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1、Unit 1 Friendship(I) Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(ANNES BEST FRIEND)AimsTo talk about friendshipTo read about friendship ProceduresI. Warming up1. Warming up by assessingA lot of people have only few possibilities of getting feedback about their own

2、 personality. In this exercise you will have the opportunity to get some feedback and to discuss it with a partner. While comparing your mutual judgements, certain prejudices or misunderstandings may appear, as people often do not know each other thoroughly enough to judge others correctly. Try to b

3、e honest!Self assessmentOf the following characteristics choose 5 that are particularly applicable to you personally.sociable, honest, friendly, easygoing, nervous, open-minded, anxious, careful, talented, talkative, nosy, thoughtful, generous, carefree, pessimistic, peaceful, optimistic, interestin

4、g, reliable, helpful, active, careless, caring, exact, adventurous, imaginative, hot-blooded, well-organised, trustworthy, patient, responsible, outgoing, kind, brave, warm-hearted, selfless, tolerantPartner assessmentNow choose 5 characteristic features which you think are especially applicable to

5、your partner.sociable, honest, friendly, easygoing, nervous, open-minded, anxious, careful, talented, talkative, nosy, thoughtful, generous, carefree, pessimistic, peaceful, optimistic, interesting, reliable, helpful, active, careless, caring, exact, adventurous, imaginative, hot-blooded, well-organ

6、ised, trustworthy, patient, responsible, outgoing, kind, brave, warm-hearted, selfless, tolerant2. Warming up by describingHave the students get into groups of four to describe their own ideal friend. Individual students must decide on TOP 5 character adjectives that could be used to describe the id

7、eal friend and insist they have good reasons for their choice. Then let the group leader give the class a description of their ideal friend.3. Further applyingYou may also have the students do the survey in the textbook, following the steps below.1. Get the students to make a list of three qualities

8、 a good friend should have.2. Have the students get into groups of four to find out what each has listed.3. Have a member of each group report on what their lists have in common and list them on the board.4. Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed.5. Then have the stude

9、nts do the survey in the textbook.6. Have the students score their survey according to the scoring sheet on page 8.7. The teacher ask some students how many points they got for the survey and assess their values of friendship: 47 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friends nee

10、ds or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do. 812 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between

11、 your friends needs and your own responsibilities. 13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friends. Well done.(You may also show your students the results above and let themselves self-reflect upon their own values of frien

12、dship)II. Pre-readingTo focus the Students attention on the main topic of the reading passage.To activate their previous knowledge on the topic.III. Talking and sharingWork in groups of four. Tell your group mates how you reflect on these questions.1. Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons

13、why friends are important to you.2. What do you think a good friend should be like? List what a good friend should do and share the list with your partners.3. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be a friend?4. Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?Instructio

14、ns: The teacher can give each group one of these questions above to talk about. Then let the class share their ideas. Its better to stimulate the students to challenge their classmates opinions about these questions. Possible answersQ1: Reasons I need friends: to cope with stressful situations in li

15、fe to share my worries and secrets in my inner world to show my concern for other people to let other people share my happiness to unfold to other people the secrets in my heart (to name but few.)Q2: A good friend should: tell me the truth (honest) be good to me (friendly) be willing to consider or

16、accept others ideas or opinions (open-minded) be willing to help others (generous or helpful) be good-tempered think about what others need and try to help them (caring) be loyal to their responsibility (responsible) not easily upset (easy-going) be out-going (like to meet and talk to new people) be

17、 tolerant (allow other people to have different opinions or do something in a different way) be selfless (to name but few)Q3: What else can be a friend?Answers can be various. (omitted)Q4: Students answers may vary but must include a reason.Yes. I think it can be, because I can set down how I feel e

18、very day in my diary, and let other people read it to share my feelings some time later. Above all, it feels good to write down my thoughts and feeling on paper when I am sad or lonely.IV. Reading1. Looking and guessingWork in pairs. Look at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might

19、 be about.1). Imagine what it might be like if you had to stay in your bedroom for a whole year. You could not leave it even to go to the WC or to get a cup of tea. How would you feel?2). What would you choose if you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is

20、very little room?2. Reading to summarise the main idea of each paragraph.Skim the text and summarise the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence.Para. One:Anne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything. Para. Two:Annes diary acted as her true friend during the time she and he

21、r family had to hide away for a long time. Para. Three:Having been kept indoors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature. 3. Language focusNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as

22、 homework.laugh at, go through, make/call + O +Noun (as O.C.), hide away, set down, grow crazy about, do with, there was a time when, keep sb. spellbound, on purpose, in order to do sth., far too +adj./adv, happen to do sth., it was the first/second time that , face to faceV. Closing downClosing dow

23、n by doing exercisesTo end the lesson you are to do the comprehending Exercises 1 and 2.Closing down by discussion of ideasWork in groups of four. Discuss the ideas put forward in the reading passage. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree. What is important is that you should have a reaso

24、n for what you say. Also you can put forward your own ideas, either criticising the text or using it as a support: What would you do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperor did not like? Where would you plan to hide? How would you arrange to get food given

25、to you every day?What would you do to pass the time?Language chunks from Unit 1 Friendshipadd up, get sth. done, calm sb. done, have got to, go on holiday, talk care of, walk the dog, get loose, pay for sth, cheat in the exam, should have done, someone elses, laugh at, go through, hide away, set dow

