1、关于文言英译效果调查报告-以促织英译的四个版本比较为例 摘 要:文言英译是中国古典文学向西方传播的一条途径,直接关系着中学西传的命运,一直以来受到国内外翻译界、教育界、外语界(汉学界)众多专家学者的重视。翻译策略的选用在这过程中又起着至关重要的作用,本文以促织中外四个版本译文为例,分析比较其中的翻译策略,以求获得新时期将文言向西方译介的最佳途径。 关键词:文言 翻译 策略 引言文言作品作为中国古典文学,有着悠久的历史和丰厚的积淀,承载了几千年的封建社会的文化精髓。文言英译是中国古典文学向西方传播的一条途径,直接关系着中学西传的命运,一直以来受到国内外翻译界、教育界、外语界(汉学界)众多专家学者
3、中国文化英译和向西方传播需要注意的问题作一些反思;进而为我国文言文向西方译介和传播这一宏大的工程和事业添砖加瓦。调查对象中国古典文学博大精深,为便于本次调查,笔者选取了蒲松龄聊斋志异中促织一文。坊间已有张庆年,丹尼斯、维克多(Denis C. &Victor H. Mair),丁往道,杨宪益、戴乃迭所著四个版本。版本各异,风格独特,各有千秋,有的优美典雅,有的大气得体。现从促织原文及其现有四种译文中精选出15条例句,进行比较与分析。“促织”,亦即“蛐蛐”、“蟋蟀”等,促织一文,讲述宣德年间,宫廷里流行斗蟋蟀,官员向皇帝供奉,以图加官进爵。既而,各级官员发号施令,课税敛财,百姓倾家荡产。成名科举
5、:“死何益?不如自行搜觅,冀有万一之得。”成然之。张译:Chens wife said: “Would your death help to mend the situation? Rather, you should go to hunt crickets yourself. Maybe, there is still a slight chance of catching one.” The suggestion sound reasonable to Cheng.丹译:“What good would killing yourself do?” said his wife. “It wo
6、uld be better to look for a cricket yourself. There is a slight chance you might find one.” This made sense to Cheng.丁译:“What is the use of dying?” said his wife, “You had better go out and hunt for crickets yourself. If by any chance you can find one, things will turn better.” Cheng agreed.杨译:“What
7、 good would dying do?” demanded his wife. “You had better go out and look for a cricket yourself. There is just one chance in ten thousand that you may catch one.” Cheng agreed.首先,在“死何益”的处理上,丹译与杨译颇具相似性,尤其是句式一致,而杨译最简洁。其次,在对“不如”的翻译上,根据原文意思,成的妻子此时应该是以一种劝说(persuade)的口吻,因而张译“you should”比起“It would be bet
8、ter to”, “You had better”的语气更强硬,不恰当。再者,在“成然之”的处理方面,“然”一字意思为“以为然”,亦即“认为有道理/是正确的”。张译“sound reasonable” 和丹译“made sense”意思表达准确到位;而丁译和杨译都只用了单单一个“agree”,原文“然”为一字,译文同样只用了一个字,似与原文更贴近,有简洁明快之效。2、“成不敢敛户口,而又无所赔偿,忧闷欲死。”张译:Misery had driven him to the verge of killing himself.丹译:He was despondent he wanted to kil
9、l himself.丁译:Greatly distressed, he thought of death.杨译:At his wits end, he longed to die.“忧闷欲死”的主语是成名,“忧闷”指忧虑、愁闷,无计可施,指的是成名当时的心理状态。上述四译中,后三者均使用了动词短语,“want to”, “think of”, “long to”,而张译巧妙地使用了转换(conversion)译法,将“忧闷”译作名词“misery”,用来指成名当时的精神、心理状态,恰到好处。翻译中转换了主语,用misery作主语,表达一种被逼无奈、迫于形势,而不得不走绝路的心理状态,“driv
10、e”一字准确地传达了这层意思,主人公“欲死”实属被逼无奈而出此下策,绝非“一心求死”。用“sth drive sb to the verge of”,据麦克米伦高阶美语词典(外研社2003年版),“on the verge of ”means “about to do sth or experience sth”,牛津高阶英汉双解词典(商务印书馆第六版)有“on/ to the verge of sth/ of doing sth”, means “very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens”,“濒于,接近于,行将”。3、转侧
11、床头,惟思自尽。张译:Lying restlessly on his bed, Cheng thought of nothing but the word suicide.丹译:He tossed and turned on his bed, his mind filled with thouhghts of suicide.丁译:As he lay tossing and turning in bed, he thought once more of committing suicide.杨译:Tossing painfully on his bed, his one thought was
