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1、教材优化全析Introduction1.a column of air that turns very quickly迅速旋转的空气柱column(1)C圆柱,柱状物。例如:the carved columns in the temple寺庙中的雕刻圆柱a column of smoke 一缕烟(2)C(报纸等的)栏;段。例如:The article runs across four columns.那篇文章占了4栏的篇幅。2.Connect all the words you find out that refer to the same thing.连接指示相同事物的单词。refer to

2、提到,谈到,涉及;参考,查阅。例如:Are you referring to me? 你是说我吗?In his speech,he didnt refer to the problem at all.在他的演讲中,他丝毫没有触及那个问题。His name was referred to in the meeting.他的名字在会议中被提及。Reading and vocabulary1.The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current which starts in the Gulf of Mexico and flows northeast across the

3、 Atlantic.海湾洋流是暖洋流,起源于墨西哥湾,向东北方向流过大西洋。current C 水流,气流,电流。例如:the current of a river河水的水流The current of cool air is coming from the air conditioner.那股冷风是从空调机里吹出来的。current C(事情、舆论等的)动向,趋势;潮流。例如:the current of public opinion舆论的动向Her sons death broke the peaceful current of her life.儿子的死亡扰乱了她平静的生活步调。flow

4、 vi.& vt. 流,流动;流过。例如:The stream flowed rapidly.溪水畅流。The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.汽车在干道上不停地驶过。Her tears flowed fast at the bad news.她一听到这伤心消息,眼泪就一涌而出。“One of the real keys to success is developing a system where you can flow traffic to yourselves.”(Marc Klee)“打开成功之门的真正钥匙就是发展

5、一个系统:通过它,你们可以把知识源源不断地输入自己的心灵。”(马克克莱)2.Almost all of them occur in the US,in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north.在美国,大部分飓风发生在从东南的得克萨斯州到北部的达科达州。occur vi. 发生;想起,想到(与to连用)。例如:The accident occurred at five oclock.事故发生在五点钟。An excellent idea occurred to me when I woke up this

6、morning.今早起床时,我突然想到了一个很棒的点子。It occurred to me that I would travel Europe.我突然想到要旅游欧洲。3.Tornadoes can pick up cars,trains and even houses and put them down in the next streetor even in the next town.飓风能卷起汽车,火车甚至房子,卷到另外一条街甚至是另外一个城镇。pick up捡起;收听;(偶然,无意地)获得,学会;(健康、景象、事态)恢复,变好。例如:I picked up a magazine th

7、at was lying on the table.我拿起了桌子上的一本杂志。We picked up radio signals for help from the damaged plane.我们接收到了来自被损坏飞机的求救信号。Under good treatment,Linda is beginning to pick up and will soon recover.在精心治疗下,琳达逐渐恢复并且很快康复了。put down放下,使(乘客等)下(车);写下,记下。例如:I put down his address.我记下他的地址。Put it down to my account,p

8、lease.请记在我的账上。put down控制;击败;平定;取缔。4.They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.飓风可以拔掉猫背上的毛或者鸡身上的羽毛。take .off 把从取下,除去;脱掉(衣服)取下(眼镜,戒指等)。例如:You should take your toys off the table.你应该把你桌上的玩具拿走。Take off your clothes;theyre very wet.脱掉你的衣服,衣服湿透了。I take my hat off to him fo

9、r the way he arranged the party.我对他安排社交聚会的方式表示佩服。5.On average,there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year,causing about 80 deaths and 1 500 injuries.平均说来,美国每年有800次飓风,造成80人死亡和1500人受伤。(1)on average平均起来。例如:This car runs 15 kilometers per liter on average.这辆车平均每公升(汽油)跑15千米。(2)death 死,死亡。例如:There have be

10、en several deaths from drowning in the river.已经有好几个人溺死在这条河中。My grandfather died a peaceful death.我的祖父安详过世。6.The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred on the 8th September 1900 in the Galveston,Texas.有史以来最严重的飓风灾害是1900年9月8号发生在加尔维斯敦美国得克萨斯州东南部港市的飓风。disaster n.灾难;灾祸;天灾。例如:The floods were a disast

11、er.洪水是一种灾害。These difficulties are caused by natural disasters.这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。The dinner party was a disaster.宴会彻底失败。7.Winds of 200 kilometers per hour and five-meter high waves hit the city.每小时200千米的风和5米高的巨浪袭击了这个城市。hit vt. 袭击;侵袭。例如:The typhoon hit the metropolitan area.台风侵袭了大都会区。The farmers were hit

