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1、教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校 教学设计学校: 周至七中 教材版本: 人教版Designer教师黄小妮Grade年级九年级Students学生人数63人Time授课时间2015/5/5Topic课题Unit13 Were trying to save the earthSectionA(Grammar Focus-4c)I. Textbook Analysis教材分析本单元的话题是保护环境。本节教学内容是新课标人教版九年级英语Unit13的语法复习。通过复习现在进行时,used to , 被动语态,现在完成时, 情态动词的用法让学

2、生做相应的练习来巩固所学的语法。同时让学生列举出保护环境的一些措施,知道如何保护环境。II. Objectives教学目标KnowledgeObjectives知识目标1) Tense: Present progressive, Past with uesd to, Passive voice, Present perfect, Modal verb2) Master the Grammar Structures2.AbilityObjectives能力目标1) Ss know how to use the grammar structures to do some exercise. 2)

3、Ss can list some measures to protect environment.3.EmotionObjectives情感目标 Ss know how to protect environmenta and the importance of it.III. Teaching Focused 教学重难点KeyPoints:1) Review the tense and structures leared before2) Improve students speaking and writing skills.Difficult Points:Master the use o

4、f some tenses and structuresIV. Teaching Methods:教学方法任务型教学,多媒体教学V. Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activities教学活动Learning activities学生学习活动Strategies & Purposes策略与设计意图Step1 Lead-inTeacher shows some pictures about environment and ask Ss name the different kinds of pollution,then ask Ss what we should

5、 do when we face the pollution.Ss look at the pictures and say the different kinds of pollutionLead in the topic.Step2 PresentationTeacher shows some sentenses and let Ss say the tenses of them.Ss discuss and answer teachers questions in groupsPrepare for the revision of grammar focusStep3 Grammar F

6、ocusTeacher shows the target languages in GrammarFocus and explain them in details.Ss read the sentenses and name the tense and the structureHelp Ss review the grammar and the structuresStep4 PracticeTeacher asks Ss to finish4a and 4bSs finish 4a and 4b by themselves and then discuss them in groups,

7、finally show their answers in groups.Consolidate the usage of the grammarStep5 ConsolidateTeacher asks Ss to list some of measures to protect the environment according to 4cSs discuss in groups and speak some measures,then show their answers.Let Ss know how to protect the environment and improve Ss

8、speaking and writing skills Step6 SummaryTeacher summarizes the contents of this period Let Ss know what they leared from this periodVI. HomeworkWrite a short passage about how to protect the environment.VII. Board Designing板书设计 Unit13 Were trying to save the earth.SectionA(Grammar Focus-4c)Target language:1.Were trying to save the earth.2.The river used to be so clean.3.The air is badly polluted.4.No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.5.We shold help save the sharks.Structure:1.Be(is/am/are)+doing 2.used to+do sth3.be+p.p4.have/has+p.p5.Modal verbs


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