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1、2013-2014学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语试题(考试时间:120分钟 总分150分)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷从第1页至第6页,第卷从第7页至第9页。考试结束后,考生只需交第卷和答题纸。注意事项:1作答试题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在试卷规定的位置上,并认真核对。2第I卷答案必须填在答题纸上,在其他位置作答一律无效。每小题选出答案后,用钢笔或圆珠笔填在答题纸的相应位置。第卷 选择题(共95分)一、听力(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每

2、段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。1.Who is Amy?A. B.C. 2.Which boy is Dick?A. B. C. 3.Whats Simon good at?A. B. C. 4.What are the students doing now?A. B. C. 5.How does Li Ping like his English?A. B. C. 6. Whose books are these? 来源:Z。xx。k.ComA. Kittys. B. Sandys. C. Millies.7. Can Mary s

3、peak English?A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant. C. Yes, she is good at it.8. Where is the mother going?A. To the shoe shop. B. To the book shop. C. To the clothes shop.9. How much are the things?A. 10 yuan.B. 20 yuan. C. 40 yuan.10. Is the desk heavy or light? A. Light. B. Both. C. Heavy.第二部分 听对话或短文,

4、回答问题。这一部分你将听到两段对话和四篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听第11段材料,回答第11-13题。11.What is Amys library like? A. Small.B. Big.C. Beautiful.12.When is the library open? A. From 8 am to 5:30 pm.B. In the morning.C. In the afternoon.13.How many books can Amy borrow once? A. One

5、.B. Two.C. Three.听第12段材料,回答第14-16题。14.What does Millie often do at weekends? A. Go on a picnic.B. Visit a museum.C. Read in the reading room.15. How often does Millie visit a museum? A. Once a month.B. Twice a month.C. Twice a week.16. How often does Tommy go on a picnic? A. Once a week.B. Twice a w

6、eek.C. Once a year.听第一篇短文,回答17-19题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Where she lives? 17 miles from her school. How to go to school? 18 . Be good at 19 .17. A. Two B. Three C. Nine18. A. By bike B. On foot C. By bus19. A. Playing the violinB. Playing the piano C. Playing the guitar听第二篇短文,回答20-22题。请根据短文内容,选择正确

7、答案,完成信息记录表。 Who ? 20 . Where ? 21 . How often ? 22 .20.A. NancyB. NickC. Nancy and Nick21.A. In the parkB. At the zooC. Over a river22.A. Twice a monthB. Twice a yearC. Once a week听第三篇短文,回答23-25题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Name Lili Age 13 Birthplace 23 SchoolNo. 1 Secondary SchoolBe good at 24 Hobby 25

8、 23.A.NanjingB.YangzhouC.Taizhou24.A.Chinese and EnglishB.English and historyC.Maths and History25.A.Playing gamesB.Playing the guitarC.Playing volleyball听第四篇短文,回答第26-30题。26. How old is Tony? A. 12. B. 13. C. 14.27.What does he like doing? A. Meeting old people. B. Doing sports. C.Sleeping.28.How of

9、ten does he go running? A. Every day. B. Every week. C. Every Tuesday.29. What cant he do? A. Swimming. B.Roller-skating. C.Skating.30. What is Tony like?A. Sporty. B. Hard-working. C. Unfriendly.二、单词辨音 选出每题中划线部分读音不同的单词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)31.A. computerB. pupilC. busD. cute32.A. theseB. yesC. beD. she3

10、3.A. handB. faceC. habitD. lab34.A. whichB. whoC. whenD. what35.A.foodB. lookC. schoolD. zoo三、选择填空 从下列每题所给的选项中选出一个最佳答案(共 20小题;每小题1分,满分10分)36. That is football . I like playing football very much. A. a; the B. a; / C. a; a D. /; /37. Sunday is the day of the week. A. first B. one C. seventh D. seven

11、38. The students are at volleyball . They all play volleyball . A. good; good B. good; well C. well ; good D. well ; well 39. Excuse me, Can you that in Chinese? Sorry , I cant.A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell40. Oh, its time breakfast . Lets go to have breakfast. A. for; / B. to;/ C. for;a D. to ;a4