12、 hard by the drought.久旱不雨,农民受到了严重打击。hit vt.打,使打中例如:She hit her head on the table.她的头在桌上碰了一下。He hit me on the head.他打我的头。8.By the late 1890s,he had moved to Galveston,where he died in 1899,an year before the hurricane struck.他19世纪90年代后期移居到了加尔维斯敦,于1899年飓风袭击前约一年去世。(1)strike vt. 到达,侵袭,使突然发生。例如:A very bi

13、g earthquake struck that county many years ago.许多年前一次非常强大的地震袭击了那个县。(2)strike vt.& vi. 碰上;碰撞;突然想到(想法,构想)。例如:The ship struck(against/on)the rock.那艘船撞上了岩石。An idea suddenly struck me.我忽然想到一个主意。(3)strike vt. 打动(某人)的心,给予印象。例如:I was struck by its beauty.我为那美丽所打动。Listening and vocabulary1.One of the volcano

14、es erupted on the 18th of July 1995.其中一次火山爆发发生在1995年7月18号。erupt vi. 爆发,突然发生。例如:Its many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted.维苏威火山上一次爆发至今已有很多年了。Violence has erupted on the streets.大街上突然发生了暴乱。2.When the lava reached the sea,there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the

15、island.当熔岩流到海边时,很有可能形成巨浪,淹没半个岛屿。possibility 可能。例如:Is it a possibility that you will work abroad?你有可能去国外工作吗?possibility可能性。例如:There is no possibility of his coming.他不可能来。Pronunciation1.According to the journalist,more than half the islands 11 000 residents had left the island four months earlier.按照记者

16、的话,岛上的11 000 居民的大部分提前4个月离开了岛屿。(1)according to 根据,按照例如:According to John you were in Edinburgh last week.据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。According to the TV,it will be fine today.根据电视报道,今天会是个晴天。Everything went according to plan.一切都是按照计划进行的。Arrange the exhibits according to size.将展品按大小排列。(2)resident n. 居民,居住者。例如:local

17、residents当地居民a foreign resident外国侨民City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.城市居民抱怨民工威胁着本来就已很紧张的城市就业机会。2.You are reporting on a natural disaster.你正在报道一次自然灾害。report vt.& vi. 报道,报告。例如:The newspaper reported that there had been a fire in the village.

18、报纸报道说这个村庄失过一次火。He was reported to have established the world record.据报道他已经创造了世界纪录。The girls reported him to their teacher for his smoking.女学生向老师报告他抽烟。Writing1.There were some trees across the road near the beach and they began to move from side to side.海滩的路边的树开始摇摆起来。from side to side从一边到另一边,来来回回。例如:

19、The ship was rolling from side to side in the stormy sea.遇到大的暴风雨,船就在海面上来来回回地颠簸。The boat rolled from side to side.那条船左右摇晃。The boat swayed from side to side as waves hit it.船只随着波浪来回摇摆。2.The hurricane lasted for two days.飓风持续了两天。last vi. 足够;维持。例如:How long do you think this fine weather will last?你看这样的好

20、天气能持续多久?This food will last them 5 days.这些食物足够他们吃五天。The patient isnt expected to last the night.没有人认为那病人会熬得过晚上。last耐用;保持良好的或可使用的状态。例如:I wanted a car that would last.我需要一辆经久耐用的汽车。3.It was terrifying.这太可怕了。terrifying adj. 极大的,可怕的。例如:What a terrifying experience!多么可怕的经历啊!Everyday English1.unfortunately

21、 adv. 不幸地;可惜地,遗憾地。例如:Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.不幸的是,只有数量很少的驾驶员和旅客系保险带。Unfortunately,the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.不幸得很,这次演出是我们所看过的最乏味的演出。2.hopefully adv. 抱着希望地;如果顺利的话;如果运气好的话。例如:The dog waited hopefully beside the table for

22、some food.狗趴在桌子边等着些吃的东西。Hopefully well have finished the project by the end of this month.我们有希望于本月底结束这项工程。3.常用于修饰全句的副词有:(1)表示说话者的见解:fortunately(幸运地),happily(幸运地),luckily(真是运气好),unfortunately(不幸地),foolishly(真笨),wisely(真聪明),naturally(自然地),safely(安全地),etc.(2)表示确实性:certainly(当然),apparently(明显地),clearly(

23、清楚地),perhaps(maybe)(或许),surely(必定地),probably(可能地),etc.(3)表示说话者的心情、立场、观点等:frankly(坦白说),honestly(老实说),personally(就个人而言),etc.Cultural corner1.China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.中国位于世界上活跃的地震带之一,有史以来发生过很多严重的地震。situate

24、vt. 建于或坐落在某处(常用被动语态)。例如:The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north.公司想把总部设在北方。The village is situated in a valley.那个村子在山谷里。Where will the school be situated?学校要建在哪儿?The school is situated in the suburbs.这所学校位于郊外。Having six children and no income,I was badly situated.我有六个孩子却没有收入,生活十分困

25、难。2.The earthquake affected eight provinces in Central China.地震影响了中国中部的八个省份。affect vt. 影响,对起作用;(使)感动。例如:Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。The noise from the street affected our work.马路上的噪音影响我们工作。The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight.那个疾病逐渐侵袭她的视力。He was deeply affected by my words.他听了我的话很受感动。3.

