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1、20122013学年度上学期期中考试14年级英语科试题命题人、校对人: 高二英语组本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两部分,满分150分。考试时间120分钟。第 一 卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15B. 9.1

2、5C. 9.18答案为B。1. When does the movie begin? A. At 1:40. B. At 2:00. C. At 2:20.2. Whats the weather like now? A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.3. Why is the woman scared?A. Because the man is driving too fast.B. Because the man is not good at driving.C. Because there are too many cars in the street.4. Wha

3、t was the woman doing just now? A. She was talking with some friends. B. She was playing basketball. C. She was playing football.5. What do we know about the woman?A. She owns a cake store.B. She likes eating cakes.C. She knows how to bake cakes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中

4、所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6至7题。6. What did the man do last night? A. He went to the theatre.B. He attended a conference.C. He picked up John at the airport.7. What does the man think the woman should do? A. Have a drink with Jo

5、hn.B. Go to Disneyland with John.C. Spend time with her daughter.听第7段材料,回答8至 10题。8. How does Ted look now?A. Nervous.B. Confident.C. Happy.9. What do we know about the woman? A. She lacks self-confidence.B. She is well prepared for the exam.C. She doesnt think the exam is important. 10. Why didnt th

6、e man spend enough time going over the book? A. Because he thought he could pass the exam.B. Because he went camping.C. Because he was ill. 听第8段材料,回答11至 13题。11. What color does the woman NOT like?A. Red.B. White.C. Black.12. What happened last week? A. The man had a traffic accident.B. The womans br

7、other got injured.C. The womans brothers car was damaged.13. What does the woman think of driving? A. Necessary.B. Dangerous. C. Exciting.听第9段材料,回答14至 17题。14. What has the man been doing? A. He has been teaching at a college.B. He has been traveling in France. C. He has been learning French.15. From

8、 whom did Maria learn French? A. A teacher in college. B. Her grandma.C. The man.16. Who is also interested in learning French? A. The womans brother.B. The mans brother. C. The woman. 17. When does the mans class begin? A. At 2:30. B. At 3:00. C. At 3:30.听第10段材料,回答18至 20题。18. What does Lucys father

9、 do?A. He is a teacher. B. He is a pianist. C. He is an engineer.19. What is Jenny good at?A. Playing the piano. B. Playing tennis. C. Surfing the Internet. 20. How old is Lucy?A. 13 years old.B. 14 years old. C. 16 years old. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处

10、的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. For Americans _ things are a little easier, thanks to _ work of Noah Webster, _ teacher who graduated from Yale University in 1778.A. the; the; a B. 不填; the, a C. the; 不填; the D. 不填;不填; one22. The moment a ship came in sight, the captain immediately gave an order to send out a

11、rescue _.A. sign B. sight C. symbol D. signal23. It is reported that many a new house in the disaster area _ so far, and people are expected to move in next week.A. are rebuilding B. is being rebuilt C. have rebuilt D. has been rebuilt24. She sat calmly in front of the television with a _ look on he

12、r face. “What a _ film!” she said.A. confused; confusing B. confusing; confused C. confused; confused D. confusing; confusing25. I have never before thought of _ a strong possibility _ he will win the tennis match this time.A. there being; that B. it is; whether C. there to be; how D. being; that26.

13、 On March 14, violent crimes of beating, shooting and burning in Lhasa of Tibet broke out, _ 13 innocent people and with more than 300 _.A. killed; injured B. killing; injured C. killed; injuring D. killing; injuring27. The government work report by Premier Wen covers a variety of issues, and the pr

14、ices of agricultural products _.A. in common B. in general C. in particular D. in practice28. Children _ good or bad habits by watching what their parents do in daily life.A. turn up B. take up C. make up D. pick up29. It was in the small house _ was built with stones by his father _ he spent his ch

15、ildhood.A. where; that B. that; where C. that; that D. which; in which30. -If only I could speak fluent English, I would get the job.-Well, I think fluent English alone cant _ you a job.A. promise B. provide C. offer D. guarantee31. -May I go and play with Jim this afternoon, Mum?-No. You cant go ou

