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1、2010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(3)一、选择题1Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effects the people are still sufferingAthatBwhoseCthoseDwhat2Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, _ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students UnionAduring which timeBfor

2、 which timeCduring whose timeDby that time3I work in a business _ almost everyone is waiting for a great chanceAhowBwhichCwhereDthat4The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great successAfor whichBat whichCin whichDon which5New York, _ I visited last year, is a nice old cit

3、y AthatBwhichCwhenDin which 6I can think of many cases _students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essayAwhy BwhichCas Dwhere7George Orwell, _ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essaysAthe real name Bwhat his real nameChis real name Dwhose r

4、eal name8_is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are makingAIt BAs CThat DWhat9American women usually identify their best friend as someone _ they can talk frequentlyAwho BasCabout which Dwith whom10Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at R

5、achels placeAwhen BwhereCwhat Dwhich11The factory _ the students visited last week is the one _ I have worked for thee yearsAthat; which Bwhen; in whichC/; where Dwhich; that12The most important thing _ we should pay attention to is the first thing _ I have saidAwhich; that Bthat; which Cwhich; whic

6、h Dthat; that13The school _ my father teaches is a world-famous one, _ was set up 100 years agoAwhere; which Bwhich; which C/; where Dwhere; that14This is MrSmith, _ I think has something interesting to tell youAwho BwhomCthat D/15_ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every

7、monthAIt BAsCThat DWhat16When was the house built? It was built in 1949 _ the PRC was founded Awhich BthatCwhat Dwhen17He never reads anything _ is not worth reading Aas BwhichCwho Dthat18He has three brothers, _ is a doctorAall of them Ball of whom Cnone of whomDboth of them19The young mother mw he

8、r baby fall to the ground, _ brought her heart to her mouthAit Band that Cand which Dthat20Is this the reason _he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?Athat BwhatChow Dwhy21The place _ interested me most was the Gnat WallAin which BwhichCwhere Dwhat22The Oscar is one of the film

9、 prizes _ offend to any Chinese actor or actress so farAwhich are not Bthat have not beenCthat has not Dthat has not been23Id like a car _ front lights an big and tunedAwhich BthatCwhose Dof which24You were very impolite to him, for _ you should make an apology to him, I think,Athis BwhichCwhat Dtha

10、t25The artist _ the judge gave a prize is the teacher _ I have been taught painting for two yearsAfrom whom; by whom Bto whom; whoCfrom whom; who Dto whom; by whom26For weeks the street hasnt been cleaned by the cleaners, _ makes it very dirtyAwho BwhichCthat Dthis27Now teenagers like to go to the f

11、ast food restaurants, _ eating doesnt take much time Awhich BwhoCwhat Dwhere28In my old school album there are some pictures of some teachers _ cant be found in yoursAwhich BwhoCthose Dthey29Henry set up a club for football fans, _ he invited all his friendsAfor whom Bto whomCto which Dfrom which30H

12、is parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poorAof whom BwhomCof whose Dwhose31The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expectAwhen BwhichCthat Dwhen32After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _ he grew up as a childAwhich BwhereCthat Dwhen

13、33Carol said the work would be done by October, _ personally I doubt very muchAit BthatCwhen Dwhich34Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _, of course, made the others unhappyAwho BwhichCthis Dwhat35I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonableAwhich price Bthe price

14、 of whichCits price Dthe price of whose36_ has already been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dead rulesAAs BItCThat DWhich37He lived in London for 3 months, during _ time he learned some EnglishAthis BwhichCthat Dsame38On the wall hung a picture,_ colour is blueAwhose Bof whichCwhich Dits39Whene

15、ver I met him, _ was fairly often, I like his sweet and hopeful smileAwhat BthatCwhich Dwhen40He bought a book that could glee him much knowledge and _ could help him to kill the timeAthat Bwhere Cwhich Dthere41The boss _ department MsKing worked in ten years ago looked down upon womenAin which Bin

16、thatCwhose Dwhich42Luckily, wed brought a mad map without _ we would have lost our wayAit BthatCthis Dwhich43He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to scienceAwhich I think is Bwhich I think it isCwhich I think it DI think which is44This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterdayAth

17、at BwhoCwhom Dthis45I think you have got to the point _ change is needed, or you would fail Awhen BthatCwhere Dwhich46October 1, 1949 was the day _ the Peoples Republic of China was foundedAwhich BwhenCwhere Din which47Is this the shop _ sells childrens clothing?Awhich BwhereCin which Dwhat48Is this

18、 museum _ they visited last month?Athat BwhichCwhere Dthe one49I still remember the sitting-room _ my mother and I used to sit in the eveningAwhat BwhichCthat Dwhen50She was not the woman _ she was beforeAwhat BwhoCthat Dwhere51In one night, the city was completely destroyed by a terrible earthquake

19、, _ about 240,000 people diedAthat BwhichCin which Dthe one 52The old lady, _ had been killed in the war, was given help by the local governmentAall her children Ball of her childrenCall of whose childrenDwhose all children53The wrong you have done to him is terrible, for _ you should make an apolog

