苏州市高考英语阅读理解、完形填空及阅读类训练(9)(答案及解析)( 高考) .doc

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1、苏州市2014高考英语阅读理解、完形填空及阅读类训练(9)(答案及解析).阅读理解AWords:364难度系数:建议用时:8分钟Mark Twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many stories and many of them were very funny.These stories are still read by many people all over the world.Besides writing,he also liked hunting and fishing very much,so one year he wen

2、t to Maine (缅因州) for a holiday and spent three very pleasant weeks in the woods there.When he had to go back home,he went to the station with his baggage.There he asked a porter(搬运工)to put it into the train.Then he got into the smoking car and sat down in one of the comfortable seats there.The car w

3、as empty when he got in,but a few minutes later,another man got in and sat down on the seat opposite his.Mark Twain looked at the man and thought that this man looked quite unpleasant.However,it would be impolite to say nothing in that situation,so he said good morning to the man,and they began to t

4、alk.First they talked about the heavy snow and then they talked about Maine.The stranger said,“We have some beautiful woods in Maine.It would be a pity to come to Maine without spending some time there.I suppose you have been in our woods,havent you?”“Yes,I have,”answered Mark Twain.“Ive just spent

5、three weeks there and I had a very good time,too.And let me tell you something.Although fishing isnt allowed in Maine at this season,Ive got two hundred pounds of beautiful fish with my baggage in this train.I like to eat fish,so I packed it in ice to take it home with me.May I ask who you are,sir?”

6、The stranger looked at Mark Twain for several seconds and then answered,“Im a police officer.My job is to catch people who hunt and fish during the wrong seasons.And who are you?”Mark Twain was surprised and frightened when he heard this.He thought quickly and then answered,“Well,Ill tell you,sir.Im

7、 the man who tells the biggest lies in America.”【解题导语】本文讲述了著名作家马克吐温去缅因州森林公园度假钓鱼的故事。根据相关法律,冬季是禁渔期,而马克吐温却在此地成功地钓到了200磅的鱼,但事不凑巧,他被警察逮了个正着,最后撒谎才得以脱身。1What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AMark Twain and a porter.BThe stranger and a police.CThe porter and a police.DMark Twain and

8、the police.解析:选D。推理判断题。由全文内容可知,本文的主要人物有:马克吐温和那位陌生人(即警察)。和马克吐温交谈的是那位陌生人。由倒数第二段的“The stranger looked at Mark Twain for several seconds and then answered,Im a police officer.”可知,这位陌生人实际上就是那位自称警官的人。2We can infer that Mark Twain had been to the woods in Maine in _.Asummer BautumnCwinter Dspring解析:选C。推理判断

9、题。由文章第三段中的“First they talked about the heavy snow”可知,马克吐温是在冬季来缅因州的森林的,再结合后面他跟警察的对话可知,这里在冬天是禁渔的。3Which of the following statements about Mark Twain is NOT TRUE?AWriting,hunting and fishing were his favourites.BHis fish was delivered home by train.CHe felt pity for not spending some time in Maine.DIn

10、fact,he told lies to the police officer at last.解析:选C。细节理解题。由第一段中的“Besides writing,he also liked hunting and fishing very much”可知A项表述正确;由最后一段中的“Mark Twain was surprised and frightened when he heard this.He thought quickly and then answered.”可知马克吐温最后对那位警察撒了谎,故D项表述正确;从第二段中的“There he asked a porter(搬运工

11、)to put it into the train”可知B项表述正确;从第一段最后一句可知,马克吐温在那里度过了非常开心的一段时间,故C项错误。4What can we learn from the passage?AMark Twain was one of the biggest liars in America.BThe stranger was impolite to Mark Twain in the smoking car.CMark Twain went to the woods in Maine for writing stories.DThe stranger was the

12、 one who caught people fishing in winter.解析:选D。细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段“The stranger looked at Mark Twain for several seconds and then answered,Im a police officer.My job is to catch people who hunt and fish during the wrong seasons”可知,那位陌生人(警察)就是专门抓冬季钓鱼的人。故选D。*结束Passage *One night last summer, my neighbor De

13、bbie came over and knocked on my door. “Im leaving for 21, Jim,” she said. “Would you mind dropping by my house in a bit and 22 on my mother?” “Not a problem,” I said. Id lived next door to Debbie and her 84-year-old 23 , Nan, for about six months, and wed become fast friends. Debbie always worked a

14、t night. She 24 leaving her mom alone, so she asked if it was okay if she rigged (装配) up one of those baby monitors and 25 me a receiver. I was 26 to help. After all, Ive been blind since infancy(婴儿期) and out of work for years. In fact, at 54, Id come to wonder if I had much 27 anymore. Like me, Nan

