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1、动词填空1用所给动词的适当形式填空。1)English_(speak) as the first language in Australia.2)Bikes _ widely _ by Chinese people.(use)3)Whats the cup _(make) of? Its _(make) of China.4)This English song _ often _ (sing) by the children in class.5)Marys radio _(mend) by my brother just now.6)Vegetables _(sell) in this sh

2、op.7)When _ the hospital _(build)? It _ _ (build)in 1968.答案:1)was spoken 2)are, used 3)made, made 4)is, sung 5)is being mended 6)are sold 7)is, built, was built2. 选用方框中词的恰当形式填空。(有的词可重复使用)use, be, write, know, speak, enjoy, find, try, learnEnglish _ very widely _. It _ by people in English, the Unite

3、d States, Australia and many other countries. It _ one of the working languages at international meetings. Most international business letters _ in English. And quite a few words and magazines _ in English too. If you _ English, you _ you can _ so many more books. English _ really a bridge to so muc

4、h knowledge. You must _ your best _ English well.判断正误When we meet someone if the first time, its no use trying to hide how we feel about them. Psychologists say that we cant help showing our true attitude towards the other person, even if we actually say very little. So how can you tell whether peop

5、le like you or not? Or, perhaps more importantly, for you its easy to tell. All you need to do is to keep watching him or her very carefully, to find out how they feel about you. Their “body language” will give them away. These are the signs you should look for:You can tell that the other person lik

6、es you if he:looks you in the eye.seems to have large pupils in his eyes.tries to improve his appearance by touching his hair or clothes all the time.stands or sits straight in front of you, or leans forwards to talk or listen to you.stands close to you, pulls in his stomach and pushes out his chest

7、.So youd better be careful if you dont want people to know how you feel about them. But if you want some body to know that you like them and that you enjoy being with them, you dont have to say anythingyou should just let your body talk!1. If you dont speak, other people wont know whether you like t

8、hem or not.2. According to the psychologists, if you say very little, it will help you to show your true attitudes towards the other person.3. You can find out whether you are attractive or not from the other persons body language.4. If you dont want to give yourself away, look him in the eye though

9、 you dont like him.5. If you enjoy being with a particular person, all you need to do is to keep watching him.Keys: F F T T F书面表达假设你在互联网上新结识了一位笔友,请你根据下表中所提供的信息向你的同学做一简要介绍。文段第一句已给出。要求文段意思连贯、符合逻辑、书写工整,下栏所给提示必须都用上。(不少于6句)NameKate GreenAge15CityLondon, EnglandSchoolApple Tree SchoolFamilyOne sister, two

10、 brotherFavorite subjectsMaths, physicsFavorite sportsSkating, swimming, dancingKate Green is my new penfriend. _模拟试题】(答题时间:45分钟)I.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. The movie star _ _ (出生) on May 4th, 1978.2. You are never too old _ (学习)。3. When did he start _ (打高尔夫球)?4. He started playing for his _(国家的)team in 1989

11、.5. Five years later she _ (成为)a well-known player.6. Toms brother is an _ (运动员).7. Do you know the famous singer _ (名叫) Sun Yue?8. The old man has few friends _ . (在世的,活着的)9. The game was put off _ _(因为) the bad weather.10. I _ _ (主修) English in the university.*II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. China is an _ (Asi

12、a )country.2. The players are very _ (athlete)3. Did you _ (take) part in the tennis game?Yes, I did.4. He _ (can) hum songs when he was 10 months old.5. The two persons are both _ (piano).6. He often does sth. different, he is _ (usual)7. The old man is very _ (love).8. He started ice _ (skate ) at

13、 the age of five.9. The _ (tour) are having a good time in China.10. He is a _ (talent )young man.III. 单项选择1. When did Mozart _ music?A. start writing B. start writeC. started to write D. start to writing2. My parents lived there _ 20 years before they moved here.A. at B. in C. on D. for3. She start

14、ed playing tennis _ ten months.A. at age B. when she is C. at the age of D. in her age of4. The singer became famous _.A. in his twenty B. in his twentiethC. in his twenties D. at his twentieth5. I saw him _ violin when I was eight.A. play the B. play C. playing the D. to play6. What can I do _ famo

