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2、词新义的考查依然得到体现。阅读的题材体现出多样化,贴近现实生活,反映社会生活的多个方面,要求学生要有更宽的知识面和丰富的生活体验。对考生阅读能力的要求层次更高。改错部分注重让考生置身真实的写作环境,对学生写作中语法的正确性、用词的准确性提出了较高的要求。书面表达为学生提供的信息量少,留给学生发挥的空间大,更加走向开放性,也给在写作方面较弱的学生带来了更大的挑战。不同难度试题的排序打破常规,不再是先易后难的格局,变成了先难后易、难易交叉,对于在特定考试环境下的考生是一个心理考验。下面就各题型作进一步分析。 一、单项填空单项填空知识点分布广泛,常规的考查点依次出现,动词在本部分的重要性继续体现,涉

3、及动词的考查达到八个,这符合日常交际的实际。21题交际用语中So it is.所表达的语义,22题动词leave的过去分词作后置定语,23题动词help表示“控制”的意义,24题第一条件句动词的时态,25题短语Still less.表示“更不用说”。26题what引导宾语从句在句中作主语,27题现在完成时的意义表达,28题动词不定式的省略,29题情态动would的用法,30题常见动词词组put up, put in, put on, put off词义辨析,31题冠词的用法,32题连词while表示转折对比意义,33题as引导定语从句时在从句中的位置,34题介词against表示“对抗”的意义

4、,35题动词throw的现在分词作状语。涉及动词形式、时态的有22,23,24,27,28,29,30,35题等。本部分考查知识点基础,但是设题灵活,干扰项强,难度大,区分度高。部分典型试题分析如下:21.-Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup! -_,madam. It is our soup of the day.A. Let me see B. So it is C. Dont mention it D. Neither do I【答案】:B【解析】:考查交际英语。So it is.表示“是这样,的确如此”。A表示“让我想想”,考生

5、容易误译成“让我看看”,有较强的干扰性。D项结构与B项也有语法相关性。学生做过很多So I do.与So do I. Neither do I .与Nor do I .之类结构的试题,突然见到So it is.这个结构,还真不敢轻易确定答案。22. They might just have a place _on the writing course一why dont you give it a try?A. leave B. left C. leaving D. to leave【答案】:B【解析】:考查非谓语动词。本题答题的关键是对题干句意的准确理解。“place”与“writing co

6、urse”是关键词,题干翻译为“写作课上还有一个名额,你可以去碰碰运气”。“leave”和“place”之间构成被动关系,故选B。由于不能准确理解句意,也就搞不懂“leave”和“place”的逻辑修饰关系,加上平时对have sth to do句型非常熟悉,所以选D项的同学就很多了。23. Try not to cough more than you can since it may cause problems to your lungs.A. check B. allow C. stop D. help【答案】:D【解析】:考查词汇,本题有一定难度。help在这表示“阻止、避免、控制”,

7、not do more than one can help 的意思是“尽量少地”。本句意思为:“尽量能控制咳嗽就别咳嗽,因为会伤到肺。” 在平时英语学习中学生对cant help doing sth.这个结构非常熟悉,但对help在本短语中准确的意义不一定非常明白,只简单地记为“禁不住”,而没有注意到help这个词本身有“阻止、避免、控制”的意思。C选项字面意思也有阻止之意,很多学生据此选了stop。英语语言的准确性要求在本题得到了充分的体现。25. Tony can hardly boil an egg,still cook dinner.A.less B. little C. much D

8、 .more【答案】:A。【解析】:考查固定短语。生僻语言点的考查再一次不出意外地出现了。学生得分较低,因为不太熟悉,得分基本靠运气了。Still less意思是“更不用说”。题干意为“托尼连个鸡蛋都煮不熟,更别说做饭了”。本题的考法类似2012年新课标全国卷26题:The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much D .A.the best B. best C. better D .the better连年生僻固定短语的出现提醒考生要注意拓展自己的词汇与短语的积累,这些短语看似生僻,但在实际日常英语中