16、t _ your homework is being done.A. before B. until C. since D. if32. John _ such a thing about you. He never speaks ill of you behind your back.A. cant have said B. might not have said C. couldnt say D. mustnt have said33. I _ to help you with your homework, but I couldnt spare any time. I _ a compo

17、sition last night and Ill finish it today.A. wanted; was writingB. wanted; wroteC. have wanted; wrote;D. had wanted; was writing34. The tourist attraction is beyond description. Nowhere else in the world _ such a beautiful place. A. can there be B. you can find C. there can be D. can find you 35. -M

18、ichael was late for Mr. Smiths oral class this morning.-_? As far as I know, he never came late to class.A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Perhaps what we like most about the successful man who has a se

19、nse of humor is that he doesnt seem to take himself too 36 . The average person expects the man in a powerful 37 to be too vain and self-centered. “Walt Dizzy is just a plain, ordinary guy. Its absolutely amazing,” Harvey tells his friends, “Hes really not different from any one of us. Boy, Ill tell

20、 you, success didnt spoil him.” 38 it was Walt Dizzys ability to make people around him feel 39 that relaxed everyone who met him and gave people the impression that hes “one of the boys.”Its always a surprise and a 40 when people discover that successful individuals are basically not different from

21、 anyone else. The majority of people 41 highly successful men and women to be very serious and sincere because they 42 such big decisions. An executive who has a relaxed 43 and good sense of humor leaves a favorable impression. Youve undoubtedly often heard someone say, 44 discussing one of these ty

22、coons(大人物), “I can identify with(与认同) him.” The party who makes the remark has absolutely 45 in common with the tycoons, but the relaxed atmosphere, 46 the man himself, becomes the means of identification.Greeting someone 47 whom you are about to do business with a warm smile is the best way to intr

23、oduce yourself. People cant 48 immediately liking such an individual. He seems humble(谦卑的), and theyre impressed with his informal manner. They notice his “human side,” and he 49 them over at once. People want to cooperate with this kind of man. A 50 first meeting sets the stage beautifully for the

24、formal discussions.On the other hand, theres the humorless, dull type who turns you completely 51 . Stanley Shitick, president of a large food company, is a good example. “He is the coldest fish Ive 52 met,” says Zelda Zoftik, “ You 53 think he was the King of England, the way he acts,” she 54 . “Th

25、e longer it is before I meet with him again, the 55 .36. A. easilyB. highlyC. seriouslyD. simply37. A. situationB. traditionC. locationD. position 38. A. ActuallyB. EventuallyC. GraduallyD. Naturally39. A. nervousB. comfortableC. conscious D. reliable40. A. pressureB. pleasureC. reliefD. shock41. A.

26、 expectB. wantC. hopeD. think42. A. doB. makeC. takeD. carry43. A. figureB. smileC. personalityD. shape44. A. whenB. ifC. thoughD. since45. A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing 46. A. rather thanB. more thanC. better thanD. other than47. A. forB. withC. throughD. to48. A. helpB. controlC.

27、standD. risk49. A. getsB. winsC. beatsD. captures50. A. friendlyB. regularC. energeticD. normal51. A. onB. downC. overD. off52. A. everB. seldomC. neverD. often53. A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must54. A. explainsB. suggestsC. praisesD. complains55. A. moreB. closerC. betterD. worse第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

28、第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA millionaire took some of his upper-class friends yachting(乘游艇)They passed a deserted island where a man with a long beard and worn clothes stood,waving his arms and screaming in their direction“Who is that?”asked a friend“I don

29、t know”said the host,“but every time we sail by he goes crazy”That may be an exception to a universal rule,which is that most people are happy to help if they canBut there is another universal principleunless you are stranded on a deserted island, you are probably unwilling to ask for help, especial

30、ly from a strangerThankfully,most of the time,we are not coping with a “mayday” emergencyI recently learned that the word “mayday” has nothing to do with the month of MayInstead,it comes from the French word“maidez”, which means“help me”But it is used only as a last choiceThe plane is nose-divingThe

