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1、Unit 1Advertising重点单词【1】 intend vt. 想要,打算intend to do sth./doing sth. 想要,计划做某事They intended taking the airport on the other side of the river.他们打算占领河对岸的机场。intend sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事My father intended me to become a nurse.我父亲要我当护士。intend thatclauseTom intended that his son should inherit his busine

2、ss.汤姆有意让儿子继承他的生意。intend sth.He really intended nothing of the sort.他确实没有这种意思。be intended for sb./sth. 为某人/某物打算(或设计)的The fund is intended for emergency use only.这项基金专备急用。intention n. 意图,意向I have no intention of going to the wedding.我无意去参加婚礼。mean, intendmean和intend两者都可以接不定式,表示“企图、打算做某事”的意思。(1) intend指

3、心里已经有某事,并确定了计划和目标;mean强调心里有某事要做,或有得到某物的意图,但不太强调要决心做成功。I intend to finish the work before I go to bed.我决心在睡觉前完成工作。I meant to get up early, but forgot to set the alarm.我想早起,但是忘记调闹钟了。(2) intend后跟不定式与动名词意思相同,都是“打算/企图”。mean接不定式意思为“打算,企图”,接动名词时,意思是“意味着”。What do you intend to do/doing today?今天你打算做什么?I mean

4、 to go fishing with you.我打算与你一起去钓鱼。Im determined to solve this mystery even if it means traveling to New York myself.我决心解开这个秘密,即使这意味着我要亲自到纽约去一趟。 Id like to go to the cinema with you,Dad. Sorry,my darling,but the film is _ for adults only.A. promised B. permittedC. admitted D. intendedDbe intended fo

5、r意为“意指,为设计”。句意:“爸爸,我想和你去看电影。”“对不起,孩子,这部电影只是给大人看的。”【2】 connect vt. 连接,把联系起来Can I connect my printer to your computer?我能把我的打印机和你的计算机连接起来吗?be connected with与联系在一起 be related to与有关系be attached to 与有关系connection n. 连接物;接触,联系【注意】 jointo与connectwith中的介词不可互换。That the animal can sleep all through the winter

6、without eating is _ the main use the body _ food.A. connected with; makes ofB. connected with; makes fromC. connected to; makes ofD. connected to; makes fromAbe connected with 与有关; be connected to 与连接; the body makes of food作use的定语从句,用到了make use of句型。 【3】 share vt. 分享,共同使用 n份额,股份share sth. with sb.

7、与某人分享某物Will you share your sandwich with me?你可以和我分享你的三明治吗?share in sth. 共同承担某事All the countries share in the responsibility for the financial crisis.所有的国家都共同为金融危机负责。The total bill comes to 80, so our share is 20.账单总共是80英镑,所以我们的份额是20英镑。He owns 50% shares in the company.他在这家公司占有50%的股份。From my perspect

8、ive, a real friend is one who will always _ your sorrow and joy.A. take B. appreciateC. Share D. share inDshare后常接表示具体意义的名词,而share in后常接表示抽象意义的名词。【4】 serve v. 服务,招待(顾客等);在工作Thats the restaurant where they refused to serve Tom because he was so rude.那个就是拒绝为汤姆提供服务的餐馆,因为他太粗鲁了。Breakfast is served in the

9、 restaurant between 7 and 9.这个餐馆在7点到9点之间提供早餐。He served in the army in India for twenty years.他在印度的部队里服役了20年。service n. 服务The food was good but the service was very slow.饭菜不错,但上菜速度太慢。In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is servedC. serves D. servedBtea与serve为动宾关系,故选B

10、项。【5】 aware adj.意识到的,知道的be aware ofWere you aware of the risks at the time?你当时意识到风险了吗?be aware thatI wasnt even aware that he was ill.我没有意识到他生病了。be afraid of 害怕be worthy of 值得be proud of 以为骄傲be lack of 缺乏be fond of 喜欢be short of 缺少be patient of 对有耐心,容忍be guilty of 犯(某种罪,过失)be suspicious of 对怀疑The he