12、 to die.与第三例类似,主人公十日内遭受棍杖责罚数百下,两股间脓血流离,眼看着缴纳促织的期限将至,惶恐不安,不知所措,思索着自己反正已经被打得送了半条命,还不如一死,一了百了,也省的活在世上遭受欺压凌辱。四个译本中,杨译最为简洁,但意义表达不够完整,这一点可以从其余三个版本的suicide与杨译的die的区别上可以看出。丹译与杨译相近,都不用sb作主语,而用“mind”, “thought”这类名词充当主语,这便理所当然地将原文的动词“思”转译成了名词。张、丁二人的译文保留了“思”的动词词性,未作转换。丁往道所译“once more”不失时机与上文的“忧闷欲死”形成照应,意思更为紧凑。4
13、、成反复自念:“得无教我猎虫所耶?”张译:Looking at the drawing, Cheng wondered: Could this be a map for me to catch a cricket?丹译:.after much reflection, wondered if the picture were not telling him where to hunt for a cricket.丁译:“Ah,” Cheng said to himself, “does this picture show me where to look for crickets?”杨译:Che
14、ng wondered. “Is this supposed to show me where I should look for a cricket?”该句中“得无”一词可以理解为“难道是吗?”或“恐怕是吧?”,表达一种猜测之意。译文处理时,张、丁、杨三个版本都使用了直接引语,而丹译通过宾语从句将其作为间接引语来处理,而且从句还使用了虚拟语气,“if the picture were not telling”,张译“could this be”和杨译“is this supposed to”等表达方式体现了英语中表达猜测这一功能的句式多样性。5、乃强起扶杖,执图诣寺后。张译:Painfull
15、y getting up, Cheng walked to the backyard of the temple with a cane in one hand and the drawing in the other.丹译:Cheng dragged himself out of bed, propped himself up with a cane and proceeded, drawing in hand, to the rear of the monastery.丁译:So he forced himself to get up. Taking the paper with him,
16、 he stumbled along with the help of a stick to the back of the monastery.杨译:So taking the paper with him, he struggled along with the help of a stick to the back of the monastery.四个版本对原文中一个“强”字作了不同处理,张译用一个副词“painfully”来修饰起床这个动作,丹译“drag himself out of bed”这一动词短语描写了成名强忍着伤痛,拖着几乎瘫痪的身躯下床,完整刻画了“强起”时的动作,形象
17、、生动而又直观。丁译的“force”和杨译的“struggle”都是对“强”的字面翻译,不如丹译来的直观明了。6、大喜,笼归,举家庆贺,虽连城拱璧不啻也。张译:Ecstatically, Cheng put it into a bamboo cage and brought it home. The whole family was overjoyed as if they had found the legendary jade more valuable than a dozen cities.丹译:Great was Chengs joy as he put it in the cage
18、 and returned home. The whole family rejoiced as if he had found a treasure more precious than the legendary piece of jade to the worth of fifteen cities. 丁译:His joy knew no bounds as he carried it home to receive the congratulations of his family who considered it more precious than the rarest jade
19、.杨译:and he was a happy man as he carried it home in the cage to delight his household, who considered it more precious than the rarest jade.首先,“大喜”一词形容成名捕捉到蟋蟀时的那种喜出望外、喜形于色、洋洋自得的表情,“大”字强调了“喜”的程度。丹译侧重在字面上的直译,“great” 和“joy”与大喜能够一一对应;张译采用了单独一个副词“ecstatically”,作状语,短促(short)而有力,其他三个版本都使用了long sentence,未对“
20、大喜”单独划分成小句,不抵张译读来畅快。其次,“举家庆贺”,指的是一家人为成名捕捉到蟋蟀,也为任务能够及时完成,而欢呼雀跃。四个译本在此处都是寥寥几语带过。当然,意思的重心在后者“虽连城拱璧不啻也”,喜从天降,当然是珍爱有加,是连城拱璧所不及的。丹译采用了异化的翻译策略,保留了原文中的汉语文化,将“连城拱璧”理解为偏正短语,“连城”作为定语来修饰“拱璧”,“the legendary piece of jade to the worth of fifteen cities”;丁、杨两个译本均对“连城”作了意译,即“rarest”;而张译将“连城拱璧”理解为并列结构,即“连城”、“拱璧”,且将二
21、者进行对比,但原文是将促织这个一家人眼中的至宝与价值连城的珍惜拱璧作对比,而不是“拱璧”与“连城”作对比,张译此处在理解上似有偏颇。7、及扑入手,已股落腹裂,斯须就毙。张译:When he finally grabbed the cricket in his hand, he broke its leg and crushed its body. The insect died immediately.丹译:He jumped and caught it in hand, breaking off a leg and cracking its abdomen. In a few short m
