江苏高考新题型 对话填词专练.doc

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1、江苏高考新题型对话填词专练阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。(1)A: Where are you from? B: Im from Canada.A: Really? I t_ you were from the States.B: Thats not s_. A lot of people cant tell the d_ between an American accent and a Canadian accent. For example, most Canadians say news nju:z,

2、but Americans say nu:z. We m_ use American words, but we use quite a lot of British words too. We fill our cars with “gas”, which is American, but we turn on the “tap” which is British English.A: Oh! And do you use American o_ British spelling?B: Both! American spellings are used more and more in Ca

3、nada now. G_ speaking, newspapers f_ the American way , but conference reports and schoolbooks use British spelling.A: That s_ strange.B: You mean it looks strange! Ill tell you something that does sound strange. Many people think that C_ all over the country speak the same way. But if you go to the

4、 eastern provinces, or go to some country areas, youll notice that the people there speak quite differently f_1_ the rest of Canada.(2)A: Look! That girl has fallen off her bicycle. A child ran into the street and k_ her off her bicycle. Come and help! I think she m_ be injured.B: Shes not moving. B

5、ut shes b_.A: I think she hit her head when she fell. We must carry her to the s_ of the road.B: No! L_ her where she is. You mustnt move someone if they are badly h_. We must get help.A: Ill go to that shop and see if they have a telephone.B: Yes, do that. Ill s_ here with the girl.(A returns a few

6、 moments later.)A: How is she ?B: Shes beginning to move a little.C: What h_ to me?A: Take it e_! Ive just c_ the First Aid Centre. Well wait until help comes.(3)A: Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, I b_ this blouse here last week, but there seems to be something wrong with it. When I washed it, t

7、he colour r_. You can see how it is now. I cant p_ wear it. I would like you to change this blouse, or else give me my money b_.A: Let me see. Did you wash it in hot water?B: Of course not . Im not that f_.A: It looks as if it hasnt been washed f_ the instructions. Did you leave it in water before y

8、ou washed it?B: No, I didnt do that e_. I just washed it in cold water.A:There seems to be something wrong with it, but thats the f_ of the company that made it.A: That may be t_, but you sold me a blouse that I cant use any more.B: What do you think I should do then?A: I i_ that you give me my mone

9、y back. (4)Computer voice: Welcome!Joe: Welcome!Computer voice: Youre got mail!Joe: Thanks. Who does it come f ?Computer voice: A friend called Catherine.Joe: Oh, Catherine? This is the f time Ive got her mail. Let me see.Computer voice: Hi, dear friend, Id like to start m notes to you as if were al

10、ready in the middle of a c .I pretend that we are the o and dearest friends although we are a people who dont know each others names and meet in a chat room w we both claim weve never been before. What will you, NY152, say to me today, I w ? I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently as it connects,

11、go online and my breath c in my chest until I hear the three little words: “Youve got mail!” I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. Im e mail, from you!Joe: Hello, my new friend.(5)Jane and Zhou Lan are in London. They are (1) w what to do today.J

12、ane: What shall we do today? The weathers not very good.Zhou:I feel like going to a m . Its too wet to go walking around London.Jane: I agree. W museum would you like to visit?Zhou: What about the Natural History Museum? So far as I know, its f .Jane: No, not any more. It used to be free but now you

13、 have to p_ to get in.Zhou: What about you? What do you feel like d ? Jane: P , Id rather go to the Science Museum. Theyve got a special e on this month. Its all about space and satellites.Zhou: Id like to see that too. Im planning to do a special study of satellites next term. M_I could find out so

14、me useful information.Jane: Fine! Why dont you get your things r ? Ill tell my mother what weve decided to do. (6)Mr Ball has just c on Mrs Zhu to give her a message.Mrs Zhu: Hello, Mr. Ball. Do come in.Mr Ball: All right. Just for a minute. I came to give you a message.Mrs Zhu: Come in and have a s

15、 . Id like you to meet Dr Zhang. Hes here on a visitfrom Guangzhou.Dr Zhang: How do you do?Mr Ball: How do you do? Are you h a nice time in Beijing?Dr Zhang: Yes, very nice, t you. Ive got some personal affairs that I have to see to, but Ive also got some time to visit some r .Mr Ball: Mrs. Zhu, I c