9、出现的频率又比较高,又是一些简单词的组合,对这些内容的考查确也符合英语学习的应用性要求。 28. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police . A .not to do B. not to C. not do D. do not【答案】:B【解析】:考查省略式。首先要知道ask sb. to do sth这一结构,排除CD两项;不定式的省略应该保留“to”,省略to以后的结构。否则就全部保留原内容,不省略。不可出现A项这种“半省不省”的形式。 此题看似非常常规、简单,但是大量的

10、学生却选择了A项,这一现象需要我们老师注意,要关注学生对基本知识点、语法点的掌握情况。29. The door open, no matter how hard she pushed. A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. wouldnt D. mightnt【答案】:C【解析】:考查情态动词。难度较大。wont 可以表示“不肯,不能”,主语可以是物,表示主语的性能、特征、状况。例如:The car wont start汽车发动不起来。The door wont open门开不了。本题为过去式,故选C。B答案干扰很大,用could表示过去的能力,要表达“她不能打开the door

11、”应是The door couldnt be opened(by her)。本题错答率较高,选B项的最多,在此能明显看到汉语负迁移现象的影响。就几个选项的用法来说,都是不好掌握的,单纯靠老师讲解,不如让学生对照词典中的例句去仔细体会它们的多样意义与用法。30题与34题的考查切入点有相似之处,考查的词都比较常见,而在题干中的搭配比较新颖,使试题增加了难度。30. At the last moment Tom decided to a new character to make the story seem more likely. A. put up B. put in C. put on D.

12、 put off【答案】:B【解析】:考查词组。本题意为:最终Tom决定再加进去一个新的人物使故事看起来更合理。理解了句意便不难选出答案。Put in 插入、投入,花费(时间)。34.It was a real race time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it. A. over B. by C. for D. against【答案】:D【解析】:考查介词。本题句意为:“这是一场和时间的赛跑”,against表示“对抗”。学生经常见到put in表示“放入”,常表达具体意义,而在本题中“加入人物”的表达有一定的抽象性;against表示

13、“反对、映衬”,但与time搭配的情况不多见。这两道试题考查学生在新语境下的词义迁移能力。32. Theres no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery another man, also intelligent, fails. A. since B: if C. as D. while【答案】:D【解析】:考查连词。题干意思是:“很难理解为什么有人能做出重大发现,而有的人,虽然同样聪明,却一无所得”。本题理解句意,搞清逻辑关系是答题的关键。While表示对比,属于学习重点,考生一般都掌握很好。但本题干形式对比不明显,

14、从句部分又加入了插入语also intelligent,造成了句意逻辑关系理解困难。部分学生基于as出现的高频率和熟悉度误选C项。二、完形填空今年的完形填空是一篇记叙文,所选材料注重思想性与教育性。文章描述了作者的一次体验残疾人轮椅生活的经历,侧重细节描写。由于学生缺乏轮椅构造和轮椅操作要领的知识,从而给理解和做题带来困难。文章考点选项设计全面,以实词为主。具体分布为:形容词5个,动词6个,名词7个,介词1个,副词1个。完形填空选项的设计一般注意回避较长与生僻的词汇,但今年的完形填空设计没有刻意这样做。选项中出现了convenient, transportation, entertainmen

15、t等较长词汇;analyze, awkward, flexible等生僻词汇。特别是awkward又是应选答案,在文中应译为“不顺手的”,非学生常见词义。这一特点体现了命题忠实原著、加大词汇考查面的特点和意图。部分典型试题分析如下:I went to a group activity, Sensitivity Sunday which was to make us more 36 the problem faced by disabled people.36. A. curious about B. interested in C. aware of D. careful with【答案】:C

16、【解析】:文意为“使我们更加明白残疾人要面对的问题”,故选C。D项有干扰,“对小心”,但根据文章的最后一句可知此处选择C才能做到首尾呼应。Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 39 experience39. A. learning B. working C .satisfying D. relaxing【答案】:A【解析】:下文描述的是作者坐在轮椅上手忙脚乱的囧态,所以本句意为:“光是坐在轮椅上就够我学习的了”。D项有一定的干扰。39题所在句是一个段落总括句,需要对整个自然段有清晰的理解,才能选出learning这个关键词。但是这一段是对作者一连串动作与心