26、It covered an area of 800 square kilometers.800平方千米的面积受到地震的影响。cover vt. 占(时间或空间)。例如:The town covers 5 square miles.小镇占地5平方英里。This story covers only three days and is very interesting.这故事前后过程只有3天,但是非常有趣。His report covered all aspects of the problem.他的报告涵盖了这个问题提得所有层面。4.In all,830 000 people lost their

27、 lives.总共830 000人丧失了生命。in all adv.全部,合计。例如:How much is it in all?一共多少钱?lose ones life 丧命;死。例如:His dad lost his life in the World War.他的父亲在二战中丧命。5.Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage.由加利福尼亚地震引起的火灾造成的损失最大。本句中,caused by.过去分词短语作定语,修饰fires,cause 与其逻辑主语fires之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词表被动。例如:

28、This is a book written by a peasant.这是一本农民写的书。Most of the people invited to the reception were old friends.应邀出席招待会的人大多数是老朋友。damage n. 损失;损害,损坏。例如:An earthquake sometimes causes great damage.地震有时造成重大损失。do damage(to)对造成损失The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。6.One hundred years late

29、r,movements on the San Andreas Fault continue to cause problems for the whole of California.100年以后,San Andreas Fault的运动继续给整个加利福尼亚带来很多问题。for prep.(介词)在本句话中含义为“为”。现归纳其用法如下:(1)往,向,用来指目的地。head off for town出发去城里(2)为,用来指一个活动的接受者或受益者。prepare lunch for us为我们准备午餐(3)代表。speak for all the members代表全体成员发言(4)对支持。

30、Were they for or against the plan?他们支持这项计划还是反对呢?(5)等值,等量。pay ten dollars for a ticket花十美元买了张票。(6)由于,因为。jump for joy因高兴而跳起来Grammar()过去完成时的被动语态谓语动词的语态表示句子的主语和谓语动作之间的关系。当句子的主语是谓语动作的执行者时,主、谓之间的关系称为主动语态,当句子的主语是谓语动作的承受者时,主、谓之间的关系称为被动语态。过去完成时的被动语态有以下三种形式:过去完成时被动语态的肯定结构had been+过去分词。例如:They said that produc

31、tion costs had been reduced.他们说生产成本已经下降了。The classroom had been cleaned before the teacher came.The students had been taught how to use it before they used it.When the anthem(国歌)had been played,the conference began.过去完成时被动语态的否定结构had not been + 过去分词。例如:The classroom hadnt been cleaned before the teac

32、her came.过去完成时被动语态的疑问句结构had + 主语 + been + 过去分词。例如:Had a new school been set up by the end of last year? How many buildings had been destroyed when the hurricane ended?Grammar ()直接引语和间接引语引述别人的原话叫直接引语,用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语。这两种引语都是宾语从句,但是直接引语放在引号内,不用连词连接;间接引语不用引号,通常用连接词与主句连接。一、直接引语变间接引语时句式的变化1.陈述句变为以 that 引

33、导的宾语从句。例如:He said,“Im very glad.”He said that he was very glad.2.一般疑问句变为if(whether)引导的宾语从句。例如:He said,“Can you come this afternoon,John?”He asked whether(if)John could come that afternoon.3.特殊疑问句变为由who,what,when等疑问词引导的宾语从句。例如:He said,“Where is Mr Wang?”He asked where Mr Wang was.4.祈使句变为“主语谓语宾语宾补(动词不

34、定式)”这个句型。常用于这种句型的动词有:ask,order,tell,beg 等。例如:The teacher said,“Listen to me carefully.”The teacher told us to listen to him carefully.The teacher said,“Please sit down.”The teacher asked us to sit down.二、直接引语变间接引语时其他方面的变化1.人称的变化直接引语变间接引语时,人称的变化一般遵循“一同主,二随宾,三不变”这一原则,即直接引语中的第一人称与主句的主语相同,直接引语中的第二人称与被谈话