11、admaster didnt seem to be _ that there should have been so much dispute about the decision.A. sure B. awareC. conscious D. sensibleThis event not only raised _ of world hunger, but also raised lots of money to help starving children.A. information B. knowledgeC. instruction D. awarenessB句意:校长好像没有意识到

12、这个表决竟然有这么多分歧。这里表达了“意识到”,因为分歧用眼睛可以看出来的,耳朵听得见,所以选择B。D4个选项的含义分别为“信息”、“知识”、“指示”、“意识”。本句意为“这件事不仅提高了人们世界饥荒的意识,而且还筹集到了许多钱来帮助那些挨饿的儿童”。【6】 persuade vt.说服,劝告(1)通常接不定式的复合结构,即persuade sb. to do sth.,意为“说服某人干某事”,也可用persuade sb. into doing sth.结构。The children are trying to persuade their mother to allow them to g

13、o to the circus.孩子们正试图说服妈妈让他们去看马戏。How can we persuade them into joining us?我们怎样才能说服他们加入我们呢?【注意】表示“劝说”而不一定劝服时,多用try to persuade结构。(2)也可接副词或介词短语的复合结构,表示“劝说到某处或做某事”。I persuaded him up for a cup of coffee.我劝他起来喝杯咖啡。Can we persuade her out of the foolish plans?我们能劝她放弃那些愚蠢的计划吗?(3)接that从句She persuaded him

14、that she was telling the truth.她使他相信她在说真话。(4)接of短语,即构成persuade sb. of sth. 结构。How can I persuade you of my sincerity?我怎样才能使你相信我的真心实意呢?尽量劝他来。_请尽力说服他。_Try to persuade him to come.Please try to persuade him.【7】 appeal n. & v. 呼吁;恳求;诉诸,求助;吸引;要求appeal to sb. for sth./to do sth. 恳求某人某事/ 做某事appeal to sb. 吸

15、引某人appeal to 上诉,申诉The United Nations appeal for a ceasefire has been ignored by both sides.两边对联合国的停火呼吁不予理会。The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.警方呼吁公众提供这宗罪案的有关信息。用适当的介词填空The idea appealed _ Mary.These subjects have lost their appeal _ most students.toto 【8】 approach

16、 vt. 向靠近,接近;探讨,分析;对付,处理 n. 靠近,接近;途径,方法;通路I find him difficult to approach.我觉得他很难接近/不好说话。The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.我们要想一想买新房子的事了,时机即将来临。All approaches to the city were blocked.通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。at the approach of 在快到的时候make approaches to sb. 设法接近某人,想博得某人的好感app

17、roach sb. about sth. 向某人接洽/商量/交涉某事approach to 接近,近似,约等于; (做某事)的方法/途径approach, means, way, method(1)approach方法,方式;通常指抽象意义上的方法。结构为:approach to n/doing。There is no good approach to the problem.在这个问题上没有什么好方法。(2)means (单复数同形)可以指人或物,其含义为“手段”或“工具”;这个词不仅用于具体的东西,也可以用于抽象的意念。Radio and television are important

18、means of communication.无线电和电视是重要的通讯手段。(3)way 是个通用的词。由于way常出现在许多固定的词组中,way往往是指可能性,而不是说明用什么方式;另外do sth. in this way 中的 way 即 method 的意思,但并不用 method。(参见M1U1)She showed them the way to do it.她向他们示范做这件事的方法。(4)method 所表示的“方法”可以指做某件事的具体步骤或程序,也可以指抽象概念“条理”,多与with搭配。The teaching method marked a new epoch in e

19、ducation.这种教学方法标志着进入教育的新时代。(1) with this method in this way by this means 用这种方法(2) mean to doplan/intend to do 计划做,打算做I have been meaning to phone you all the week.一个星期来我一直想打你的电话。(3) mean (doing)意思是,意味着Refusing to fill in the form means giving up the chance.拒绝填表就意味着放弃这次机会。(4) be meant/intended to do

20、本意是做The project is meant to help those who lost their homes in the earthquake.本项工程是要帮助那些在地震中失去家园的人。(5) mean adj. 低劣的;刻薄的;简陋的;吝啬的Dont be so mean to your brother.不要对你弟弟如此刻薄。The workers had to live in a small mean house.工人们住在一个很小很破旧的房子里。用approach, means, way, method填空He always has his own _.The next st