15、us?A. to become B. becoming C. become D. became7. He walked _ fast for us _ catch up with.A. so, that B. such, thatC. too, to D. enough, to8. Every day I spent 2 hours _ my homework.A. finishing to do B. finishing doingC. to finishing doing D. to finish to do9. The man was late for work _ the heavy

16、snow.A. for B. becauseC. because of D. so10. Is your grandma _? No, she isnt.A. living B. alive C. life D. live*IV. 完形填空Beethoven(贝多芬)was born in 1 in 1770. He was one of the greatest composers (作曲家)in the world. Even as a child Beethoven did not have a 2 life. His father was a singer. But he was ve

17、ry lazy and always drank a lot. When Beethoven was only four, his father decided to make him a 3 . So Beethoven had to play the music. He learned very 4 and he could go around and give 5 when he was only eleven. A few years later Beethoven went to Vienna (维也纳) to study under Haydn (海顿), a famous Aus

18、trian (奥地利的)composer. Soon he could write a lot of music himself. Beethoven was often 6 in his life. After one illness, he became deaf (聋的). He couldnt 7 any more. This didnt stop Beethoven. He kept 8 many pieces of beautiful music. To everyones 9 , Beethoven wrote his most beautiful pieces such as

19、Destiny (命运交响曲) after he became deaf. He died at the age of 10 in 1827.( )1. A. Austria B. Germany C. Britain D. France( )2. A. happy B. unhappy C. sad D. bad( )3. A. doctor B. teacher C. soldier D. musician( )4. A. slowly B. careful C. fast D. good( )5. A. concerts B. talks C. lessons D. music( )6.

20、 A. fine B. strong C. ill D. glad( )7. A. hear B. see C. read D. write( )8. A. listened B. writing C. to dance D. reads( )9. A. goodness B. joy C. happiness D. surprise( )10. A. 47 B. 67 C. 57 D. 37*V. 阅读理解Jack London was a famous American writer. He was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, C

21、alifornia. His family was very poor, and Jack had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs.Later, Jack returned to school, but he didnt stay. He wrote, “Life and pocketbook(袖珍书) were both too short.”In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead, he found ideas there fo

22、r his books and stories. He returned home and started to write. His writings were successful (成功的),and he became rich and famous in his twenties.Jack London was not a happy man, however, In poor health, he took his own life (自杀) in 1916. He was only 40 years old.( )1. Jack London was _.A. a musician

23、 B. a writerC. a basketball player D. a teacher( )2. He went to Alaska _.A. for holidays B. because his wife lived thereC. to find gold D. to meet his parents( )3. Jack London became rich and famous _.A. when he was thirty B. when he was over twentyC. in his thirties D. when he was a child( )4. Whic

24、h of the following sentences is true?A. Jack died in Alaska.B. Jack was born in London.C. Jack found gold in AlaskaD. Jack was a successful writer, but he didnt live happily.( )5. Which of the following sentences is not true?A. Jack didnt find gold in Alaska, instead he found ideas for writing.B. Ja

25、ck didnt like to go to schoolC. Jack died in 1916D. Jack had a little education when he was young.VI. 请以My favorite star 为题介绍一位你喜欢的明星,可以是歌星,影星,球星。包括:姓名,出生年月,开始从事现在专业的时间以及在不同阶段的发展情况。【试题答案】I. 1. was born 2. to learn 3. golfing 4. national 5. became6. athlete 7. called/ named 8. alive 9. because of 10.

26、 major inII. 1. Asian 2. athletic 3. take 4. could 5. pianists6. unusual 7. loving 8. skating 9. tourists 10. talentedIII. 15 ADCCA 610 ACBCBIV. AADCA, CABDCV. B C B D BVI. Beckham was born on May 2, 1975. He is English. He was a hot Manchester United fan from early age. He joined the Manchester United Football Team and became a member of the team. He won his first Champion League in 1994. He played football in World Cup 1998 and World Cup 2002. Because he was good at playing football, he was made captain of the England. He is one of the best football players in the world.


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