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1、该资料由友情提供Unit 7 单元测试题Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. The apartment my parents live in is about 360 square feet _ size.A. for B. on C. in D. at( ) 22. During his second day Edward looked _ more tired than on his first day.A. even B. quite C. only D. prett

2、y( ) 23. I can still remember this thing, _ it was so long ago.A. as long as B. even though C. as soon asD. so that( ) 24. My father doesnt want to continue working in the factory because of poor working _.A. experiencesB. opinions C. conditionsD. relations( ) 25. Look! _ black clouds are covering t

3、he sky. Its going to rain. A. Thick B. Thin C. Dark D. Bright( ) 26.Linda, you look thinner. How much do you _ now?About 50 kilos.A. developB. rise C. drop D. weigh( ) 27. After the haze (雾霾) weather, the pressure to _ the environment is strong and growing.A. control B. create C. protect D. provide(

4、 ) 28. She was trying to pass her driving test and she finally _.A. succeeded B. fell C. understood D. hurt( ) 29. The bookcase _ when we tried to move it. Luckily, it wasnt broken.A. lay down B. fell over C. ran out D. took off( ) 30. She used to lie _ at night worrying about how to pay for the hou

5、se. A. weakB. awake C. asleepD. strong ( ) 31. The mountain is so high that its difficult for us to _ air on the top of it.A. take up B. take down C. take in D. take away( ) 32. Helen is the second _ girl in the talent show. I enjoy watching her dancing.A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. the

6、 most popular ( ) 33. Lake Qinghai is larger than _ salt lake in China with an area of 4,583 km2.A. another B. any other C. the other D. others( ) 34. Tina gave up _ the violin last year because she became interested in the piano.A. playing B. play C. to play D. played( ) 35. He remembered our names

7、 from ten years ago._.A. Oh, thats right B. Wow, thats amazingC. Well, its OKD. Hmm, its strange. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。The Andes Mountains are the longest and one of the highest mountain ranges (山脉) in the world. They run through 7 countries in South America.

8、 Although life is 36 easy there, the Inca people lived in the Andes Mountains for hundreds of years. The old and famous Inca Empire began around 13th century (世纪) and didnt come to an end 37 the late 16th century.Corn was the Inca peoples 38 food because it could grow very well in the high mountains

9、. Tomatoes, potatoes and another grain (谷物) called quinoa were also popular. When the Inca people 39 peppers with quinoa, they could make a kind of delicious soup.The llama, a kind of animal, is another 40 why the Inca people could live in such a terrible environment. It 41 the Inca people with milk

10、 and meat. At the same time, it 42 be used to carry lots of heavy things.Most Inca people were farmers 43 the villages they lived in were very small. Even Cuzco, the capital (首都), was not a large city. In Cuzco, the Inca people 44 walls with huge stones. Some of the walls were more than 7 meters 45

11、. Even today, centuries later, the stones fit together so well that you cant even put a ruler between them. ( ) 36. A. tooB. already C. never D. still( ) 37. A. until B. after C. from D. past( ) 38. A. only B. main C. cheap D. healthy( ) 39. A. mixed B. added C. put D. cut( ) 40. A. fact B. answer C

12、. way D. reason( ) 41. A. fed B. found C. protected D. provided ( ) 42. A. could B. should C. must D. need( ) 43. A. and B. or C. so D. but ( ) 44. A. touched B. used C. built D. bought( ) 45. A. big B. high C. old D. deep. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Megan. How are you toda

13、y?B: Im fine. (46) _A: Youre right. But its not just cold. Everything is frozen!B: It snowed a lot last night. A: (47) _B: Thats a good idea. We can ask our friends to come.A: What activity do you think we should do?B: (48) _ Skiing is a lot of fun!A: OK. I can learn to ski from you. Where can we go

14、 skiing? (49) _B: Thats true. What about Eagle Mountain? A: Oh, yeah. Mark went skiing there last year.B: Right. And he had a really good time. A: (50) _ Do you think its OK for beginners?B: I think so. A: OK. Lets meet at the store on our way to Eagle Mountain.A. What hot weather it is!B. I think w

15、e should go skiing.C. I am good at skiing.D. But the weather is really cold outside.E. Eagle Mountain sounds pretty scary.F. There arent too many hills around here.G. Maybe we can plan an outside activity to enjoy the snow. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) ACristina is a Portuguese student. She decided to improve h

16、er English during the summer holiday. So she took a two weeks summer course (课程) in the Embassy School, Oxford. Now lets read about her experience.It was a wonderful experience. The school was on one of the citys most famous streets. The teachers were very nice and the classrooms were modern. The Em

17、bassy School wasnt a boarding school (寄宿学校), so I stayed with an English family during those two weeks. It was an excellent opportunity to practice my English. They couldnt speak Portuguese, so I tried my best to communicate with them in English. They lived in a beautiful house. I loved staying with

18、 them because they were very friendly. Every morning, I took the bus to school. Classes started at 9 a.m. and finished at 4 p.m. We had three classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I learned a lot and met classmates from all over the world. We also visited the most famous places of

19、 the country.It was the best summer holiday Ive ever had. My English got much better and I made a lot of new friends.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 51. How long was Cristinas summer course?A. One week.B. Two weeks.C. One month.D. Two months. ( ) 52. The underlined word “opportunity” in Paragraph 3 means “_” in Ch

