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1、天津市耀华中学2011届高三内部第二次模拟考试(英语)英 语 试 题本试卷分为两部分:第卷和第卷,共130分。考试时间100分钟.第I卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1Youve sold your car! You dont need one?_ _The traffic is too heavy nowadaysANo problem BNever mind CDont mention it DNot really2You could _ this a really nice room if you bought a ne

2、w carpetAmake Bturn Cgrow Dget3One things for sure, the fire _ by some cigarette buttsAmight cause Bcould have causedCmust have been caused Dshould be caused4Exactly _ they did when at last they reached the sea remains a complete mysteryAthat Bhow Cwhich Dwhat5When _ the letter, the old granny looke

3、d very much _Atorn open; worrying Btearing open; worriedCtorn open; worried Dtearing open; worrying6He asked where she _, but she didnt respondAhad been Bwas Chas been, Dis7The Japanese have _ uneasy feeling about _ increasing use of foreign wordsAan; a Bthe; the Can; the Dthe; a8I had a hard time _

4、 this novelI share your feelingWho can remember the names of over 100 different characters?Agetting through Bgetting over Cgetting off Dgetting away9He seemed to be looking for the words _ he could express his ideaAfor which Bwith which Cfor that Dwith that10_ aware of the danger ahead, he took on t

5、he task without hesitationAIf BThough CSince DAs11He walks and talks like hes _But all of us know hes nobodyAanybody Bsomebody Ceverybody Dnobody12Many in the company doubted whether the new product could bring in _ _ those soldAas good as Bas well as Cas much as Das many as13Once the poison is_, th

6、ere is no further dangerAbrought up Bbrought in Cbrought back Dbrought about14It _ there is a disaster _ people will think much of the safetyAis until; when Bis until; thatCisnt until; when Disnt until; that15Excuse me, would you mind answering a few questions?Well, I dont knowIm in rather a hurryAs

7、eriously Bactually Cimmediately Danxiously第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)There was a young college student who played the piano in a bar every nightHe 16 his home alone and found a 17 job to support himselfHe was a good piano player, but sometimes a bit stubbornPeople 18 work came out just to hear him

8、19 But one night, an old gentleman told him he didnt want to hear him play 20 wanted him to sing a songThe young man said, Sony, I dont singBut the customer was 21 He told the waiter, Im 22 listening to the piano; I want that guy to singThe waiter 23 across the room, Hey buddy! If you want to 24 sin

9、g a song The 25 are asking you to sing!So 26 He sang a song unwillingly but 27 A piano player who had never sung 28 did so for the very first rimeAnd nobody had ever heard the song Mono Lisa Mono Lisa was sung 29 by Nat King Cole! The song of Mono Lisa was soon well-received among American young gen

10、erationsHe had 30 he was sitting on (搁置不用)! He may have lived the rest of his life as a 31 piano player in a no-name bar, but because he had to sing, and he showed his gift, he went on to become one of the best-known entertainers in AmericaYou, too, have skills and abilitiesYou may not feel as if yo

11、ur talent is particularly great, but it may be better than you think! And 32 you keep practicing, most skills can be improvedBesides you may as well have no ability at all if you sit on 33 talent you possess! The better 34 is not What ability do I have 35 is useful? It is rather How will I use whate

12、ver ability I have!16Aleft Bentered Cmade Dmoved17Aprofessional Bpart-time Cfull-time Dweekend18Auntil Bsince Cafter Dbefore19Atalk Bchat Csing Dplay20Abut Bor Cso Dand21Adelighted Bpatient Cpersistent Dsatisfied22Afond of Binterested in Cbusy in Dtired of23Ashouted Bwhispered Cblamed Dspoke24Aget p

13、raise Braise money Cget paid Dmake progress25Awaiters Bmanagers Cvisitors Dcustomers 26Adid he Bhe did Cwas him Dhe was27Aunluckily Bwonderfully Cpatiently Dhurriedly28Ain public Bsecretly Cat home Dsometimes29Athat night Bevery night Cat night Dtonight30Amoney Bknowledge Ctalent Dpossession31Afamou