21、ep would be to develop _ for sending television pictures.To do this, scientists have to devise(发明,设计) _ using radar and underwater television.Operation in time is the main _ to curing this disease.At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.A. approaches B. means C. m

22、ethods D. wayswaymeansmethodsapproachA本题考查表示“方法”的名词区别。approaches to表示“做的方法或途径”。B、C两项均与of连用;the way to do sth.或the way of doing sth.表示“做某事的方法”。【9】 recommend v. 推荐,介绍recommend sth. to sb./recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐recommend sb./sth. as推荐某人/某物作为recommend sb. to do推荐某人做recommend (doing)建议做recommend (that)

23、建议(从句中用should动词原形充当谓语,should可省略)Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?就这门学科,你能向我介绍一些新书吗?I recommend you to comply with safety regulations.我劝你遵守安全规定。His proposal has much to recommend.他的建议有许多可取之处。They recommended that we (should) not waste money building a factory here.他们建议我们不要浪费钱在这里建一家

24、工厂。I chose law as my major on your recommendation that the society _ more lawyers with the advance of history.A. has needed B. needC. will need D. needsB空白处是名词recommendation(建议)后的同位语从句,用(should)动词原形充当谓语。 【10】 commit v. 犯(错误),干(坏事);把交托给,提交,答应负责If you commit a crime, you can never escape being punishe

25、d.你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。The girl was committed to the care of her aunt.这女孩被交给姨母照顾。commit suicide 自杀commit oneself to 承诺,答应;专心致志于commit to memory 牢记commit a mistake 犯错误commitment n. 承诺,许诺,献身,投入多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。_为什么有这么多的男人都害怕作出承诺?_双方承诺和平解决事端。_ Most crimes are committed by young men.Why are so many men scared to

26、 commit?Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.【11】 imagine vt. 想象,设想imagine sth.imagine (sb.) doingimagine n. to be/asimagine that从句/wh从句imagine sb. doing sth. 想象某人做某事She imagined herself sitting in her favorite armchair.她想象自己正坐在她最喜爱的扶手椅里。imagine sb. as 把某人想象成imagine sb./s

27、th. to be 想象某人/某事imagination n. 想象力beyond imagination 超乎想象have a good/bad imagination 想象力丰富/差It is difficult to imagine his _ the decision without any consideration.A. to accept B. acceptC. accepting D. accepted There is a story here in the paper about a 110yearold man. My goodness! I cant imagine _

28、 that old.A. to be B. to have beenC. being D. having beenCimagine ones doing sth. 想象某人做某事。Cimagine doing sth.。【12】 satisfy vt. 使满意,满足be satisfied withIm not satisfied with the result of the test.我对测试结果不满意。satisfaction n. 满意(参见M8U4)She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.回顾自己的事业,她深感欣慰。什

29、么都难如他的意他老在抱怨。_教育体系必须满足所有儿童的需要。_她没有达到进入那所学院的全部要求。_Nothing satisfies him hes always complaining.The education system must satisfy the needs of all children. She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.【1】 get across 使理解(某事),讲清楚The young scientist tried to get his new theory acr

30、oss.这位年轻的科学家设法让人们理解他的新理论。Your meaning didnt really get across.你的意思并未真正为别人理解。get ahead 走在前面,领先,胜过get along 进展,和睦相处;过活get around 传播;流传;四处走动get away 度假;休假;逃脱get over 解决,克服,控制get through 消耗掉、用完,耗尽;(设法)处理,完成She wants to _ in her career.她想在事业上脱颖而出。How is he _ with his studies?他学习进展如何?She _ with the help o

31、f a stick.她拄着拐杖四处走动。She cant _ her shyness.她无法克服羞怯心理。get aheadgetting alonggets aroundget over【2】 fall for 上当,受骗;信以为真The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.推销员说这辆汽车状况良好,而我那么傻竟然信以为真。He must have been pretty gullible to fall for that old trick.他准是有点儿傻,