17、理状态的细微描述,理解起来确有困难。另外learning experience这一搭配并不是学生熟悉的短语,也会让学生对A选项产生疑虑。Its wheel were not 42 42. A. locked B. repaired C. powered D. grasped【答案】:A【解析】:既然轮椅能动,那自然是没有锁上。学生不懂轮椅的结构,拿不准。但运动的车辆都有制动装置这个常识应该知道,联想不到时,学生认为轮椅roll是因为作者没有grasp它。本题有点难为考生了。thought it might be restful, 48 kind of nice to be 49 around

18、for a while48. A. yet B. just C. still D. even【答案】:D【解析】:句意为“要是有人给我推一会就轻松了(restful),even太快乐了(nice=giving pleasure)”。even此处表示程度递进。本句句意的理解需要与下个句子Looking around, I realized I would have to handle the thing myself!的句意相呼应,而且kind of nice句式与restful乍看起来形式不对等会干扰考生对句子的理解,能体会到程度递进就更不易了。很多学生选择了just,单就语感来说好像挺顺畅的

19、,干扰项设计的很好啊!49. A. shown B. pushed C. driven D. guided【答案】:B【解析】:推轮椅,用push. 下句话“have to handle the thing myself”也反映出作者此刻想让别人推。C项有干扰,学生认为是“驾驶轮椅”本题中A、C、D三个选项均有一定的干扰性,以C项干扰性最强,需要与下文逻辑关系的呼应,也有对本句句法结构的把握。it might be restful, even kind of nice to be pushed around for a while.=To be pushed around for a whil

20、e might be restful, even kind of nice.动词不定式短语的逻辑主语应该是作者,而非轮椅,用driven是不合适的。三、阅读理解今年阅读理解的文章内容贴近生活,体裁多样;语言地道,话题新颖;篇幅长度适中,信息量充分。考查学生快速获取、分析和处理信息的能力。阅读部分总词数没增加,但对词汇的考查范围更广,深度加大。阅读难度与去年相比有明显加大,但在设题方面对某些篇章进行了简单化处理,修正了部分难度,因此得分起伏不大。其中A篇与C篇难度较大,失分较多。B篇文章较难,但设题简单,得分理想。D篇不具有难度。第二节七选五阅读内容是business“商务”的定义与分类,以及对

21、商务管理概念的解释。文章不再是明显的提纲式结构,而是由结构严谨的两个自然段组成。正确答题需要体会句际间的意义关系,把握文章的行文思路,同时借助句际间的连接关键词。本篇文章话题生疏,风格正式,文中语句与候选句都较长且涉及较多行业专有词汇,透彻理解并不容易。但由于句际间关联词明显,概念逻辑关系清晰,除75题之外,设题难度不大。 现就A篇与C篇两篇文章做深入剖析。A篇是一篇记叙文,夹叙夹议,描述作者关于花钱的生活哲学。语言地道优美,行文流畅,内容对考生有一定的启发意义。不过,考生在这篇文章的失分率是最高的,原因是什么呢?我们有必要来详细分析这篇文章。Some people will do just

22、about anything to save money. And I am one of them. Take my familys last vacation .It was my six-year-old sons winter break from school, and we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip. The flight was overbooked, and Delta, the airline, offered us $400 per person in credits to gi

23、ve up our seats and leave the next day. I had meetings in New York, so I had to get back. But that didnt mean my husband andmy son couldnt stay. I took my nine-month-old and took off for home.The next day, my husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight.Yes, I encouraged ok

24、ay, ordered them to wait it out at the airport to earn more Delta Dollars. Our total take: $1,600. Not bad, huh?Now some people may think Im a bad mother and not such a great wife either. But as a big-time bargain hunter, I know the value of a dollar. And these days, a good deal is something few of

25、us can afford to pass up.Ive made a living looking for the best deals and exposing(揭露)the worst tricks. I have been the consumer reporter of NBCs Today show for over a decade. I have written a couple of books including one titled Tricks of the Trade: A Consumer Survival Guide. And I really do what I