20、y to him, I thinkAthat BwhichCwhat Dthis54He worked seven days a week, and six of _ until one oclock at nightAthat Bwhich Cthe time Dthem55The girl _ bike you took just now _ at itAher; very cross Bher; was very crossCwhose; to be very cross Dwhose; is very cross56It is in Nantong _ youre going to p

21、ay a visit to _ this kind of radio is madeA/; thatBwhere; whichC/; whereDthe; which57Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont Awho; / B/; whoCwho; who D/; /58The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and emplo

22、y more people to keep it running, _ meant spending tens of thousands of pounds (2006江苏卷)Awho BthatCas Dwhich59I saw a woman running toward me in the darkBefore I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction _ she had come (2006重庆卷) Aof which Bby whichCin which Dfrom which60In an ho

23、ur, we can travel to places _ would have taken our ancestors days to reach(2006上海卷) Awhere BwhenCwhich Dwhat二、非选择题阅读下面文章,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文 With the development of information industry, our personal information has become more easily exposed in publicAs some celebrities are worried about their tel

24、ephone number, ID number and home address being put on the Internet, ordinary people like us cant escape from the doom eitherA recent report from Xinhua reveals over twenty telephone-salespeople have been caught cheating customers by revealing their private information to local community of BeijingT

25、he report says the salespeople would call their potential customers trying to earn their trust by correctly revealing their personal information such as their name, telephone number, home address and even previous purchasesThey would then try to persuade the customer to buy a gold cellphone by mailI

26、f the customer became suspicious, they would use another persons identity to prove their authenticity写作内容: 你在某英文报刊看到这则报导后,准备就我们学生该“ How can we keep our personal information off the Internet?”写一篇文章给该报编辑部,题目是“How can we keep our personal information off the Internet?”。 内容要点包括: 1以约30词简要概括新闻内容; 2然后以约120

27、词谈谈你的观点,内容包括: (1)在信息时代,想让个人信息完全与世隔绝是不可能的,但可尽量减少; (2)你为解决信息泄露所采取的一些措施:A到有安全保障的网站买东西;B只向能确保你个人信息安全的网站提供个人信息;C其它一些你认为有效的措施写作要求: 1可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3文章开头己给出,不计入单词总数。 评分标准:概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。参考答案【答案解析】1B。本题题干中的effects和先行词floods之间有所属关系,所以要用whose,这样from whose

28、 effects一起引导定语从句。本题答案是:B。2A。通过分析属干可以知道。先行词表示的是一个时间段,且在从句中充当时间状语,根据这个意思,用“介词 + 关系代词”引导定语从句。c项中的whose不能用来指代时间。本题答案是:A。3C。本题考查关系副词where在定语从句中的用法。现行词a business表示地点“公司”,在定语从句中作状语,故选用where。4C。本题考查“介词+关系代词”的用法。关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时。从句常常由“介词+关系代词”引出。介词的选择,取决于与现行词成从句之间的关系。“在英语剧中扮演角色”应为act in the English play,因此关

29、系代词which前应用介词in,故本题选C。5B。本题考查非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句不能用that引导;关系词在定语从句中作及物动词visited的宾语,故正确答案是B。 6D。本题考查定语从句关系词的选择。本题先行词是cases,意为“个案”。从句中不缺少主语和宾语。故应用where引导定语从句且在从句中作状语。正确答案是D。7D。whose引导定语从句时,只能用作定语;其他选项均不能构成定语从句。8B。引导非限制性定语从句,而且可以放在句首,这时as用作从句中的主语,代替主句的内容。如果把句中的逗号去掉,就可以选A项。 9D。talk的意思是“交谈”,是不及物动词,后面带宾语就要带

30、适当的介词,因为定语从句的先行词是人,一个构成talk with sb结构,且把介词提前。 10D。通过分析可以知道:that evening是定语从句的先行词,但是在句子中用作介词about的宾语,所以不能用when,要用which引导定语从句。 11C。在第一个定语从句中,引导词作visited的宾语,应用关系代词作引导词或省略引导词;在第二个定语从句中,I是主语,worked是不及物动词,不能带宾语,故引导词作状语,选where。12D。当先行词被形容词的最高级、序数词或the only,the very等修饰时,定语从句要用that引导,而不能用which。 13A。引导词在第一个定语

31、从句中作状语,在第二个定语从句中作主语。又因that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故选A。 14A。去掉非限制性定语从句中的插入语I think后,可以看出引导词在从句中作主语,故选who。 15B。as可单独引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容。其位置可在主句之前,也可在主句之后。 16D。先行词1949为表示时间的词,引导词代替先行词在从句中作状语,意为共和国于1949年建立,故选when。 17D。当先行词为all,everything,nothing,anything,much,little,few等不定代词时,定语从句常用that而不用which引导。18C。两句中间为逗号且无连词,

32、说明选项所在句子是个非限制性定语从句,可排除A、D。在B、C中,根据主谓一致原则选C。 19B。选项B使两句之间构成并列句,其中that为指示代词,指代前句内容;如将选项所在句子看作非限制性定语从句,则无正确答案。 20A。reason作先行词时,如引导词在从句中作状语,用why引导定语从句;如引导词在从句中作主语或宾语,用that或which引导定语从句。引导词在此题中作的是explained的宾语,故选A。 21B。引导词在从句中作主语。注意:“介词+关系代词”相当于when,在从句中作状语,what不能引导定语从句。 22B。此题属于“one of +复数名词+定语从句”结构。在此结构中