32、才落入那惯用的圈套。fall for 被迷住,爱上fall in love withThey met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later.他们俩一见倾心,6个星期后就结了婚。fall behind 落后fall down 跌倒,失败fall into the habit 养成的习惯It is strange a clever man like him should _ such a trick.A. fall down B. fall behindC. fall into D. fall forD句意为“真奇怪,像他这样聪明

33、的人竟然落入这样的圈套”。【3】up to 达,强调数量大;直到,相当于A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2, and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3.把1.90英镑的费用上调为整数2英镑,把3.10英镑下调为整数3英镑。Up to yesterday, I thought he was single.直到昨天,我一直以为他是独身。be up to 胜任,该由决定,密谋(坏事)He is not up to his work.他不胜任工作。Its up to you to decide.你自己决定。The children

34、 are very quiet; I wonder what they are up to.孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。我把它留给你自己作决定。_这旅馆可供达500位来宾住宿。(accommodate)_ Ill leave it up to you.This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.【1】 Do you think public service advertisements are helpful?你认为公益广告有帮助吗?(1)询问对方是否同意对某件事情的观点,常用Do you think (that)? 这种句型通常用Yes,

35、 I do./No, I dont./I dont think so.等来回答。(2) public service advertisements are helpful 是think 的宾语从句。你认为年轻人很容易被说服去买新的产品吗?_ Do you think young people are easily persuaded into buying new products?【2】 be ofn. 表示不同的人或物的共同特征The twin sisters are of a size and the skirt fits each of them exactly.双胞胎姐妹的身材一样,

36、这件裙子两个人穿都非常合适。Machines are of different types and sizes.机器有不同的型号和规格。(1) “(be)of 名词”结构中的名词表种类、数量、度量等时,表示不同的人或物的共同特征,此时名词前通常带有冠词。常用的名词有size/kind/type/price/height/depth/width/length/weight/age/shape/colour等。The two rooms are of the same size.这两个房间一样大。The twin sisters look the same, but are of differen

37、t height.双胞胎姐妹长得一样,但身高不同。(2) “(be) of 名词”相当于形容词,在句中可以作表语、定语或宾语补足语。I dont want to hear what you are saying. It is of no interest to me.我不想听你说,我对此不感兴趣。(of no interest not interesting)句型转换A: It is said that yoga is of great benefit to human health.B: It is said that yoga is _ _ to human health.A: Dont

38、throw anything that may be useful.B: Dont throw anything that may be _ _.A: Your sister is a wise girl.B: Your sister is a girl _ _.very beneficialof useof wisdom如何写好状语从句复合句是更高层次的句子。在写好简单句的基础上,根据两个或多个句子之间的逻辑关系,依据语法结构用一定的关系词连接起来构成复合句,将会凸显文章的亮点,使文章增添文采,自然也就使一篇习作明显地上了一个档次。这里主要讲解一下状语从句的写作:状语从句的写作最主要的是选准

39、关联词。要了解上下句子之间的是逻辑关系来确定关联词的意义;其次要确定哪句是主句,哪句为从句,如:【句型1】主句 when (while, as, before, after) 从句【典型例句】 I took care of my little brother while Mother was away.妈妈不在家,我照顾小弟弟。 He had finished his homework before I got home. 我回到家之前,他已经做完了家庭作业。 My brother learned English after he had entered the college.我弟弟在考入大

40、学后学的英语。【句型2】主句 until / till从句【典型例句】He stayed up until / till it was four next morning. 他熬夜一直熬到第二天凌晨4点。He did not go home until / till he finished his work. 他一直把工作做完之后才回家。He read and read until / till it was dark. 他读着读着,一直读到天黑。把下面两个简单句合成一个复合句1. He took notes. He was listening to the teacher._2. I sta

41、rted home. I received the letter._3. Everything is ready. We can begin our experiment._4. She wore a diamond necklace. People looked at her with admiration._5. We cant hope to succeed. We have their support._1. He took notes as / while / when he was listening to the teacher. 2. I started home the moment I received the letter.3. Since everything is ready, we can begin our experiment.4. She wore such a diamond necklace that people looked at her with admiration.5. We cant hope to succeed unless we have their support. (We cant hope to succeed if we dont have their support.)


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