15、 was 28 and was also hard of hearing. That evening Nan and I chatted for a bit 29. “If youre okay,” I said, “I think Ill turn in.” Before I 30, I made sure the baby monitor was working. “Good night, Nan,” I said. I 31 my stick and headed out the door. “See you tomorrow,” Nan called behind me. I lock

16、ed the door and 32 my way home. Several minutes 33 I heard a sound. It was Nan on the 34 . “Jim! Jim!” I heard over the monitor. “The house is 35 ! Help! ”I went as 36 as I could to Debbies. I got to the front door. I could 37 a heavy, thick smoke. I put my hand on the doorknob(门把手), and reached for

17、 my key and 38 the door. “Here, Jim. Help!” Her voice was weak. “Lets get out of here!” I shouted. Grabbing her hand, I started to move on. I tapped with my cane 39 we found the front door. We felt our way down the steps, 40 in the sweet, fresh summer air, and to the gate of her yard. Thank you, Lor

18、d. Were all safe. 21. A. play B. study C. game D. work22. A. checking B. taking C. putting .D. keeping23. A. father B. mother C. sister D. brother24. A. thought about B. worried about C. cared for D. looked for25. A. sold B. bought C. brought D. gave26. A. sad B. sorrowful C. glad D. upset27. A. val

19、ue B. priceC. money D. service28. A. deaf B. oldC. wiseD. blind29. A. long before B. before long C. once again D. as usual30. A. left B. stayed C. talked D. chatted31. A. set up B. put up C. picked up D. took up 32. A. moved B. pushed C. wound D. felt33. A. instead B. later C. then D. ago 34. A. nei

20、ghbor B. receiver C. workerD. speaker 35. A. on fire B. in trouble C. in danger D. on sale 36. A. fast B. slowlyC. safely D. well 37. A. seeB. feel C. taste D. smell38. A. unlocked B.shut C. broke D. knocked 39. A. before B. after C. until D. since40. A. showing B. noticing C. losing D. breathing参考答

21、案 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.A 37.D 38.A 39.C 40.D*结束The computer is a useful machine. It is the most important invention in many years. The oldest kind of computer is the abacus(算盘), used in China centuries ago, but the first large, modern computer

22、 was built in 1946. A computer then could do maths problems quite fast.Today computers are used in many ways and can do many kinds of work. In a few years the computer may touch the life of everyone, even people in faraway villages.In the last few years, there have been great changes in computers. T

23、hey are getting smaller and smaller, and computing faster and faster, Many scientists agree that computers can now do many things, but they cannot do everything. Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will computers bring good things or bad things to people? The scientists of today w

24、ill have to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow.1. The computer is a _ machine. A. helpfulB. strangeC. largeD. dangerous2. The first large, modern computer was built about _ years ago. A. a fewB. fortyC. sixtyD. eighty3. The computers of today are _ than before. A. biggerB. fewerC. smallerD.

25、 taller4. Computers can do _. A. everythingB. anythingC. nothingD. lots of things5. The scientists of today _ how to use the computers of tomorrow. A. may decideB. must decideC. can makeD. neednt make【答案与解析】本文讲计算机的发展历史。1. A。细节题。根据第1句话 The computer is a useful machine 可知答案为A。2. C。推断题。第一台计算机是1946年生产的,

26、距今大约60年,所以应选C。3. C。细节题。根据第3段第2句 They are getting smaller and smaller 可知答案为 C。4. D。推断题。根据第2段第1句 Today computers are used in many ways and can do many kinds of work 以及but they cannot do everything可知答案为D。5. B。细节题。根据最后一句话 The scientists of today will have to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow 可

27、知答案为B。*结束高考链接2.(2012江苏卷)Medical drugs sometimes cause more damage than they cure. One solution to this problem is to put the drugs inside a capsule, protecting them from the bodyand the body from themuntil they can be released at just the right spot. There are lots of ways to trigger(引发) this releas

28、e, including changing temperature, acidity, and so on. But triggers can come with their own risksburns, for example. Now, researchers in California have designed what could be a harmless trigger to date: shining near-infrared light (NIR,近红外线) on the drug in the capsule.The idea of using light to lib

29、erate the drug in the capsule isnt new. Researchers around the globe have developed polymers (聚合物) and other materials that begin to break down when they absorb cither ultraviolet (UV,紫外线) or visible light. But tissues also readily absorb UV and visible light, which means the drug release can be tri

30、ggered only near the skin, where the light can reach the capsule. NIR light largely passes through tissues, so researchers have tried to use it as a trigger. But few compounds(化合物)absorb NIR well and go through chemical changes.That changed last year when Adah Almutairi, a chemist at the University