26、n, a series of, a hiding place, I wonder if, grow/be/become crazy about, could have done, keep sb.spellbound, keep doing, stay awake, on purpose, in order to, by oneself, far too much, it was(is) the first time that, face to face, feel lonely/sit alone, save ones life, be concerned about, with so ma

27、ny clothes on, have trouble with sb, at the moment, get along (well) with sb./ sth, enjoy doing, be/become/make friends with, be/fall in love (with), try sth. out on sb. ask for advice, give sb. some advice on, make an effort to do sth., join in sth., show ones interest in, far and wide, pay attenti

28、on to, look to ones own concern, share ones thoughts and feelings with sb, come to a conclusion, be prepared to do sth., a heart-to-heart talk, hurt ones feelings, change ones mind, live in peace, go on a picnic, get away with, feel at home, in need Unit 1 Friendship(II)Period 2:A sample lesson plan

29、 for Learning about Language(Direct & Indirect Speech() statements & questions)AimsTo discover useful words and expressionsTo discover useful structures ProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by discovering useful words and expressionsTurn to page 4 and do Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 first. Then check your a

30、nswers with your class partner.II. Learning about grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech1.Direct SpeechIn direct speech, the original speakers exact words are given and are indicated by quotation marks. “I dont know what to do,” said Dean.In some grammar books, said Dean is referred to as a reporting c

31、lause. “I dont know what to do,” is referred to as the reported clause.2. Indirect SpeechIn indirect speech, the exact meaning of the speakers words is given, but the exact words are not directly quoted. Dean said that he didnt know what to do.To convert direct speech into indirect speech:If the mai

32、n verb is past tense, present tense verbs in that clause must also be changed to past tense.Dean said that he didnt know what to do.First and second person pronouns must be changed to third person pronouns.Dean saidthat he didnt know what to do.(The word that can often be left out: Dean said he didn

33、t know what to do.)3. Indirect QuestionsDirect question: “Did Maramas horse win a prize?” Owen asked.Indirect questions: Owen asked whether (or if) Maramas horse had won a prize.The same rules apply to indirect questions as to indirect statements. The difference is that a wh- clause is used instead

34、of a that clause. Direct question: “Why wont you marry me?” asked Donald.Indirect question: Donald asked her why she wouldnt marry him.In telling a story or recounting events, a speaker using direct speech has all the resources of intonation to produce a lively account. Because indirect speech is al

35、ways speech reported by someone else, the account is more reserved and restrained. “What shall we do?” asked Bev.“Dont worry, Bev,” said Duncan, “Ive got a plan.”Bev asked Duncan what they should do. He told her not to worry and that he had got a plan.The ability to change direct speech into indirec

36、t speech is a useful skill for those engaged in taking the minutes of a meeting or reporting on events.Direct speech: “First of all, I would like to thank everybody who helped with the fair. The results were very good, and we will now be able to buy two more computers.”Indirect speech: The principal

37、 said that he would like to thank everybody who had helped with the fair. He announced that the results were very good and that the school would now be able to buy two more computers.III. Discovering words and expressionsDo exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 4 and 5. Check your work with your partners.

38、IV. Discovering structuresDoexercise 1 and 2. Check your work with your partners. Unit 1 Friendship(III)Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language(A letter from a student to the editor of The 21st Century)AimsTo listen to a letter about friendshipTo speak about a questionnaire about friendshi

39、pTo write advice about friendshipTo write a few lines describing a friendProceduresI. Warming up1. Read the letter to Miss Wang and find out what was upsetting Lisa.2. Listen to what Miss Wang says, and then answer the questions in Exercise 2.3. Listen to the tape again and try to spell out the miss

40、ing words in Ex 3.II. Talking about designing a questionnaireWork in groups of four. Design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. Ask the Students to use the quiz in the Warming Up as an example.Note: The students should be talking while they are doing the task. This

41、provides the students with the opportunity to practise expressing thought and concern in matters of immediate concern and interest. Tell the students to follow these steps:Step1:In your group, come up with four situations among friends. Design four questions accordingly with three possible answers.S

42、tep2: Put the four questions together and form a questionnaire.Step3: Check the questionnaire through and try it out on your own group.Step4: Share your questionnaire with another group and try each others questionnaires.Sample questionnaire:This questionnaire has four questions, and each question i

43、s followed by a set of possible answers. Please read the questions, and then consider which response fits you best.1.Why am I close friends with this person now?A. Because being friends with him/her helps me feel important.B. Because my friend would be upset if I ended the relationship.C. Because he

44、/she is someone I really enjoy sharing emotions and special events with.2. Why do I spend time with my friend?A. Because my friend would get mad at me if I didnt.B. Because it is fun spending time with him/her.C. Because I think it is what friends are supposed to do.3.Why do I listen to my friends p

45、roblems, or to what my friend has to say?A. Because my friend praises me and makes me feel good when I do.B. Because its interesting and satisfying to be able to share like that.C. Because I really value getting to know my friend better.4.Why do I keep promises to my friend?A. Because I believe it i

46、s an important personal quality to live up to my promises to a friend.B. Because it would threaten our friendship if I were not trustworthy.C. Because I would feel bad about myself if I didnt.Scoring Sheet: Q1A 1point Q2A 1point Q3A1 point Q4A3 pointsB 2pointsB 2pointsB2 pointsB2 pointsC 3pointsC 3p

47、ointsC3 pointsC1 point 46 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friends needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do. 79 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings. Try to strike


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