of recommendati

29、on The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.CostDaily lessons: $200Sports and activities: $100Travels: $200Hotel service: $400You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.For more information, please contact:Thompson, Sanders1026 King s St

30、reetNew York, NY 10016, USAQQ number: 384522980E-mail: Thompson 41. You can most probably read the text in _.A. a travel guide B. a newspaper C. a textbook D. a telephone book42. If you are a student from New Jersey, you should send your application before _.A. December 20th, 2014 B. December 22nd,

31、2014C. December 18th, 2014 D. December 26th, 201443. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Kings College?A. Students at all levels can take part in the program.B. Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.C. The training program is run every year.D. Only the teacher

32、s of Kings College give courses.44. If you have no friend or relative to live with in New York, you will have to pay the school _.A. $400 B. $900 C. $200 D. $50045. You can not get in touch with Thompson _.A. by telephone B. by post C. by E-mail D. by QQ46. What information can you get from the text

33、?A. The program will last one week.B. As a Chinese student, you can send your application on December 20th, 2014.C. You can write to Thompson only in English.D. You can get more information by dialing 384522980.BA mother in Australia was told by a doctor that her newly-born son was “dead”, but she h

34、elped bring him back to life by holding the baby against her body. She used a method known as “kangaroo care (袋鼠护理法)”. The child, named Jamie, was born after only 27 weeks with his twin sister, Emily, at a hospital in Sydney. Her birth went well, but his was a different story. The doctor struggled f

35、or 20 minutes to save Jamie before declaring him dead.“His little arms and legs were just falling down away from his body,” Kate Ogg said, “I took my coat off and put him on my chest with his head over my arm.” She and her husband, David, spoke to the child as she continued to hold him for nearly tw

36、o hours. During that time, the two-pound baby showed signs of life. She said, “I told my mom, who was there, that he was still alive. Then he held out his hand and grabbed(抓住) my finger.” Their tiny baby grew stronger and stronger in his mothers arms, and their final goodbye turned into a hello.The

37、doctor at first ignored the babys movements, but when he put the stethoscope(听诊器) to its chest, his mouth was wide open and he said, “Its my fault. Its a miracle.”“The kangaroo care helps the baby keep body warmth,” Dr. Pinchi Srinivasan said. “It also regulates(调节) heart beat and breathing rates an

38、d is believed to help weight gain and improve sleeping habits. Fathers can also use kangaroo care. The key to the method is skin-to-skin contact.”The practice began in less developed nations. It has become a recognized practice in helping premature babies. The technique is good for babies, and is us

39、ed in many baby care centres.47. After hearing what the doctor said, the mother _. A. chose to believe the doctor B. didnt give up and tried to bring her baby to lifeC. became so sad that she almost became madD. became angry at what the doctor did to her son48. When the baby first showed signs of li

40、fe, the doctor _.A. didnt believe a miracle had happened.B. was too shocked to do anythingC. was cheered and tried to save the baby at onceD. was moved by what the mother did to the baby49. From what Dr. Pinchi Srinivasan said, we learn the baby came back to life mainly because of _. A. the mothers

41、soft words B. the doctors careful care C. the fathers “kangaroo care” D. skin-to-skin contact with the mother50. According to the passage, “premature babies” refer to babies that are born _. A. with diseases B. before their time C. dead D. heavy51. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. A baby was a

42、lmost killed by a doctors wrong decision.B. A doctor in Australia announced a baby was dead by mistake.C. A mom in Australia saved her baby with “Kangaroo care”.D. A mom in Australia invented a new method of saving babies.CToday, we are told, children dont spend enough time in the fresh air. Many of

43、 them are addicted to a screen either on a computer or a TVthey seem to be living in a virtual(虚拟的) world. They have lost touch with nature. But now 400 organizations in the UK, from playgroups to the National Health Service, are encouraging children to have some “wild time”. They want kids to excha

44、nge at least 30 minutes of watching TV or playing computer games for time playing outside. Activities such as building dens, climbing trees, searching for conkers and playing hide and seek are just some of the things kids can do. Even if they live in a city, they can go on adventures in the garden or the park.Children often need a helping hand from mum and dad. They need to be shown what to do and where to go. Andy Simpson from National Health Service says, “We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids development, independence and crea


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