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1、168中学2010年科学素养测试 数 学 试 题题 号一二总 分得 分【卷首语】亲爱的同学们,欢迎参加一六八中学自主招生考试,希望你们凝神静气,考出水平!开放的一六八中学热忱欢迎你们!本学科满分为120分,共17题;建议用时90分钟。得 分评卷人一、填空题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分)1、计算= .2、分解因式: = .3、函数中,自变量x的取值范围是 .4、已知样本数据x1,x2,xn的方差为1,则数据10x15,10x25,10xn5的方差为 .5、函数的图像与坐标轴的三个交点分别为(a, 0)(b, 0)(0, c),则a+b+c的值等于 .6、在同一平面上,、的半径分别为2

2、和1,5,则半径为9且与、都相切的圆有 个 7、一个直角三角形斜边上的两个三等分点与直角顶点的两条连线段长分别为3 cm和4 cm,则斜边长为 cm .8、用黑白两种颜色的正六边形地面砖按如下所示的规律,拼成若干个图案: 则第10个图案中有白色地面砖 块.9、将函数的图像平移,使平移后的图像过C(0,-2),交x轴于A、B两点,并且ABC的面积等于4,则平移后的图像顶点坐标是 .10、如图,平行四边形ABCD中,P点是形内一点,且PAB的面积等于8 cm2,PAD的面积等于7 cm2,PCB的面积等于12 cm2,则PCD的面积是 cm2. 11、一个由若干个相同大小的小正方体组成的几何组合体

3、,其主视图与左视图均为如图所示的3 3的方格,问该几何组合体至少需要的小正方体个数是 .12、正ABC内接于O,D、E分别是AB、AC的中点,延长DE交O与F, 连接BF交AC于点P,则 .得 分评卷人二、解答题(本大题共5小题,每小题12分,共60分)13、已知(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)=7149求: abc 14、一辆客车,一辆货车和一辆小轿车在同一条直线上同时同向行驶,客车在前,小轿车在后,货车在客车与小轿车之间,走了1分钟,小轿车追上了货车;又走了6分钟,小轿车追上了客车.再过8分钟,货车追上了客车.设出发时客车与货车的距离为a,货车与小轿车的距离为b,求a : b的值15、在Rt

4、ABC中,斜边AB5厘米,BCa厘米,ACb厘米,ab,且a、b是方程的两根,求a和b的值;ABC与ABC开始时完全重合,然后让ABC固定不动,将ABC以1厘米/秒的速度沿BC所在的直线向左移动. )设x秒时ABC与ABC 的重叠部分的面积为y平方厘米(y0),求y与x之间的函数关系式,并写出x的取值范围; )几秒时重叠部分的面积等于平方厘米?16、已知A(5,0),点B在第一象限内,并且AB与直线l:平行,AB长为8.(1)求点B的坐标.l:(2)点P是直线l:上的动点,求PAB内切圆的最大面积.yBxOA(5,0)17、已知半径为r的与半径为R的外离,直线DE经过切于点E并交于点A和点D,

5、 直线CF经过切于点F并交于点B和点C, 连接AB、CD,(1)以下)、)两小题任选一题 ) 求四边形ABCD的面积FEBADO2CO1) 求证:A、B、E、F四点在同一个圆上(2)求证:AB/DC2010年科学素养测试物 理 试 题题 号一二三四总 分得 分【卷首语】亲爱的同学们,欢迎参加一六八中学自主招生考试,希望你们凝神静气,考出水平!开放的一六八中学热忱欢迎你们!本学科满分为80分,共18题;建议用时60分钟。温馨提示:g=10N/kg得分评卷人一、填空题(第9题2分,其余每空1.5分,共29分)1室内天花板上悬挂一只吊灯。灯绳对灯的拉力和_是一对平衡力;灯对灯绳的拉力和_是一对相互作

6、用力2各种形式的能之间可以在一定的条件下相互转化,请按表中示例完成表格。能量转化实例电能转化为内能用电热水器烧水使用干电池供电机械能转化为电能3坐在向东行驶的列车里的乘客,看到路旁的树木向后退,同时又看到汽车也在向后退,以地面为参照物,汽车的运动状态可能是 、 、 。4“跳远”是一项常见的体育运动。跳远运动员在比赛中都是先助跑一段距离后才起跳,这样做为了增大运动员的 .5将两只灯泡串联在电路中,闭合开关后,发现其中一只发光,另一只不发光。原因可能是_.(写出其中一种即可)6夏季,农户家常用一种没有烧过的粘土做的茶壶。观察发现,装水后,壶的外壁总是潮湿的。请分析:这种茶壶能使里面的凉茶水变得更凉