26、 believe in.I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your moneys worth. Im also tightfisted when it comes to shoes, clothes for my children, and expensive restaurants. But I wouldnt hesitate to spend on a good haircut. It keeps its shape longer, and its the first thing people notice. And

27、 I will also spend on a classic piece of furniture. Quality lasts.我们来看有下划线的句子和短语,除了overbook与tightfisted两个派生词以外,并没有其它的生词。但这些地道的英语表达在本文中的句意是对我们很多学生的挑战,特别对平时英语阅读面较窄的学生更是如此。再来看56,57和58题:56. Why did Delta give the authors family credits?A. They took a later flight. B. They had early bookings.C. Their fli

28、ght had been delayed. D. Their flight had been cancelled.【答案】 A【解析】细节理解题,有难度。根据题干关键词Delta give credits回文定位于第一段第4行“Delta, the airline, offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day .”选项A正是文中原因give up our seats and leave the next day 的同义改写;选项B 在文中没有体现,我们无从得知,是出题者利用o

29、verbook设置的干扰项;选项C和D,明显错误,文中明确说到“The flight was overbooked”他们的航班既没有延误也没被取消,况且文中第一段最后1句“I took off for home”也提供了很好的佐证;故正确答案选A。学生理解不透时,认为give up后,乘坐后来的航班那就是delay,所以选C。57. What can we learn about the author?A. She rarely misses a good deal. B. She seldom makes a compromise.C. She is very strict with her

30、 children D. She is interested in cheap products.【答案】 A【解析】 推理判断题,难度中等。根据文中已提供信息,逐项分析,排除法得出最佳选项。选项B中的“make a compromise”在文中根本没有体现,“seldom”更是无中生有,干扰迷惑考生,故排除之;选项C中的“very strict with her children”源自 Im also tightfisted when it comes to shoes, clothes for my children有一定的干扰性;选项D极具干扰性,从文章最后一段得知,作者的消费观并不总是

31、本着廉价至上,是因物品而异的,所以D中的“interested in cheap products”说法并不完全正确,故排除之;最佳选项为A,从文中提及的“as a big-time bargain hunter”,再加上And these days, a good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up(放弃,拒绝)可推断出She rarely misses a good deal是合情合理的。58. What does the author do?A. Shes a teacher.B. Shes a housewife.C. S

32、hes a media person.D. Shes a businesswoman.【答案】 C【解析】 推理判断题,难度较小。根据题干提问,回文寻找作者职业的相关信息,定位于第4段首句“Ive made a living looking for the best deals and exposing the worst tricks”,紧接着的后两句进一步阐述了作者的职业- a media person, 故正确答案为C项。C篇是一篇社科类文章,作者围绕很多人谎称很爱读书、读过很多书籍,但实际上读书甚少的现象进行了形象的描述,分析了其中的原因、谈了自己的看法。文章自始至终暗含作者嘲讽和质疑

33、的态度,试题设计多考查作者情感态度和逻辑推理,并非简单的细节查找,因此试题具有一定的难度。来看原文:It happened to me recently. I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed readingBarack Obamas Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President.A friend I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words,“a brilliantly(精彩地

34、)written book”. However, he then went on to talk about Mr Obama in a way which suggestedhe had no idea of his background at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar.And it seems that my friend is not the only one. Approximately two thirds of people havelied about reading a book which they hav

35、ent. In the World Book Days “Report on GuiltySecrets”, Dreams From My Father is at number 9. The report lists ten books, and variousauthors, which people have lied about reading, and as Im not one to lie too often (Id hate tobe caught out), Ill admit here and now that I havent read the entire top te

36、n.But I am pleasedto say that, unlike 42 percent of people, I have read the book at number one, George Orwells 1984. I think its really brilliant.The World Book Day report also has some other interesting information in it. It says that many people lie about having read Jane Austen, Charles Dickens,

37、Fyodor Dostoevsky(Ihavent read him, but havent lied about it either ) and Herman Melville.Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to “impress” someone they werespeaking to. This could be tricky if the conversation became more indepth!But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, people n