22、oments it was dead.丁译:When the boy finally managed to get hold of it, the insects legs were torn off and its belly ripped open, and it died instantly.杨译:Finally the boy grabbed it, but in doing so tore off a leg and crushed it so that the next moment it died.首先,俗语有云,“麻雀虽小,五脏六腑俱全”,当然,促织虽小,五脏六腑也应俱全。对于
23、原文中“腹裂”的翻译,四个版本各异,杨译直接用“it”,指的是促织的整个身躯,与张译“body”相近;丹译“abdomen”及丁译“belly”,指的都是胸部与腿部之间的胃部/腹部,因而丹译和丁译对“腹”的处理更精确、妥当些。其次,对促织“股落腹裂”的处理方面,张、丹、杨三个译本不约而同地把主语换成了成名之子,即:成名之子(不小心)让蟋蟀“股落腹裂”。而丁译也未严格意义上沿用原文中的那只蟋蟀作主语,而是用“the insects legs and its belly”作主语,使用被动语态,殊途同归。再者,对“斯须就毙”的翻译上,也存在着差异。1)从对“斯须”一词的理解上来讲,可以分为两类,一类
24、是张、丁的“immediately”与“instantly”;一类是丹、杨的“in a few short moments”与“the next moment”。都是指蟋蟀短暂的死亡过程,然而后一类明显比前一类持续的时间稍长些。2)再从对“就毙”的理解上看,“就”在古汉语中为动词,“毙”也是动词,因而张、丁、杨三个译本都使用了动词“die”来与“毙”对应,而丹译本则不然,丹译用的是“it was dead”,表达蟋蟀在短暂的时间内已经死去这一状态和结果,而不是死亡的动作。张、丁、杨的三个版本的译文事实上也证明他们翻译时并没有关注蟋蟀死亡的过程,从这一点看,丹译效果好些。8、母闻之,面色灰死,大
25、骂曰:“业根,死期至矣!翁归,自与汝复算耳!”儿涕而出。张译:The womens face instantly turned pale as ashes. She shouted to her son: “ You little bastard; youre dead meat now. When your father comes home, he definitely will make you pay for it!” The kid then ran out weeping.丹译:Her face paled to the hue of ashes at what she heard
26、. “ A bad seed, thats what you are!” She cursed him loudly, “ Your day of doom will not be long now! When your father comes home hell settle accounts with you.” The boy ran out sniveling. 丁译:Chengs wife turned deadly pale when she heard this. “ You wretched devil!” she cried out. “ You are inviting
27、the death penalty! Youd better catch it when your father returns home!” At this, the boy ran away, crying bittly.杨译:When she heard what had happened she turned as pale as death. “You wicked boy!” she cried. “Youll catch it when your father comes home!” Her son went off in tears.首先,对“业根”的翻译,四个译本分别为:“
28、 You little bastard”(小杂种/小混蛋), “A bad seed(坏胚子), thats what you are! ”, “You wretched devil! ”(该死的恶魔), “You wicked boy! ”(缺德/调皮鬼)。从字面意思上说,“业根”有“孽种/孽根”的意思,张、丹所译与之意义最贴近。其次,“死期至矣!”的四个译本分别为“youre dead meat now”(你死定了),“Your day of doom will not be long now”(你的死期不远了),“You are inviting the death penalty”(你
29、在寻死),“Youll catch it when your father comes home”(你父亲回来你就要受罚了),丹译似好些。再者,张、丹两个译本“make you pay for it”和“settle accounts with you” 是对原文“自与汝复算耳”的忠实翻译;而“Youd better catch it”和“Youll catch it”更换了主语。9、未几成入,闻妻言如被冰雪。张译:Soon, Cheng was back. After hearing the story, he felt as if a bucket of ice water had bee
30、n poured on his head.丹译:Cheng soon returned. When his wife told him what had happened, it was as if a heap of freezing snow had been dumped on his head. 丁译:Soon Cheng came back. When he heard his wifes story, he felt as if he had been turned to ice.杨译:Soon Cheng came back and when he heard his wifes
