1、核子的同位旋与超对称性 目 录中文摘要及关键词1前言11 同位旋的概念 11.1 同位旋 11.2 同位旋的表示 21.2.1 同位旋的波动表示 21.2.2 同位旋的矩阵表示 31.2.3 同位旋的升降算符表示 41.3 同位旋守恒 41.4 SU(2)群与同位旋61.5 同位旋的应用 62 超对称理论 72.1 超对称性 72.2 超对称代数82.3 超场 92.4 超对称规范理论 92.5 超对称理论的自发破缺 103 核子同位旋的对称性与超对称的比较 11小结11参考文献12英文摘要12致谢词12核子的同位旋与超对称性 摘要:对称性和守恒定律之间有着10分密切的关
3、超对称的有关理论,然后对核子的同位旋与超对称性这两个不同层次的理论进行综合比较,对核子的对称性在这两个方面进行了比较全面的阐述。关键词:对称性; 守恒量; 同位旋; 超对称前言核子的对称性是近310年来粒子物理研究的1个热点问题,并延续至今。其部分原因是因为到现在为止,还没有1个令人满意的理论来统1地描写自然界中各种粒子的相互作用。在对相互作用动力学机制还没有完全了解的情况下,通过对称性的研究可以获得很多有关相互作用的重要认识。近310年来,在实验上,人们继续探索和验证核子的对称性理论;在理论上,则进1步地探索核子的对称性的本质问题。超对称性理论是目前物理学家们探索的热点之1。随着对粒子物理研
5、的联系和区别有更好的把握。1同位旋的概念经过长期的研究,人们认识到守恒定律都是相互作用Hamilton量具有相应的对称性的表现,即守恒量与对称性之间有相对应的关系。这个关系在经典力学中就曾进行过普遍的论证,得出Noether定理。Noether定理指出,如果运动规律在某种变换下具有不变性,则必然存在着1种对应的守恒定律。不变性或对称性的根源在于自然界中存在着某些不可测量性或不分辨性。在强相互作用中,质子和中子是不可分辨的,这导致了同位旋守恒。On the Isospin and Supersymmetry of the Nucleon Abstract: The symmetry i
6、s closely related to the conservation law, which roots in some randomness or independence in the nature. In strong interactions, the proton and neutrons are indistinguishable from each other, which causes the isospin conservation. The concept of isospin is introduced completely by imitating that of
7、the electron spin. The basis of the introduction is that: the proton and the neutron interactions are different when considerating of the electronmagnetic interactions, but when removing the affect of the electronmagnetic interactions , the interactions are identical under the same conditions. The i
8、sospin conservation of the nucleon reflects the build-in attribute of the charge independence and symmetry in the strong interaction. The supersymmetry refers to the symmetry between the fermion and the boson, which are regarded as granule of one kind. In the supersymmetry theory, the fermion and th
9、e boson are mutual super partners, and they can be transformed from each other through a series of space and time transformation. This paper is going to elaborates the basically theory of the nucleon isospin, including the experimental foundation, the representation and the conservation law of the i
10、sospin firstly, then, elaborates the related theory of supersymmetry simply, and in the end of the paper, it will synthetically compares the isospin with the supersymmetry of the nucleon between the two theories at a different hierarchical level, and give a full exposition of the nucleon symmetry in above two facets. Key words: Symmetry; Conserved quantity; isospin; Supersymmetry