12、1. Happy birthday! Heres a present for you. .A. Thank you B Thats right C. The same to you D. OK42.Daniel, I will go to the shopping mall to buy some food. Its cold today. Please a coat. A. wear B.put on C. be in D. have on 43. Who to borrow a book from the library? Eddie .A. want; is B. want;does C

13、. wants;does D. wants; is44. Could I have stamps?Sorry, I dont have .A. some; anyB. any; anyC. some; someD. any; some45.There is a football match No.2 Middle School Li Cai Middle Secondary School.A.from; toB.between; andC.in; atD.at; in46. Is Mr. Li your teacher? Yes. He teaches Maths.We all like hi

14、s lessons. A. you B. our C. us D. we 47. you a member of the Football Team in your school? . A. Do; Yes, I do B. Do; No, I dont C. Are; No, you arent D. Are; Yes, I am48. Eddie is hungry all the time . does he walk to his bowl ? Many times a day. A. How many times B. How often C. How long D.How soon

15、 49. Would you like to come to my home to have supper with us? !A. Sounds great B. Yes, I wouldC. No, I dont D. Thats right50. Whos the girl a white dress? She is my sister.A. under B. in C. at D. on51. Can you see the baskets on the table? Oh, yes. Look! There are some eggs in . A. they B. them C.

16、it D. their52. Do you use QQ to chat?Yes. We often have a chat the NBA games my friends. A. about; at B. for; withC. about; with D. for; at53. I really love this e-dog, Hobo. Its so lovely. .A. Me, too B. Yes, it is C. Yes, of course D. No, Im not54. Look at my new dress! What do you think of it? Be

17、autiful. A. All right . B. Let me see. C. It looks good on you. D. How much are they?55.Mille chats with other students. She has no friends. She has to stay at home.A. oftenB.seldomC.alwaysD.usually四、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共10空;每空1分,满分10分) Mrs Green is going shopping in a new shopping mall

18、. She is going to buy 56 . She is looking for it. Now she is in a very big clothes shop. She is looking 57 one of the sweaters in the shop and she likes it very much. And there is a young man 58 near her. Mrs Green wants to try 59 the sweater. So she asks the young man, “ Excuse me, are you going to

19、 serve(接待) 60 ? I want a sweater .” The young man is 61 and says, “ Im sorry, I 62 serve you.” Mrs. Green says, “ Of course you can. Thats your 63 .” The young man says, “ Its not my job. I want 64 too.” Mrs Green feels very 65 . 56. A. a dress B. a pair of shoes C. a pair of trousers D. a sweater57

20、. A. up B. after C. at D. to58. A. asking B. singing C. standing D. dancing59. A. for B. out C. in D. on60. A. you B. me C. him D. us61. A. happy B. surprised C. pleased D. afraid62. A. dont B. do C. can D. cant63. A. sweater B. shop C. job D. clothes64. A. a sweater B. a T-shirt C. a shirt D. trous

21、ers65. A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. sad五、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A Bob is happy. He is at a new school, and the other students are friendly. “ Hi, Bob!” They say. But some students say, “ Hi, Peter!” Bob doesnt understand. He asks another student, “ Why do some students call me

22、Peter?” “Oh, that is easy to answer,” the student said. “Peter was a student here last year. Now, he goes to a different school. You look like Peter. Some students think that you are Peter.” Bob wants to meet Peter. He gets Peters address(地址) from a student and goes to Peters house. Peter opens the

23、door. Bob couldnt believe his eyes. He looks really like Peter! Bob and Peter have the same colour eyes and the same smile. They have the same black hair. They also have the same birthday. Bob and Peter find out that they are twin brothers. They both are adopted(领养) by two different families. Soon a

24、fter the boys were born, one family adopted Bob, and another family adopted Peter. Bobs family never know about Peter, and Peters family never know about Bob, either.66. Bob doesnt understand why _. A. he is happy B. he goes to a new school C. some students call him Peter D. he is named Bob67. Anoth

25、er student tells Bob that _. A. students like Peter B. he looks like Peter C. Peter is a good student in that school D. Peter likes his studies very much68.How does Bob feel when he sees Peter? A. He feels very sad. B. He is greatly surprised. C. He feels that Peter is very funny. D. He is very angr

26、y because they look the same.69. What is not mentioned(提及) about Peter and Bob? A. Their eyes have the same colour. B. They have on the same clothes. C. They have the same black hair. D. They were born on the same day.70. Bob and Peter _. A. live in different countries and have different parents B.