16、alled to tell you that the conference has been d until the 15th and 16th. I m to tell you yesterday, but you were not in your office.Mrs Zhu: Right, Ill make a note of that. Its very kind of you to call. Now I can make my plans for the rest of the month.Mr Ball: Im afraid I have to go now. Its time

17、I went and p up my little girl from school Goodbye, Dr Zhang. I hope you have a good j back to Guangzhou.Dr Zhang:Thank you very much. It was nice to meet you.Mr Ball: Goodbye, Mrs. Zhu.Mrs Zhu: Goodbye. Thanks again for calling. Please r me to your wife. (7)Jenny and Mei Ge are computer experts at

18、the same factory. They are discussing f plans.Jenny: Do you think our manager is going to have a new factory b ? People have been talking of it a lot r .Mei Ge: I simply dont know. He may have plans, but he hasnt yet spoken to me a them.Jenny: Do you think its p that it will happen?Mei Ge: Of course

19、. Right now we cant produce goods quickly e for all our customers. Many of them have to wait six months for their goods.Jenny: Whats the problem w building the new factory then?Mei Ge: The problem is finding land for it. The m_ of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area. New jo

20、bs are needed because a number of people are o of work. But some people dont want good farmland to be built on.Jenny: I can see the problem. What do you think is likely to happen?Mei Ge: I think our manager will p the government to let him build a new factory. Its quite likely that a decision will b

21、e made before the end of the year.(8)Bruce is spending Sunday with his friend Li Qun.Li Qun: Beautiful day, i it?Bruce: Yes. I wish we could go to the s today. Pity we live so far f the sea.Li Qun: When did you l go to the seaside?Bruce: Last August. We had a lovely holiday, one of the b ever. We sp

22、ent all our days on the beach. We swam and dived off the rocks into the sea. We also p games on the sand.Li Qun: My cousins a sailor.Hes doing very w _ in the navy. He sends me interesting postcards from the p where the ship stops.Bruce: Are you going to be a sailor when you leave school?Li Qun: I d

23、ont know. I h made up my mind yet.Bruce: Wed better not just talk; lets go to the river to bathe.Li Qun: S like a good idea. Lets do that. (9)The year is 1963 in the USA. Two men are talking in prison.A: Why are you in here?B: I was o the march.A: What march?B: Havent you heard? There was a big civi

24、l rights march through the center of Birmingham yesterday.A: Why was that?B: I imagine youre not very i in politics.A: Im a s here. Im from the west coast. Tell me more.B: Its like this. We black people of Birmingham want e rights. We want the same rights as the White people in the city. For years w

25、eve been d better housing and jobs.A: So youre telling me that the s here is bad for black people.B: Thats right. Were not t as equal citizens. We cant go to the public parks or swimming pools. Its f .A: What happened on the march then?B: I joined in the march and we were marching p along and then t

26、he police came up. They told us to go home but we went on. They said that the march had been forbidden, but that wasnt true. They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison.A: I imagine that h a lot.B: Yes, my whole body hurts.(10)Sun Yao meets a tourist outside a hote

27、l in Beijing.Sun Yao: Its a bit windy, isnt it?Tourist: Yes, it is. H tomorrow will turn out fine.Sun Yao: Are you a visitor here?Tourist: Thats right. Im traveling round the country. Ive always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come t .Sun Yao: How do you m in your wheelchair?Tourist:

28、 I seldom have any difficulties. Sometimes we arent a to get into every building because there are t many steps. But Im d to enjoy myself as much as possible, even though I cant see everything.Sun Yao: Where are you going tomorrow? You said that you hoped it would be fine.Tourist: Were going out to

29、the Summer Palace.Sun Yao: S far as I know you shouldnt have any problems there. I know that one of the towers is on the top of a hill, but the rest of the buildings are e to get to.Tourist: I hope s . Thank you.Sun Yao: Its a pleasure. What time is it by your watch, p ?Tourist: A quarter to eight.S