20、inese. A. 习惯 B. 灵感 C. 机会 D. 仪式( ) 53. How did Cristina go to school every morning?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. D. On foot.( ) 54. How many classes did Cristina have every day?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( ) 55. What can we learn about Cristina? A. She lived in an old house.B. She spoke P

21、ortuguese with her classmates.C. She didnt visit any famous places in England.D. She thought her summer holiday was wonderful.BHi, my name is Joseph and theres something Id like to share with you .My 16-year-old son, Dylan, told everyone that one of the most amazing experiences of his life was the t

22、rip to South Africa last summer. Most people would think that he was on a vacation there. But Dylan spent almost the whole ten days of his trip building houses for people there. It was hard and dirty work. I never thought that he would enjoy it, but he loved every minute of it. Encouraging (鼓励) teen

23、agers to do volunteer work is one of the most important things you can do for them as a parent. And the amazing thing is, once they get a taste of it, teenagers will love to volunteer. And students who do volunteer work do better in school than those who dont volunteer. In fact, volunteering provide

24、s many things for teenagers, including a wonderful experience and a good chance (机会) to meet new people. Its not difficult to find volunteer jobs for teenagers. They can find them in hospitals, libraries, childrens museums and so on. 根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。56. What did Dylan think of his trip to South Afric

25、a?_57. What did Dylan do in South Africa?_58. Does the writer think parents should encourage their children to do volunteer work?_59. What can teenagers get from volunteering? _60. Where can teenagers find volunteer jobs?_. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。61. The country has a(n) _ (人口) of 6

26、5,000,000. Its not large.62. Their tent gave little _ (保护) against the storm.63. I will finish reading the _ (剩余的) part of the book in two hours. 64. Hundreds of _ (旅行者) visit this ancient temple every day. 65. The hole is a lot _ (深的) than that one. B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。66. They were proud (骄傲的)

27、 of their childrens _ (achieve). 67. Our tour _ (include) a visit to the Science Museum last week. 68. Of the three roads, Xin Yuan Road is the _ (wide).69. When I saw a plane flying in the sky, I jumped with _ (excite).70. If your child shows any signs of _ (ill), take him or her to the doctor. 完成句

28、子(每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。71. 就我所知,她买了一座新房子。_, she bought a new house.72. 面对这样强大的力量, 我们无能为力。We are powerless _such forces.73. 多达两百人正在广场上跳舞。_two hundred people are dancing on the square.74. 他们为慈善机构募捐了大约两百英镑。They raised two hundred pounds _ for charity.75. 那个婴儿出生时只有两公斤重。The baby was only 2 kilo

29、s _. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,每词限用一次。angry, question, why, wait, hour, change, die, fast, without, smileA doctor quickly went to the hospital after he was called for an emergency operation (紧急手术). He (76) _ his clothes and went to the operation room.A man was waiting outsi

30、de the operation room. When he saw the doctor, he shouted, “(77) _ do you come so late? Dont you know that my son is in danger?”The doctor (78) _ and said, “I am sorry. I wasnt in the hospital and I went back as (79) _ as I could . Now, I wish youd calm down (镇静) so that I can do my work.”“Calm down

31、?! If your son was in this room right now, would you calm down?” asked the man (80) _.The doctor smiled and replied, “We will try our best.”The operation took several (81) _. When the doctor went out, he said, “Your son is saved. If you have any (82) _, please ask the nurse.”(83) _ waiting for the m

32、ans reply, the doctor went away. “Why was he so arrogant (傲慢的)? Couldnt he (84) _ a few minutes so that I could ask him about my sons state (情况)?” asked the man when he saw the nurse.“His son (85) _ in a road accident yesterday. He was in the funeral (葬礼) when we called him for your sons operation,”

33、 answered the nurse. 书面表达(15分)假如你是海伦(Helen),你的村庄古老但风景优美,尤其是高大奇美的山和平缓清澈的流水,吸引了许多游客。你的美国笔友乔(Joe)想了解你们村庄,请你用英语写一封信向他介绍你的村庄。要求:1. 恰当运用比较级和最高级;2. 80词左右,可适当发挥。信的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Joe,Our village is ancient but its mountains and rivers attract many tourists. Yours,Helen参考答案. 21-25 CABCA 26-30 DCABB 31-3

34、5 CCBAB. 36-40 CABAD 41-45 DAACB. 46-50 DGBFE. 51-55 BCADD56. Amazing. 57. He built houses for people there. 58. Yes, he does.59. A wonderful experience and a good chance to meet new people. 60. In hospitals, libraries, childrens museums and so on. 61. population 62. protection 63. remaining64. tour

35、ists 65. deeper 66. achievements67. included 68. widest 69. excitement70. illness. 71. As far as I know 72. in the face of 73. Up to 74. or so 75. at birth. 76. changed 77. Why 78. smiled 79. fast80. angrily 81. hours82. question(s) 83. Without 84. wait 85. died. One possible version:Dear Joe,Our vi

36、llage is ancient but its mountains and rivers attract many tourists. The mountains are in different shapes. They look amazing. Of all the mountains, Mount Lingshi is the highest. Its about 1,000 meters high. Few people in our village have climbed it. The rivers run quietly and the water in them is very clean. Shuiniu River is longer than any other river in our village and its about ten meters deep the deepest of all the rivers in our village. Also, if you come to my village, you can enjoy the wonderful clean air. Yours,Helen


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