14、s Bwell-known Cno-name Dwell-known32Aunless Beven if Cso long as Das if33Awhatever Bhowever Csomehow Dwhichever34Asituation Bquestion Cproblem Dpossibility35Awhat Bthis Cthat Dit第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2.5分,满分50分)AEvery day I drive through town, I see a one-legged man go through ash trays for cigarette bu

15、tts and trash cans for food outside fast food restaurantsIt was only a month before Christmas and it was starting to get cold, so I could not stop thinking about himThat year my husband and I didnt have enough money to spend much on presents, but I figured what was too little for us would be a lot f

16、or someone who had nothingSo one day I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste and some cans of tuna(金枪鱼), just a few little things that didnt cost much and then I added a blanket and sweatshirts to themI prepared a box so that it looked like a present and went in search of this manI saw him hobbling(蹒

17、跚) away from the trash can next to McDonald, so I pulled over, grabbed the box and went up to himI said, I would like to give you a Christmas presentThere are some food items here and some other things I think you might be able to useHe looked at me and said, No, thank youI just had lunchI dont need

18、 anything Then he hobbled on down the sidewalk, leaving me standing there in tearsI took the box down to a little shop that gave things out to the poor and the homeless and-told them what had happenedThen I asked them to give the box to someone who could use itThe person there told me not to be upse

19、t, but I told her I was not crying for myself but for him because what I had done took away his dignity by treating him like a beggarI was so ashamedWhat a great lesson it was for me to learn, though Accepting help is sometimes harder thangiving it.36According to the text, it is obvious that _ _Athe

20、 author often helps the poor in the neighborhoodBthe one-legged man is living a very poor lifeCno one besides the author wanted to help the manDthe author spent a lot of money helping the man37After being refused by the one-legged man, the author _ _Abecame very annoyed Bwas hurt by the manCfelt emb

21、arrassed Dfelt disappointed and worried38It can be inferred from the text that _ _Athe author wouldnt give presents to the poor in the futureBthe author would never want to see the one-legged man againCin fact the one-legged man was rather richDthe author didnt expect that she would be refused by th

22、e man39- The author learned form this experience that _ _Asympathy is a great gift to beggarsBpeople may have different ideas of receivingCsympathy might hurt the dignity of the poorDones kindness should not be refused40Which would be the best title for the text?AA Proud Beggar BA Lesson About Digni

23、tyDWhat Do We Need? DAn Unfortunate ExperienceBCHICAGOMonkeys perform mental maths; pigeons can select the picture that doesnt belongHumans may not be the only animals that plan for the future, say researchers reporting on the latest studies of animal mental abilityEdward Wassennan, a professor of e

24、xperimental psychology at the University of Chicago, says that, like people, pigeons and baboons(狒狒) were able to tell which picturesshowed similar items, like triangles or dots, and which showed different itemsIn the last 20 years there has been a major revolution in the understanding of animals, a

25、dded Nicola SClayton, a professor of comparative cognition (认知) at the University of Cambridge EnglandAnimals not only use toolsThere is also evidence that some of them save tools for future use, she saysPlanning ahead was once thought to be unique to humansWe now know thats not trueFor example, she

26、 said, crows have been seen stashing(把藏起来) food away for the next day, and even finding ways to protect it from being stolenClayton and Elizabeth Branhon have studied how human adults and babies, lemurs(狐猴) and monkeys think about number without using languageAfter seeing the same number of differen

27、t objects, infants notice when the number changesSo do macaquesIndeed, college students and macaques seem equally able to estimate numbers of objects without actually counting themThat ability can be useful to macaques in determining whether there is enough food in an area, or to get a sense of how

28、large their group is compared to competing groupsThe researchers are currently working to see if monkeys can recognize the concept of zeroThe new studies finding increasing similarities between animals and human mental abilities may be making some people uneasy, Wassennan saysWith the aim of learnin

