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1、2013年湖南高考英语完型填空()应试方法与技巧一、题型解读英语语言知识的第三节为完型填空(II),本节侧重考查考生语感以及语言的衔接、连贯、结构等语言知识运用的能力。分析此措辞,再比较完形填空第一节和第二节,可知: 1. 从考查的内容来看,第一节侧重考查词汇在语篇、语境中运用,关键词是 “语义”;而第二节考查功能语法,即侧重于考词汇在篇章中的交际功能, 关键词是 “衔接, 连贯”。 2. 从题型的形式看,第一节给定四个选项供考生选择,其中有一个正确选项;而第二节只给出空缺,没有选项,要求考生根据语境和自己已有的语法与词汇知识来填空,这对考生的语言知识的提取和运用能力提出了更高的要求。 3.

2、单词的拼写能力和词形变换能力也是一个很重要的考查方向。二、命题特点共8个小题,每题1.5分,满分12分。要求7分钟内完成。短文长度150240词,设空平均间距17词左右,考查语境,侧重运用。尽量避免名词和动词,答案不一定唯一。三、能力要求有篇章结构意识,在语境和语篇中理解句子内部结构,找出句与句、段与段之间的内容联系,把握细微区别.具体体现在:1. The ability of reading discourse 阅读/理解语篇的能力 2. Analysis of sentence structure 分析句子结构的能力 3. The ability to use grammar 熟练运用语法

3、的能力 思考: 面对新完形填空如此繁杂的语法点,我们到底该怎么入手呢?Whats the usual way you fulfill the task? 我们在做完形填空(二)时, 可以从词性、词形两方面入手。一根据句子结构,确定词性e.g. (angry)(1) He looked _at the children. (2) He looked _at the news on the radio.【答案】(1) angrily (2) angry二根据上下文意义及语法,确定词形技巧1:词性1)缺冠词 冠词考点:定冠词的基本用法,抽象名词具体化和固定搭配。e.g. The college en

4、trance examination is coming, my parents promise:1) If I get high marks in the exam, I shall have _ iphone as _ prize.2)They will give me _ big surprise.3) Of all the subjects, I like English best because it gives us _ useful knowledge of it.4) But my mood quickly changed when I saw _first question.

5、【答案】1) an; a 2) a 3) a 4) the 2)缺代词 代词考点: 人称代词(主/宾),(形容词/ 名词性)物主代词, 反身代词,替代词, it的用法等,可在句中充当主宾,同位语等。e.g. 1). Lets start not to eat snake any more, because “to protect the snake is to protect_”. 2). _ is amazing that I won the first prize in the competition.3). Get in the habit of remembering peoples

6、names and using _ often. 4). I want to find a house with a beautiful garden, but I still havent found _ I like yet.【答案】1)ourselves 2)It 3)them 4)one 3) 缺介词 介词考点:常用介词的基本用法及在语境中的活用;固定搭配。e.g.1)_ a lot of work to do, he left school very early.2) In fact, choosing eco-fashion can also contribute _ our pe

7、rsonal health 3)This was around the time that I was getting to be larger _ size than my father 4) In short, I believe that it is _ great use to keep a diary in English.【答案】1)With 2)to 3)in 4)of 4) 缺形容词或副词 形容词副词考点:形容词作定语和表语;比较级和最高级。形容词修饰名词;副词修饰adj./ v.或整个句子;e.g.1)When we got there, to our disappointm

8、ent, we found the situation was much _ than expected. 2) I immediately felt _ of my violent(暴力的) behavior.3) Of the MP3 we bought, mine is the _. It only cost me 100 yuan.4) Animals and plants are disappearing many times faster _ they have in the past 65 million years.【答案】1)worse 2)ashamed 3)cheapes

9、t 4)than 5) 缺连词 连词考点1:最常用的引导词有:wh- 连接词及其他各大从句引导词(从属连词)2:牢记特殊句式, 把握语境特征,利用关键词提示解题。As far as /As long as(只要) As is known to all/ As is (often) the case(像往常情况一样)As everyone can see(正如大家所了解到的)e.g. 1) See _ your son has done. 2) Ill never forget the days _ I lived in the factory with the workers, _ is a

10、great help to my article.3) After the war, a new school building was set up _ there has once been a theatre.4) _ this is included in good education, the children will surely have a bright future.5) I was _ upset that I violently ripped (撕破) it from my chest!6) It was only then _ he realized his own

11、mistake.7) A nest is to a bird _ a house to a man .8) I was on the point of leaving _ it rained.9) _ Hemingway puts it, “Life breaks us all, but afterwards, many of us are strongest at the broken places. ”【答案】1)what 2)when ; which 3)where 4)If 5) so 6)that 7)what 8)when 9)As6) 缺连接词 连词考点3:要仔细把握句子逻辑关系