38、amed J.k.Rowling, JohnGrisham, Sophie Kinsella (ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-two percent of peopleasked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story(Ill come clean: I do this and am astonished that 58 percent said they had never done so).仔细阅读

39、这篇文章,特别注意文中以斜体标注的9个句子,我们可以发现本文笔法犀利,感情充沛,运用大量的复合句和长难句。全文只有341个词,属中等阅读篇幅,但很好地考查了学生对长难句的阅读理解能力和对上下文的逻辑推理能力。下面是对本文试题的详细分析:64. How did the author find his friend a book liar?A. By judging his manner of speaking. B. By looking into his background.C. By mentioning a famous name. D. By discussing the book i

40、tself.【答案】 D【解析】 推理判断题,难度较大。题干信息定位于文章第一段的最后一句,据此我们向上寻找题目的答案,选项D通过讨论这本书的内容进而发现作者的朋友在撒谎,为最佳选项。其中,选项A在文中没有体现, 但学生认为his manner of speaking就是谈书的内容;选项B偷梁换柱,利用文中出现的his(Mr Obama) background 来迷惑考生;选项C看似在文中首段第1行有所体现,但它并不能很好地回答题干所提出的问题,答非所问;故正确选项为D。本题的正确回答有赖于对文中用斜线标注的第三句话的准确理解。短语in a way which suggested, has n

41、o idea的理解、his background的指代意义都很重要。65. Which of the following is a “guilty secret” according to the World Book Day report?A. Charles Dickens is very low on the top-ten list.B. 42% of people pretended to have read 1984.C. The author admitted having read 9 books.D. Dreams From My Father is hardly read.

42、【答案】 B【解析】 细节理解题,难度较小。题干定位于第二段的第2行后半部分,B项在第二段的最后“But I am pleased to say that, unlike 42 percent of people, I have read the book at number one, George Orwells 1984. I think its really brilliant.”有明确的体现。其余,选项A和D提到的细节在文中是有出现,可是选项的结论在文章中是体现不出来的,我们不能凭空猜想;选项D的信息作者在本文没有叙述,我们无从得知作者究竟读过多少本书;故正确选项为B。66. By l

43、ying about reading, a person hopes to _. .A. control the conversation B. appear knowledgeableC. learn about the book D. make more friends【答案】 B【解析】 句意推断题,难度中等。根据题干关键词,回文定位于第四段第1句“Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to“impress”someone they were speaking to.”选项B正是此句的同义改写,故正确答案为B项。其中,D项极具干扰

44、性,但是若能掌握“回文定位+同义改写”的解题宗旨是万万不会被迷惑住的,另外,A项也有干扰。本题的设计为习惯于脱离原句进行过度推理的学生提供了广泛的发挥空间。67. What is the authors attitude to 58% of readers?A. Favorable. B. Uncaring. C. Doubtful. D. Friendly.【答案】 C【解析】 作者态度题,难度较小。分析4个选项,选项A和D为正向态度;选项C为负向态度;选项B( Uncaring不予关注),显然错误,作者若不予以关注的话,为何还会写出这篇文章呢?排除掉。结合文章大意,以及文中最后出现的“am

45、 astonished that 58 percent said they had never done so”得知,作者对58% of readers 持负向态度,故正确答案为C。四、短文改错今年短文10个考点考查内容基础、全面,包括介词、代词、连词、名词、动词、副词、冠词。测试考生发现、判断和纠正语篇错误的能力。较好地考查了考生对语言的评价能力。与去年短文改错相比,本部分难度较大,得分率不高。原因在于相当部分考点是学生平时不太注意和模糊不清的地方。体现了英语语言的复杂性、行文中所犯错误的多样性,一定程度上是对过度僵化训练教学方式的纠正。原文剖析:I hardly remember my g

46、randmother. She used to holding me on her knees and sing old holdsongs. I was only four when she passes away. She is just a distant memory for me now. passed I remember my grandfather very much. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that well/clearly shouldersturned from black toward gray over the years. He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from to/into


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