7、些的原因是 。你认为茶壶放在 地方变凉效果会更好。7如图电路中,R1=10、R2=20、R3=30,开关闭合后,电压表示数为,则的示数是_。min R1消耗的电能_J;R2的电功率是_W。第8题图 第7题图8如图是某家用燃气热水器结构原理图,微动开关K与活塞相连,活塞与水管相通。淋浴时,打开淋浴阀,根据 的原理,喷头有水喷出;再根据 的规律,活塞应向 (左、右)移动,由 把燃气阀打开,同时电子点火,燃气进入灶头燃烧,有热水流出;洗完后,关闭淋浴阀,热水器熄火。第9题图9一根绳子系着一个铁球,悬挂在一个通电螺线管右边,小球静止时与通电螺线管等高且不接触。请画出小球受力示意图。得分评卷人二、选择题

8、(每题3分,共12分)D水B10下面的光路图中正确的是 ( )C空气A11利用如下图所示装置将重为100 N的物体匀速从斜面的底端拉到顶端.已知斜面的长是4 m,高是2 m,拉力为F=50 N,则该装置的机械效率为 ( )A.40 B.50 C.80 D.10012如图是使用汽车打捞水下重物示意图,在重物从水底拉到井口的过程中,汽车以恒定速度如图甲向右运动,忽略水的阻力和滑轮的摩擦,四位同学画出了汽车功率(P)随时间(t)变化的图象如图乙所示,其中正确的是 ( )13 在如图所示的电路中,电源电压和灯泡电阻都保持不变,当滑动变阻器R的滑片P由右向左移动到如图所示位置时,下列判断中正确的是 (

9、) A.电流表示数增大,电压表的示数减小 B.电流表和电压表的示数都减小C.电流表的示数增大,电压表的示数不变 D.电流表的示数减小,电压表的示数不变 得分评卷人三、实验题(第14题5分,第15题10分,第16题8分,共23分)14如图所示,是研究“物体动能的大小与哪些因素有关”的实验装置,实验中让大小不同的钢球从斜面上同一高度由静止滚下,碰到同一木块上。请回答以下问题: (1)设计实验的目的是研究钢球动能的大小与 的关系。 (2)实验是通过观察 ,说明钢球对木块做功的多少,从而得出结论的。 (3)若水平面为光滑的,该实验还能得出结论吗? ,理由是: .15在探究“滑动摩擦力的大小与什么因素有

10、关”时,小华同学根据自己推箱子时,箱子越重,推起来越费力,提出了“影响滑动摩擦力大小的因素可能与接触面受到的压力大小有关”的猜想;小辉同学根据自己推箱子时,地面越粗糙,推起来越费力,提出了“影响滑动摩擦力大小的因素可能与接触面的粗糙程度有关”的猜想。下图是验证他们猜想的实验装置图。(1)小辉同学为了完成他自己的探究应按 两图进行。(2) 若小华选用正确的实验装置进行实验得到下表所记录的实验数据,请根据数据在所给坐标中作出滑动摩擦力的大小f与接触面受到的压力大小N之间的关系图象。(3) 根据图像可以得出f与N的关系是 。(4) 小华同学在实验中应使小车做 ,这样做的目的是 .16.在测小灯泡的额

11、定功率实验中,其中被测灯泡的额定电压为3.6V,估计它的额定功率为0.8W,为准确测出它的额定功率,在操作台上准备了如下实验器材: A电压表V(量程0-3V和0-15V) B电流表A(量程0-0.6A和0-3A)C电源(电压为9V) D滑动变阻器R1(0-50)E电阻箱R2(0-9999,最小分度值1,变阻箱在电路图中符号)F开关S一只、导线若干(1)给实物图画出所缺导线,使它成为一个完整的实验电路.(2)若在实验过程中发现电压表0-15V量程损坏,无法按常规方法进行实验,请你在所提供的器材中增减合适器材,重新设计出测定小灯泡额定功率的电路图,并画在右边的方框里(已知:0-3V电压表内阻为30