33、,如引导词作主语,one前有the only,the very等修饰时,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数;如没有,谓语动词用复数。另外,so far常和现在完成时连用。23C。whose和of which都可作定语表示“谁的”,但whose须放在无定冠词the的名词前,of which常放在有定冠词the的名词后。例如:China, whose area (the area of which)is about 9,600,000 sqkm, lies in the east of Asia中国位于亚洲的东部,它的面积为九百六十万千方公里。24B。此题属于“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。先行词指物时

34、关系代词用which,指人时用whom。25D。第一个定语从句相当于the judge gave a prize to the artist。第二个定语从句相当于I have been taught painting for two year by the teacher。26B。which引导非限制性定语从句指代整个主句内容,即清洁工人好几周没打扫街道一事。27D。从句的主语和宾语分别是eating,much time,引导词where在从句中作状语表示地点。28A。由句意可知,定语从句的先行词是some pictures而不是some teachers。29C。定语从句相当于he invi

35、ted all his friends to the club。30D。从句的主语family与先行词anyone有所属关系,因此选关系代词whose。31B。非限定性定语从句。关系代词which代替整个主句。32B。先行词the small town是地点,且从句谓语grow up是长大成人的意思,不缺句子成分,这里需要一个表地点的副词when。33D。此句是整个句子作先行词的非限定性定语从句。关系代词which代替整个主句。34D。此句是整个句子作先行词的非限定性定语从句,of course是插入语,关系代词which代替整个主句。35B。在非限定性定语从句中Chinese vase与th

36、e price有所属关系,the price of which相当于whose price。36A。关系代词as有“正如”之意。37D。先行词是3 months,this,that,same均不能用于介词前提的定语从句。38A。从句的主语colour与先行词picture有所属关系,所以选表示隶属关系的whose。39C。非限定性定语从句。先性词是whenever I met him,我经常遇到他一事,关系代词which代替整个主句。40C。如果主句有两个定语从句,且已经有一个用关系代词that引导,另一个定语从句用which引导。41C。从句的主语department与先行词boss有所属关

37、系,所以选表隶属关系的whose,同时,work in是固定搭配。42D。which指先行词a road map, 本题考查了介词without加关系代词which的用法。43A。此句是整个句子He made another wonderful discovery作先行词的非限定性定语,从句缺少主语,which代替整个句子作主语,is of great important to为固定词组,I think为插入语。44A。先行词the bag是事物,who,whom表示人,this是指示代词,故选关系代词that。45C。本题考查定语从句。point意为“地点、地步”,通过分析句子的结构,不难看

38、出该从句缺少状语,所以B项、D项可排除,而A项表时间,不合要求,亦排除,因此C项正确。46D。先行词the day是时间,从句又不缺句子成分,所以选表示时间的关系副词when作状语。47A。先行词是the shop,which作从句的主语。in which相当于where,不能作主语;what不能引导定语从句。48D。主句主语是this museum,is是系动词,缺少表语the one,定语从句的关系代词作宾语省略了。49D 先行词是the sitting-room,定语从句不缺句子成分故用表地点的关系副词where作状语。50C。关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,只用that,关系代词作从句s

39、he was的表语。51C。in which指in the earthquake,介词不可以与关系代词that搭配。52C。all of whose children中whose在定语从句中作定语,A、B选项看似正确,但不能引导定语从句。53B。注意固定词组make an apology to sbfor sth,所以只有for which正确。A、D选项看似正确,但不能引导非限定性定语从句。54D。连词and连接的是并列句,而非定语从句。55D。第一个空考查作定语的用法,第二个空考查固定词组be cross at sth的用法意思是“对生气”。56A。本题考查定语从句和强调句型。第一空引导的

40、是定语从句,先行词Nantong在从句中作pay a visit to的宾语。第二空考查“It is that ”的强调句型。57C。本题考查定语从句关系代词。很明显,第一个先行词指人、而第二个则从上下文看those指代的也是人。所以关系代词要用who。又因为均作主语,所以不能省略who。58D。which引导的是非限制性定语从句。59D。from which = from the direction。60C。题中which在定语从句作主语,不能省略,它修饰先行词places。which可以用that代替。 参考答案:How can we keep our personal informati

41、on off the Internet?As is reported , more and more people are annoyed by strangers because our personal information ,such as phone numbers, Emails and so on, is exposed to the InternetIts almost impossible to keep all personal information off the internetHowever, we can take some measures to minimiz

42、e the amount of information we reveal as we travel the internetFirst, shopping online is the ultimate in convenience, but we muse make sure that the checkout page on the site is secureSecondly, we can only provide information to sites that promise not to share it without our permission and avoid giving permission to share our information with selected partnersBesides, we shouldnt post too much information on social networking sites, message boards and chat roomsAnd chat rooms are meant for sharingAnd if we blog, we should be careful not to


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