30、un Yao: Oh dear! I must go. Have a good day!(11)Mary and Rik are discussing plans for the music for a party in the country.Rik: Have you decided what music youd like us to play at the party?Mary: Oh, at the end some songs that everyones f_ with, then they can join in. Can you play jazz?Rik: Of cours

31、e we can.Our job is playing all k of music.Mary:Well, I think at the beginning wed r have some fairly quiet and peaceful music. Id p_ them not to play too loudly at the beginning. O_,we wont be able to hear ourselves talk.Rik: Maybe some folk songs to start with?Mary: Yes. And then after supper some

32、 jazz or pop so that people can dance. How many m are you bringing?Rik: Ive decided to bring seven. The people p all play different instruments and three of them sing too.LaterMary: Whats your f kind of music?Rik: I like folk music. I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.Mary: How many i

33、 do you play?Rik: I play the guitar, piano and jazz violin.Mary: Is that hard? I mean, the jazz violin?Rik: Yes. You have to p a lot.(12)The year is 1789 in France. Two revolutionaries are talking about what they have done recently.A: So how did you get into the castle?B: I hid in a farmers cart whi

34、ch was taking vegetable into the c .A: The guards couldnt have been watching very c .B: It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay h .A: What did you do next?B: I waited by the kitchen door. When a servant opened the door to fetch some wood, I spoke to her and persuaded her to l me in.A: You must

35、have been mad to speak to the s ! She might have called for help.B: She was the brave one, not I. She knew that I was not an e of hers. I e to her that the rich were the enemies of the people of France. She understood what I was talking about, even t it was the first time we had spoken together.A: W

36、hat happened next?B: I told her what the revolutionaries were doing and I persuaded her to help me. I said that together we would l a fire that could be seen for many miles. And then quickly and quietly we did just that.A: You might both have been c and killed!B: We were both lucky. I think she is a

37、 hero too!(13)Steve: Hello. Can I s to Pippa, please?Voice: Theres no Pippa here. T is 8686087.Steve: Im sorry. I think I d the wrong number.Bob: Hello.Steve: Hello. Is that Bob?Bob: Yes, it is.Steve: Hi, this is Steve. Is Pippa there?Bob: Yes, she is. W you like a word with her?Steve: Yes, please.B

38、ob: Hold on. Ill g and get her.Steve: Pippa. I called to ask you if youd like to come to a l on Thursday evening at the college. Its about the universe. The speakers s to be excellent.Pippa: Just a minute. Ill see if Im free. No, Im not. Ive already got something o that evening.Steve: What a pity! N

39、ever mind. We must get together some o time for a chat.Pippa: Yes, good idea.Steve: Ill have to go now. S _ wants to use the phone. All the best. Pippa: Bye.(14)Woman :Good morning ,Jim .Thanks for talking to us .Can you tell us about e_in America?Man : Id be happy to .As far as I know ,period of en

40、gagement is the time between the marriage p_ and the wedding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decided to spend their lives together. Woman: I see .So what will they do at the c_?Man: The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring. That tradition is said to have started when a

41、n Austrian man gave a beauty. He placed it on the third f_ of her left hand. Woman :That sounds very fun .Do they h_ the wedding party very soon after their engagement?Man: Americans g_ are engaged for a period of about one year, if they are planning a wedding ceremony and a party. D_ this time, fri

42、ends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking e_or new clothing. Friends of the man who is getting married may have a b_ party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding.

43、 O_ men are invited to the bachelor party. Woman: Thank you. (15)Woman: Excuse me, would you please do me a f_? Man : S_. What is it? Woman :Im going to write a paper about County fairs. Would you please introduce something about it ? Man: W_ pleasure. County fairs are a t_ in New England towns. The

44、y offer great e_. One popular event is the pie-eating c_. If you want to take part in the contest, it is a good idea to remember these guidelines: first, make sure your stomach is n_ empty of food. Eating a whole pie can be hard if you have just finished a meal. Next, it is helpful to like the pie you are going to eat. The cream types are a good choice. They slide down the throat m_ easily. Placing your hands in the


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