13、都不计的硬杆。当供水管流进水箱的水恰好浸没浮筒A时,盖片B被拉开,水通过排水管流出冲洗厕所。 (1)当水箱的水刚好浸没浮筒A时,水对盖片B的压力是多少?(2)盖片B的质量是多少?(3)当水箱的水有多深时,盖片将自动合上?2010年人文素养测试英 语 试 题【卷首语】亲爱的同学们,欢迎参加一六八中学自主招生考试,希望你们凝神静气,考出水平!开放的一六八中学热忱欢迎你们!本学科满分为100分,共56题;建议用时70分钟。第一部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分). 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并填写在答题卷的相应位置。1. He like

14、s playing _ basketball while I like playing _ piano.A. the; a B. a; the C. /; the D. the; /2. September is the _ month of the year.A. nine B. ninth C. seven D. seventh3. -Excuse me. Do you have a table for two? -I am sorry, _ there arent any seats now. A. but B. and C. or D. so4. -Doctor, Im getting

15、 _. -Well, youd better eat _ and take more exercise. A. fat and fatter; more B. fatter and fatter; fewer C. fatter and fat; less D. fatter and fatter; less5. My parents promised to take me to the Shanghai Expo _ this summer. A. sometimes B. some timesC. sometime D. some time6. - Linda, help_ to some

16、 fish. - Thank you.A. yourselves B. yourself C. you D. yours7. Go and ask your teacher for help if you _ any questions.A. will haveB. are havingC. are gong to haveD. have8. The 2012 Olympics_ in London.A. will be heldB. will holdC. is holdingD. was held 9. We should respect people _ work hard.A. whi

17、chB. whomC. what D. who10._ strange weather we have met recently!A. What B. What aC. HowD. How a11. Our sports meet may be _ because of the bad weather.A. put upB. put offC. put downD. put away12. I am not familiar with QQ. Could you please show me _to use it?A. whatB. howC. whenD. why13. -Must I cl

18、ean the classroom now? - No, you _. You can do it after school.A. needntB. mustntC. cantD. shouldnt14. My friend is coming today but he didnt tell me _.A. when did the train arriveB. how did the train arriveC. when the train arrivedD. how the train arrived15. - Sorry for being late for the class, si

19、r. - _. Come earlier next time.A. Never mindB. You are welcomeC. Thats OKD. Not at all. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并填写在答题卷的相应位置。AI am a student of Class 1, Grade 8. My school life is very 16 and I like my school very much. Our teachers are kind and 17 . Also I am getting alo

20、ng well with my classmates. Classes begin at 7:40 a.m. We 18 four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We learn many subjects 19 Chinese, English, math, history and physics. I am very interested in them but I like P.E. best because having sports 20 good for us and can keep us 21 . Beca

21、use my home is 22 far from the school, I have to eat lunch at 23 . After school in the afternoon, I often play basketball with my classmates on the playground 24 . At times I go to the school library and do some 25 there. I like to be there because there are lots of books, magazines and newspapers.

22、In my opinion, we can learn a lot from reading.16. A. interestingB. interestedC. boringD. bored17. A. friendB. friendsC. friendlyD. friendship18. A. giveB. haveC. takeD. make19. A. for exampleB. as ifC. such asD. as well as20. A. doB. doesC. areD. is21. A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyD. unhealthy22.

23、 A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD. few23. A. tableB. homeC. workD. school24. A. for some timeB. for sometimeC. at the momentD. in a moment 25. A. cleaningB. writingC. readingD. shoppingB Mr. Lu is a school teacher in a very poor countryside in China. He cant walk but only moves with his knees because o

24、f his serious disability (残疾). His “shoes” are 26 made to cover each of his knees so that he can 27 forward easier on the country 28 . In spite of little money he made, he has been working as a teacher there for 36 years. He loves his job very much and 29 takes good care of the children. He is a har

25、dworking person with a kind 30 . He never asks for much from life, and 31 he wants is very basic and simple. The happiest thing for him is to see the children get good education and 32 a better life in the future. Recently, some nice people 33 his story and were greatly moved(感动). They decided to he

26、lp him and 34 him a pair of walking sticks, so he can “walk” with the 35 to and from the school. Some people have posted his story online and they hope this common great person will be able to receive more attention from all over the county.26. A. especiallyB. speciallyC. usuallyD. mostly27. A. clim

