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1、.常考句型【句型1】SinceS过去时,S现在完成时。“自从”仿写:自从他上高中,他一直很用功。Since he went to senior high school,he has worked very hard.【句型2】It pays toV.“是值得的。”仿写:帮助别人是值得的。It pays to help others.【句型3】be based on“以为基础”仿写:社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。The progress of the society is based on harmony.完形填空When I was a young man,I thought life was

2、all about meabout how Id make my way in the world,become successful,and get the things I want. 1 then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never 2 to fill my heart and light up my day.And suddenly,all my big plans for myself didnt seem so 3 any

3、 more.I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours.And I 4 that my own life wouldnt count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours.In the end,girls,thats why I 5 President:because of what I want for you and

4、 for every child in this nation.I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their 6 schools that challenge them,inspire them,and instill in them a 7 of wonder about the world around them.I want them to have the chance to go to college 8 their parents arent rich.And I want them to get good job

5、sjobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care,jobs that let them spend time with their own kid and 9 with dignity.Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous 10 to protect our countrybut when we do,I want to make sure that it is only for a very good r

6、eason,that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully,and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women 11 .And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not freethat with the great privilege of being a citizen of

7、this nation 12 great responsibility.1A.So BWhile CBut DAlthough解析前一句说作者年轻时只想着自己人生顺利和成功,而此句开始讲述两个女儿给自己带来的乐趣,自己再也不只想着自己了,因此前后两句是转折关系。答案C2A.fail Bescape Cdrop Dprepare解析fail to do意思是“没做成某事”,never fail to do意为“总是做某事”。所在句子意思是:“然而,之后你们两个好奇而又调皮的小家伙进入了我的世界,用你们的微笑永远充实着我的心灵,照亮着我的每一天。”答案A3A.shallow Bimportant

8、Crespectful Ddelighted解析突然间,我自己所谓的人生的伟大规划都不那么重要了。答案B4A.recommended Bregretted Crealized Dreminded解析此处指:我意识到自己的生活不那么重要了,除非我能确保你们能拥有一切机会生活得快乐并且实现你们生活中的愿望。答案C5A.searched for Baccounted forCasked for Dran for解析run for President意思是“竞选总统”。句意:那就是我要竞选总统的原因:为了你们和这个国家的所有孩子去争取你们应得的东西。答案D6A.potential BabilityCp

9、ossibility Dreputation解析potential意思是“潜能”。我希望我们所有的孩子都能上能让他们充分发展他们的潜能的学校。答案A7A.sign BsenseCray Dbunch解析instill sth in sb意思是“给某人头脑中逐步灌输某思想”,a sense of wonder就是curiosity的含义。此处指让他们能够进入会培养他们对周围世界的好奇心的学校。答案B8A.as if Bnow that Cin case Deven if解析此处指即使他们的父母并不富有。答案D9A.resign Bresettle Cretire Drequest解析retire

10、 with dignity意思是“有尊严地退休”。此处只有resign(辞职)和retire与前面的jobs有关,但resign明显不合文意,因为整句都是讲工作带来的好处,既然好就不会辞职了。答案C10A.borders Bsituations Cnations Dscenery解析由句意可知此处指形势或局面,即situation。答案B11A.satisfied Bfortunate Csuccessful Dsafe解析此句是该总统竞选人承诺会尽量用和平方式解决和别国的争端并且会采取一切措施确保在役军人的安全。答案D12A.comes Bgoes Clies Dstands解析此句为倒装句

11、。意思是“每个孩子享受一个美国公民的权利的同时要承担一份沉甸甸的责任”。答案A.语法填空An American soldier called his parents from San Francisco after a war.“Mom and Dad,Im coming home,but Ive got a favor to ask.I have a friend Id like to bring 1 me.”“Sure,”they replied.“wed love to meet him.”“Theres something you should know,”the son contin

12、ued.“he was hurt pretty 2 in the fighting.He stepped on a land mine (地雷) 3 lost an arm and a leg.He has nowhere else to go,and I want him to come and live with us.”“Im sorry to hear that,son.Maybe we can help him find 4 to live.”“No,Mom and Dad,I want him to live with us.”“Son,”said the father,“Some

13、one like him would be a terrible burden on us.Just come home and forget about this guy.He will find a way to live on his 5 .”At that point,the son hung up the 6 .A few days later,the parents received a call from the San Francisco police.Their son had died after falling from a building, 7 the police

14、believed was suicide.They went and recognized him,but 8 their horror,they also discovered something they didnt expect:their son had only one arm and one leg.1解析这里表达要带朋友回家,所以用with。答案with2解析根据后文可知这位朋友伤得很重,所以用badly。答案Badly3解析前面谈到受伤的原因,后面为伤害的程度和结果,所以用and表示顺接关系。答案And4解析这位士兵的父母要给这位受伤的士兵找住处,所以用somewhere。答案somewhere5解析根据前面一句可知,父母希望这位士兵忘记他受伤的同伴,让他靠自己生活。答案own6解析由文章开头可知,这是在打电话交谈,所以这里表示这位士兵放下了电话。答案phone/telephone7解析这里考查定语从句,which用来指代前面提到的这位士兵坠楼身亡的事情。答案which8解析考查固定结构:to ones horror,意思是“使某人害怕或恐怖的是”。答案to新课标第一网系列资料


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