27、live in the same family and have the same parents C. live in different families but have the same parents D. know they are twins beforeBA lady has a problem with her daughter My daughter Maria is a girl of nine years old. She is in Grade Four. Every evening we get into homework battles(争执)Three afte

28、rnoons a week, she has activities (net-ball, singing) after school and by when we get home, homework is the last thing she would like to do. The other two days, she gets home early and we argue(争论)about whether she should do her homework right after school, or if she should have some time to rest an

29、d play first. When Maria at last sits down to do her homework, she seems to want me there helping all the time. I do want to help her, but Im sure that she is going to need to be able to do it on her own. And in fact, most of the time, I have other things to do. It seems that children these days hav

30、e much more homework than we did, and some of it is really beyond(超越) their abilities(能力) As you can see, Im really worried about homework and I really dont know what I should do. Any ideas?71. The womans daughter is_. A. four years old B. six years old C. eight years old D. nine years old72. Maria

31、doesnt have any activities after school for _ afternoons. A. two B. three C. five D. seven73. Maria wants to_ first when she gets home early.A. do her homework B. play netball and sing C. have supper D. have a rest and play.74. The woman thinks that her daughter should do her homework_. A. by hersel

32、f B. with the mother C. with the father D. with the classmates75. Can you guess where this passage is from?A. A diary(日记). B. A newspaper. C. A novel(小说)D. A story. CZhang Lin is a middle school student. He is a good boy. Uncle Wu lives next to him. Uncle Wu has no child and cant see anything. He wo

33、rks in the factory (工厂) near Zhang Lins school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Zhang Lin walks to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon. On weekdays Zhang Lin gets up early to take Uncle Wu to the f

34、actory. After school he takes him home. On Sundays Zhang Lin helps Uncle Wu clean the house and do some cooking. Uncle Wu thanks Zhang Lin very much. He says, “Zhang Lin is a good boy. He is like my son.”76. On weekdays, Zhang Lin gets up early to .A. go to school B. run C. take Uncle Wu to the fact

35、ory D. cook77. Zhang Lin doesnt take Uncle Wu to the factory on .A. weekdaysB. SundaysC. MondaysD. weekends78. Zhang Lin helps Uncle Wu . A. do the housework B. do homework C. go to school D. go to sleep79. School is over at . A.3:30B.4:30C.5:00D.7:0080. Which of the following is right ? A. Zhang Li

36、n likes Uncle Wus son. B. Zhang Lin is Uncle Wus son. C. Zhang Lin looks like Uncle Wus son. D. Zhang Lin is like Uncle Wus son. 2013-2014学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语答题纸学校 班级 姓名 考试号 座位号 密封线内请不要答题 密 封 线 (考试时间:120分钟,总分:150分)题号一二三四五六七八九十总分合分人复查人得分 第卷 选择题(共95分)一、听力(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)题号123456789101112131415答案题号16171

37、8192021222324252627282930答案二、单词辨音(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)题号3132333435答案三、选择填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)题号36373839404142434445答案题号来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K46474849505152535455答案四、完形填空 (共10分;每空1分,满分10分)题号56575859606162来源:学科网636465答案五、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)题号66676869707172737474答案题号7677787980答案第卷 非选择题(共55分)六、句型转换 按要求填入所缺单词

38、,使句意完整与正确。(共10空;每空一词,每空1分,满分10分)81.Nancy comes from Jiangyan.(划线提问) Nancy come from?82.I walk to my bowl many times a day. (划线提问) times a day do you walk to your bowl ?83.Eddie likes maths best.(同义句)Eddies is maths.84.Its 14 November, 2013 today. (划线提问) the today?85.Daniel seldom goes dancing . (划线提问)How Daniel go dancing?七、词汇运用 用所给词的适当形式填空,每空不限一词。(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)86.Kitty is good at (fly) kites.87.I hope to travel around the world. I hope my dream (come) true.88.He likes music. Listening to music c


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