27、bB. walkC. stepD. move28. A. roadsB. hillsC. fieldsD. villages29. A. neverB. alwaysC. alreadyD. seldom30. A. mindB. headC. heartD. spirit31. A. anyB. someC. allD. none32. A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. has33. A. heard from B. told aboutC. told ofD. heard about34. A. lentB. borrowedC. repairedD. bought

28、35. A. legsB. sticksC. shoesD. hands第二部分 阅读理解(共三篇,满分30分). 阅读理解( 共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并填写在答题卷的相应位置。AFrom Feb. 8 to Mar. 1 is our winter holiday. I think everybody did a lot in the holiday. But it seems that I did nothing and it was my most unlucky holiday.I spent a lot of ti

29、me on my homework. Every morning my mother woke me up early and I had breakfast in a hurry. Then I had to do my homework almost the whole day! Im not a very slow person but the homework was too heavy! I was also unlucky when playing. During the Spring Festival, I played fireworks but my finger was h

30、urt because I was careless to light the fireworks. I began to fear playing with fireworks from then.I was still unlucky on my friends party. On my friends birthday, unusually I woke up at 10:50 because my parents went to visit my grandmother early in the morning. The party would start in 10 minutes!

31、 So I hurried to my friends home without breakfast. I returned very late that day and when I got home, my parents were very angry with me. Another worrying thing was my weight. Last term, I was 46 kg but now I am 51 kg! I have to consider losing weight!36. How long did the winter holiday last?A. two

32、 monthsB. one monthC. 3 weeksD. 23 days37. The writer got up early every day during the holiday because _.A. he had to finish homeworkB. he had to have breakfastC. he was a very slow personD. his mother was in a hurry38. He hurt his finger because of _.A. the Spring FestivalB. his carelessnessC. the

33、 light of fireworks D. his fear of playing39. Why were the writers parents angry with him?A. Because he got up too late.B. Because he missed breakfast.C. Because he was late for the party.D. Because he came back home too late.40. What did the writer want to tell us in the passage?A. He had an unluck

34、y holiday.B. He had too much homework.C. His parents were very strict.D. He planned to lose weight.BIn recent years, more and more people like to keep pets such as a dog, a cat, a monkey and other animals. But usually people would accept tame(温顺的) and loyal(忠诚的) animals as pets rather than dangerous

35、 ones such as a lion,a tiger or a snake.People love pets and take good care of them. The owners usually regard pets as good friends and some even consider them as members of the family. Although they are not human beings(人类), their behavior sometimes is better than human beings, for they are always

36、loyal to their owners. There are always many stories about brave and smart pets. We often hear that a pet dog saved the owners life or traveled thousands of miles to return home. Such stories often make pets more lovely. Some pets can also be trained to help people with some special work. For exampl

37、e, trained dogs can help the blind to walk and trained dogs and pigs can even help police to find where drugs are easily.But pets are sometimes trouble-makers. Some pets like dogs or snakes may hurt people without any warning. Some people may become ill after being hurt because of the virus carried

38、by the pets. If they are not taken good care of, they will become very dirty and easily get ill. So pets are helpful to us but keeping pets is not an easy job.41. What animals are thought to be dangerous as pets?A. Cats.B. Dogs.C. Snakes.D. Monkeys42. Which of the following statements is TRUE about

39、pets?A. All the pets are considered as family members.B. Pets always behave better than human beings.C. Sometimes some pets can protect their owners.D. Some pets like traveling far away from home.43. Why do people train pets according to the passage?A. To make them more clever.B. To make them more l

40、ovely.C. To find drugs for the blind.D. To do some special work.44. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Pets often hurt strange people.B. Pets can live well with the virus.C. Pets are dirty and dangerous.D. Pets should be looked after well.45. What is the best title for the passage?A. Train

41、ing Pets. B. Keeping Pets.C. Cleaning Pets.D. Loving Pets.阅读以下左栏人员的相关信息,然后在右栏中选择匹配的广告,并填写在答题卷的相应位置。CPersonsAdvertisements46. Liang and Wang, both teachers, are going to take their summer holidays at some beautiful seaside. They like good wine and shopping.47. Chen Hui and Li Hong, university students, want to travel on very little money, and would like to get to know the country by working with the local(当地的) people for two weeks.48. Mr. Zhang, a young and busy manager, needs a holiday to relax. He would like to go somewhere warm and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, a


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