31、 ship is badly wounded “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! ” a voice screams over the radioIf help doesnt arrive quickly, all will be lost.In truth, most people dont easily ask for the help they need. They wait until they are hopelessly lost or a simple job has become a nightmare before they seek help. And it

32、is also true that help is not usually too hard to get. But we have to ASK for it.A businessman, Brian Tracy, puts it well, “Ask for what you want. Ask for help, ask for input, ask for advice and ask for ideasnever be afraid to askYou dont always get what you ask for,but you never get what you dont a

33、sk for”Do you need help? It may be easier to get than you thinkJust ask for it56What can we learn about the man on the deserted island? AHe was the millionaires friend BHe wanted to get to know the millionaire. CHe was likely in great trouble DHe wanted to join the millionaire in yachting.57We know

34、from the second paragraph that_. Apeople often dont want to help strangers Bpeople usually are too careful to actively offer help Cmost people wont refuse to help someone in need Dmost people dont know how to deal with an emergency58According to the passage,the word “mayday”_. Ais only used in Franc

35、e Bindicates that someone needs help Chas something to do with a certain month Dis not allowed to be used outside of ships and planes59Brian Tracys words were quoted to_.Acall on people to help others Bpoint out when to ask for help Cshow it is easy to get help Dencourage people to ask for helpBJump

36、er Types:ThrillerActors:Hayden Christensen,Samuel LJackson,Diane LaneDirectors:Doug LimanSummary:The hero discovers that one gift that carries himself anywhere has existed for centuries and finds himself in a war that has been raging(猛烈进行) for thousands of years between“Jumpers”and those who have sw

37、orn to kill themRise of the Silver Surfer Types:FantasyActors:Ioan Gruffudd,Jessica Alba,Chris EvansDirectors:Tim StorySummary:When the Silver Surfer is sent to Earth,he discovers that hes getting more than he bargained for when he encounters the Fantastic Four. But thats not all when DrDoom decides

38、 that after two years in the homeland he is ready to return Angels Fall Types:RomanceActors:Len Crowther,Derek HamiltonDirectors:Ralph HemeckerSummary:Mysterious events are shown in a small town in ANGELS FALLHeather Locklear plays a chef in a restaurant who witnesses a murder in the town and she ha

39、s a hard time convincing anyone that the event actually happened16 Blocks Types:AdventureActors:Bruce Willis,Mos Def,David MorseDirectors:Richard DonnerSummary:Along the way,a detective,Jack Mosley,learns that the man is supposed to testify against Mosleys colleagues,and the entire NYPD wants him de

40、adMosley must choose between loyalty to his colleagues and protecting the witness,and never has such a short distance seemed so long60What does the hero in the film find himself according to Jumper? AHe finds himself involved in a war between two sides BHe finds himself participating in a heated mat

41、ch CHe finds himself judging which side is right in a war DHe finds himself forced to stop two men fighting61Which of the following is a cooperative film? AJumper BAngels Fall CRise of the Silver Surfer D1 6 Blocks 62According to 16 Blocks,it is _ for Mosley to decide what he should do Aeasy Bwise C

42、simple Dtough CIf you struggled to get up for work on Wednesdays,there could be a good reasonit is the day our mood reaches its lowest point Psychologists have found that,on average,peoples moods remain about the same on each day throughout the weekMonday has traditionally been thought of as the mos

43、t depressing day of the week but according to psychologists,midweek gives more cause for concern in realityWednesday represented the lowest point in the week as people were furthest away from the weekend that has either just gone or is coming up and often feel bogged down with work To start their re

44、search,the University of Sydney scientists asked around 200 people what they thought their mood would be on each day of the weekMost said their worst moods were on Monday mornings and evenings but they became increasingly cheerful as the week went on,with their best moods falling on Friday and Satur

45、day mornings and eveningsWhen asked why they believed that Friday and Saturday were best,respondents said they saw them as 1ess-structured days when they could choose how to spend their time The psychologists then asked a further 350 people how they felt each dayThey found that,on average,peoples moods remained about the same on each day throughout the weekMondays


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