31、 story he felt as if he had been turned to ice.根据对“如被冰雪”中“被”(Pi)一字的理解,四个译本可以分为张、丹和丁、杨(实际上丁、杨在这句上翻译相同)两类。对上述划线部分进行回译(back translation),可以得到1)张译:他感到自己头上像被浇了一桶冰水一样。2)丹译:他感到头上似乎被倾倒了大量的冰雪一样。3)丁、杨:他感到自己似乎变成了冰。相比之下,丹译本意思最精确,与原文意思可以完全吻合,而其余译本经过回译后无法与原文一致。10、既而得其尸于井,因而化怒为悲,抢呼欲绝。夫妻向隅张译:Later, when he found th
32、e kids body in a well, his rage turned to deep sorrow. Husband and wife丹译:Soon afterwards, they found his body in a well. Chengs rage turned to sorrow. Stricken half-dead with grief, he struck his head on the ground and cried out to heaven. 丁译:At last, they discovered his body in a well. Now anger t
33、urned to grief. They wailed in deep sorrow and longed to die.杨译:Until at last they discovered his body in the well. Then anger turned to sorrow. Cheng cried out in anguish and longed to kill himself.“抢呼欲绝”的翻译,张氏译文中并没有对这句的翻译,应属缺译或漏译;丁、杨的译本将其理解为并列结构,忠实于原文;而丹译对这句的处理是一个亮点,“stricken half-dead with grief”
34、作为方式状语,表达成名的悲痛欲绝的状态,“cry out to heaven”是对原文的忠实翻译,而“struck his head on the groud”六字则是译者根据想象自行添加,合情合理,形象生动地传达了成名丧子的悲痛,由起初愤怒得要教训儿子转而对“人死不能复生”的追悔莫及。一时间,往昔的怨恨、忧闷、苦恼、辛酸与今日的悲痛、懊悔、责备等交织在一起,索性大哭一场。既有对上天不公、官员欺压的抱怨,也有对自己连保全家庭、守护亲人都无能为力的埋怨和自责,于是才有译者笔下的哭天喊地、嚎天撞地,“叫天天不应,叫地地不灵”的悲惨凄凉之景。译者“戴着镣铐跳舞”,应景而添了这六字,却能收到如此感人肺
35、腑、激发共鸣之效果,委实令人称赞。11、日将暮,取儿藁葬,近抚之,气息惙然。喜置榻上,半夜复苏,夫妻心稍慰。张译:When it was getting dark, the couple went to wrap up their sons body with a straw mat for burial. But they found the kid still breathing weakly. Delighted, they put their son on a bed. At midnight, the boy came back to life, making his parents
36、 feel a little relieved.丹译:As the day drew to an end, they prepared to wrap their son in a grass mat for burial. Touching him, they found that he was now breathing haltingly. Joyfully they placed him on the bed. In the middle of the night he regained consciousness, which relieved his parents somewha
37、t.丁译:When dusk came, they prepared to bury the boy, but upon touching him found there was stll breath in him. Overjoyed, they placed him on the bed, and towards midnight he came round. This brought a little comfort to the couple.杨译:As the sun began to set he prepared to bury the boy, but upon touchi
38、ng the child found there was still breath in him. Overjoyed, he laid the small body on the couch, and towards the middle of the night the child came round. Cheng and his wife began to breath again.丁、杨对“气息惙然”的翻译相同,故只列举其一。古汉语中“惙然”即“气息微弱”。该句翻译分别为:“the kid still breath weakly”, “he was now breathing hal
39、tingly”, “there was still breath in him”。张、丹的译文做到了对原文忠实,意思得以传达完整。“weakly”简洁明了,表明气息微弱;“haltingly”一字扣人心弦,具体且可感知,气息时断时续,尚未脱险,读者阅读时既为成名之子尚有气息感到惊喜,也着实捏了把汗。而丁、杨的译文在这句的处理上似显不足,如“there was still breath in him”回译为“尚有气息”,与“气息惙然”在语义(semantic)上不对等(equivalent),至少“惙然”一词在丁、杨的译文里没能得到体现。若按照“信达雅”的标准,对本句的三个翻译版本进行评价的话,