12、,利用暗含信息 ,作出判断解题;此外还要注意连接词组在语境中的呼应对称特征。Some othersNot only but alsoNeither nor , either ore.g. 1) He has an high IQ, _, he failed in school 2) Human activity often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. human populations are growing so fast. 3) In some cases, compet

13、ition for resources among animals led to extinction and in cases, environmental changes caused extinction. 【答案】1)however 2)because /as/since 3)other技巧二 词形英语和汉语最大的不同在于英语有词形变化。词形变化主要涉及动词、代词、形容词、副词和名词。当确定所填的词是名词时,就要考虑是可数还是不可数名词,是单数还是复数名词。 形容词有原级、比较级和最高级。如果是动词就要更加小心。首先要判断是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,主动还是被动,是现在分词还是过去分词,

14、还是不定式。代词则要考虑是主格还是宾格。e.g. 1. China is _ than Japan in size.2. One of the_ gift choices I ever made was for my highschool English teacher, which made him very unhappy.3. The little boy pulled _ right hand out of the pocket【答案】1. bigger 2. worst 3. his1. The ability of reading discourse 阅读/理解语篇的能力 1).

15、Later , I seemed to hear faraway voices saying that my right _ was broken. I almost burst into tears. How would I ever play the piano again?2). Many old people dont have good_. They cant watch TV, but they can listen to the music.3). Many Africans are very _, so they cant afford to buy much meat.【答案

16、】1) hand 2) eyesight 3) poor2. Analysis of sentence structure 分析句子结构的能力 1). It was only then _ he realized his own mistake.2). He went to work early in the morning, _ his son at home alone. 【答案】1) that 2) leaving 3. The ability to use grammar 熟练运用语法的能力 1). _ amazed us most was that the little girl c

17、ould play the piano so well.2). In short, I believe that it is _ great use to keep a dairy in English 3). There once was a goat and a donkey. So the farmer killed _ goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart. 【答案】1) What 2) of 3) the【模拟试题演练】When you take a walk in any of the cities in the

18、 West, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. 1. is still true that a dog is the 2. useful and faithful animal in the world, 3. _the reason why people keep a dog has changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against animal attacks. And later they came to realize t

19、hat a dog was not 4. useful for protection but willing to obey his master. But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals. 5. do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is 6. companionship. A dog

20、 is his best friend for 7._ child when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have 8._children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up.【答案】1. It 2. most 3. but 4. only 5. why 6. for 7. a 8. no 【总结】解题四步走:1通读全文,理解大意

21、2分析句子,确定词性 3根据语义, 确定词形 4检查搭配, 前后连贯四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据每一个要填的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据【即学即用】1用恰当的介词填空:1. We congratulated her her success. 2. How much time do you spend pronunciation every week?3. Please remind her the meeting when you see her.4. That depends much how we look at it.5. Have you d

22、ecided the date for the conference?6. Do you think he will agree our using his room?7. Such exchange of visits will naturally lead better understanding and contribute peace. 8. I hope you could help me my pronunciation.9. I dont object your doing it in your own way.10. My view is quite similar yours

23、.11. They are short manpower.12. He was sitting there lost thought.13. We are all very grateful you what you have done for us.14. At that time we had little idea the importance of learning English.15. Our cultural ties other nations will be further strengthened .16. At an early age she already showe

24、d a talent music.17. We are making a plan the reconstruction of the road.18. I didnt break the window purpose; I broke it accident.19. Our teacher is always strict _us _ our homework.20.Tom has been charged _ robbery and is being questioned _ the police now.21. I owe it _ my teacher that I passed th

25、e college entrance exam.22. It is really a pity that the old man died _ his works unfinished.23. At this time of night, the streets are empty _ traffic.24. _ the time you graduate from middle school, you will have learned 3000 English words.25. _ entering the tall building, he heard a sharp cry comi

26、ng out of it, which brought his heart to his mouth.26. Here is a task set for you and you should finish it _ your own.【答案】1. on 2. on 3. of 4. on 5. on 6. to 7. to, to 8. with 9. to 10. to 11. of 12.in 13. to, for 14. of 15. with 16. for 17. for 18. on, by 19. with, in 20.with, by, 21.to 22 with 23.