29、g how much the ability to think is general throughout the animal kingdom, he says, the evidence that we collect constantly surprises us41Which of the following would be the best title for the text?AHow Animals Plan for Their FutureBThe Newest Discovery About Animals and HumansCThe Ability to Plan fo

30、r the FutureDResearchers Say Animals Plan for the Future42The aim of the studies was to discover_Awhether animals like monkeys can recognize the concept of zeroBhow much thinking ability is common among animalsCwhat kinds of animals can perform mental mathsDwhy animals save tools for future use43In

31、the past scientists thought that _Abesides humans, only baboons had the ability to plan for the futureBanimals had limited ability to plan for the futureCbesides humans, only monkeys and pigeons could plan for the futureDonly humans could make plans for the future44The underlined word macaques in Pa

32、ragraph 5 refers to _ _Ahuman adults Bhuman babiesCcollege students Dmonkeys45According to the text, _ _AWasserman has been studying animals for over 20 yearsBmost people now take it for granted that animals plan for the futureCthere are some similarities between animals and human mental abilitiesDc

33、urrent evidence shows that almost all animals can plan for the futureCThe Adventure Guides ProgramNew Member Information for the Adventure Guides Program ( for children aged 42)What Is the Adventure Guides Program All about?The objectives of the program are:Fostering companionship and setting founda

34、tion for positive, lifelong relationships between parent and childIncreased understanding of one anotherExpanded awareness of spirit, mind and bodyGreat memoriesFun!Parent and Child Will Be JoiningThe nationwide affiliated(隶属的) program sponsored by local YMCA s and part of theNational Council of YMC

35、AsA smaller group of families called a circleWhat Is the Time Commitment?Program runs from October to May (ending with the Memorial Day Parade)One circle activity per month (one circle decides on fees and dates)Additional all participant activities (scheduled by Wilton Family Y)additional fees and r

36、egistration requiredOuting Dates: To Be AnnouncedWhat Do I Do Now?Registration is on-goingRegistration forms are available online under RegistrationYou will be notified by the Wilton Family Y of which circle you and your child are in and who your circle leader isYou will be notified by your circle l

37、eader as to when your first parent/child circle meeting will take placeFees:Participant: Full Child or Family member $11000 / Program member $20000 Sibling(兄弟或姐妹): Full child or Family member $7500 / Program member $15000Adult: Family member FREE / Program member $12500Wilton Family Y Contact Inform

38、ation:GeoffMalyszka Teen Director 762-8384 ext.224E-mail: gmalyszkawiltonymcaorgKirn Murphy Early Childhood EdDirector762-8384 ext.214E-mail: kmurphywiltonymcaorg46The Adventure Guides Program will _ _Apromote understanding between parents and childrenBdevelop a lifelong friendship between membersCM

39、ake members realize relationships between mind and bodyDimpress members with great memories and enjoyment47Which of the following is true about circle?AYou and your children will make up a circleBA circle activity will be held once a monthCYou have the right of choosing your circle leaderDYou are fr

40、ee to choose to become a member of a circle48If you are an adult family member, how much must you pay?A$110,00 B$ 75,00 CFree D, $150,0049What information can you get from the passage?AThere is no extra fees for additional all participant activitiesBThe program will be held only in October and MayCY

41、ou can register just by making a call to 762-8384 ext224DIt has not been decided yet when you will go out50The passage is mainly written for _Aparents and their childrenBadventurous travelersCinternational studentsDchildren with bad memoriesDThe English language, like football and other sports, bega

42、n in England and has spread to every comer of the globeToday more than a billion people-speak EnglishIt is becoming the worlds language: the language of the Internet, of business, of international flight the pathway of global communication and global access to knowledgeAnd it has become the vehicle

43、for hundreds of millions of people of all countries to connect with each other, in countless waysIndeed, English is much more than a language: it is a bridge across borders and cultures, a source of unity in a rapidly changing worldEnglish does not make us all the same nor should it, for we honor who we distinctly areBut it makes it possible for us to speak to each other, t


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