40、张译为“信”,丁、杨所译为“达”,而丹译为当之无愧的“雅”。12、成顾蟋蟀笼虚,则气断声吞,亦不复以儿为念,自昏达曙,目不交睫。张译:A look at the empty cricket pot reduced Cheng to sobbing again and pushed his concern about his son to the back of his mind. Cheng lay awake the whole night.丹译:Looking at the empty cricket cage was enough to rob them of breath and ma
41、ke their voices die in their throats, but they dared not question their son again. Their eyes did not close for the whole night. 丁译:However, when Cheng caught sight of the empty cricket-cage, he was once more seized with grief and thus thought no more of his son.杨译:The sight of the empty cricket cag
42、e brought back Chengs grief, but he dared not scold the child now. He did not close his eyes all night.四个译本对“亦不复以儿为念”这句的理解有鲜明的差异。张、丁两个译本将其理解为:成名看到蟋蟀笼里空空的,想到儿子既然没死,眼下还是该把精力集中到蟋蟀上来。张译的回译为:把儿子忘(抛)到脑后,丁译的回译为:暂且不理会儿子。而丹、杨的译文则将其理解为:儿子害怕弄死了蟋蟀会遭父亲毒打故而投井自尽,险些丧命,现在儿子既然没死,也就不要再跟他计较失去蟋蟀的事了。乍一看,丹、杨的译文解释得通(make s
43、ense/sounds reasonable),但这样的理解却不符合上下文的语境(context),“成顾蟋蟀笼虚”又开始惆怅哭泣,既然儿子没死,那就该集中精神想办法再去捕捉蟋蟀,“以塞官责”,这才有了成名一夜未合眼。而成名为“蟋蟀笼虚”而哭泣,立即想到不去惩罚儿子,这显然不符合上下文的连贯 (coherence)。因而,丹、杨两个译本在该句意思表达上跨度太大,呈跳跃性思维,不利于文章的连贯和衔接。张、丁的译本在这句的处理上忠于原文,较为成功。13、顾念:蓄劣物终无所用,不如拼搏一笑。张译:Cheng thought the small insect would not be of any u
44、se, so why not.丹译:It occurred to Cheng that keeping an inferior specimen would be useless anyway, and that he might as well set his cricket against the other for a laugh. 丁译:Cheng thought that it was after all useless to rear a feeble cricket and he might as well sacrifice it for a laugh.杨译:and sinc
45、e his poor cricket was useless in any case Cheng thought he might as well sacrifice it for a laugh.首先,“顾念”一词的翻译上可以明显的分出两类,张、丁、杨三个译本为一类,以“thought”为共同点;丹译为一类,以“it occurred to Cheng that”牵引出两个主语从句,与原文十分贴近,句式更为地道,结构清晰,一目了然,是英语“形合”特点的典型反映。在这一点上,丹尼斯、维克多两位西方人士的译本略占上风,理所当然。其次,“终无所用”的“终”意为“终究,无论如何,任何情况下”。这一点
46、,四个版本分别为:“would not be of any use”, “would be useless anyway”, “it was after all useless”, “useless in any case”,从音韵和谐的角度上严格区分的话,“useless”(双音节)要比“not of use”(单音节)读起来更简洁,更有韵味,“anyway”用于句尾,借助于末尾的双元音/ei/,音韵效果似乎比use /s/,case /s/好些;而“it was after all useless”一句的音韵连续性似乎又易被“after all”打破,毕竟读完after all需要停顿,再
47、要实现从all /l/ 到useless的/ju/承接不是那么顺畅。当然,这一点仅是感性上的认识,似乎欠缺语音、音系等方面理论的支撑。再者,在“不如拼搏一笑”的翻译上,张氏作了明显的省译(omission)处理,简洁有余,而忠实不足。“why not”即便是省略,也只是省略了“set the cricket against the other“,仍不能传达出(一笑)“for a laugh”的意思。14、小虫伏不动,蠢若木鸡。张译:but it remained motionless.丹译:The small one croughed motionless, looking as foolis
48、h as a wooden chicken.丁译:The little one remained motionless like a piece of wood.杨译:where the small one crouched motionless as a stick of wood.首先,根据回译法,张译中找不出对“蠢若木鸡”的翻译;丹译为:小虫蹲伏着一动不动,看起来愚蠢得像个木鸡(蠢若木鸡);丁译为:小虫一动不动,像块木头(静若木头);杨译为:小虫蹲伏在那里一动不动,像个木条/棍(静若木条)。稍作一番比较即可得出结论:丹译“信守”了原文,是最忠实的,丁、杨所译无论是木头还是木条或木棍,都不等于“木鸡”。其次,若从比喻的本体和喻体角度来分析,不难发现,原文以小虫(即蟋蟀)为本体,“木鸡” 为喻体,也就是说“像木头一样傻呆呆的鸡”,以“木”释(m