35、对象相同,直接引语中的第三人称保持不变。“I went to the Great Wall yesterday,”Li Hua said.Li Hua said that he had gone to the Great Wall the day before.(Ihe)She said to me,“Your pronunciation is better than mine.”She told me that my pronunciation was better than hers.(minehers)2.时态变化直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时一般将来时过去将来

36、时一般过去时过去完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时He said,“Im using the knife”He said that he was using the knifeZhou Lan said,“Ill do my homework after class”Zhou Lan said that she would do her homework after class3.指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化直接引语间接引语指示代词thisthatthesethose时间状语nowthentodaythat daythis week/monththat week/mon

37、thyesterdaythe day beforelast weekthe week beforethree days agothree days beforetomorrowthe next daythe following daynext weekthe next week地点状语herethere动词comegoHe said,“These books are mine”He said that those books were hisHe said,“My sister was here three days ago.”He said that his sister had been

38、there three days before思维拓展cylinder 圆柱体pillar 柱子tower 塔monument 纪念碑section 截面思维拓展referred为过去时态形式referee 裁判员reference n. 说到,提及referable 可归入的,可归因于的refer to.as 将称为思维拓展current adj. 现在的,现今的;通用的,流通的。例如:current event 时事current fashion 目前流行的款式This slang is no longer in current use.这个俚语现在已不再通用了。currency n. 货

39、币,通货思维拓展flow C&U 流水; 流动;流量;流速。例如:The boat was carried away by the flow of water.船被水流冲走了。The doctor stopped the flow of blood from the wound.医生止住伤口的流血。Regulate the flow of the traffic into the city.管制进入市区内的交通流量。思维拓展表示“发生”的词语比较多,常见的有:take place,come up,come about,strike,happen,arise等。例如:How did this q

40、uarrel arise? 这场争吵是由于何种原因引起的?The plague struck Europe.瘟疫袭击欧洲。思维拓展pick out 挑选pick sb.(sth.)out 挑选某人(物);分辨出某人(物)She was picked out from tens and thousands of applicants for the job.从数千申请人中挑选出她来做那份工作。思维拓展put down as视为;看做put down for把(某人)列入(捐款人)名单put down to说因(某事)而起思维拓展take on显现;呈现take in收留;了解;领悟take fo

41、r当做;误认为take after相似take back收回;撤销take over接任;接管take up开始从事;专注于思维拓展average n. 平均,平均水平,平均数adj. 一般的,通常的,平均的vt. 平均为,均分,使平衡,达到平均水平思维拓展put a person to death把某人处以死刑be burned(frozen,starved,tired)to death 烧死(冻死,饿死,累死)思维拓展disaster一般暗示巨大的破坏、困难或丧失生命:“A nuclear disaster,spread by winds and waters and fear,could

42、 well engulf the great and the small,the rich and the poor,the committed and uncommitted alike.”(John F. Kennedy)思维拓展hit 受影响。例如:We were all hit by the depression.我们都受到了不景气的影响。Price increases hit everyones pocket.物价上涨冲击了每个人的钱袋。Strike waves have hit many Western European countries.罢工的浪潮袭击了很多西欧国家。思维拓展T

43、he thought struck me from out of the blue.我突然有了这个想法。strike a match划燃火柴The clock struck nine.钟敲了九下。Lightning struck the tree.闪电摧毁了树木。The strike is due to begin on Tuesday.罢工预定于星期二开始。思维拓展eruption n. 爆发,(火山)喷发break out突然发生,(战争)爆发。例如:World War broke out in 1939.第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。思维拓展possibility后常跟that引导的

44、同位语从句。Theres always a possibility that he might go back to Seattle.他有可能回到西雅图。思维拓展accord(常与with连用)一致;符合。例如:His opinion accorded with mine.他的意见与我的一致。accord(常与to连用)根据。例如:Most students study and rest according to schedules.大多数学生按照时间表作息。思维拓展resident adj. 居住的,常驻的。The head of the branch has been resident i

45、n this country for four years.该分公司经理已在这个国家居住了4年。要点提炼report 的用法有:It is reported that. It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing.据报道非洲野生动物的数量正在减少。report on sth. 就某事而报道We must report on the change in the plan to our boss.我们必须向老板报告哪项计划的变更部分。思维拓展from all sides 从各方面He studied

46、the problems from all sides.他就这个问题作了全方位的研究。side by side 并肩地She stood side by side with the accused.她与被告肩并肩站着。思维拓展last adj. 刚过去的;最近的last year去年最时髦的;最新的 the last thing in swimwear最流行的泳装最不可能的 the last person we would have suspected我们最不可能怀疑的人思维拓展terrified 使恐怖;吓坏He was terrified by the storm.他被风暴吓坏了。思维拓展fortunately ad


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