31、of California, San Diego, reported that she and her colleagues had designed a polymer that breaks down when it absorbs NIR light. Their polymer used a commercially available NIR-absorbing group called o-nitrobenzyl (ONB). When they catch the light, ONB groups fall off the polymer, leading to its bre

32、akdown. But ONB is only a so-so NIR absorber, and it could be poisonous to cells when it separates from the polymer.So Almutairi and her colleagues reported creating a new material for capsules thats even better. This one consists of a long chain of compounds called cresol groups linked in a polymer

33、. Cresol contains reactive(易反应的) components that make it highly unstable in its polymeric form, a feature Almutairi and her colleagues use to their advantage. After polymerizing the cresols, they cap each reactive component with a light-absorbing compound called Bhc. When the Bhcs absorb NIR light,

34、the reactive groups are exposed and break the long polymer into two short chains. Shining additional light continues this breakdown, potentially releasing any drugs in the capsule. Whats more, Almutairi says, Bhc is 10 times better at absorbing NIR than is ONB and is not poisonous to cells.63.Accord

35、ing to the passage, which of the following could be the best trigger?A. Temperature change.B. NIR light.C. Acidity change.D. UV light.64.Why in ONB unsatisfactory?A.It breaks down when it absorbs NIR light.B.It falls off the polymer and triggers drug release.C.It has not come onto the market up till

36、 now.D.It is not effective enough and could be poisonous.65. Which word can be used to complete the following process of changes?A. Protected B. formedC. exposedD. combined【考点】科技问说明文【文章大意】。本文是一篇科技文,围绕“怎样使用胶囊,让吃药更加安全、疗效好”这个主题展开研究。63.【答案】B【试题解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Now, researchers in California have desig

37、ned what could be a harmless trigger to date: shining near-infrared light on the drug in the capsule.”可知,应选B项。 【难度】一般64.【答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句中“ONB groups fall off the polymer, leading to its breakdown”和“and it could be poisonous to cells”可知,应选D项。【难度】较难65.【答案】C【试题解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段第五句中“When the Bhc

38、s absorb NIR light, the reactive groups are exposed”可知此处用exposed,即C项正确。【难度】一般【长难句解析】1. Researchers around the globe have developed polymers (聚合物) and other materials that begin to break down when they absorb cither ultraviolet (UV,紫外线) or visible light.本句是polymers (聚合物) and other materials的定语从句, whe

39、n 引导的时间状语从句。2. This one consists of a long chain of compounds called cresol groups linked in a polymer. Cresol contains reactive(易反应的) components that make it highly unstable in its polymeric form, a feature本句是called动词过去分词做后置定语,修饰a long chain of compounds. 后面是reactive(易反应的) components的定语从句*结束Police

40、today stepped up a murder probe(调查)after a father was killed by a gang. They attacked him with an axe. John Purcell, 40, suffered fatal injuries in the incident in Easterhouse, Glasgow on Saturday evening moments after he had said goodbye to his children. His youngest son John, 11, was being comfort

41、ed by his mum Elizabeth Malcolm after witnessing the street horror. The father-of-three was attacked around 10:30 in Easterhouse Road. Young John said, “My father was struck from behind with something that looked like a chopper.” John, his sister Danielle, 15, and brother William, 19, have been left

42、 devastated and placed a floral tribute(葬礼献花)at the attack scene in memory of their dad. Elizabeth Malcolm said, “We are all in shock about what had happened. When he left here he usually turned left down the road, but for some reason on Saturday he went in the opposite direction which is where the

43、gang members always hang out.” “We have been apart for a number of years, but John always remained close to his children and this has hit them hard,” she said. Police officers initially sealed off the area for forensic(法医的) examination but later allowed his relatives to lay flowers. Following a post

44、-mortem(尸检报告), Mr. Purcells death is being treated as murder. He had been taken by ambulance to Glasgow Royal Hospital but died from his severe injuries. Detective Chief Inspector John Riggans, who is leading the investigation, appealed for witnesses to come forward and said, “Inquiries are at an ea

45、rly stage and we are trying to establish the circumstances surrounding the attack scene for the moment.”9.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. John Purcell was attacked around 10:30 pm in Easterhouse Road.B. John Purcell had three children, but he did not live with them.C.

46、Before the murder, John Purcell went out and turned left down the road.D. Detective Chief Inspector John Riggans did not catch the murderer.10.What can we infer from the passage?A. John Purcell lived with his wife Elizabeth Malcolm before the murder.B. John, as well as his sister and brother, loved John Purcell deeply.C. John Purcell was attacked by a gang with a gun.D. Detective Chief Inspector John Riggans did nothing but wait.11.The word “devastated” in the third paragraph probably means_.A. upset


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