27、 of 24. By 25. on/upon 26.on2选择下列适当的词或短语填空:and, or, but, for, however, yet, therefore, nor, while, though, thus, bothand, eitheror, neithernor, whetheror, as well as, and as well, or rather not onlybut also, rather than1. Mr Jones is principal(校长)of the school, an expert in translation. 2. He closed

28、 the window, turned off the light left the room.3. Karl Marx was born in Germany, German was his native language.4. Press the button the door opens by itself.5. Mary is interested in music Jim is fond of sports.6. Theyve finished half of it, thats not bad.7. The children can go with us, they can sta

29、y at home.8. This is a hot-house green house.9. Each case weighs one and a half tons more.10. Make up your own mind, youll miss the chance.11. He hasnt arrived. He may, , come later.12. The child was sick; he, , didnt go to school.13. He came home very late last night, very early this morning.14. Al

30、though he was ill, he managed to look cheerful.15. We must start early, we have a long way to go.16. The young man has often been praised, he is never conceited.17. our country has plenty of oil, theirs has none.18. He promised to phone, I heard nothing, .19. We have failed. We have to take the cons

31、equences(结果).20. Mrs Cox is kind gentle to her pupils.21. She was compelled(被迫) to stay at home, she was forbidden to see her friends.22. I remained silent, did he speak a single word.23. has he called on her, will he do so.24. dogs, cats, mice were found in the house.25. _in school at home, shes al

32、ways cheerful.26. You can do it by yourself, you can ask someone else to do it. 27. Communists should set an example in study; at all times they should be pupils of the masses(群众) their teachers.28. Ive read a few of his plays, one of his novels .29. going directly home, she had turned walking into

33、the afternoon thickness. 30- How is everything going on with you in Europe? -Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, _.【答案】1. and 意义增补 2. and 动作先后 3. and 因果 4. and 条件结果 5. and 对比 6. And 评注 7. or 选择 8. or 同位或换个说法 9. or 大约或不确定情况 10. or 否定的条件 11. however 12. therefore 13. Or rather 14. yet/still 15. fo

34、r 16. but 17. While 18. though 19. Thus 20. bothand 21. not onlybutalso 22. Nor 23. Neithernor 24. ornor 25. Whetheror 26. eitheror 27. as well as 28. andas well 29. Rather than 30.though3选用正确的连接词填空that, who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever, wherever, when, where, wh

35、en, why, how, if, whether1 the driver could not control his car was obvious.2. Is it any wonder electronic computers are sometimes called “thinking machines?3. I particularly dislike about this transaction(交易) is it is really dishonest.4. He got up too late with the result he missed the morning trai

36、n.5 the book will sell depends on the author.6. I dont care she doesnt come.7. I cant make up my mind should be asked to speak first.8. My original question, he did it at all, has not been answered.9. I wasnt certain house I was in.10. I havent decided of them I should take with to the party.11. Eat

37、 one you like and leave the others for comes in late.12. Hell go asked to.13. I remember you were a little girl.14. Hell give you you want.15. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _ it is rough or smooth.【答案】1. That 2. that 3. what that 4. that 5. How/ When/ Where 6. if 7.

38、 who 8. why9. whose 10. which 11. whichever whoever 12. wherever 13. when 14. whatever 15.whether4. 用正确的关系词填空1We met at the same place I saw him last.2. A war broke out lasted for forty years.3. There was one thing he told me I dont believe.4. The reason I was alone in the mountains is because I had

39、 a difficulty with my guide.5. I dont like the way you laugh at her.6. The chairman, spoke first, sat on my right.7. John is a painter, I should also like to be.8. Our team, placed second last year, played even better this year.9. Thats the most expensive hotel weve stayed.10. Theres not much can be

40、 done now.11. Lets talk about somebody we know.12. This is the same museum you once visited.13. What was it made him so mad?14. Ive never heard of such things he said.15. Not a single person among us supports the plan.16. He tried to stand on his hands for five minutes, - you know-is rather a diffic

41、ult thing to do.17. All I want is peace and quietness.18. The ships were frozen in, not infrequently happens in those regions(地区).19 he hoped he would, he saw the famous singer.【答案】1. where 2. which/ that 3. which 4. why 5. that/ in which 6. who 7. which 8. which 9. where 10. that 11. who(m) 12. tha

42、t/as 13. that 14. as 15. but 16. which as 17. that 18. which/ as 19. As5.选用适当的从属连词填空 after, before, as, when, while, until/till, since, once, immediately/directly, as soon as, the moment/minute, hardlywhen, no soonerthan, the year, next time, every time1 you understand this rule, youll have no furth

43、er difficulty.2 in difficulty, you can count on our support.3Im going to see him he comes to Shanghai.4He left Europe World War II broke out.5My sister came she got my message.6 we know the facts, we cant do anything about it.7John, dont speak spoken to.8They had started to work the trouble began.9


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